NBC Action News new timeline - 11/02/2011

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NG now reporting about DB's extra-maritial affairs (to be in the National Enquirer on Friday).

Of course DB is not married to JI, so I don't know how extra-marital affairs fits in here. But anyway -- carry on.



Maybee the affairs thing come from her marri to her husband??, they are still married , so maybee there was something going on when they were still together?? JMO
A little O/T, but I have a problem with a mother putting her sick baby to bed (at any time) with her bottle and her binky - to self comfort. A sick baby needs to be soothed, held, rocked, with her mother there, not left on her own with a bottle in a room with a closed door.

I have a problem with it too!
Not only did DB put her sick baby to bed, to comfort herself, DB shut her baby's door. DB must not have wanted to be interrupted with her "adult time" as DB left the baby monitor sitting by the bed in the master bedroom instead of taking it out onto the porch with her.....JMO.
I'm still left scratching my head at the fact that JI was angry instead of scared out of his mind to come home to a window open and lights on at 3:30 a.m.

Because lights on and a window open, in and of itself doesn't make one jump to OH MY GOD WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN!

He comes in and it 'appears' everyone is sleeping, and the lights have been left on, window left open. So he jumps to the conclusion that most people would go to (IMO) first - they forgot to lock up before bed, and left the lights on. (and for pete's sake we are not made of money!!!! just for added measure)
jimspellmancnn jim spellman
@Oh_get_this All I can say is every time i uncover a new wrinkle the police and or FBI were there weeks before.
6 hours ago

Thats very reassuring.
Thanks for this.
I was wondering if a suffocation could have occured possibly with the cat or if sleeping with four people and cat in the same bed. DB may have been worried about getting in trouble for being intoxicated, spending money on wine when JI is working overtime to help with finances and if Lisa had been deceased for any length of time, it would be harder to explain that she had been passed out instead of paying closer attention to a baby with cold. Panic, self preservation? Possibly, IMO.

I'm not married to any theory at the moment. My only hope is that the general public doesn't lose interest in finding Lisa because of the reported changing stories and confusion of events that night. There's still a chance that Lisa's alive. And no matter what happened that night, Lisa still deserves to be found. Bless her heart.

I had to stop giving one of my kids a bottle (I'm sorry but right this minute I can't remember which one, I have 5 and I want to say it was my middle daughter) and train them on a sippy starting at about 10 and half months because they kept biting the end of the nipple off and it made me petrified they would choke on it. IIRC that child only had two lower teeth too). Just a thought, means nothing in this case, it came to mind after I read your post.

Question? I have only read page 1 and this page. I'm sorry.

So if we go by the 4:30 time that neighbor reportedly saw Lisa in her crib. Is that the last time anyone saw Lisa outside of the family? TIA for helping me get this straight.
Because lights on and a window open, in and of itself doesn't make one jump to OH MY GOD WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN!

He comes in and it 'appears' everyone is sleeping, and the lights have been left on, window left open. So he jumps to the conclusion that most people would go to (IMO) first - they forgot to lock up before bed, and left the lights on. (and for pete's sake we are not made of money!!!! just for added measure)

Oh I agree, it's just I know I would jump to OH MY GOD WHO IS BREAKING IN MY HOUSE!?, especially with the screen on the window being messed up. But it is possible that DB was a night owl, so he didn't see anything wrong with someone being awake at that hour.
I actually have a huge problem with any of the time lines given. I have some great insight because I babysit a ten month old and a four year old. The schedule I have the ten month old is usually.....feedings about every two hours, whether it be a bottle or, his morning cereal i mix, or his Gerber fruit and veggie for lunch. But he is hungry about every two hours. He also takes two naps during the day. Now that he is ten months old, his nap times are becoming shorter. He was napping two hours, twice a day. Now that he just turned ten months old, he is napping about an hour and a half before noon, and then when i put him down for an afternoon nap, he either sleeps for a short period of time or I will check and find that he will be just sitting in his bed babbling and hasn't napped at all. When he is napping, I check on him about every half hour and always make sure he's breathing. That may sound crazy, and I have no children of my own but I just feel that I need to check on him. And he has diaper changes about every two hours. I write all of this down during the day for the parents. When they get home, he goes down for bed around 8 pm, sleeps til 4 am, has a bottle, then sleeps til 7 am and it's time for another bottle. So how could anyone leave a baby in their bed for all of those hours without even a diaper change???? To me, that itself is neglectful, much less the fact that the baby had to be hungry between the hours of 6:40 pm and 4:00 am when she was declared missing/kidnapped whatever. Maybe I am paranoid from following the CA trial but I've thought in my mind what I would do with all kinds of scenarios with this ten month old. I have in my head how I would call 911 immediately, or what I would do if someone broke in and took him. But even if I dropped him or something happened at my own hand, I would immediately call 911 and I'm not even a parent. I can't imagine why I would cover anything up. I don't drink and keep children either but if I did, that also wouldn't stop me from calling 911. Who does a cover up unless they are guilty of something far worse than any accident is my thought.
So, we now have Lisa, seen by a neighbor in her crib @4:30 and apparently fine. I would want her to elaborate on the word "apparently. Does that mean she was sleeping? playing? reading? What?

