ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

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I didn't see anywhere that the cops said "nothing to see here folks." What I read is there is no evidence of foul play. If there is no evidence....then there is none and to say otherwise is not helpful to anyone.

So - the media DID report and toxicology takes time. I just don't see it the same way you do. I'm sorry if that rankles you. I really am.
Why do the police always automatically assume no foul play?

Am I the only one that thinks this strange?

I'd just like to comment on these two snippets from your quote:

"Why do the police always automatically assume no foul play?"

Who is the one assuming here? What do we know about what the police did or didn't do in this investigation? Other than what we're assuming. What do we know about what they did find in the investigation that led them to that statement? Other than what we're assuming. I highly doubt there was much assuming being done by trained investigators. They're a certain type of people. The type that coined the phrase - "assumption is the mother of all **** ups." Assuming is an unsavory last resort for these men and women. I believe that thoroughly.

"Am I the only one that thinks this strange?"

No! The cops would probably initially agree also! EXCEPT for the fact people suffering from hypothermia do extremely odd stuff. To include removing clothing despite literally freezing to death. You can google symptoms of severe hypothermia to see what I mean.

I don't want you to think I'm picking on you! You've shared your general view of LE's competence and I'm sharing my view. They don't have to be the same. We can still be friendly in disagreement!
I'd just like to comment on these two snippets from your quote:

"Why do the police always automatically assume no foul play?"

Who is the one assuming here? What do we know about what the police did or didn't do in this investigation? Other than what we're assuming. What do we know about what they did find in the investigation that led them to that statement? Other than what we're assuming. I highly doubt there was much assuming being done by trained investigators. They're a certain type of people. The type that coined the phrase - "assumption is the mother of all **** ups." Assuming is an unsavory last resort for these men and women. I believe that thoroughly.

"Am I the only one that thinks this strange?"

No! The cops would probably initially agree also! EXCEPT for the fact people suffering from hypothermia do extremely odd stuff. To include removing clothing despite literally freezing to death. You can google symptoms of severe hypothermia to see what I mean.

I don't want you to think I'm picking on you! You've shared your general view of LE's competence and I'm sharing my view. They don't have to be the same. We can still be friendly in disagreement!

"People suffering from hypothermia do strange things?" In Early September? Minnesota is cold but not in September. Did you even read the article or just automatically jump to law enforcement's defense in any and all situations?

Questioning authority is a normal part of a democratic society. It's our responsibility as citizens to demand the truth and answers from the people we elect and/or whose salaries we pay with our tax dollars.

Let me try to understand this logic... WS prides and touts themselves with the "truth will prevail" mantra but then says "you must quote MSM OR LE directly if you are going to question LE's actions or lack of action on a case?"

So I have to wait for the media to write an article about LE (and themselves) in order to observe the fact that there hasn't been any "plea" from LE for the public's help with information (no matter how big or small it may seem) related to the case of a man being murdered while attending college in their community? With all due respect, those are just the facts. They never wanted the publics help for any searches when Tom was missing. In addition, LE repeatedly said, "no foul play is suspected" when Tom was missing and even upon initially finding his body - despite a very eerie tweet in which a person used the victims (now missing) iPhone to tweet that they needed help and were going to die!

I guess there is a reason why there is a handful of people posting these days. I am assuming everyone "else" must have found a different forum/form of communication regarding this case.

Anyway. Another problem for NDSU.

I'd just like to comment on these two snippets from your quote:

"Why do the police always automatically assume no foul play?"

Who is the one assuming here? What do we know about what the police did or didn't do in this investigation? Other than what we're assuming. What do we know about what they did find in the investigation that led them to that statement? Other than what we're assuming. I highly doubt there was much assuming being done by trained investigators. They're a certain type of people. The type that coined the phrase - "assumption is the mother of all **** ups." Assuming is an unsavory last resort for these men and women. I believe that thoroughly.

"Am I the only one that thinks this strange?"

No! The cops would probably initially agree also! EXCEPT for the fact people suffering from hypothermia do extremely odd stuff. To include removing clothing despite literally freezing to death. You can google symptoms of severe hypothermia to see what I mean.

I don't want you to think I'm picking on you! You've shared your general view of LE's competence and I'm sharing my view. They don't have to be the same. We can still be friendly in disagreement!

