Nancy Grace 9-17 Show Description + Discussion.

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bold is mine
On NG, today. LP said it was Tony. At the same time he said Tony said KC stayed w/ him on the 15th.

Re: Statement that Casey said not to answer the phone to her mother. Said she will explain it later.

If you look on page 44 of document 1 in the pdf discovery files you will see that it was Jesse that made this statement. All due respect to LP but he doesn't always get his facts straight.

ETA: Perhaps Casey sent the message to more than one friend per the phone records that LP reviewed.
I can't tell if she's dumb and just very confident, or clever/smart but makes careless mistakes. For example, after Laci went missing and Scott KNEW all his calls with Amber were being recorded and she was cooperating with them, he still couldn't help but call her. even after his lawyer said, you idiot, stop talking to her!, he couldn't. Casey seems smart enough to pull off all these lying and stealing and basically being a con artist for years, yet she makes stupid mistakes like showing HER OWN DRIVERS LICENSE when she uses Amy's check at Target. to me that would seem like a mistake that a really dumb criminal would make - like looking straight up at the video camera when you're robbing a bank.

I agree...she makes idiotic moves but yet can stick to her story and hinder LE. I am betting she has always lied and always stuck to her story and her parents would end up believing her because they gave up, you know. I don't think she's dump, although she says "perspective ideas" on her sworn statement and that irks me LOL....I think she is cunning (whoa! almost a bad word!) and deviant and has lied all her life and thinks she will get outta this whopper with lying, as if LE are her parents!!
I think people gave Casey the benefit of doubt because she was pretty...seriously.

Good looks and being well spoken give you an advantage in the job market and evidently make you a more successful con person. Good looking people on death row probably get more fan letters, too.


YES, YES YES! :clap:
But, I still can't figure out how LA had TL's phone number! I know people have assumed that they probably knew each other from the club and maybe that's why he had it, but he admits not having seen or known where his sister was for weeks. So why would Casey know that her brother had Tony's #? LA at first (on the video call) denied having it...then Casey insisted that he did...and she was right. TL never mentioned knowing the brother, but I wonder what exactly their connection is.

And WHICH Tony was she talking about? He date Tony or her "date" Tony in LE?
I can't tell if she's dumb and just very confident, or clever/smart but makes careless mistakes. For example, after Laci went missing and Scott KNEW all his calls with Amber were being recorded and she was cooperating with them, he still couldn't help but call her. even after his lawyer said, you idiot, stop talking to her!, he couldn't. Casey seems smart enough to pull off all these lying and stealing and basically being a con artist for years, yet she makes stupid mistakes like showing HER OWN DRIVERS LICENSE when she uses Amy's check at Target. to me that would seem like a mistake that a really dumb criminal would make - like looking straight up at the video camera when you're robbing a bank.

About the checks...they were LOW number checks in the 100's most likely starter checks. In the Fraud documents on the OCSO website it states that KC's NAME was on the checks..not Amy's. They were Amy's checks with her account numbers etc. So KC giving her on Drivers License jived with the info that was on the checks.
On NG, today. LP said that Tony said that KC slept at his place on the 15th. And, that Tony also volunteered to cops that she had told him that Caylee was with Zanny (I forgot which date), and not to pick up the phone, if her folks called.

I think LP suspects Lee, not Tony. And, I think he's right.

About the phone call I remember KC telling JG not to pick up the phone if her folks called not TonE.
And WHICH Tony was she talking about? He date Tony or her "date" Tony in LE?

I don't think technically the LE Tony was a boyfriend.

When Casey told Kristina, "because he's my bodyfriend", I think her boyfriend was the Tony she was spending nights with.

I don't know if Casey and the LE Tony ever saw each other in public, had deep conversation or came clase to any kind of relationship talk. I'd call the LE Tony an "on the side" physical fling.

No ... I didn't think she had them push her car into the lot and then decided since they helped with that, they might be keen on moving her daughter's body ...

I wonder if there is a schmuck (or two) out there who so adores Casey that they might do anything for her ... if only she would give them the time of day.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't think any of ther family would have helped her dispose of Caylee's body and/or cover up the death and disposal of Caylee's body.

