ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

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I believe that many times the FBI is brought into a case for the reason of crimes crossing state lines and using computers to send messages regarding crimes and motive. Using telephones and computers brings FCC and federal laws and jurisdictions. Also in smaller jurisdictions crime labs are usually way behind on processing of evidence. In cases as an example of material and DNA under the fingernails of the victim. There is such a small amount of material that if it is sent to the state lab or county lab, each time it is examined the amount is used for testing plus the chain of custody gets more clouded each time it is handled.
So sending the evidence to the FBI labs in VA is more credible and faster but also the smallest amount is used for testing one time and with shortest chain of custody.

Also I think it is possible in this case the possible suspect pool may be of a younger age and no criminal activity or felonies in their background. Therefor LE might well have a bunch of DNA samples, yet no profiles to compare them to or anyone in the overall database with a match. LE cannot just go around willy nilly asking for DNA samples without probable cause. Not to mention the cost of running them has to be justified.

If I were the Bearson's, I'd ask for details about Tom's DUI. Why was he at the hospital? Rocco, IBSLEUTHIN, Proud Papa: any of you have any information/thoughts on why that would be?

Generally, when someone is pulled over for DUI and they appear to be highly intoxicated, the police will bring them somewhere for their own safety. This usually means the person is taken either to a "drunk tank" to wait out the intoxication, or if the police feel this person is at risk, to some sort of medical facility (hospital, or in some larger jails) to receive attention. Given that the news has indicated that during this DUI, sobriety tests were not completed because the police officer felt concern for TB's safety, I would expect the police officer would have brought him to a hospital to be hooked up to a banana bag or examine him to ensure he was just drunk and didn't have something else going on. It's not really necessary for someone to be brought to the hospital for just a blood draw to find a BAC, so it would have been something else, more than likely.

It's not as uncommon as you think - a lot of times when people are really, really drunk (not talking just your standard drunkenness) and are involved in some sort of situation with the police (DUI, assault, disorderly), they get brought to the hospital or some sort of facility to be checked out. Hope that helps!
I think you are misunderstanding or redirecting what I said. Since you are the Super Duper Sluther of all time. (and I mean no disrespect for your personal theories and opinions when I say) Do you know what a storm front is? Glad you were able to find the "rainfall" on that particular day.... I never said it was a monsoon. Please tell us all who were there that afternoon about the wind speed and the general conditions that day as well. I was on campus that weekend. So if you want to debate the actual weather conditions with me... GO! I would prefer you just be civil and stop with the right or wrong argument myself.

How old are you? I stopped calling myself "super duper sleuth of all time" when I was about 12.

If you don't like my theories, move on. Don't pay me no mind. How hard is it? I am simply defending my theory from your arguments.

There are a lot of us that don't agree but you are the only one acting like a high school girl putting the rest of us down.
I debated whether or not to post this as it seemed to be a bit off topic, but today I'm in a bit of a mood so here I go.
It was reported earlier this week in the Fargo Forum that NDSU President Dean Bresciani has a personal bodyguard/chauffeur, official title: Captain of Special Project Operations, described by the University as "Security Liaison" and paid $80,000 per year.
Its disturbing to think the "Security Liaison's" priority is driving Miss Daisy rather than actually offering Security to the University. According to the Forum, Bresciani was driven a total of 112 times in an 18 month period to various events--local and statewide. I am flabbergasted that the on campus cameras are inoperable (or maybe they do operate, but no one can apparently confirm) yet funds are spent to pay for a personal bodyguard. I'm boiling right now...and I'm sure that in 10 days when my student loan payment to the Bank of North Dakota comes out of my account, I'll be in a jovial spirit.
I just can't imagine what TB's parents are going through--and this type of information has to be like salt in the wound.
I debated whether or not to post this as it seemed to be a bit off topic, but today I'm in a bit of a mood so here I go.
It was reported earlier this week in the Fargo Forum that NDSU President Dean Bresciani has a personal bodyguard/chauffeur, official title: Captain of Special Project Operations, described by the University as "Security Liaison" and paid $80,000 per year.
Its disturbing to think the "Security Liaison's" priority is driving Miss Daisy rather than actually offering Security to the University. According to the Forum, Bresciani was driven a total of 112 times in an 18 month period to various events--local and statewide. I am flabbergasted that the on campus cameras are inoperable (or maybe they do operate, but no one can apparently confirm) yet funds are spent to pay for a personal bodyguard. I'm boiling right now...and I'm sure that in 10 days when my student loan payment to the Bank of North Dakota comes out of my account, I'll be in a jovial spirit.
I just can't imagine what TB's parents are going through--and this type of information has to be like salt in the wound.

