NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 3

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Remember Jason Young......The day before DT started presenting their case, they sprung it on the DA's office, giving them only 1 night to prepare.

And lord have mercy, Becky H. was blindsided and didn't do a quality cross on him because they had just heard, for the very first time, what he had to say. I wanted her to keep him on the stand for 2 or 3 days. Or 18 as in the case of Jodi Arias. At least they were able to use his testimony to trip him up in the 2nd trial, thankfully.
Janet's sister is up - she's such a sincere witness.

"She was slowly disappearing." "I don't want to say empty, because she still had a soul, but her personality was gone."

This is so typical of women in abusive relationships. Poor, poor Janet.
The contacts have surfaced again, this time by way of JA's sister. Did we ever find out if she had her contacts in when they exhumed her body?
Janet's sister is up - she's such a sincere witness.

"She was slowly disappearing." "I don't want to say empty, because she still had a soul, but her personality was gone."

This is so typical of women in abusive relationships. Poor, poor Janet.

I am thinking the same thing. When she mentioned that JA's personality was gone I got a bit teary.
Short day again tomorrow, will go until around 1 at the latest per Judge Hudson.
Dang, Dang! Judge Hudson was just telling the attorneys, after the jury left, there was a question from one of the jurors and my feed started buffering. It's still buffering so I'm not getting anything. If anybody is watching, please let us know what the juror's question is.
Did they conclude for the day? I totally forgot to put the feed back up. Grrr
Did they conclude for the day? I totally forgot to put the feed back up. Grrr

Yes, they ended with the sister and it was about 12 til 5. Tomorrow will be another short day.
Dang, Dang! Judge Hudson was just telling the attorneys, after the jury left, there was a question from one of the jurors and my feed started buffering. It's still buffering so I'm not getting anything. If anybody is watching, please let us know what the juror's question is.
Same thing happened to me and I came here to find out what the juror asked.

Same thing happened to me and I came here to find out what the juror asked.


I haven't had to watch any of the testimony when WRAL posts the feeds at the end of each day... but I think I'm going to have to tonight because my curiosity is like a child's. Unless somebody else heard it and will post on here. I thought it was pretty neat that the jurors got to ask questions in the Jodi A. trial.
IDK, KK&S -- Somebody on that side of the room is manic-panic about it.

:scared: .. :hills: .. :crazy: .. :razz: .. :eek: .. :doorhide: .. :panic: .. :skip: .. :noooo: .. :gasp: .. :what: .. :hiding: ..:eek:verreaction:

I do wonder if Mr. Wonderful read there (here)?? Do y'all remember whether he did? Why wouldn't he have -- how many Google searches for Abaroa or Raven Abaroa or Janet Abaroa has he done in his lifetime, since he thought so very much of himself & maybe was (I hope) just a bit worried about his future?

Maybe RA is the one driving this mania/phobia bus about WS; I thought it was his Def Team who was so curious. Will we ever hear Some Huge Evidence on a WS board about his case? Or will it just die with not a bang but a whimper, as I suspect?

Final thought about that -- if viewers/readers about this trial hear about WS and aren't familiar with it, you can bet some of them have checked on it by now!! And the more the merrier here, I always say. We're a big bunch of good and diverse folks, and we'd love to have more!

Oh, Mr. Wonderful was on WS many, many times. Always under some made-up name. But yes, he was on WS, and had some of his family members on it too - defending Raven, even though so many of his lies and actions were beginning to be exposed.
Oh, Mr. Wonderful was on WS many, many times. Always under some made-up name. But yes, he was on WS, and had some of his family members on it too - defending Raven, even though so many of his lies and actions were beginning to be exposed.

wth, for reals? Lame. You know, if they came out as family members, I would give them the benefit of love - but this undercover mother is just BS. :drumroll:
Originally Posted by tarheellvr [ame=""]

Remember Jason Young......The day before DT started presenting their case, they sprung it on the DA's office, giving them only 1 night to prepare.

And lord have mercy, Becky H. was blindsided and didn't do a quality cross on him because they had just heard, for the very first time, what he had to say. I wanted her to keep him on the stand for 2 or 3 days. Or 18 as in the case of Jodi Arias. At least they were able to use his testimony to trip him up in the 2nd trial, thankfully.


(((Hugs))) to you :seeya: -- :seeya: both, fellow North Carolinians!

Oh, 'Heel, East, don't remind me!

Unforgivable, IMO. Why weren't they ready just in case? Grrrrrrr. And they dayam near lost the whole flippin' thing. If Stephens had sent that jury back for a third try at a verdict, that little sniveling coward and his poowie parlor tricks would be out here with the rest of us. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

But he's snot. Er, um, he's not.