Has it ever been discussed why JG quit the force on 6/26?
Has it ever been discussed why JG quit the force on 6/26?

Yes many times...JG's father was here before or emailed Tricia- can't remember which...he stated JG was going to pursue his education hence the split from LE.
It also makes sense because this is a "closed system family." They have a lot of secrets, and us v. them mentality.. but are also very dysfunctional and unhappy, as a family.

There's a whole psychology topic on this called "Toxic Secrets."
I think Casey would rather have the attention of ANY of her new friends (that have now abandoned her) than that of her parents. Your probably right on this!

My opinion of the "they just care about Caylee" comment was that Casey was putting her parents down. To me, when Casey said it, she was listing a way she was put upon. I agree but believe it was because she was mad. Remember she got in the fight with her parents, they were kicking her out and trying to get custody of Caylee(allegedly), Ever had one of your children accuse you of liking their brother or sister better than them. It is always in this same attitude because it comes from jealousy. With my kids if I buy one something and not the other or let one off the hook on something. it comes back like "you never let me go there or why doesn't she get in trouble like I did" My point is it doesn't sound pretty but really is a cry to get validation from your parents. They want to know they are just as important as the other. :boohoo:

When I heard the jailhouse tapes between Casey and Cindy, I don't hear a daughter desperate for her mother's love. I hear disdain and disrespect.

Cindy sounds used to it.Yep! Sounds like this has been going on for awhile.:bang:

In contrast Casey is syrupy-sweet with her friend and calls her endearing names. She wasn't so nice to her best friend Kristen...talking to you waste, huge waste!:eek:ther_beatingA_Dead

I think it is ironic that now Casey is reduced to being with the family she put down to everyone. Personally, I doubt she appreciates what they are going through. So true! Lets see: She hated her cheating, gambling dad. Her mom was controlling, weak, wouldn't leave her dad after all his cheating, and wouldn't give her the d**m house! Ugg:rage:

Casey: You belongs in :behindbar. Why won't you just talk. This whole thing makes me want to:puke:. What have you done to your family:hypno:

About the checks...they were LOW number checks in the 100's most likely starter checks. In the Fraud documents on the OCSO website it states that KC's NAME was on the checks..not Amy's. They were Amy's checks with her account numbers etc. So KC giving her on Drivers License jived with the info that was on the checks.

ahhhh ok. that never made sense to me - also never made sense to me as to why the Target cashier would let her get away with not matching the license to the check. so the checks didn't have a name on them at all?
I don't believe one word of what LP says

He has lied in the past & that is all I need to discount everything he says

He may be telling the truth but I want to see proof - I can't take him at his word anymore

My sentiments exactly.
I don't think technically the LE Tony was a boyfriend.

When Casey told Kristina, "because he's my bodyfriend", I think her boyfriend was the Tony she was spending nights with.

I don't know if Casey and the LE Tony ever saw each other in public, had deep conversation or came clase to any kind of relationship talk. I'd call the LE Tony an "on the side" physical fling.


then what was MH? were he and TonE both her "boyfriends"? I'm assuming neither of them knew about eachother? it sounds like from her myspace posts that she knew MH for a long time. and then she was also still sleeping with RM? oh did none of these guys know about eachother?
I know it stank but maybe Casey spent the night in her car on the 26th and that's why she had so much time to talk to the marine in California. What is the time difference? What day did she take a shower at Jesse's? Does he live close to Amscot?

UGH! All I have are questions, questions, questions!

It would probably be known by now, but could she have used some of the stolen money to sleep in a hotel? I'm sure they know because of where her phone was a pinging and ponging! If only they would release some of the remaining info so we could solve this case for them. :rolleyes:
I asked Tony Padilla that very question! LOL I asked what she was doing, if she was talking to Casey or just being a fly on the wall and he shut me down and said he couldn't comment any further!

Because I bet she doesn't exist and never existed.
What if the "couple of guys that helped her push her car" was actually one guy who happened upon her at the Amscot -AFTER she dumped Caylee's body- and she went home with him, cleaned up, did what she does with EVERYONE, then got a ride from him back to the Amscot the next morning to do her shopping and call Tony?

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