Nancy Grace - 9/18/08 - Thursday

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i agree, but have felt that since day one.......but did not really discuss it since his involvement seemed so welcome.........and with tony posting on here, you were not allowed to say anything negative

Thanks for that. I don't want to get in trouble... I used to be a big believer, but my support is just waining.
Angels???? WTF who are they? I swear this is like a bad dream. What else is going to happen or who is going to show up.
I bet even with the Guardian Angels there, CA & GA will STILL be running out of their garage holding garden tools. The Guardian Angels aren't LE anyhow, they have NO power.
but casey still knows right from wrong.........she has to have a attachment disorder, where she just does not emotionally attach as we would.......she has lived a life in which she uses people, and when she is done she just walks away from the situation. this is partly due to her socially unacceptable behavior.........she had to learn to justify her own actions, otherwise she would always be in the wrong.

You're absolutely right. But what I was pointing out is that there's no reason why a bunch of panelists on the NG show shouldn't be able to give the viewing audience professional insights into just how screwed up Casey is, without having to be interrupted by the shrieking annoying-face making NG two and a half seconds in, because Nancy wants to override her guests to make the rather obvious and mundane observation that Casey isn't criminally insane.

Or does the fact that Casey's not criminally insane now preclude anyone from analyzing Casey? And if so, then why does Nancy even bother to ask in the first place? This Nancy's a real piece of work.

Their really senseless interruptions; Casey's personality disorders are some of what makes this case so fascinating. Also, it doesn't really serve Nancy well to interrupt her guests because usually, they're so much more knowledgeable than she is. She comes off really bad here, and her interruptions are to make tangential, maybe even irrelevant points, and not even original at that.
Now the Guardian Angels are there guarding the Anthony home? This whole thing just gets sicker by the minute! Why don't they come to Pine Hills where I live? We could use your butts out here!!!!!
I don't necessarily think that LP just keeps randomly adding to his story - I think he's known most of this all along, but he just knows behind the scenes that they are close to closing the loop on Casey. Now he's not 'jeopardizing' the investigation as much if he shares these little tidbits here and there.

He also wanted to make it clear to Nancy that Casey's female guard wasn't able to be interviewed by LE due to fear by her attorney that she could be charged. My gut read is that he's an honest man - I think part of him feel's SUPER-duped by the A's and has enough facts to know what truly happened to the baby and that makes him sick.

TEAM LP! haha


Most of them look like kids who aren't even old enough to drive. Yeah!!! put more kids out there. Great idea.
So I think, and this is just my opinion (haven't had a chance to see what you are all saying) that LP thinks Lee helped Casey dispose of the body or helped her in some way. Maybe was in on all the moving of the body etc. I wonder how many calls she has into Lee except for the 3rd of July?
Thanks for that. I don't want to get in trouble... I used to be a big believer, but my support is just waining.

I am just the opposite, in the beginning I was like LP you have no clue what you are talking about, and he didn't, and I truely believe he is not going to let that happen again....I think he is telling as much as he can w/o compromising the investigation and obviously LE believes he or why would they have flown out there to talk to him and Rick? Just MHO...
Thanks for that. I don't want to get in trouble... I used to be a big believer, but my support is just waining.

one should not get in trouble for giving an opinion, regardless of who is posting here.........should not limit questions at all.
i always found it odd, the second time casey was arrested, the security lady seemed to be very close to cindy.....they huged when casey was taken me, if nothing else is showed that she had had no remained netural in her job there at the home

I'm wondering what motivated this lady to get an attorney? Obviously, this lady knows something..........
Well NG is not going to mention the big news involving TES and neither did LP, wonder how long we have to wait, I am so impatient

Me too. I'd be interested to hear her thoughts on that. I also emailed her about the police going in the middle of the night to look for an alive "Kaylee" that supposedly looked like Caylee. Does she ever read email? Its impossible to get through on the phone.
Why do you watch NG if you don't like her? My hubby just stays out of the room as he knows I like it.
I just saw this show for the first time a week or two ago. Nancy Grace is the most annoying person on the face of the earth! Between her rudely interrupting people, and the commercials every 2 minutes, I am so frustrated by the time it's over, I'd like to slap her.:bang:

Now I wouldn't say she's the MOST annoying... <CASEY>

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