Great verdict today, Peeps! The next one prolly won't be quite so quick, and the verdict may not be what a lot of us would like to see. But with the Aggravated/Cruelty now on the record, no way she'll get life-with-parole if she doesn't get the DP, no way. It'll be LWOP -- the way we do it here in NC. No parole. Period.
(((Hugs))) to you :seeya: -- :seeya: both, fellow North Carolinians!

Oh, 'Heel, East, don't remind me!

Unforgivable, IMO. Why weren't they ready just in case? Grrrrrrr.
And they dayam near lost the whole flippin' thing. If Stephens had sent that jury back for a third try at a verdict, that little sniveling coward and his poowie parlor tricks would be out here with the rest of us. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

But he's snot. Er, um, he's not.


Great verdict today, Peeps! The next one prolly won't be quite so quick, and the verdict may not be what a lot of us would like to see. But with the Aggravated/Cruelty now on the record, no way she'll get life-with-parole if she doesn't get the DP, no way. It'll be LWOP -- the way we do it here in NC. No parole. Period.

Exactly right. Prosecutors have to be prepared. It's their damn job!!!

as for the other trial, I am a death penalty opponent, so my vote is lwop.
Exactly right. Prosecutors have to be prepared. It's their damn job!!!

as for the other trial, I am a death penalty opponent, so my vote is lwop.

I certainly respect your view on the death penalty Seattle. I personally have a mixed opinion about it, even as old as I am. But don't you think the Jodi A. case is a prime example of why some states still have death? I think that case and trial will be a law school case in point for the next 100 years. I am anxious to see the final outcome. Of course, in her interview after the guilty verdict last week she stated she wanted the death penalty so LWP may be better punishment.
Janet's sister is up - she's such a sincere witness.

"She was slowly disappearing." "I don't want to say empty, because she still had a soul, but her personality was gone."

This is so typical of women in abusive relationships. Poor, poor Janet.


Compartmentalizer (Freud, can ya hear me?!) that I yam, I keep little notebooks on some trials I watch. And I've got a little pink one for Janet.

I took those two bbm'd sentences and wrote them down because I couldn't not write them down. Oh, guera and peeps, doesn't that just say it all?

If her sister had seen Janet every other day or so, she would have seen the same thing but in a more torturous way -- every day, there was a little bit less of Janet; the brightness, humor, mischievousness, joy in life, looking forward to tomorrow, all that was getting stomped out like a leaf-pile fire, and Raven was doing the stomping and he did it many times a day, every day that he saw her.

He knew she was many steps ahead of him, especially in the game he felt he was best at -- well, she was better. And she could keep her jobs; she had more friends; she was smarter and worked harder. He had to be the first and the best, and he knew her vulnerabilities -- some of them being that the woman in the Mormon marriage is indeed subservient and could only have certain rewards through her husband. Oh, how he used that! (I have recently talked several hours with a Mormon GF who says that is true, but a good husband will make things in the relationship fit how the two of them want to live and be with each other -- it absolutely doesn't have to be adversarial, cruel or uneven. And my GF is a bit bossy and she admits it!)

Raven was sick of marriage, he wanted to be a teenager again, so he made Janet pay for it every day. I'm sure it gave him great delight -- he did it because he could. Did Janet speak to him about another separation? Did she want them to visit the bishop and do penance? Did she tell him she was going to take Kaiden and move back home? What put him in such a murderous state?
Janet's sister is up - she's such a sincere witness.

"She was slowly disappearing." "I don't want to say empty, because she still had a soul, but her personality was gone."

This is so typical of women in abusive relationships. Poor, poor Janet.
Did that not break your heart!! She also said Janet was a private person who didn't like to air her 'dirty laundry'.

I was finally able to watch that video that Raven made in 2010 where he expresses his desire to go after WS for slander and... did he say liable? I'm wondering if Tricia is aware of how much talk there has been about WS in this trial. If... and I'm just speculating here, he doesn't get convicted in this case AND he get's his hands on that insurance money, I wonder if he will try to come after Tricia and WS. I'm sure Tricia has been through this before with different defendants. I would sure like her to come over to our little forum and tell us how all that works.
What's up with Jennifer Dawson? Again, my feed is jumping around but it seems like the defense is really hammering this point (or my feed keeps jumping back to the same place, haha).

Seems to me like Jennifer Dawson and Raven had a longstanding relationship.

It was stated they had a relationship while Raven and Janet were, hello he was having a relationship at that time with Jennifer Walker at that time when Raven and Janet were separated that was the reason why.

So why was Raven hiding this girl? So basically end of 2003-2004, then again in 2006-2007? Did I hear this testimony right?
Oh, Mr. Wonderful was on WS many, many times. Always under some made-up name. But yes, he was on WS, and had some of his family members on it too - defending Raven, even though so many of his lies and actions were beginning to be exposed.

Yep it's true, but some of them will defend him to the end or face the wrath.

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