GUILTY MT - Beverly, 79, Gregory Giannonatti, 57, murdered, Deer Lodge, 24 Oct 2015

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The late Mr. Giannonatti may have turned some of his retirement and pension fund money into gold. You see them advertise that a lot on TV and radio these days...."forget cash, buy gold instead !! ".

Of course, he probably did this without the knowledge of his ex-wife and son. There's still the remote possibility that the gold bar may have not even been authentic.

That 60 y.o. mystery man is still the key in this whole thing. Find him, the rest will fall into place.

In this post from November 3rd, on the facebook page for Bev and Greg, it was mentioned that they
believe Bev got the gold bar, but it can't be confirmed.

When the cleaning lady found the gold bar at the residence, did she call Bev about it,
and then the cleaning lady left the property, with the gold bar still at the residence at that moment?
And Bev came by later to pick it up when the cleaning lady wasn't there? Or someone else got it?
Or do they mean, they haven't been able to confirm it with the cleaning lady at all?
Has LE talked to the cleaning lady and crew that was at the residence?
Who else did Bev talk to about this gold bullion?
Was it a known bullion bar, like Johnson Matthey or PAMP suisse?
How do they know it was about 25 pounds?
Was there a serial number?

Here is a 400 oz. PAMP bar...

Quote from the most recent article: “The cleaning lady reported that immediately to Beverly and Beverly went out there and, as far as we know, retrieved that gold bar. I cannot find that gold bar, I've checked safety deposit boxes and I'm not coming up with any location on that,” Howard said.

This is the first time I've seen it stated that it was a 25 lb gold bar. Here is another link showing one: This shows they sell for close to the $450K that has been rumored.
The late Mr. Giannonatti may have turned some of his retirement and pension fund money into gold. You see them advertise that a lot on TV and radio these days...."forget cash, buy gold instead !! ".

Of course, he probably did this without the knowledge of his ex-wife and son. There's still the remote possibility that the gold bar may have not even been authentic.

That 60 y.o. mystery man is still the key in this whole thing. Find him, the rest will fall into place.

Since LE have stopped asking the public to help identify the mystery man, I think they have probably already identified him.
Since LE have stopped asking the public to help identify the mystery man, I think they have probably already identified him.

But how do we know ? I constantly scan the "Help Find" Facebook page to see if the admin. or the posters are offering up any tidbits of information, and so far I haven't seen a single person state that this mystery man was located or that they know who he is.

It's a pretty small town.....I would think that the mystery man would have been outed by now if that lunch date was all on the up and up. Anybody that has ever lived in one of these small communities knows how the rumors and gossip can swirl around and how often information will come to light that only the locals would know. The admin. continues to post previous articles with that same information being requested.

As far as I'm concerned, until a LE source states that the mystery man has been located and cleared, which they haven't, then his identity should still be part of the equation. I'd think LE would actually reveal that information so people would stop calling in tips and hints about who he might be.

See latest updates here:
Good point steelman, but that page is heavily moderated. Any comments that are not "official" releases from LE or prayers for the family are deleted. There were some names tossed around in the first few days, but the posts disappeared pretty quickly.
My hopes for a good outcome are fading fast, not even a whisper of new news....I so was hoping they were being held somewhere, but its going too long now. Why no police/organized searches? IMHO
LE has to know something by least have an idea what happened.
My hopes for a good outcome are fading fast, not even a whisper of new news....I so was hoping they were being held somewhere, but its going too long now. Why no police/organized searches? IMHO

Haven't posted here, just lurking and reading up, but I've had this same question as well. I haven't read anything about any active searches, I just wonder what's going on. Did they use dogs in the searches of the homes, properties and vehicles? Do they already know they're not anywhere in that area and that's why no searches are going on ?
Regarding the renters of the properties being possible POI's, I wonder if any of them have disappeared without explanation, i.e., abruptly stopped paying rent. Mysterious case.
This case has just gone completely silent. I mean there is nothing out there. It seems like there would be plenty of clues, especially in such a small town.
LE has to know something by least have an idea what happened.

Yeah, they know something alright ......they know it's cold as hell outside, icy, windy and miserable.....they also know they don't want to be out in it.

