Nancy Grace 11/13/08

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If you can read the jist of the conversation and you know your posts will be unpopular why would you post if you can't take the heat? I don't think anyone is attacking you, but if you know it will be unpopular then you must expect the type of posts you will get back! The minority opinion is always up for heated debate.
So let me get this straight, if LP had discovered Caylee's remains today as everyone believed at first he would have been hailed a hero and applauded for being so stubborn and sticking to his guns, right?

Given that did not pan out today he is hailed as a "bozo media *advertiser censored*" by NG defense guy? I guess it is high stakes, you become either a hero or bozo if you get personally involved in the Caylee case.

So lets see what tomorrow and following days bring, maybe they will be proven right, maybe wrong. Time will tell, eh?

Who is everyone? Not me.
Nancy kept trying to stress that KC should have shown some emotion at seeing this on tv because it's been 4 months and how can she be sure Zannie didn't kill Caylee by now! Finally, one of the defense lawyers says,"because she knows where she buried the body." It made me realize that the arguing about LP is distracting from what this is all about. CAYLEE!
I have never seen TM talk so much and be so annimated as he was tonight.
I remember some nights it was like pulling teeth for Nancy to get a response from him. Tonight-he's Chatty Cathy-Nancy had to actually cut him off! He's talked more today-even before tonight on NG than I've ever seen before. Reminds me of the saying about he who doth protest too much!:rolleyes:
I don't see LP holding a meet n greet this weekend trying to rally in $. Gee, I forgot who is doing that....
On the thread "Dennis M (Kid Finders Network) stole all of the memorial flowers for Caylee!" there is a post that says Dennis M is a felon. Does anyone know how he got this honor? (cough, cough)

In Palm Beach County, Dennis M has 27 court cases, in which he was the defendant in all but two. There's convictions for domestic violence and in one it was noted that he's a repeat offender.

After seeing his behavior in Blanchard Park with the cameraman, I can certainly understand the domestic violence convictions.
Tim needs to take up any issues he has with LP off air and print. I don't know who is wrong or right, but I do know we all want to find Caylee. We can settle the details later.

Amen to that Moe.

CA provides enough.
TM's reaction is puzzling considering the report that TES doesn't clear an area until it has been searched 3 times. Maybe water searches don't follow the same criteria. It doesn't seem reasonable that TES made 3 complete runs with the sonar in 3.5 hrs. Betcha I missed the fine print again...yes..I'm being snarky.....
If you can read the jist of the conversation and you know your posts will be unpopular why would you post if you can't take the heat? I don't think anyone is attacking you, but if you know it will be unpopular then you must expect the type of posts you will get back! The minority opinion is always up for heated debate.

It's not about taking the heat, it's about being attacked every single time I post.. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.. If you can't see how it is attacking, that's fine.. It just seems like it's the same thing over and over again..

I would really like to just end this discussion because I am done with it.
There IS a shramrock toy in the bag. There was an upside down doll and beads, too.

I have tivo and I just froze the screen to see what is in the bag.
There IS a shramrock toy in the bag. There was an upside down doll and beads, too.

I have tivo and I just froze the screen to see what is in the bag.

The diver on NG said it was not a shamrock toy. It was a gumby.
In Palm Beach County, Dennis M has 27 court cases, in which he was the defendant in all but two. There's convictions for domestic violence and in one it was noted that he's a repeat offender.

After seeing his behavior in Blanchard Park with the cameraman, I can certainly understand the domestic violence convictions.

Seriously?? Well that's DISTURBING.
There IS a shramrock toy in the bag. There was an upside down doll and beads, too.

I have tivo and I just froze the screen to see what is in the bag.

does it look like any kind of charm? and the it broken was said the LE broke it up.....
You know, at the end of the first search, it was ended because the conditions were ridiculous to expect people to try to find anything under that water and muck. We had 23 inches of rain within 4 days. Tim didn't have the conscience to even put the horses into that water not being able to see what's below and for fear that Caylee's remains may be pushed even further into the mud. One of the reasons, TM uses sonar is because you don't trample on any possible remains when you cannot see what is beneath.

While I agree, I don't think Tim needs to get on NG and go toe to toe with LP but IF there was by any chance that this BH was doing it for the publicity, he didn't want anything to do with it. This is not a sideshow. It's real.

I know that a lot of people love Murt with the live webcam but if you're out on a search for remains, why would you even want that? Why all the media? If that were your grandaughter would you want the entire world able to see them pull any possible remains out of the mud and everyone knows before you do that it has taken place? Doesn't make sense. Is this for the sensationalism or for actually finding Caylee? At least Tim's organization goes about things the right way with the focus on the missing, not the news.

LP had the media there and was still accused of maybe planting evidence-imagine if there were no witnesses and LP just called LE and said "hey look what we found!"
Why are they all fighting over searching in this particular spot? Seems the whole thing centers around the search in this park. Why now? why this spot?
Everyone really harps on LP. Blames circus on him. Would any of this be happening if kc would fess up? Nah.

I will go even further and say, if casey hadn't killed Caylee, would any of this be happening?
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