GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #10

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I'm not sure what's going on regarding who is emailing what to whom about searches. Obviously peeps on WS, who don't live anywhere near NC, can't physically help to search for Kelli.

As far as anyone having egg on their face when and if the truth comes out, be sure you're sure you know who claims TO KNOW already exactly who is to blame for Kelli's disappearance. Most of us don't know the answer yet. Some people KNOW it is NH. If it turns out he is responsible, I don't think that by keeping an open mind until additional facts are revealed means one ending up with egg on their face. I'm not sure I understand the reason for that remark.

I'm glad to know that LE is working on the case and don't doubt that. They haven't revealed any new information publically, so there's no way for us to know if the investigation has taken any unusual turns or not.

It seems that engaging a professional formal search team for the task of finding Kelli, would be a wise choice and aid the searchers in covering more ground in less time. The current searchers are wonderful to keep on searching all by themselves and deserve our praise. Still, I question the decision someone made to forgo utilizing a search team that would accelerate the search considering their years of experience along with the special equipment that's available to them. I don't get it. Who made that decision? Just asking as the question has been weighing on my mind.

Why hasn't Kelli been located in the surrounding area of where she disappeared after months and months worth of searches that have taken place? What makes police so sure that she'll be found in the immediate area after all this time? If they're so sure, they must have more information but they haven't revealed it or charged NH with a crime against Kelli.

Not sure what the absence of information means but it leaves the case open for discussion. :twocents:
I assumed that jlm stating "updates direct from the orgaizers" meant the search organizers were part of this group which is a false statement. Obviously, the group does not do accurate updates if they missed the past two searches. I subscribed to this group and unsubscribed this past week when I stated getting information about other cases/news ... I thought it was about Kelli. What does it being established for months have to do with anything? Anyone can create a webpage.

:waitasec:, you're against helping someone spread info regarding searches for other missing people?

Come on, this makes no sense. What's your real beef?
Is that an assumption? Or do you know something he and other detectives don't? ;)

We don't know what the detective knows. You know we don't. Therefore, we continue to make assumptions because some of us figure if the detective had concrete evidence, he'd make an arrest which would put an end to much of the speculation regarding other possible perps.

Let me also say, if I was Kelli's innocent spouse, I'd be making specific comments about where I was when and with whom. Also, I'd look and act more concerned and forlorn regarding Kelli's missing status. This would come as a natural response from within me and other people wouldn't doubt my suffering. Olivia showed this response along with her mother. It erupts from within - one can't help the emotion from surfacing. I hope my husband would show an inkling of genuine emotion if he thought I had been kidnapped and possibly killed. Everyone is different I guess but we're all entitled to our own opinions and what we think we saw in the way of what is missing.

Maybe LE sees something different. I know they pay close attention to these kinds of things when interviewing people who are close to situations like this. Maybe MB has passed LE's smell test.
I don't think we need to worry about who has egg on their face and who doesn't. What we need to worry about is what can be done to help find Kelli. I would gladly wear the egg on the face if it meant finding Kelli. I was happy to see movement on Kelli's thread again. We all don't have to agree with each other but we should be able to toss about reasonable lines of thought. At the risk of sounding corny, the answers are there, we just can't see them yet. Keep sounding it out.
Hello everybody! I wanted to pass on something a "little bird" told me. Word for word, I was told I should "look up the crime blotter for Ramsey St in Fayetteville... You may find an interesting trend. Public knowledge + map dots..."

Here is the FPD crime map-

I am currently swamped so I haven't had the time to adequately follow through with this. I did a quick check but the only "trend" I noticed for one random address on Ramsey St was a huge amount of larceny calls and to a lesser extent drug violations. I was expecting to see excessive sexual assaults but for this particular address that was not so. Like I said, I haven't given this much though yet so I'm not sure what "trend" I should be noticing. And I am not sure what the "public knowledge" part meant, perhaps a forum or comments section associated with a particular area?

And I know this came up the last time I passed on information so I will address it- I do not have any news source to back up this "advice", and the individual who passed it onto me is not interested in making their affiliation with the FPD public. I understand the prevalence of unreliable sources, but please know that I only aim to do good. If it were up to me, I would take the steps to make them a verified insider. Unfortunately, that is not my decision to make and I must respect theirs.
Another thing, I was sharing a theory regarding the Cape Fear River and the potential for a body to be carried far beyond the city limits or to the ocean when I was told that "Fayetteville and surrounding areas have literally been picked clean. There is a private party that conducts new grid searches on a weekly basis. The water could move a body pretty far but the odds of it not getting snagged and making it to the ocean before disbursement are highly unlikely."
Hi Chellebelle,

I'm looking at that map and the various points along Ramsey St. over the last 6 months, which covers the time period Kelli's been missing.