"People suffering from hypothermia do strange things?" In Early September? Minnesota is cold but not in September. Did you even read the article or just automatically jump to law enforcement's defense in any and all situations?

Questioning authority is a normal part of a democratic society. It's our responsibility as citizens to demand the truth and answers from the people we elect and/or whose salaries we pay with our tax dollars.

Let me try to understand this logic... WS prides and touts themselves with the "truth will prevail" mantra but then says "you must quote MSM OR LE directly if you are going to question LE's actions or lack of action on a case?"

So I have to wait for the media to write an article about LE (and themselves) in order to observe the fact that there hasn't been any "plea" from LE for the public's help with information (no matter how big or small it may seem) related to the case of a man being murdered while attending college in their community? With all due respect, those are just the facts. They never wanted the publics help for any searches when Tom was missing. In addition, LE repeatedly said, "no foul play is suspected" when Tom was missing and even upon initially finding his body - despite a very eerie tweet in which a person used the victims (now missing) iPhone to tweet that they needed help and were going to die!

I guess there is a reason why there is a handful of people posting these days. I am assuming everyone "else" must have found a different forum/form of communication regarding this case.

Anyway. Another problem for NDSU.

"People suffering from hypothermia do strange things?" In Early September? Minnesota is cold but not in September. Did you even read the article or just automatically jump to law enforcement's defense in any and all situations?

Questioning authority is a normal part of a democratic society. It's our responsibility as citizens to demand the truth and answers from the people we elect and/or whose salaries we pay with our tax dollars.

Let me try to understand this logic... WS prides and touts themselves with the "truth will prevail" mantra but then says "you must quote MSM OR LE directly if you are going to question LE's actions or lack of action on a case?"

So I have to wait for the media to write an article about LE (and themselves) in order to observe the fact that there hasn't been any "plea" from LE for the public's help with information (no matter how big or small it may seem) related to the case of a man being murdered while attending college in their community? With all due respect, those are just the facts. They never wanted the publics help for any searches when Tom was missing. In addition, LE repeatedly said, "no foul play is suspected" when Tom was missing and even upon initially finding his body - despite a very eerie tweet in which a person used the victims (now missing) iPhone to tweet that they needed help and were going to die!

I guess there is a reason why there is a handful of people posting these days. I am assuming everyone "else" must have found a different forum/form of communication regarding this case.

Anyway. Another problem for NDSU.


I read it.....did you? Seriously? This happened in October according to what is on the page.

Now - I'll be man enough to admit i may have ASSUMED incorrectly that it gets cold at night in northern Minnesota in October. Me being from southern SD I cant really say. But someone drinking....not dressed properly....passing out in a field....I do believe there's a chance of hypothermia. An investigator would know - we really don't. My apologies for doing what I had lectured about.

Regardless - hypothermia is just one of many possibilities to explain their odd behavior.

As far as questioning LE - I'm all for it. If there's a reason. But no one here has offered me anything but wild swings in the dark.
As to the reason posting has slowed to a crawl, that's easy... no news, and theories have been discussed. We all want justice for Tommy. We can disagree.

As to the WS rules, well yeah we all wish we could bring in the "s/he said" commentaries, but that may or may not be factual. We (sometimes mistakenly) trust MSM for those facts. They get it wrong too, but they are not really investigating this case.

Often we see no news in cases, it is normal. LE (rightly) doesn't broadcast what they have because they need that in court.

As to the CI theory... my God that will make me see red.

And last, no new stuff, but here is the Thomas Bearson Case Archive:
http://s296.photobucket.com/user/crankycrankerson/library/Thomas Bearson -ND-?sort=6&page=1
Synthetic drugs spreading rapidly across North Dakota

"The North Dakota Legislature originally attacked the problem by banning the chemical compounds used to make specific types of synthetic drugs. But the industry was able to stay one step ahead by making slight molecular changes to the products. So, state lawmakers tried a different approach last year by banning the core structure of the chemicals so that any offshoots, or “chemical cousins,” would also be illegal. But the problem is far from solved, said Charlene Schweitzer, a forensic scientist at the North Dakota Crime Lab. “We defined the core structure of these groups and, if you look at the statute, basically made hundreds of compounds illegal,” she said. “But now the problem is there are new groups of compounds that we have yet to define. The chemistry changes so fast with these things. Every week, we’re seeing a new compound.” Howard, the doctor in Williston, said his drug-testing company recently spent about $300,000 on equipment that can be adjusted to detect new chemical compounds that hit the market. But detecting synthetic drugs and stopping them from reaching the public are two completely different challenges, he said."