There is all kinds of unsavory info on NDSU's President on the Internet if one looks.
Not good.
If I were the Bearson's, I'd ask for details about Tom's DUI. Why was he at the hospital? Rocco, IBSLEUTHIN, Proud Papa: any of you have any information/thoughts on why that would be?

I'd bet a lot of money that they already know.

Why do we have to keep picking on the Bearsons as if they are skipping along in life.... they are devastated. Can we ever respect that?

We can all answer the question of why he was at the hospital. It would be an injury or a blood test, or another test to find something (that's already been posted often) like drugs in his system.
I'd bet a lot of money that they already know.

Why do we have to keep picking on the Bearsons as if they are skipping along in life.... they are devastated. Can we ever respect that?

We can all answer the question of why he was at the hospital. It would be an injury or a blood test, or another test to find something (that's already been posted often) like drugs in his system.

I will take you up on that bet.
I do not think they know anything. I don't think LE has told them anything either.

I think this is the Bearson's first experience in a murder investigation & I think they might be trusting LE a little bit too much. I would find myself a lawyer & hire my own private investigator if I were the Bearson's.

Trust me. My advice is not to "pick on them." It comes after watching a friend of mine get treated very disrespectfully from LE not very far away from Fargo. Big mistakes were made because that family didn't know their rights. I'd like the Bearson's to know their rights.
I think you said it very well once Minnesota Mom, this site is not a tribute to Tom. Yes, it is not. That would be another site, the memorial page. Do we need to be respectful of Tom and his family while we are sleuthing, yes we do. Looking at ALL possibilities/scenarios is NOT being disrespectful UNLESS of course, you are the caliber of person that views such things as beneath you, and view such possibilities as meaning Tom or anyone else for that matter is less of human being if it were factual or not. Or…if you are so shallow that you might believe if that were the case it lessens the severity of what has transpired….a murder of a living human being. Some here seem to be having difficulty reading the written English language, and can’t interpret the same when it is posted THIS IS A THEORY or THIS IS A RUMOR, or THIS IS WHAT THE ARTICLE SAYS. IF anyone here really believes that LE (yeah I know some of you think they NEVER do wrong by anyone ever) doesn’t consider the same possibilities and theories, and don’t go through social media as well, then I really don’t even know what to say to that, except naïve, and no…I'd rather not live in THAT world.
Some that come here are simply curious or have interest as they are parents as well. Some are interested in sleuthing theories/scenarios, and contributing in that manner. Some obviously have vested interest whether it be through the victim, through the perpetrator(s), through other involved parties, through law enforcement affiliation, or through NDSU affiliation. Having vested interest unquestionably creates bias, and anger, and offense to others’ theories or speculations. If anyone here can’t see through that transparency, once again, I’m going to choose not to live in THAT world.
Some here act like the see/hear/speak no evil monkeys. Some are notoriously RUDE, and need to grow up or be ignored when they act up….like you need to do with children sometimes. And….don’t feed the bears.
i debated whether or not to post this as it seemed to be a bit off topic, but today i'm in a bit of a mood so here i go.
it was reported earlier this week in the fargo forum that ndsu president dean bresciani has a personal bodyguard/chauffeur, official title: Captain of special project operations, described by the university as "security liaison" and paid $80,000 per year.
Its disturbing to think the "security liaison's" priority is driving miss daisy rather than actually offering security to the university. According to the forum, bresciani was driven a total of 112 times in an 18 month period to various events--local and statewide. I am flabbergasted that the on campus cameras are inoperable (or maybe they do operate, but no one can apparently confirm) yet funds are spent to pay for a personal bodyguard. I'm boiling right now...and i'm sure that in 10 days when my student loan payment to the bank of north dakota comes out of my account, i'll be in a jovial spirit.
I just can't imagine what tb's parents are going through--and this type of information has to be like salt in the wound.

i want that job!!
I'd bet a lot of money that they already know.

