Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #18

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Well, I don't believe they have released a second 911 tape? :confused:

LOL, sorry, but to quote a phrase from the Laci Peterson case, "We want those!" ;)

Just sayin'

The follow-up call may have been directly to Michelle (she may have given JA the direct phone number initially) instead of having her call back to 911.

In which case, it wouldn't be public record.
I think it's a good possibility that NC had intentions of leaving the day she disappeared. Sure, she could have done it the week she was away with her parents but I don't think she ever thought she was in the very real danger of being killed. Maybe she thought BC was nuts but I don't think she really thought it'd go that far. Or maybe there was an inkling in her mind of the possibility but she'd convinced herself that was too far fetched a notion. From reading I gather that too, she wasn't a timid little thing so I could see her going back and getting her "ducks in a row" first. Plus, I don't think she wanted to vanish as much as I think she just wanted to move out.
I think it's a good possibility that NC had intentions of leaving the day she disappeared. Sure, she could have done it the week she was away with her parents but I don't think she ever thought she was in the very real danger of being killed. Maybe she thought BC was nuts but I don't think she really thought it'd go that far. Or maybe there was an inkling in her mind of the possibility but she'd convinced herself that was too far fetched a notion. From reading I gather that too, she wasn't a timid little thing so I could see her going back and getting her "ducks in a row" first. Plus, I don't think she wanted to vanish as much as I think she just wanted to move out.

I agree completely that neither Nancy nor her family had any idea that Brad could possibly commit murder. IMO that's why they wanted the two little girls so badly. Although, you'd like to think Brad could never hurt the girls, you just never know how a sick mind works.....assuming Brad did harm Nancy.

IMO even Brad wishes he could re-do that night. After the party, I think things went from bad to worse and once it was said and done, all Brad could do is try to cover it up. It reminds me of the time my teenage son got caught in a lie. When I asked why he didn't just tell the truth, he said, "If I told the truth I knew I would be in trouble, but this way there was only a chance you would find out."

Brad's hoping he has a chance there isn't enough proof to convict him.
Just a speculation: One of the assertions of the plantiffs in the custody hearing was that the children weren't in a "safe" environment if custody remained with the father. Perhaps this was just a way of SH trying to assert at least that they had a habit of keeping their home secure, etc. [ Implying safe from outside intruders, etc ] {Granted, the plantiffs perhaps weren't exactly implying the threat was from outside the home, but perhaps SH didn't think this would hurt}

Agree the comment seems a little out-of-sync though.

I agree with your speculation. However, I thought it an odd way to say that, if that's what SH was inferring.
Credit cards ?

I wanted to add that, at least from my experience in my line of work, OFTENTIMES women who are going through a divorce and need to hire a lawyer or private investigator will open a credit card, in their name only, to cover the fees incurred. Usually these are women in situations similar to NC who have either no separate income or a husband who controls all the finances, including the wife's paycheck. They also typically obtain a PO Box for credit card bills and the attorney info to be sent to. I speak ONLY from what I have been involved with but I can say this is not an uncommon approach.
I don't know that the "non-presence" of license plate stickers means anything at all, but, I am truly curious about it. I drove past the Cooper residence this morning [separate loonnnggg post on impressions board] and stopped to look at the license tag on BC's vehicle [the SUV was not present in the driveway]. It is absolutely white in the upper left and right corners. I thought while reading everything here about it that perhaps it was just faded from numerous car washes/weather but that is not what I think now. Mine is faded from numerous car washes and the weather but I can still see the very faded expiration month and I've had my tag much longer than BC has been in the US. Again, not sure what this means in the big picture but it is an oddity.
Check out "Theories", page 8, post #195 -- I had not heard that bit of info before.
man, things are getting curiouser and curiouser.

Thought about it a bit more - went through a couple of affidavits again and recalling some early info:

Nancy had helped JA paint before - on the 12th she was to help JA paint again and there was the curious statement that JA was going to help Nancy "organize" later in the day.

Looking at those statements it does seem possible that Nancy was in the mind of moving out and if JA had a "spare" condo for example - could be it was to happen the weekend Nancy went missing. Could also be that Nancy herself told Brad she was moving out and this simple fact started quite a tiff. From the affidavits, it was stated that Nancy had asked Brad to move out, and in one of those affidavits, when talking about the water being turned off, the person also mentions that Brad was living somewhere else when that happened.

So Onescout's theory about Nancy moving out that weekend seems quite plausible. Except maybe she moving "down" the road instead of to Canada. Given the pending separation and Brad saying Cisco was helping with the green card issue - it seems likely, but it just didn't happen soon enough.
you may be thinking. Swinging going in Lochmere?

Just waiting on the ME report. I've read no facts or evidence yet to convince me Brad Cooper murdered his wife. It's "nudding" but hearsay, opinion, speculation.

The truth will come out, the longer CPD sits on this without an arrest, the more I'm convinced of Brad Cooper's complete innocence.
Check out "Theories", page 8, post #195 -- I had not heard that bit of info before.

I have, heard of a shovel being recovered as well, also brought to LE's attention. Do you reckon if it is true, there is a logical reason for why LE searched Brad's place of employment ?

In Chief Bazemore's press conference of July 14 at 630 pm - a media person asks her if anyone has come forward saying they saw Nancy on the 12th - she says NO. So if someone did see her and told LE and LE believed it to be so - why did Chief Bazemore say NO?