CNN's Special Investigative Report – DEADLY HIGH: How Synthetic Drugs Are Killing Kids, tomorrow 9pmET on CNN"

Meet “Molly”, a synthetic drug that, along with “N-Bomb”, “Bath Salts” and “Spice”, is wreaking havoc on America’s youth. These dangerous synthetic drugs are sold under store counters and over the Internet, with hundreds of websites delivering them straight to your door. And the kicker? There’s no way of telling what’s in them. Manufacturers continually change the chemical composition to stay ahead of law enforcement; and there’s no quality control over the 300-plus chemical variations that have come into the United States over the past four years, mainly from China."


I believe this could be one of the causes for the toxicology delay in time and also whether the results being reported publicly. This drug craze is driving LE crazy trying to get a handle on it. Also using CI's to find who's dealing them. Smoking pot does not kill but this stuff does. When ME's are looking for overdoses, many times they don't even know what chemicals they are looking for. I think this could be a plausible link to both this and the Sadeck case.

A guy was sentenced in August of this year to I believe 20 years in Fargo, ND for manufacturing a version of this stuff. It was an hour long special on CNN that I watched. Very interesting. And makes a lot of sense as to many of the questionable deaths and lack of charges in cases. Some of these drugs are n ot even illegal yet.


As to the reason posting has slowed to a crawl, that's easy... no news, and theories have been discussed. We all want justice for Tommy. We can disagree.

As to the WS rules, well yeah we all wish we could bring in the "s/he said" commentaries, but that may or may not be factual. We (sometimes mistakenly) trust MSM for those facts. They get it wrong too, but they are not really investigating this case.

Often we see no news in cases, it is normal. LE (rightly) doesn't broadcast what they have because they need that in court.

As to the CI theory... my God that will make me see red.

And last, no new stuff, but here is the Thomas Bearson Case Archive:
http://s296.photobucket.com/user/crankycrankerson/library/Thomas Bearson -ND-?sort=6&page=1

I agree with everything you say here.

In reference to media getting it wrong also: I'll just add that its scary to me how big media leads us around by our noses. CNN has a monopoly on national news - do they have an agenda? Even if the agenda is "only" to sell "newspapers" - it's a scarey thought to me.

If anyone's looking for a conspiracy to champion - this is where I'd start. Watch coverage of a story on Fox News - and then click over to CNN for the same news event. The stories presented will inevitably be drastically different. And for the record - I don't trust either of them.
Here we are, half way down page 2.

Maybe something will happen before New Year.
It's not looking good for that happening, IB.

"In Moorhead and Fargo, where police have an unusually high rate of solving homicides, arrests are typically made the day of the killing or within the week. Or not at all."

Latest update from 12-22-14


I read that and thought to myself WHY are they being so secretive then with all this information? If they have NADA then they need to change their game plan.
I read that and thought to myself WHY are they being so secretive then with all this information? If they have NADA then they need to change their game plan.

I'm not so sure I believe this statement by them:

"Investigators are awaiting Bearson’s final autopsy and toxicology reports, as well as items they’ve sent to the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for forensic testing, he said."

They've previously stated that the crime lab is giving this case top priority and yet 3 months later and they're saying NOTHING is back yet? Hard to swallow.

Time to set up a reward fund and see if that doesn't get a few tips rolling in. Sure, they'll get some bogus tips but what the heck, it's worth a shot since they apparently have nothing now. And they need to set up that reward fund ASAP before people forget all about this case.
I'm not so sure I believe this statement by them:

"Investigators are awaiting Bearson’s final autopsy and toxicology reports, as well as items they’ve sent to the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for forensic testing, he said."

They've previously stated that the crime lab is giving this case top priority and yet 3 months later and they're saying NOTHING is back yet? Hard to swallow.

Time to set up a reward fund and see if that doesn't get a few tips rolling in. Sure, they'll get some bogus tips but what the heck, it's worth a shot since they apparently have nothing now. And they need to set up that reward fund ASAP before people forget all about this case.