Why do we have to keep picking on the Bearsons as if they are skipping along in life.... they are devastated. Can we ever respect that?

We can all answer the question of why he was at the hospital. It would be an injury or a blood test, or another test to find something (that's already been posted often) like drugs in his system.


I've been in the ER lots and lots of times. None of them were alcohol related. I've lived a bizarre, unusual, colorful life and every time I've been in there it's for something new. When I tell a new doctor about some of this they usually don't believe me until they look in my chart.

One time I was going to trim the hooves on our donkey and he did what donkeys do and the rope got wrapped around my ankle and he pulled me in circles around the pasture and tore my knee almost in two.

I also have a variety of food allergies and if I'm in the wrong restaurant and eat the wrong foods...off I go to the ER despite my epipen and benadryl.

He could have been in the ER for ANY reason and the HIPAA laws of that state will protect his right to privacy on that item. When it comes to this issue, I stand firm and strong and say I don't think it's anybody business what he was doing in that ER.

I'm with you 100% on this subject.

Sit two people down on opposite sides of the table facing each other and hold up a fine china plate in between them. Have each person describe the plate. Each person will describe that plate differently, depending on their point of view. However, they are both looking at the exact same object.

If I recall correctly, the last time I jumped on this topic of Tom's family and how they are reacting to this situation, I won an all expense paid trip to the naughty chair that lasted far too long.

So, I'm here to support what you have written here. I've got your 'six' on this completely.

Shortly after this happened, several people asked me to become a verified insider. I started the process and then declined for many very good reasons. The only thing I do regret is not finishing one aspect of this because I can tell anyone that from a professional point of view anyone who thinks that there is a SCRIPT for grieving is WRONG.

Especially when it comes to kids.

We don't know what we would do and we all better get on our knees every night and thank a higher being that we never, ever have to find out.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Bearsons. However, wherever they choose to deal with this God bless them.

Thank you Amanda for all your wonderful posts, you have always been the calm in the storm.
One time I was going to trim the hooves on our donkey and he did what donkeys do and the rope got wrapped around my ankle and he pulled me in circles around the pasture and tore my knee almost in two.

We don't know what we would do and we all better get on our knees every night and thank a higher being that we never, ever have to find out.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Bearsons. However, wherever they choose to deal with this God bless them.

Darn donkeys-they can be such asses............

More importantly - Amen to the rest. I don't know what I would do in the immediate weeks and even months either. But I DO know it wouldn't amount to much of anything productive.

I've been in the ER lots and lots of times. None of them were alcohol related. I've lived a bizarre, unusual, colorful life and every time I've been in there it's for something new. When I tell a new doctor about some of this they usually don't believe me until they look in my chart.

One time I was going to trim the hooves on our donkey and he did what donkeys do and the rope got wrapped around my ankle and he pulled me in circles around the pasture and tore my knee almost in two.

I also have a variety of food allergies and if I'm in the wrong restaurant and eat the wrong foods...off I go to the ER despite my epipen and benadryl.

He could have been in the ER for ANY reason and the HIPAA laws of that state will protect his right to privacy on that item. When it comes to this issue, I stand firm and strong and say I don't think it's anybody business what he was doing in that ER.

I'm with you 100% on this subject.

Sit two people down on opposite sides of the table facing each other and hold up a fine china plate in between them. Have each person describe the plate. Each person will describe that plate differently, depending on their point of view. However, they are both looking at the exact same object.

If I recall correctly, the last time I jumped on this topic of Tom's family and how they are reacting to this situation, I won an all expense paid trip to the naughty chair that lasted far too long.

So, I'm here to support what you have written here. I've got your 'six' on this completely.

Shortly after this happened, several people asked me to become a verified insider. I started the process and then declined for many very good reasons. The only thing I do regret is not finishing one aspect of this because I can tell anyone that from a professional point of view anyone who thinks that there is a SCRIPT for grieving is WRONG.

Especially when it comes to kids.

We don't know what we would do and we all better get on our knees every night and thank a higher being that we never, ever have to find out.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Bearsons. However, wherever they choose to deal with this God bless them.