As I type this it is 18 degrees in Deer Lodge, with a windchill of 8 degrees, and that's a daytime temperature.
I think there's little doubt that the bitter cold is going to slow down the investigation, at least the outdoor part of it, which would especially include searches.

Since nothing has been found on the property where his car was parked, I'm assuming these two people were driven out into the surrounding countryside somewhere and discarded after being shot. If they're visible, they may be found if the right person drives along in just the right spot. If they were buried or hidden underneath something, who knows how long it may take to discover their location, if ever ?

I'm not sure LE has any more to work with right now than they did 3 weeks ago, with the exception of the cell phone records and possible computer and e-mail analysis. I doubt if there's a real big media presence in Deer Lodge, which pretty much means nobody is pressuring the cops for additional information.

With the conditions being as cold and miserable as they are, I highly doubt organizers would be able to get a very big search party together to get out and beat the bushes and perform grid searches.

Deer Lodge weather and forecast here:
I checked the FIND FB yesterday and nothing new there either. It's been mentioned previously but the silence isn't uncommon once the FBI become involved. I don't think they're safe or okay wherever they are, but I sure wish one of the LE agencies working this case would at least make some kind of update. Sadly, there doesn't really seem to be any extended family overly concerned about it.
Here is the latest article about the's a good one.

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Long and comprehensive article but no good news.

Powell County Sheriff Scott Howard made it clear at a news conference Nov. 3 that foul play is suspected.

“I truly believe the outcome of this case is not going to be good,” Howard reiterated Wednesday. “You can interpret that any way you want.”


Speculation abounds here, of course. Much of it centers on a 25-pound bar of gold that by Wednesday afternoon’s price index would be worth roughly $480,000.

According to news reports, the gold was found roughly 10 days before the Giannonattis went missing by a cleaning woman at a house on Larkspur Road, between Deer Lodge and Garrison on Beck Hill.


Investigators say when the woman who was cleaning that home found the gold bar on Oct. 19, she notified Bev Giannonatti in town. Howard told a Butte TV station last week that Giannonatti then went out to the house and presumably retrieved the gold.

What she did with it remains a mystery.

“I cannot find that gold bar,” Howard told KXLF-TV. “I’ve checked safety deposit boxes and I’m not coming up with any location on that.”


He requested the FBI’s involvement straightaway for specific technical expertise.

“They’re document people, phone people,” the sheriff said. “They’re out there sifting through stuff and helping us analyze that and managing what we analyze so we have an understanding of what we’re looking at and maybe can use it later on at trial.”
That is a great new article. It does make me wonder if they have made any progress at all on finding out what happened.

O/T What are you doing up and posting at 3 am? :)

Haha! Thanks for noticing. I woke up in the night feeling sick to my stomach...worried I had a virus but I don't think so now. Thank goodness!
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow NC Sleuther!

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Why would a thief take clothes? Could they "robbery" have actually been the son coming to get some items? But someone caught him? Maybe they are hiding from someone. Just another theory. I definitely agree the gold bar is part of all this.

I delete because my post was based off a wrong assumption. i'm a dumb### who should be patient enough to read fully before posting.
(~~~~warning just heard about this today and am in the middle of the thread.)

This is the thing that gets me was it staged to look like a robbery? (who steals clothes a towels and etc.) Also it seems odd that if the son had retired from being an engineer for a city he should have a pension. Why is he driving a 20 year old car and living in a (based on google streetviews) a very run down trailer? Could he have had some demons that caused financial problems. BUT when i think about this I just wonder what would his end game have been so I guess I really don't think he is directly involved. I'm thinking maybe he owed the wrong people money or something who knows its a real mystery.

Welcome to the thread Le Singe. Just an FYI, Greg did not live in the run down trailer that shows up on Google maps at the address. Google maps is wrong, his house is the one to the left of that trailer. Still not a very grand house, but it is much, much better than the run down trailer. He owned a couple of properties in town. And, it sounds as if he had more than one vehicle. The house he lives in does have a large detached garage.

As far as the car and house go, I get the impression that both him and his mom are just not concerned about material things. They live simply and are very private. There is no indication that he was having financial problems.

As you go through the thread you will see some images of his house, with links.

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