ETA - the Chief could have said NO in the 1:30 or 10pm presser on 14
July - I may have my times messed up - but not the comment.
I have, heard of a shovel being recovered as well, also brought to LE's attention. Do you reckon if it is true, there is a logical reason for why LE searched Brad's place of employment ?

If that's true, don't know the logic behind it -- IIRC, someone, perhaps the Chief, said they search to look for info to "rule in" someone as well as to rule out someone. However, my retired homicide detective friend seems to think that the Cisco search keeps BC in the forefront in that LE wouldn't necessarily execute a search warrant in order to attempt to prove BC innocent--they were looking for something - now, whether it was something specific or a covering the bases and see what we find kind of search, well, maybe one day we'll be privy to that info.

Of course, again, my posts are speculation based on life experience and my musings w/folks who used to do this kind of work.
If that's true, don't know the logic behind it -- IIRC, someone, perhaps the Chief, said they search to look for info to "rule in" someone as well as to rule out someone. However, my retired homicide detective friend seems to think that the Cisco search keeps BC in the forefront in that LE wouldn't necessarily execute a search warrant in order to attempt to prove BC innocent--they were looking for something - now, whether it was something specific or a covering the bases and see what we find kind of search, well, maybe one day we'll be privy to that info.

Of course, again, my posts are speculation based on life experience and my musings w/folks who used to do this kind of work.

I tend to agree rule in - rule out - but once it moves beyond the residence to a very specific place, it is because something led them there and it is usually not something to rule one out. It is interesting to speak with LE folks, unattached to the case. I doubt the probable cause section of the warrant on Cisco said - we want to pry through Cisco's data and search Brad's office to rule out Brad instead of looking for a killer somewhere. :crazy:

ETA - even a defense attorney chimed in on the Cisco search:

"In order to even acquire a warrant to search a separate place connected to an individual there has to be probable cause for a judge to believe that that individual was connected with the commission of an offense and evidence would be found there," he said.
Knudsen, a former prosecutor and longtime defense attorney, suspects one of the things the search at Cisco concentrated on was Cooper's computers. Exactly what, if anything was turned up on Cooper is sealed up in the search warrant.
"It's pretty clear now that he's a suspect. Not just a person of interest, but a suspect," Knudsen said.
you may be thinking. Swinging going in Lochmere?

Just waiting on the ME report. I've read no facts or evidence yet to convince me Brad Cooper murdered his wife. It's "nudding" but hearsay, opinion, speculation.

The truth will come out, the longer CPD sits on this without an arrest, the more I'm convinced of Brad Cooper's complete innocence.
What makes you think that chauncey? It takes time to put a case together. The autopsy isn't back yet, the DNA evidence either. If BC did it and the LE makes an arrest before everything is in they run the risk of him getting off on a technicality in a trial. As someone in a previous post stated, there's no statute of limitations on murder but a person cannot be tried for the same murder twice. I'm sure if the LE thinks BC is their man, they're going to proceed with extreme caution.

My husband's ex-girlfriend was murdered here in our home town and while we all felt we knew it was her, then current, boyfriend that killed her, no arrest was made until 20 years later. They finally got the break they needed and he was convicted of murder. Granted, what clinched it was DNA. At the time of the murder they didn't have the technology they have now. But the point is, sometimes an arrest can't be made overnight if there's no eye witness to the crime or they don't find the perp standing over the body while holding the murder weapon. It takes time to build a case and it's obvious this case is complex.
There sure was alot of hmmmm, hawwww, hmmm when JA was asked by the 911 dispatcher if Brad had ever been physical with Nancy.

Why would she hesitate to tell the 911 dispatcher if there was physical violence? And why would she hesitate to include that in her affidavit.
JA holds the key I still say. Is it just ironic the Adam's bought a condo when NC stated it was over?

According to lookup of the address, someone is living there (I know that it's not always up to date). So, at least at the time that the phone listing were last updated for that site, it has someone occupying that address. So, I'm not sure it would be empty for Nancy to move into.

My guess, the condo was investment property.
I tend to agree rule in - rule out - but once it moves beyond the residence to a very specific place, it is because something led them there and it is usually not something to rule one out. It is interesting to speak with LE folks, unattached to the case. I doubt the probable cause section of the warrant on Cisco said - we want to pry through Cisco's data and search Brad's office to rule out Brad instead of looking for a killer somewhere. :crazy:

ETA - even a defense attorney chimed in on the Cisco search:

"In order to even acquire a warrant to search a separate place connected to an individual there has to be probable cause for a judge to believe that that individual was connected with the commission of an offense and evidence would be found there," he said.
Knudsen, a former prosecutor and longtime defense attorney, suspects one of the things the search at Cisco concentrated on was Cooper's computers. Exactly what, if anything was turned up on Cooper is sealed up in the search warrant.
"It's pretty clear now that he's a suspect. Not just a person of interest, but a suspect," Knudsen said.

the section above that i "bolded" is prescisely what my friend said. of course, he also added that LE can "know" but to prove, even close to "beyond reasonable doubt," well, that takes time, skill and sometimes a dose of luck.
One other rumor that perhaps Pat Bazemore dispells in the 14th July 630 presser relates to if Bella saw Nancy that morning.

At 6 minutes into the presser a reporter asks if Bella saw Nancy that morning - Chief Bazemore says the last person to have seen Nancy alive was Brad.

Just for info.

The confirmation of no sightings is between 1120 and 1145 minutes into the presser.
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