NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, missing from her home 11/10/09 #5

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The slience today is deafening. No information being released. Getting tired of re-hashing the same old stuff.

Shaniya it is time to come home.

It has been over 18 hours since a news update or rehash was posted.

I second you, eleph - this baby needs to come home! We need to know where to look for her.

If her Grandparents are involved, I hope they are prepared to answer a lot of questions. Kidnapping should not have been necessary. Calling CPS and going through the system, while time consuming and nerve rattleling (sp?) would still have been preferable.

Has anyone else visited the IS boards and read the posts left by someone stating they are a friend of Shaniya's dad? I am in the middle of reading them, he began posting Thursday night I believe.

Do you have a link?


I saw more of a biting his lip kind of thing from McNeil, as opposed to holding back tears, but not snark and attitude that some people seem to have been seeing.

I admit, it's just my opinion. What I see as an attempt to hold his silence could really be the attitude, I'm just interpreting it different.
I still say that LE should haul the mother and her sister in for obstructing justice or with holding evidence... Both of these women seem to have other children and putting them behind bars for a few days may 'press' them to talk!
I still have strong feelings that the mother is behind ALL of this! If she is, she needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent! I can't believe the ignorance of some parents... This has to be emotional trauma for the child!

Think about all of the people who are looking for this sweet girl!

Once again, praying for Shaniya' safe and speedy recovery :)
I see ya down there Kelly:poke:

Girl, where ya been all day????
There is a secret trap door our members sneak
I just checked WRAL.COM's home page, there is not 1 single thing on it about Shaniya. I know not much has been released, but her picture should be on the front of every local news site IMO. She is still missing.
I just checked WRAL.COM's home page, there is not 1 single thing on it about Shaniya. I know not much has been released, but her picture should be on the front of every local news site IMO. She is still missing.

Yes, this story sure fell off the front page in record time, didn't it?

Makes me :furious:.
I just checked WRAL.COM's home page, there is not 1 single thing on it about Shaniya. I know not much has been released, but her picture should be on the front of every local news site IMO. She is still missing.
ITA and in light of it being a US Wide amber alert it SHOULD BE THERE!~
I would think the twists and turns alone would have reporters talking about it non stop. Not to mention she is from the area and she is missing. I just don't get it.
Well, the "Don't Miss It - Pet Photos" link is still least they are not dropping the ball on that important bit of info for their viewers. IMO
I have finally caught up again. Whew!

One fact we do have is one we have all seen with our own eyes, and that is still pics of Mario at the hotel with Shaniya.

I have no idea what has happened here and don't pretend to. However; I do wish that the night auditor had been more suspicious of a man coming in at that hour of the morning carrying a young child. I know I would have been, and especially if the child had a t-shirt and no shoes. Both Mario and Shaniya's hair was desheveled. That is a nice hotel and I would think that very few guests would come in looking like that. JMO.

One thing is for sure, and that is the night auditor would know exactly what room Mario and Shaniya went to. LE would have been at a disadvantage forensically when getting into that room later on because it was (IMO) cleaned at that point and maybe even assigned to another guest. Something happened in that room for an hour. What?

I am leaning toward Shaniya being handed off to someone. I get a whole 'nother vibe from Mario than some do. I do not see a guy close to tears in the courtroom appearance. I see a sullen ex-con that looks like he is thinking "Okay, you got me for having taken Shaniya and I am not saying another word. I turned myself in." Evidently Mario has money because he does not have a court appointed lawyer. Did he sell Shaniya?

Finally; we know that LE always knows more than we do. If there is a video of Mario and Shaniya going into the hotel, then is there one of Mario going out alone or at all? I think the so-called Mom knows exactly what happened with Shaniya. I am disgusted with the Mom and Aunt surrounding these children with ex-cons, as well as with the living conditions.

The longer this situation with Shaniya goes on, the less likely she is alive, IMO. Sorry for the long post! Absolutely nothing makes sense in this case! I just finally had to comment!
I just used their contact link to send them a comment about the lack of at least a picture of Shaniya on home page. FWIW

I think it's a shame.
I see ya down there Kelly:poke:

Girl, where ya been all day????
Well, you know all about this I'm sure...Toys for Tots softball tourney here this weekend, hubby plays travel ball, so I have been at the field, snuck home hoping for answers in this case, but now I have more questions than ever..
Sorry, I went down the rabbit hole to the basement, I needed some input on something completely off topic.
Well, you know all about this I'm sure...Toys for Tots softball tourney here this weekend, hubby plays travel ball, so I have been at the field, snuck home hoping for answers in this case, but now I have more questions than ever..

Oh yeah girl, I know all about a ballpark!!!!
Thank God my hubby bought me an iphone last year for my happy day so I can keep up between games. Hate posting on it, but I read on it all the time.

Yeah this carp gets more and more crazy. I wonder why we have not heard any news at all today. Hoping that is a good sign. Maybe it will be all done and she will be safe when they do decide to update us.
Maybe after they aired their oopsie (with Coe) and then corrected it (with McNeil) LE is just thinking it better to stay quiet until they get Shaniya.
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