Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #7 *Arrest*

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Thanks, she is quite the helper. I again apologize for the “glitches” as it was a sudden thought to make the hearing available to those out of the geographic region once I realized the situation and that was my first attempt at going live and had to try all the buttons to see what they were lol.

Now my take on the 911 call is that most people do not remember exactly what was said during 911 calls. In order for LE to gather more info during the investigation they can pick away at inconsistencies from the re-telling of the call. It is easier to tell someone that during the call they used the past tense or sounded a certain way if the person cannot get access to the call. I think if it has been reported correctly and mom made the call then they are still using that info while gathering info on her. There is something that was said in the call they feel is important to discredit her storyline. That’s my opinon based on they way LE handles 911 calls here in NC.
Bingo! That makes perfect sense! Thank you.
In the Midwest it is also referred to as a visitation, and has been my entire life. Even if it's a closed casket, the casket is usually at the front and the family is near it. The only change in recent years that I have noticed is that there are more cremations, so there is not a body. Photos are almost always present.

And Karinna, I meant to add in my other post, to give you a picture of what it looks like, that there are nearly always pictures of the deceased as well. In recent years this has become more elaborate than just having a few framed photos around, and now most funeral homes offer a digital slide show. So while people are waiting in line, they often watch this.

Visitations also tend to be a gathering of the community, and after the viewing and respects are paid to the family, many people hang around and chat with one another, swapping stories about the deceased.

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Thankyou, and yes we had a digital slide show for my daughter's funeral in 2012, but we were seated in the chapel for the funeral while that was happening, and then had the wake afterwards.

“There are items of evidence...that are being tested and those lab results may take some time.” Statement from District Attorney Ernie Lee concerning investigation into #MariahWoods death. #wral



[FONT=&]5:36 PM - 5 Dec 2017

Maybe I'm just being pessimistic here but I have a sneaking suspicion that Earl didn't actually kill her. In fact, I'm having a hard time thinking her death may have been intentional at all. So far as I am aware a M.E. is able to make a determination as to manner of death pretty quickly, COD can take a little time if there are not obvious injuries. Just look at the Caylee Anthony case, Dr G was able to announce manner of death I believe the day after Caylee's autopsy (please correct me if I'm wrong about that). Since they have Earl is custody and if there was any evidence to even merely suggest he was responsible for her death I would imagine they would have laid those charges on him by now. I know it isn't a popular opinion since everyone wants to hang Earl but I think he may very well be innocent.
OMG. who are you? just kidding.
i say that because my brother is just outside of dallas (but not dallas county) and his ex (and her new husband) will NOT allow him to see my niece. he is suppose to have her a few days a week - but they have literally cut off all available contact between my brother and niece. the niece is very smart and knows what has been going on (she is 17, 18 next year). my brother makes sure when he does get to see her (its been almost a year now) that no matter what he loves her and is always there 24/7). the ex has got some kind of personality disorder and the new husband is super controlling and acts like my niece is his! they monitor all her phone/computer activity and if she tries to reach out to my brother - she gets grounded. if he shows up on their property, they call police.

police wont/cant do anything. they say to file a missing child report and take it to court. my brother is not rich and cannot to file a report EVERY WEEK and go to court EVERY WEEK. he was also worried about her having to sit in court everytime. so he writes to her every week. keeps it with him. and when she turns 18, she will leave her mom and go live with my brother, his wife and their 2 little girls.

the courts and police will NOT side w/ my brother - even though he has no negative history and has had this professional job for years - and a many of his friends are cops and feds and vouch for his character.

(thats the short, non-detailed version. ugh) Im not even allowed to talk to my niece.

Sounds part and parcel for what my BIL has been going through. I had a typo in my post about him regaining custody. He didn't get her back for a year, only a couple months. Saddest part is my niece has disabilities. A condition where tumors grow on the soft tissues of her body and Autism like behaviors. She is 13 but functionally about 8-9. Can't read yet. She could be helped academically and otherwise if the but her mom (being the paranoid person she is) will not let her see a psychiatrist for diagnosis of the non medical stuff. My niece is very very smart as evidenced by her actions in other aspects. Just can't get the proper help.
It's ridiculous because even school personnel won't come out against the mom. They don't have any hard evidence of neglect etc but suspect it. Anyway. Just a sad mess. Don't understand wth is wrong with this country that they even remotely think these situations are acceptable and that it's so expensive for fight for your child's rights. [emoji849][emoji849]

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For those of you who are not from the United States or who have never attended a visitation, this is a short video showing what it looks like. The difference is that most I have been to would show a long line of people waiting.