Looks like typical crimes involving burglaries, larcenies, some drugs, some domestic calls, some vandalism, etc. If there's something that should be jumping out, it's not, at least not to me. I appreciate your sharing what you've been told, but I don't know what info your contact is trying to impart and what s/he means.

The way I see the case: either NH is directly involved in KB's disappearance and death or he's not. A crime map of the F'ville area doesn't answer that particular question. F'ville is a crime-ridden area in general with pockets of higher activity in certain parts. We know that, including along or near Ramsey Rd.

Someone else will have to figure this little riddle out because I'm not seeing the point that your source is making.
Hi Madeleine, I added the Bar's address and checked out the stats for the pat 180 days. 27% were larceny, 21% burglary, and the only other noteworthy detail would be the "all other offenses", 3 of which are labeled "death investigations". This was only a 1 mile radius surrounding the bar, and within 3 months of each other. I wish there was more information regarding the circumstances. I know that for the LAPD/LASD crime maps the greater offense takes priority, so they may have been sexually motivated homicides, drug related, etc. When I look at the stats for the past year, the death investigation only jumps up to 5, which makes me question the 3 grouped cases. I am going to poke around a bit more and look into the actual locations and possible scenarios of the various death investigations.

Past 90 Days:
Larceny 42 27.3%
Burglary 33 21.4%
Vandalism 18 11.7%
Simple Assault 13 8.4%
Fraud 11 7.1%
Vehicle Theft 9 5.8%
All Other Offenses7 4.5%
undefined 5 3.2%
User Defined 4 2.6%
Additional Categories 3 1.9%
Forgery-Counterfeiting 2 1.3%
Driving While Impaired 2 1.3%
Robbery 2 1.3%
Aggr Assault 1 .6%
Drug/Narcotic Offenses 1 .6%
Sex Offenses 1 .6%
Other than the fact that there's a serial rapist who has been raping on Ramsey Street since 2006 with now at least 7 known victims. Also, about 8 miles away (West) there's another serial rapist who has at least 8 victims.

Hi Madeleine, I added the Bar's address and checked out the stats for the pat 180 days. 27% were larceny, 21% burglary, and the only other noteworthy detail would be the "all other offenses", 3 of which are labeled "death investigations". This was only a 1 mile radius surrounding the bar, and within 3 months of each other. I wish there was more information regarding the circumstances. I know that for the LAPD/LASD crime maps the greater offense takes priority, so they may have been sexually motivated homicides, drug related, etc. When I look at the stats for the past year, the death investigation only jumps up to 5, which makes me question the 3 grouped cases. I am going to poke around a bit more and look into the actual locations and possible scenarios of the various death investigations.

Past 90 Days:
Larceny 42 27.3%
Burglary 33 21.4%
Vandalism 18 11.7%
Simple Assault 13 8.4%
Fraud 11 7.1%
Vehicle Theft 9 5.8%
All Other Offenses7 4.5%
undefined 5 3.2%
User Defined 4 2.6%
Additional Categories 3 1.9%
Forgery-Counterfeiting 2 1.3%
Driving While Impaired 2 1.3%
Robbery 2 1.3%
Aggr Assault 1 .6%
Drug/Narcotic Offenses 1 .6%
Sex Offenses 1 .6%
Other than the fact that there's a serial rapist who has been raping on Ramsey Street since 2006 with now at least 7 known victims. Also, about 8 miles away (West) there's another serial rapist who has at least 8 victims.

I was actually just about to touch on that. Why aren't sexual offenses being displayed on this map? I am focusing on the area around the 295 and Ramsey St, maybe this will change once I widen the parameters.

I have studied the darn map around the 295/Ramsey St and I just see a ton of property crime, the vast majority being larceny/burglary. From what I recall, there was no evidence that Kelli ever made in back into her home so I’m not sure those are relevant. I did notice Kelli was not listed on the map, neither were other cases involving kidnappings/missing persons. I also wonder about the lack of sexual offenses in an area with such a high crime rate. Assault also seems a bit low. I guess I have to do some research on the techniques used to create the map…

After looking into the 3 most recent death investigations I found a whole lotta nothin’! They all appear to be due to natural causes.

