Nancy Grace 9-17 Show Description + Discussion.

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Very true Magic, I just believe the only family member might be LA... I am tending toward one of her many male friends. Just theories, I could be totally wrong.

Not if it is her dad they won't...
Where did you hear that?

On NG, today. LP said that Tony said that KC slept at his place on the 15th. And, that Tony also volunteered to cops that she had told him that Caylee was with Zanny (I forgot which date), and not to pick up the phone, if her folks called.

I think LP suspects Lee, not Tony. And, I think he's right.
LP alludes to LA constantly saying KC told him what happened. I'm pretty sure LP thinks LA has something to do with it by the way he is speaking. JMO.

Yes. I agree with you. LP is hinting...
Good Evening,

I doubt LP knows anything that will help. I must admit that in my opinion his involvement was questionable from the beginning. I am also curious why everyone seems so sure KC is unintelligent? She has kept her mouth shut for 12 weeks. Her smoke screen of lies has kept LE busy following false leads and all the while nature is doing what it does....JMO...V.321's all the reading of law books while in the slammer that got her to that point, I'm sure. It would be interesting to see what ELSE was seen on the laptop as far as research on her end...
Zanaida was always giving praise on the way Caylee was being raised!???
Oh that's a GOOD ONE Casey!!!

also a hallmark of a narcissist...she takes the opportunity to compliment herself, though it has nothing to do with Caylee.
On NG, today. LP said it was Tony. At the same time he said Tony said KC stayed w/ him on the 15th.

Clint said that Casey spent the night with Tony on the 15th too.

Tony also said that Casey spent the night with him on the 26th. That kind of blows the theory that she was with someone else on the night of the 26th and was dropped of at her car before Tony picked her up. We don't know if he is telling the truth but I tend to believe she was with Tony on the night of the 26th.

If she did spend the night with Tony on the 26th, how did she abandon her car by 7 am on the 27th without him knowing about it?
Question, does this case exhaust any of ya'll? KC just takes the cake I swear with all of her lies and no emotion of her daughter.

I can't stand this girl and I haven't even met's hard to believe she actually HAS friends. who could put up with her BS for more than 5 minutes?

so wait, I don't lie, steal or kill people and I haven't had a date in months, and this worthless excuse for a human being is dating 5 guys at once? when will the universe right itself?
I personally think that LP is butt sore over what happened with KC. He thought he was going to get something out of her no one else could, but the entire family burned him. I think he is mad and trying to get even while getting a little face time. I dont think he is a bad guy but I think he is just speculating like the rest of us and his time to be on TV in this case is well over. He does no good and cant provide anymore information that we can. JMHO
IMO Leonard P. seems to read this and other blogs to get these ideas. I doubt anyone else accompanied Casey in Caylees disappearance. I believe she acted alone.
However, I do believe her brother may know more since then, as Casey cant keep quiet (except to LE of course) and could have told Lee something. Also Lee was the one who supposidly said no lie detector test.
But, I still can't figure out how LA had TL's phone number! I know people have assumed that they probably knew each other from the club and maybe that's why he had it, but he admits not having seen or known where his sister was for weeks. So why would Casey know that her brother had Tony's #? LA at first (on the video call) denied having it...then Casey insisted that he did...and she was right. TL never mentioned knowing the brother, but I wonder what exactly their connection is.
Yes, she told Mark H. she had something important to tell him, and didn't know how he would react.

LP said she called him on the 26th.
I'm thinking like a true sociopath she was setting up her next "mark". With her, people are a means to an end. I don't believe she knows the truth to be able to tell it. JMO
Casey didn't tell Tony that the car was out of gas, she told him that it was broken down and that her father was going to take care of it. When Tony asked about the car a few days later she told him it was in the shop and even went so far as to mention the names of the mechanics who were working on it. She said George was going to get her a new car.

Do you have a link for that, because I remember the out of gas comment before broke down...and I believe it was Tony who said it in an interview but I can't find the link right now...'s all the reading of law books while in the slammer that got her to that point, I'm sure. It would be interesting to see what ELSE was seen on the laptop as far as research on her end...

I can't tell if she's dumb and just very confident, or clever/smart but makes careless mistakes. For example, after Laci went missing and Scott KNEW all his calls with Amber were being recorded and she was cooperating with them, he still couldn't help but call her. even after his lawyer said, you idiot, stop talking to her!, he couldn't. Casey seems smart enough to pull off all these lying and stealing and basically being a con artist for years, yet she makes stupid mistakes like showing HER OWN DRIVERS LICENSE when she uses Amy's check at Target. to me that would seem like a mistake that a really dumb criminal would make - like looking straight up at the video camera when you're robbing a bank.
I know it stank but maybe Casey spent the night in her car on the 26th and that's why she had so much time to talk to the marine in California. What is the time difference? What day did she take a shower at Jesse's? Does he live close to Amscot?

UGH! All I have are questions, questions, questions!
Now she expects us to believe she has a heart????????

This was just Casey covering Casey's behind. She KNEW she HAD stolen money and who knows what else, and that her lies were trailing behind her like the devils own hound, and she simply made this statement to make it appear as if she was doing those things FOR Caylee-when in fact, everything she ever did was for nobody but Casey...
It also makes sense because this is a "closed system family." They have a lot of secrets, and us v. them mentality.. but are also very dysfunctional and unhappy, as a family.

You are right! If Casey would only talk this all could end!:silenced:
I can't tell if she's dumb and just very confident, or clever/smart but makes careless mistakes. For example, after Laci went missing and Scott KNEW all his calls with Amber were being recorded and she was cooperating with them, he still couldn't help but call her. even after his lawyer said, you idiot, stop talking to her!, he couldn't. Casey seems smart enough to pull off all these lying and stealing and basically being a con artist for years, yet she makes stupid mistakes like showing HER OWN DRIVERS LICENSE when she uses Amy's check at Target. to me that would seem like a mistake that a really dumb criminal would make - like looking straight up at the video camera when you're robbing a bank.

I think people gave Casey the benefit of doubt because she was pretty...seriously.

Good looks and being well spoken give you an advantage in the job market and evidently make you a more successful con person. Good looking people on death row probably get more fan letters, too.


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