MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #6

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So here is a small conundrum.
How did Jessica's car come to be facing forward on the rollback tow truck?
If it had been driven or pushed front forward into its resting place and the tow truck pulled behind it...
The car should have been facing backward when picked up.

Not earth shattering evidence, but strange.


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From the Media thread...
Here is a link to the surveillance footage as shown in the Clarion Ledger that is provided in the Media thread.

If you watch it...
You will see at about 6:25.57 that "gas can man" just appears bending over at the pump.
He does not walk there..he is just there.
Then watch the time signature.. It will jump ahead a full minute.

There is at least one minute that has been edited out of the video.
I do not believe LE told Ali about lighter fluid down her throat.
That type of information is privileged and typically withheld as one of those "only something the offender would know" type of claims.
Cops are not qualified to make public statements like that either since there was no autopsy performed when the statement was allegedly made.

I might have missed it but did Ali say from whom he heard that...or did he just generalize that it was LE and everyone let it go?

I am beginning to think that murder was not the intention of the perpetrator. If it were, she would have been found inside the car burned beyond recognition. But she wasn't...she was allegedly out walking around the vehicle when the FD arrived.

So why burn the car?
What could it have been about the car that warranted it being destroyed, but Jessica left alive?
From what I've read, the car was found with the keys in the ignition, trans in park and emergency brake on. Seats were reclined back.
What is the significance of that, or is there any?

As far as LE telling Ali about the lighter fluid... nothing would surprise me at this point in this case. From the people to the circumstances to the few facts that we do know, nothing is shocking to me. I wouldn't be shocked if LE did tell AA this, and I also wouldn't be shocked if AA had 'inside knowledge' in some other manner. On to your beginning to think that ,under was not the intention of the perpetrator... this has been one of the myriad of possibilities that have flooded my mind since the beginning. It is public knowledge that JC wanted to write a book, as it was mentioned at her funeral. Jessica wanted to tell her story. IMO, to answer your hypothetical question 'so why burn the car', perhaps somebody thought that in 'telling her story', she could be a threat somehow, hypothetically, and the car was burned either A) as a threat, to send a message, or B) as somebody thought that there was evidence of the book inside of the car, and they chose to burn the car to destroy said hypothetical evidence, and something went wrong, leading to Jessica herself being caught on fire. I am not wanting to point any fingers, and I still have no idea who could have done this to her. There is a long list of people who I would not be surprised if they were involved. This is just an attempt to answer your questions from post #790. As far as the seats being reclined all the way back, keys in the ignition, and emergency break on, once again, similar to so many other evidentiary clues in this case, it could be for many reasons, many, if not all of them, we have discussed here on WS. Maybe the fire caused the seats to recline, maybe they were like that to transport an unconscious person, maybe they were like that so that 2 people could have more space to talk or something. Everything about this is speculation at this point, and we have no way to know until we get more info and/or watch all of this unfold. As far as the keys being in the ignition, emergency break on, this we would think was done before the fire. Once again, there are as many reasons for this being the case as there are reasons against them. Hopefully we will find out at some point. This is an excellent forum for dialogue. As the administrator has stated, keep the questions coming. The more questions we ask, the more angles there are to look into JC's life and tragic death.
IIRC our media thread has a link to AAs interview in which he explains when and by whom he was told about 'lighter fluid'. It's a little lengthy but worth the watch.
There's also been much discussion about keys, seat position, etc on the previous thread. HTHs :)

Does that stand for "Hate that Happened!"? ;)

(j/k I realize it's "hope that helps," but I couldn't resist in this particular thread)
Is it known which direction her car was found in at the crime scene? Are there pics? If her car was facing the road or facing the tree? TIA

It was facing toward the tree but all they had to do was open the gate for the tow truck and I am making the assumption that is what they did.
My guess here would be: A "FB friend" of Ali Alsanai began the social media snowball effect. Alsanai posted the flatbed pictures shortly near closing time of M&M (from what I have read on unacceptable conspiracy forums). The time of those posts (I believe) was somewhere between 11:15 pm - 11:35 pm.

The FB community of which Alsanai is an integral part seems to be alive in the late-evening-early-morning hours. My guess would be that Alsanai began a viral explosion which has yet to cease.

Which one of those people, specifically, is responsible for the "fly free" post would be an obvious target of good forensic investigation. But the "lead investigator", DA Champion, has said that he does not consider Internet social media worthwhile.

Thankfully though Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is well-staffed with computer forensic experts who do.

A key piece of evidence for sure. From the beginning, gangs have been implicated so it would be critical to find out who set up the memorial page and when. Also who accessed it. Finding that information will determine whether it was done to signal "mission accomplished" to a circle of people and the identities of those in that circle.
It was facing toward the tree but all they had to do was open the gate for the tow truck and I am making the assumption that is what they did.