8/31/2012- 313 St Martins Pl Fayetteville, NC 28311

I found some bankruptcy records for a Mitchell Allen Bacher and Tracey Matthews Bacher from April 2012 that indicates the home was set for auction. I found his obituary, he was clearly very loved and a respected patriot-
“FAYETTEVILLE - Retired Army Sgt. 1st Class Mitchell Allen "Mitch" Bacher passed away unexpectedly on Friday, August 31, 2012, in his home in Fayetteville, at the age of 51. Mitch was born in Rhinelander, Wis., Oct. 18, 1960, to Norman and Rita Scott Deede. He graduated from SPASH in Steven Point, Wis. in 1979. Mitch served his country with honor for 21 years in the U.S. Army, most of that time was spent in Special Forces.”
This doesn’t seem to indicate foul play, so I’m not sure why it remains on the crime map. I’m sure it is just coincidence, but it is the second death of involving military personnel within a matter of months.


7/4/2012 6308 Touchtone Drive, Fayetteville NC

“Marshonda Rhodie, 37, of 6308 Touchtone Drive, Fayetteville died Wednesday at home.”
I can’t find more details about her death.

7/10/2012 6076 iverleigh circle fayetteville nc

“Jeffrey Charles Riddle, a general contractor and former Cumberland County deputy sheriff, died July 10 after a long battle with kidney disease and diabetes. He was 50.”

Sundrop, I belive this is the rapist from the assaults on the other side of town. Northside is still on the loose. I remember there was also a sexual assault off of Andrews, during the day, but I am not sure if that was connected to the others or not? I think the ones in Kings Grant, Heather Ridge and the one of off Oates were all connected. I believe most happened in the early hours. I cannot help but wonder, if NH really did let her off where he said, perhaps the rapist was hiding and waiting for someone else, and came accross Kelli?
Sorry for all the confusion, I got some clarification on the crime mapping and we were at a disadvantage due to the limited radius. The "interesting trend" was referring to the two serial rapists that many of you have already mentioned.

Kelli would reflect an escalation in MO but "all predators escalate..."
You are very correct Chelle Belle. I am also guessing that when the perp broke in to these places, the victims were likely sleeping, allowing them to be subdued more quickly. I know Kelli would have fought back, being awake and alert. I know she was drinking, but from what I have heard she drank, over the time she drank it, probably alert enough. I wish they would catch this predator quickly!! From what I have heard, the last rape that was connected to this serial rapist, was after NH was in prison, so that would rule him out. I have never heard any follow up to the rape that happened to the femal soldier who was jogging in Carvers Falls. That area is a hop, skip and a jump form Froggy Bottoms.
Sorry if this has already been posted, but here is a link that goes into some detail regarding a geographical profile of the rapes. It puts Kelli's apartment right smack in the high risk section of the probability map.

I really don't know where I stand with this case anymore. Poor Kelli has met so many of the "red flag" criteria-

1. Marital problems- I know Mike says they were not having problems, but I think it appears something was up...
2. Last known contact was a RSO
3. Resided and last seen in an area of high crime rates
4. Resided and last seen in an area with multiple unsolved sexual assaults, the last of which was only one month prior
4. Alcohol consumption on the night of her disappearance
5. She reportedly walked 1/4 mile alone

Any one of these could indicate underlying foul play, but 5 all at once? She had no idea how risky her life had become :(
Until #2 on your list has been cleared (and I guess perhaps #1 as well), the other risk factors were always there before and nothing new seems to be in play.

We don't know that Kelli walked anywhere that fateful night. NH said he let her out of the car, but we don't know if that's true. I realize some want to treat everything NH says as the gospel truth, but I don't trust what he says. Further, I read some statement analysis that someone referred to (not on this site) and it helped me understand how and why I didn't trust NH when I saw his interviews.

I'm not saying NH did it, but he is still a POI.
We don't know that Kelli walked anywhere that fateful night. NH said he let her out of the car, but we don't know if that's true.

You are right, that has not been verified and I should have taken that into account. Can you share the link for the statement analysis? Thanks!
Someone here mentioned a statement analysis for NH and I used Google to find it.
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