Thank you Amanda for all your wonderful posts, you have always been the calm in the storm.

Best post in the thread. Thank you both

I've been in the ER lots and lots of times. None of them were alcohol related. I've lived a bizarre, unusual, colorful life and every time I've been in there it's for something new. When I tell a new doctor about some of this they usually don't believe me until they look in my chart.

One time I was going to trim the hooves on our donkey and he did what donkeys do and the rope got wrapped around my ankle and he pulled me in circles around the pasture and tore my knee almost in two.

I also have a variety of food allergies and if I'm in the wrong restaurant and eat the wrong foods...off I go to the ER despite my epipen and benadryl.

He could have been in the ER for ANY reason and the HIPAA laws of that state will protect his right to privacy on that item. When it comes to this issue, I stand firm and strong and say I don't think it's anybody business what he was doing in that ER.

I'm with you 100% on this subject.

*respectfully snipped by me to address main point*

I agree with what you've posted BUT I also agree with Honey's signature line:

"Look, if any of us wanted to mind our own business, we wouldn't be here" (carbuff 8/11/13)
IF the media rushed to post some random screenshot of anyone else during the missing period, that is far worse than just poor reporting. I do not believe at all that any media just randomly picked out an Andrew Sadek photo and tied it to this case. Nor do I believe that the media “beat” LE to a video from NDSU to circulate.

The only time I have ever seen a person transported by LE to a medical facility is…when they refuse to blow, or are physically injured, or appear to have something going on other than just inebriation for their own safety. Being severely inebriated is NOT a reason for LE to bring anyone to a medical facility, unless alcohol poisoning is suspected, and it would not be suspected if the person is awake. Believe me I would know. Media reports stated that “he blew via breathalyzer a 0.181”. So…it was NOT to do a blood draw for a BAC, and that would not indicate alcohol poisoning. The extroneueous minutiae included in the media reports regarding his DUI are descriptions of an inebriated individual: lack of balance, needed buckled in to keep from sliding, thinking the vehicle is moving when it’s stationary, and vomiting. So I still question this obscure trip to a medical facility to be honest.

As far as a corruption theory, and Fargo/Moorhead having enough power to corrupt/silence FBI….I say police work is a brotherhood, and look up “thin blue line”, and the Blue Code of Silence (also known as the Blue Shield or Blue Wall). I am not saying this occurred, but if it were to have occurred, it wouldn’t require power on any specific area of any law enforcement, or whether they are locals or not.

Monsoon is wind, not rain, so…if it wasn’t a monsoon in Fargo that day (GoBison said he didn't say it was a monsoon), then there wasn’t much wind either (MM already indicated rainfall was minimal).

This is just information: Adderall is very popular among college students right now sadly, and it’s addiction/abuse is a very disturbing picture as it CAN increase study ability initially, but requires more and more to maintain the level first experienced (or any ability once begun), and ultimately causes no ability to maintain at increased dosages. There are very sad and tragic stories available by parents who have lost previously high achieving, thriving college student children to this very deadly current trend.

Tom’s dorm-mate described him as “extremely friendly, social butterfly, one of the cool guys, never ate alone in the cafeteria, met new friends and went to house parties with them, and at those parties he’d meet more friends”. Not exactly the picture of someone that was experiencing first month social difficulty, and wouldn’t have contacts if he required them for any reason. Once again, I am not saying he did require them or not.

Oh, and if you want to come on here and boast about the thousands of dollars that you spend on the college, and home surveillance equipment, why not be the bigger man and offer it to NDSU because they seem to need a donation (for surveillance equipment). I, for one, would appreciate that greatly.

Thanks for listening
So let me ask this to anyone who might know---because I have no idea. What does LE do with an 18 yr old student who is an inebriated individual: has lack of balance, needs to be buckled in to keep from sliding in the patrol car, thinks the vehicle is moving when it’s stationary, and is vomiting? I would think he needed to go somewhere, like a medical facility, for observation to make sure his condition doesn't deteriorate. If not, then what would LE do with him after they cite him---just throw him in jail? Isn't that asking for a law suit if he goes down hill while in jail since he wouldn't get constant observation there?
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