I didn't remember reading which way it was facing. Thank you. :)
I have listened to the audio of store owner AA's interview, during which he claims the sheriff told him that they poured gasoline into her mouth.
Here is a link to the audio file.

During his statement, AA indicates that

“By the time it came to eleven, the police, the sheriff, and everybody come to the store. They said, ‘we got to watch the camera.’ I said, ‘what happened?’ He said, ‘Jessica just died.’ I’m like, ‘Oh my god what happened?’ He said they poured gasoline into her mouth, that’s how I know, cause the sheriff told me.”

Did the sheriff really say "Jessica just died?" assuming AA would know who he was talking about?
That is not how police talk.
A cop would have said something like, "there's been an incident out on the highway and we believe the victim may have stopped here first."

How would the sheriff know that someone poured gasoline into her mouth?
It was dark, there was no medical professional on scene, Jessica could not tell him.
Was it simply a guess on his part because she may have smelled like gasoline?

No wonder this case is so screwed up.

Edited to add..
If there is any of the accellerant that was not consumed in the fire found at the scene , it can be analyzed to determine its origin.
Refineries blend components to create different blends of gasoline and an analysis should be able to determine whether it came from M&M, and even if it was part of the then current load in the tanks.

It would be relatively easy to go through purchase records to isolate small purchases and compare them to time stamps on surveillance camera footage.

I'm going to start back at the beginning, a major reason existed for EB to be questioned so quickly. After listening to his story again, I feel like a few things need to be sorted out. First, I'm struggling to believe that a simple "toothache" would prevent you from leaving the house or from speaking so clearly with the reporter. Why does he so quickly offer an excuse by saying "I had been here since around 6 with a toothache"? Where was he before 6? Obviously the toothache didn't prevent him from going out earlier, why did it specifically prevent him from leaving after 6 p.m.? I also don't know how you could live so close to the accident that you would say "I guess there was a wreck down the road". Wouldn't you at a minimum, hear sirens, or specifically know after being questioned? I doubt it's a regular occurrence to have so much activity on the remote Herron Rd.?

Of course this is just a news media video, Eric Bibbs version of what happened. We don't know what authorities asked him. Maybe they asked who else was home. Maybe they asked to speak to anyone else by the name Eric or something similar, someone closer to Jessica's age. But law-enforcement isn't talking so all we do is speculate.
I have listened to the audio of store owner AA's interview, during which he claims the sheriff told him that they poured gasoline down her throat.
Here is a link to the audio file.

During his statement, AA indicates that

Did he really state that "Jessica just died?" assuming AA would know who he was talking about?
That is not how police talk.
A cop would have said something like, "there's been an incident out on the highway and we believe the victim may have stopped here first."

How would the sheriff know that someone poured gasoline down her throat?
It was dark, there was no medical professional on scene, Jessica could not tell him.
Was it simply a guess on his part because she may have smelled like gasoline?

No wonder this case is so screwed up.

I think the signal to AA and others that something was going on came with the sound of the medical helicopter that air lifted Jessica out of there. Those are loud and it would have come in from the north and headed back north to Memphis long before 11 PM. So it is possible that deputies came in and explained air lift was due to severe burns but they don't air lift already dead people.

What I am also having trouble figuring out is how did deputies also know a flammable liquid was poured down her mouth/nose at that point? The deputies would not have gotten that close to her because she would have been surrounded by firefighters and medical personnel acting very, very quickly. I'm glad DA Champion has said they are putting other "eyes" on this. My eyes are old and cranky but I'm not blind to the rather obvious red flags.

I agree 100 percent that just because AA said something, does not make it so. There are 2 things that you brought up that I would like to comment on: 1) I agree when you said, "I don't know how investigators could possibly know that early on...". That is something that has stuck with me as well. I can't remember when AA was quoted as saying that they told him that, be it immediately after they found Jessica, or when the police came in to get the video footage from the store (after being tipped off by news reporters, SMH). I do recall the interview when JC's dad said that the doctors told him that 'a liquid' was 'squirted' down her throat. This brings me to the fact that I had been HIGHLY dubious, to say the least, about the recollection of the the volunteer fireman guy Haley. I doubted his words from the beginning, when he said that JC told him 'some names' before she was transported to the hospital. This leads me to my second sentiment: I began to reconsider my doubt in Haley's statement about Jessica talking to him (to some extent-bear with me), after I looked into the timing of the 911 call, the timing of when first responders arrived, the timing of when the tow truck guy decided to stop at M&M, and the timing of the first person that police questioned, Erick Bibbs (sp?). Gibbs stated in his interview with the media ( that the police came to his house at 'about 9:30' that night. This tells me that they left the scene of where they found Jessica and pretty much immediately went to Bibbs' residence, only AFTER calling around trying to locate him, as he reported they had called both his mother and grandmother's houses. What this means to me is either A) JC was in fact able (somehow) to speak to Haley, and she communicated with him something pertaining to Mr. Bibbs; or B) the police had an inclination of some sort to locate Bibbs and question him immediately. Now, I could keep going back to the fact that 'investigators' spent such little time at the crime scene, but I think that we can all agree that the investigation of this crime was inadequate at BEST, so, I'm going to leave that alone for now. So, after all of this rambling, the purpose of this post, I suppose, is to see if any of you have any idea/clues/guesses as to why police would IMMEDIATELY rush to track down Erick Bibbs. Did Jessica tell police? Did they suspect him for another reason? Were the police aware of a 'party' being held there (in a town so small, I would think that if there was an actual 'party' going on, everyone and their mama would know where it was (MOO)? If any of you are as emotionally invested in this case as I am (which I can tell that pretty much every single person that has had the inclination to post here is), you have looked at outside sources, besides WS, for information about this case, be it MSM, YouTube, or social media, and we all know that there are conspiracy theories, accusations, etc. flying around at record speed. Does anything that any of you have seen/read/watched/heard give you any insight to this? The curiosity is eating at me... TIA... and the information that you ALL have come up with in the last month pertaining to this case has been amazing to say the least.