Note that this one is in a funeral home. However, the exact same thing often is at a church. In those cases, the body is generally toward the front of the church and people gather in the pews to chat.

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Thank you. I've never attended anything like that.

All the funerals I've attended, the funeral procession sets off from the home of closest relative to either the church or crematorium, then there is a service to speak about the deceased, followed by the burial or cremation, and then a reception is held afterwards in a nearby venue with a buffet for attendees.
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic here but I have a sneaking suspicion that Earl didn't actually kill her. In fact, I'm having a hard time thinking her death may have been intentional at all. So far as I am aware a M.E. is able to make a determination as to manner of death pretty quickly, COD can take a little time if there are not obvious injuries. Just look at the Caylee Anthony case, Dr G was able to announce manner of death I believe the day after Caylee's autopsy (please correct me if I'm wrong about that). Since they have Earl is custody and if there was any evidence to even merely suggest he was responsible for her death I would imagine they would have laid those charges on him by now. I know it isn't a popular opinion since everyone wants to hang Earl but I think he may very well be innocent.

From my memory of little Caylee's COD i don't think that Dr. G. could tell exactly how Caylee died because there were only skeletonised remains recovered. But as dr. G. stated no toddler should of ever be found with duct tape around their face or words to that effect.
Thank you. I've never attended anything like that.

All the funerals I've attended, the funeral procession sets off from the home of closest relative to either the church or crematorium, then there is a service to speak about the deceased, followed by the burial or cremation, and then a reception is held afterwards in a nearby venue with a buffet for attendees.
We also often have a gathering with food after the funeral and burial. Typically, this is in the church hall and the church provides the food and people to serve it.

I was in Ireland once when my host joined a funeral procession, and I found it fascinating and touching how people would wait by the front window in their homes for the procession to come down their street and join it from there, walking to the church behind the casket.

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Maybe I'm just being pessimistic here but I have a sneaking suspicion that Earl didn't actually kill her. In fact, I'm having a hard time thinking her death may have been intentional at all. So far as I am aware a M.E. is able to make a determination as to manner of death pretty quickly, COD can take a little time if there are not obvious injuries. Just look at the Caylee Anthony case, Dr G was able to announce manner of death I believe the day after Caylee's autopsy (please correct me if I'm wrong about that). Since they have Earl is custody and if there was any evidence to even merely suggest he was responsible for her death I would imagine they would have laid those charges on him by now. I know it isn't a popular opinion since everyone wants to hang Earl but I think he may very well be innocent.
We still don't have COD on Sherin Mathews, but both parents are in jail on charges of neglect, and the father's charges include having neglected her in a way that produced her death. So I do not worry that these parents might not be charged with more as well. They are simply covering all bases so that they can charge them with the maximum, IMO.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic here but I have a sneaking suspicion that Earl didn't actually kill her. In fact, I'm having a hard time thinking her death may have been intentional at all. So far as I am aware a M.E. is able to make a determination as to manner of death pretty quickly, COD can take a little time if there are not obvious injuries. Just look at the Caylee Anthony case, Dr G was able to announce manner of death I believe the day after Caylee's autopsy (please correct me if I'm wrong about that). Since they have Earl is custody and if there was any evidence to even merely suggest he was responsible for her death I would imagine they would have laid those charges on him by now. I know it isn't a popular opinion since everyone wants to hang Earl but I think he may very well be innocent.
I have to admit I am a little nervous that there have been no muder charges yet. JMO
I'm wondering why KW hasn't been charged. Immunity?
In the Sherin Mathews case, the father was charged almost immediately, while the mother's charges came later. I believe they are simply building the best case possible here, and charges will come.

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I'm wondering why KW hasn't been charged. Immunity?

I’m really hoping this won’t be the case!! It looks like LE are being very thorough. I’m very impatient and have to continually remind myself that a good investigation takes time.