Now this baby is in her crib @ 4:30. DB wants everyone to believe she put her to bed at 6:40? Does anyone else think this is all insanity? Who is this neighbor and why did she say she was apparently fine. I am stuck on that word.

Where does the article quote the neighbor as saying BL was "apparently fine?"

Answer: the article quotes no one. The words are the words of an editor, translating what they heard or read, and using their own words.

As a general rule in journalism, if we don't see quote marks, it's not a direct quote.
Oh I agree, it's just I know I would jump to OH MY GOD WHO IS BREAKING IN MY HOUSE!?, especially with the screen on the window being messed up. But it is possible that DB was a night owl, so he didn't see anything wrong with someone being awake at that hour.

I often come home really late from work while my wife - who gets up early - is asleep. When I've found similar circumstances (doors, lights, etc. not the way I expect) being a male, the first thing my mind has jumped to is "Now which of these dipstick kids had brain damage today and left all the lights on and door open?!?!"

Never underestimate the male capacity to think innocent circumstances first, a lot of us are wired that way.
I have a problem with it too!
Not only did DB put her sick baby to bed, to comfort herself, DB shut her baby's door. DB must not have wanted to be interrupted with her "adult time" as DB left the baby monitor sitting by the bed in the master bedroom instead of taking it out onto the porch with her.....JMO.

The timeline published by KCStar yesterday said she closed the door because the older kids were playing loudly and she didn't want them to wake BL.
There were three possibly even four timelines in as many publications, yesterday. Most likely, those "sources" are giving each journalist bits and pieces of either their own recollections of the evening or hearsay remarks. If it says unnamed sources, it is not worth much as the information can not be verified by an independent fact checker.

Every story, detail etc that has come out in this case has come from the family, their legal/investigative team or their friends and neighbors. The only thing that has come from LE have been general comments with no details. If the judge had allowed the contents of the search warrant to remain sealed, we would have almost zero specific info from LE.

Fact is: The only detail that we know, as a fact, is that DB was at Festival Foods, with her brother around 4:51 PM (VIDEO TIMESTAMPED) buying box wine. Other then that...nothing that anyone from that camp says can be substantiated.
I often come home really late from work while my wife - who gets up early - is asleep. When I've found similar circumstances (doors, lights, etc. not the way I expect) being a male, the first thing my mind has jumped to is "Now which of these dipstick kids had brain damage today and left all the lights on and door open?!?!"

Never underestimate the male capacity to think innocent circumstances first, a lot of us are wired that way.

If the kids were older I could see that...but these aren't.
Why do all the timelines start in the afternoon? Where was Lisa all day before that? Who else was there?

My guess: Because the news media or LE have found that details of the day before aren't pertinent to the Missing Person case. Say, for example, maybe enough people saw BL alive and well that either it's not pertinent to the "missing baby timeline" or it would suggest such a huge conspiracy ("it would mean all 12 of these people are lying about seeing her fine") as to be completely unrealistic.
I often come home really late from work while my wife - who gets up early - is asleep. When I've found similar circumstances (doors, lights, etc. not the way I expect) being a male, the first thing my mind has jumped to is "Now which of these dipstick kids had brain damage today and left all the lights on and door open?!?!"

Never underestimate the male capacity to think innocent circumstances first, a lot of us are wired that way.

Ya must be ..cause i get yelled at if i leave a room without turning everything off ...even if im going for a drink and will be right back !! He can drive me nuts if i forget and leave anything on while away
This is going to be a tale of whose story you believe. Without hard evidence, LE and any prosecutor will be left with this cesspool of ever changing timelines and a mother who says she was drunk...didn't hear anything...
If the kids were older I could see that...but these aren't.

Yeah, I would assume the sick baby had worsened if I saw all the lights on...

I'm beginning to question if there was a cold at all, and more likely, she just gave cold medicine so Lisa would sleep and she could have some "adult time."
<snipped>If it says unnamed sources, it is not worth much as the information can not be verified by an independent fact checker.

Every story, detail etc that has come out in this case has come from the family, their legal/investigative team or their friends and neighbors. The only thing that has come from LE have been general comments with no details. If the judge had allowed the contents of the search warrant to remain sealed, we would have almost zero specific info from LE.

Respectfully, if the sources are reported as "unnamed" then we cannot logically say who the source was not. It may in fact be a member of the KCPD, or FBI, or family, or or or.

And, it would not be the first time LE has leaked information to the press as an unnamed source.

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