I think your questions are great, MSCJgrad but the long, unbroken paragraph is/was difficult on my old eyes so I need to break it apart and digest each thought carefully. Overall though, I think that you have hit upon something very interesting: the timing of everything.

You wrote:
"I can't remember when AA was quoted as saying that they told him that, be it immediately after they found Jessica, or when the police came in to get the video footage from the store (after being tipped off by news reporters, SMH). I do recall the interview when JC's dad said that the doctors told him that 'a liquid' was 'squirted' down her throat."

I will start with my thoughts on this point first:

I believe Alsanai's first remarks were made to a reporter sometime after the initial news of the CCTV M&M video was reported. That video had been uncovered by Tom Clark of Action5 News on Dec 8, I think. So I will check into that now and continue this post later, revealing what I have found. However, it is my strong belief that Alsanai jumbles everything in his mind, and sees his storyline in an A-B-C chronology -- that is: If he comments to a reporter, his comments are based upon his knowledge of street chatter, news articles, and whatever he thinks (or recalls) he thinks he thinks. (Whoa...I can't believe I wrote that final phrase....%$#@)
I think your questions are great, MSCJgrad but the long, unbroken paragraph is/was difficult on my old eyes so I need to break it apart and digest each thought carefully. Overall though, I think that you have hit upon something very interesting: the timing of everything.

I will start with my thoughts on this point first:

I believe Alsanai's first remarks were made to a reporter sometime after the initial news of the CCTV M&M video was reported. That video had been uncovered by Tom Clark of Action5 News on Dec 8, I think. So I will check into that now and continued this post later, revealing what I have found. However, it is my strong belief that Alsanai jumbles everything in his mind, and sees his storyline in an A-B-C chronology -- that is: If he comments to a reporter, his comments are based upon his knowledge of street chatter, news articles, and whatever he thinks (or recalls) he thinks he thinks. (Whoa...I can't believe I wrote that final phrase....%$#@)

Will you take his SM comments into consideration?
Sorry about the long, ramble of a 'paragraph'. I did that on my iPad and while doing 7 other things at the same time... It is quite jumbled!

I think your questions are great, MSCJgrad but the long, unbroken paragraph is/was difficult on my old eyes so I need to break it apart and digest each thought carefully. Overall though, I think that you have hit upon something very interesting: the timing of everything.

I will start with my thoughts on this point first:

I believe Alsanai's first remarks were made to a reporter sometime after the initial news of the CCTV M&M video was reported. That video had been uncovered by Tom Clark of Action5 News on Dec 8, I think. So I will check into that now and continued this post later, revealing what I have found. However, it is my strong belief that Alsanai jumbles everything in his mind, and sees his storyline in an A-B-C chronology -- that is: If he comments to a reporter, his comments are based upon his knowledge of street chatter, news articles, and whatever he thinks (or recalls) he thinks he thinks. (Whoa...I can't believe I wrote that final phrase....%$#@)
I have listened to the audio of store owner AA's interview, during which he claims the sheriff told him that they poured gasoline down her throat.
Here is a link to the audio file.

During his statement, AA indicates that

Did he really state that "Jessica just died?" assuming AA would know who he was talking about?
That is not how police talk.
A cop would have said something like, "there's been an incident out on the highway and we believe the victim may have stopped here first."

How would the sheriff know that someone poured gasoline down her throat?
It was dark, there was no medical professional on scene, Jessica could not tell him.
Was it simply a guess on his part because she may have smelled like gasoline?

No wonder this case is so screwed up.