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Maybe I'm just being pessimistic here but I have a sneaking suspicion that Earl didn't actually kill her. In fact, I'm having a hard time thinking her death may have been intentional at all. So far as I am aware a M.E. is able to make a determination as to manner of death pretty quickly, COD can take a little time if there are not obvious injuries. Just look at the Caylee Anthony case, Dr G was able to announce manner of death I believe the day after Caylee's autopsy (please correct me if I'm wrong about that). Since they have Earl is custody and if there was any evidence to even merely suggest he was responsible for her death I would imagine they would have laid those charges on him by now. I know it isn't a popular opinion since everyone wants to hang Earl but I think he may very well be innocent.
I'm still open to other explanations too.
What's a visitation? When we had family funerals there is a "viewing", where you can go and see your loved one before the funeral and spend some private time, and then the funeral after that.

I'm sure someone has beat me to this as I'm always a few pages behind, *sigh*, but just in case; I think your viewing is likely the same thing, I hear them referred to both ways. A visitation is simply time for the community to come say their goodbye's and pay respects to family members, usually the night or two before a funeral (depending on expected crowd) and/or morning before funeral service.
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic here but I have a sneaking suspicion that Earl didn't actually kill her. In fact, I'm having a hard time thinking her death may have been intentional at all. So far as I am aware a M.E. is able to make a determination as to manner of death pretty quickly, COD can take a little time if there are not obvious injuries. Just look at the Caylee Anthony case, Dr G was able to announce manner of death I believe the day after Caylee's autopsy (please correct me if I'm wrong about that). Since they have Earl is custody and if there was any evidence to even merely suggest he was responsible for her death I would imagine they would have laid those charges on him by now. I know it isn't a popular opinion since everyone wants to hang Earl but I think he may very well be innocent.

hm...good post...i've been questioning why they haven't named COD since "he is charged with disposing of a body that died from unnatural causes". if they know her death was "unnatural" that early on they must have SOME idea of how she died. also, his charge of removing her from the scene of her death points to them knowing exactly where she died. so if they have the how and the where, they're obviously struggling with the who. kwim?
From my memory of little Caylee's COD i don't think that Dr. G. could tell exactly how Caylee died because there were only skeletonised remains recovered. But as dr. G. stated no toddler should of ever be found with duct tape around their face or words to that effect.

Yep, that's right. She wasn't able to determine COD but she was able to determine manner of death.
Ah, so funeral takes place before visitation? I thought it might be the equivalent of what we term a wake.

The terminology is a bit different.

They (US) seem to have the same term "viewing of the body" which we do prior to the funeral (if we choose to).

So the 'visitation' is occurring at that "viewing of the body" stage, prior to the funeral. The body will be laid out in a casket (coffin) and family can go to do the viewing and sit and pray with the body of their loved one.

In this case there will also be time when the public can go and "pay their respects" You know like when a monarch dies and they lay in state and the public can go to pay their respects. I'm interpreting it as that kind of thing...the 'lying in' stage.

So this is all prior to the holding of a funeral and not the equivalent of a wake.
I want to express my appreciation for all LE, ME, volunteers, etc, who are working so diligently, and meticulously to find the truth, and justice for Mariah.
I know we all want results fast, however many of us do not fully comprehend what such an endeavor entails. I'm sure Mariah has been treated with more tender loving care at autopsy time, then she was in her short little life.
It's so true "you only get one shot". Thank you for making sure that shot is strong,and true.
We still don't have COD on Sherin Mathews, but both parents are in jail on charges of neglect, and the father's charges include having neglected her in a way that produced her death. So I do not worry that these parents might not be charged with more as well. They are simply covering all bases so that they can charge them with the maximum, IMO.

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I'm not talking about cause of death. I'm talking about manner of death.

Cause of Death is the actual cause (for example: overdose, blunt force trauma, metastatic lung cancer, etc).

Manner of death is what was the manner of the death. There are 5 possible manners of death: Homicide, Suicide, Accidental, Natural or Undetermined.

Homicide: a death caused at the hands of another, not necessarily criminal just caused by another human being.
Suicide: death by your own hand.
Accidental: Just that, an accident.
Natural: a natural cause of death like disease, terminal illness, etc.
Undetermined: No flippin clue what happened.
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