New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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Did anyone else notice on the tape where George reveals the email scam info, he also talks about being cheated by what I assume is one of those credit counseling services. Do you know what I mean? The ones that advertise on tv all the time saying they'll get the credit card companies to accept lower payments and reduced interest.

He mentions something about a bill that came in for $1,800 and implies it was something unexpected - that it was something this company was supposed to fix.

Don't know if this has any significance other than to show the dire financial straits and that the guy was pretty desperate trying to fix it.

He also when talking about the incident with finding Casey and JG in her bedroom says from the time of the separation, I forget his exact term but it was something like a "one parent situation." That Cindy insisted from that point on, including after he moved back in, on being the one parent, presumbly the one parent to deal with Casey.

MsMacGyver, I thought Lee had said he brought the purse from the apartment too. If George isn't mistaken, maybe she had two purses with one being a dummy left in the car for whatever she was trying to do with the abandoned car.
I agree. She really does seem to believe a lot of it. Considering how she looked in the George/Cindy new interview from yesterday morning, she really needs to be in a psychiatric hospital. George is doing the worst thing he possibly could by not hospitalizing her, and by going along with her fantasies. She needs psychiatrists to slowly bring her back to reality, and help her cope with the reality.

When I was watching that interview, I thought man, if I was the reporter, I would not have done the interview and called 911. I wonder if Cindy was even able to walk.
This account is definitely very strange. According to CA's interview, she was believing that KC was in Tampa that week...Odd that GA told about this but CA said she didn't know anything about it...Hinky Meter BIG TIME on this one!

Hasn't CA claimed all along that she never saw KC between the 16th of June and the 15th of July?
Another interesting contradiction between their two accounts. CA in her Aug 4th interview states that she went to meet Caylee at Universal on July 3rd. GA says in this interview that she went on June 24th. (???)

There must be additional interviews! These ones are from July 31rst...The last lot were from early August. Both sets leave more questions than answers!
MsMacGyver, I thought Lee had said he brought the purse from the apartment too. If George isn't mistaken, maybe she had two purses with one being a dummy left in the car for whatever she was trying to do with the abandoned car.

GA said the purse found in the car was her work bag.
I'm really confused now..If you read through LA interview he says he picked KC things up at AL apartment the night of 15th-morning 16th and KC purse was in that bunch of stuff. LA and CA dumped her purse out on the floor and LA said he saw KC license in her wallet...Are they playing some sort of shell game or maybe GA is just confused. It didn't seem to me when GA answered the question he was really sure KC license was in that purse.

Someone here pointed out last night that she could have 2 copies just by saying she lost it or it was stolen. How do we know she didn't do that after leaving her car at Amscott? Another reason even.
Does anyone know what date KC borrowed the car? This has always confused me because if it was a weekday (daytime) CA should have been at work.
GA says that it is after the gas can incident but the same week. CA says that it never happened.
Someone here pointed out last night that she could have 2 copies just by saying she lost it or it was stolen. How do we know she didn't do that after leaving her car at Amscott? Another reason even.

ITA. It is very easy to do. I had lost my license once and had them replaced only to find the original.
I lost count on how many times the agent pretty much tell George that him and Cindy need to decide where their loyalty lies. Casey or Caylee. That being a father and being a grandfather are two different things. In other words, don't betray your grandaughter to protect your daughter. Right on agent!
I'm having a hard time deciding if:

- Casey had 2 drivers licenses. (maybe a fake with different info or pic making her look different, e.g., wig)

Why does the FBI agent keep stressing that she was out partying, clubbing, with no DL during that time? Because it was unlikely/impossible because she used her DL for Amy's checks? Or because that kind of risky behavior was kind of setting herself up for possible harm and being left as an unidentified victim? Or was he kindly and gently telling George he knew he was lying about Casey's DL being there? Or something else?

My guess is that they were pix of her and Tony - probably in the act - or her and others in the act - they're partying and having those 'sleepovers' where friends have said that Caylee would sleep in the bed with Casey and her flavor of the night (I couldn't even imagine doing that to one of my girls, just yuck!)

As for the DL - after hearing CA and GA's FBI tapes - I'm even more convinced that Casey set up her car with her purse in it to look like a kidnapping - Caylee gone by her hand, Casey disappears - kidnapping - if she gets caught or found - kidnapping

Also with Amy's resume in Casey's backpack, mail being forwarded to the A's house - Casey using Amy's checkbook and car - I think Casey wanted to stop being Casey and be Amy - in which she, if not caught by her mother, would have disappeared and stolen Amy's identity and gone somewhere else, my guess maybe California
elley mae thinks that Cindy believes what Cindy is saying,and Cindy is the one that taught Casey to lie so well. Cindy has been lying for years to George about Casey and covering for Casey. I think that people like Cindy are the reason why lie detector test are not admissible in court. I think that Cindy would be able to pass the dam@ thing.
In CA Part 3 at 12:19 she says, "I'm not sure why she would abandon this car especially if the car had all this evidence that's gonna link her to Caylee's death."

It amazes me that she could say this sentence without emotion.

CA is wasting away trying to massage KC's lies into some sort of reality. Zanny is "generic" for whatever babysitter? Jeff is "generic" for boyfriend? This is beyond crazy thinking. How long has KC been spinning this family in circles with her lies?

Stupid ones. Cindy herself says the story about the change of address for Amy didn't make any sense. How many times does George state that "something" didn't make sense Casey told him? Many times in both this interview and the others with LE that we've seen. Why believe anything she says now when it's even further out of the realm of reality than the previous stories. Cindy just jumps on the crazy bus. He said himself in another interview that he wondered if Casey had inherited the "crazy" gene from his sister.
Someone here pointed out last night that she could have 2 copies just by saying she lost it or it was stolen. How do we know she didn't do that after leaving her car at Amscott? Another reason even.

I thought that Casey only had a Florida ID, she didn't have a DL - she had a permit - where did I read that........
I lost count on how many times the agent pretty much tell George that him and Cindy need to decide where their loyalty lies. Casey or Caylee. That being a father and being a grandfather are two different things. In other words, don't betray your grandaughter to protect your daughter. Right on agent!

I agree. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to actually ever get through to either one of them.
GA says that it is after the gas can incident but the same week. CA says that it never happened.

ok, i wish I could figure out why this is so important for GA to mention this and have CA deny it. Hnky meter alert. Does GA mention where he was at when following her. Maybe he's giving a hint to where Caylee is. I know i'm dreaming again.....:rolleyes:
When George and Cindy told the story of Casey, Caylee, Zanny and Zanny's sister - and the accident in Tampa - Casey told the story that Zanny was in the hospital - now we know it's not true - I haven't heard or read anything from LE debunking Casey's story - is it anywhere? Or will we just have to wait until trial

Geez I'm looking forward to this trial, it hopefully will answer so many questions!!!!
GA told the agent that a 'friend' of KC told him that there was a JL that used to work with KC. I don't remember hearing the name of the friend, anyone?
Are they turning on each other? Seems like it.

No, they aren't turning on each other - this is what LE does - they interrogate or interview parties separately - get all the stories and merge the like parts and then after they go through all the tapes, they reinterview or interrogate the parties - go over the parts that aren't alike

Kind of like a good cop, bad cop scenerio

Now I wonder, will LE interrogate/re-interview the A's? No lawyer involved now
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