I think the signal to AA and others that something was going on came with the sound of the medical helicopter that air lifted Jessica out of there. Those are loud and it would have come in from the north and headed back north to Memphis long before 11 PM. So it is possible that deputies came in and explained air lift was due to severe burns but they don't air lift already dead people.

What I am also having trouble figuring out is how did deputies also know a flammable liquid was poured down her mouth/nose at that point? The deputies would not have gotten that close to her because she would have been surrounded by firefighters and medical personnel acting very, very quickly. I'm glad DA Champion has said they are putting other "eyes" on this. My eyes are old and cranky but I'm not blind to the rather obvious red flags.

As far as LE telling Ali about the lighter fluid... nothing would surprise me at this point in this case. From the people to the circumstances to the few facts that we do know, nothing is shocking to me. I wouldn't be shocked if LE did tell AA this, and I also wouldn't be shocked if AA had 'inside knowledge' in some other manner. On to your beginning to think that ,under was not the intention of the perpetrator... this has been one of the myriad of possibilities that have flooded my mind since the beginning. It is public knowledge that JC wanted to write a book, as it was mentioned at her funeral. Jessica wanted to tell her story. IMO, to answer your hypothetical question 'so why burn the car', perhaps somebody thought that in 'telling her story', she could be a threat somehow, hypothetically, and the car was burned either A) as a threat, to send a message, or B) as somebody thought that there was evidence of the book inside of the car, and they chose to burn the car to destroy said hypothetical evidence, and something went wrong, leading to Jessica herself being caught on fire. I am not wanting to point any fingers, and I still have no idea who could have done this to her. There is a long list of people who I would not be surprised if they were involved. This is just an attempt to answer your questions from post #790. .


I live in a very small town. Most of us know as friends or are related to someone on the sheriff's dept. In many cases, we have been told "privileged" info that we prob shouldn't have ever heard (we had one case nearby that went national and a lot of us knew more than MSM). So from my own experience, I can believe Ali was either directly told by or overheard deputies talking about Jessica ingesting lighter fluid. Also, the recent comments from the MS governor make me feel that the statements about a particular accelerant (prob lighter fluid) were used and possibly poured down her throat. Just horrible!
I think the signal to AA and others that something was going on came with the sound of the medical helicopter that air lifted Jessica out of there. Those are loud and it would have come in from the north and headed back north to Memphis long before 11 PM. So it is possible that deputies came in and explained air lift was due to severe burns but they don't air lift already dead people.

What I am also having trouble figuring out is how did deputies also know a flammable liquid was poured down her mouth/nose at that point? The deputies would not have gotten that close to her because she would have been surrounded by firefighters and medical personnel acting very, very quickly. I'm glad DA Champion has said they are putting other "eyes" on this. My eyes are old and cranky but I'm not blind to the rather obvious red flags.


I can tell you most certainly that deputies would not know that gas was poured in her mouth.
The protocol on the scene of cases such as this goes something like this...

Fire and EMS are dispatched to the scene.
Police arrive and stay out of the way....usually doing traffic control.
If the victim is walking around as in this case...
EMS would immediately put her into the ambulance and take a quick assessment of vitals..known as the ABC's
That stands for Airway, Breathing, Circulation.

There is no room for cops in the ambulance and the EMS people are in charge of the patient.

She would have been put on oxygen and an IV may have been started for fluids or future drug administration.
Burn victims can go into shock very quickly so they would waste no time at the scene..

Once the Medivac unit arrives, it becomes a load and go getting the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Generally, police would have come to the hospital to check up at a later time.
No way EMS would stick around and allow cops to interview the patient if she was burned as bad as is indicated in the media.

I have been to many of these situations.
My background is in Public Safety...21 years combined EMS and LE.
Has it even been reported if Jessica just come out and said a specific name to the fire chief that night?
Or did the fire chief ask her who did this to you?
anyone know?
I can tell you most certainly that deputies would not know that gas was poured in her mouth.
The protocol on the scene of cases such as this goes something like this...

Fire and EMS are dispatched to the scene.
Police arrive and stay out of the way....usually doing traffic control.
If the victim is walking around as in this case...
EMS would immediately put her into the ambulance and take a quick assessment of vitals..known as the ABC's
That stands for Airway, Breathing, Circulation.

There is no room for cops in the ambulance and the EMS people are in charge of the patient.

She would have been put on oxygen and an IV may have been started for fluids or future drug administration.
Burn victims can go into shock very quickly so they would waste no time at the scene..

Once the Medivac unit arrives, it becomes a load and go getting the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Generally, police would have come to the hospital to check up at a later time.
No way EMS would stick around and allow cops to interview the patient if she was burned as bad as is indicated in the media.

My background is in Public Safety...21 years combined EMS and LE.

I know, which is why I'm having trouble believing AA's statement that deputies told him this information.
There could well have been shouting back and forth that was loud enough to be heard at a considerable distance.
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