I absolutely believe that statement. Given that there are only 2 BCA forensic labs in the state of Minnesota, even a "top priority" case will have delays. I don't claim to have knowledge of how long the backlog of cases is at the BCA, but I am not surprised by a delay in these types of cases. Especially not with toxicology and other forensic testing. Plus, with the past issues of the St. Paul Police Crime Lab, it is my understanding that more drug testing cases have been sent directly to the BCA for testing, which could also result in a backlog. (http://blogs.mprnews.org/cities/2013/08/st-paul-police-crime-lab-back-up-and-running-after-scandal/) **NOTE: this is NOT the BCA lab in St. Paul, this is the crime lab from the St. Paul Police. Two different labs.**

Even outside of these delays, I also keep an open mind to other things the labs might be testing. For example - if TB's death was related to a beating, it is possible a weapon of some sort was used. Final autopsy may be withheld pending identification of a weapon that matches the injuries. (not saying that's the case, but it's a theory that has been thrown out there. Plus, we don't know what outside items the investigators have sent to the BCA. But it's a possibility, right?)

Here's another thing that should be considered: DNA testing. If DNA is recovered from the items sent to the BCA or on TB's body, then that DNA will most likely also be subject to testing, resulting in additional delays. I am assuming (I know, I know) that TB had blood on his body. It would be important to test that blood to ensure it was his. If a different blood type was found on his body, for example, then that blood would most likely be tested...resulting in another delay while that is being tested. Then, if they have other blood/DNA found on other items, then that blood/DNA would also be tested against the blood/DNA found on other things to determine if it came from more than one person, etc. - and even submitting DNA to a national database and hoping for a match can take time, as well, with no guarantees anyone will be matched. I don't know if that has happened here, but if it has, it could be another reason for a delay.

I know it is frustrating to not have information. In this day and age, when we have so much information at our fingertips, it's hard to have blanks in our story. But the police in this case don't have any control over the lab and how long it takes them to complete a test. And while it is grating to have to wait for these results, I'd rather have them take a while and be done right than rush along and end up with something that couldn't be used in court, or ruin the evidence, etc. I have patience because I have faith in science. Witness statements and memory can change/fade over time. Social media statements can be construed any way to match the interpretation we want it to have. But science? Facts and data that can be reproduced and confirmed in separate, non-partisan labs? That's the type of thing we hope for in a case.

Right now, I don't think 3 months is an unreasonable amount of time given we don't know cause of death or items sent to the BCA for testing. I might change my mind in another 3 months, but right now, I'm okay with waiting. I don't fault anyone for having impatience - this case has gone on for a while already, and I know that historically, the longer the wait, the less likely it is to be solved. I'm just hoping that the delays with the testing are because there's actual evidence that will help solve the case, and that's why it's taking a long time.

My own opinion, of course. :)
Great post, trpream !! I love logical, well thought out posts and yours is excellent. But since it's been over 3 months now, it does make one wonder what's taking so long, even with your excellent explanation. DNA testing takes about 1 1/2 weeks according to this link.



I think it would serve the Moorhead PD well to have a spokesperson like trpream answering questions regarding the case to be used by the media in order for the public to have confidence in the case, rather than statements they make like:

"In Moorhead and Fargo, where police have an unusually high rate of solving homicides, arrests are typically made the day of the killing or within the week. Or not at all."
Ditto on Rocco's post complimenting trpream.

Love that post....for the same reasons but I'd add that I like it most because it gives hope this thing still has legs.
Random fact of the day - I read a while back that the Fargo PD is understaffed to the tune of 20 officers.

My imagination/uneducated guessing makes that roughly 25% short. Can anyone tell me how far off I am?
It's not looking good for that happening, IB.

"In Moorhead and Fargo, where police have an unusually high rate of solving homicides, arrests are typically made the day of the killing or within the week. Or not at all."

Latest update from 12-22-14


With intent to look at the brightside after reading the article - the Moorhead Police Chief nailed my thoughts: FM's data is sparse, thankfully. I'm no statistician but the words - "statistically irrelevant" come to mind.

Having said that - if they had some history of making an arrest or two months after the fact, I'd feel better about things....
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