GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

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The most amazing thing I've sen today! So happy!
Great news. I am thrilled she is safe and well-I hope the public respects their need for privacy right now.
I checked in here and couldn't believe my eyes either...WOW! What wonderful news. Like others I am anxious for details......but the whole family needs time to themselves. Getting back into the community will be a huge step for her so I hope all who helped keep the search alive will help her with this next milestone. Have to admit I had to google the news too just to make sure!
I don't know the family. I've never been to New Hampshire. Yet at the same time something about this case captured my attention when an American friend told me about it. Amazing how the sadness of it.....and ultimately the sheer joy of reading the news can stir the hearts of so many from great distances! Do the words exist to convey the elation we all feel? Can it be expressed? If the words are there I sure can't find them!
Welcome home Abby!
im not trying to be argumentative, just save everyone some time and me a possible time-out : are the only acceptable comments we are allowed to make right now that we are crying and/or dancing and how happy we are she is found? is anything else discussing the case going to be removed like the previous comments were?

that's fine if that is the case, but i would like to hear someone say it outright since there is nothing in the site rules that would imply that.

The most amazing thing I've sen today! So happy!
You might want to make edits to your signature soon, hollye. :D

On the flip side, that will only free up room for other needed maps. :(
im not trying to be argumentative, just save everyone some time and me a possible time-out : are the only acceptable comments we are allowed to make right now that we are crying and/or dancing and how happy we are she is found? is anything else discussing the case going to be removed like the previous comments were?

that's fine if that is the case, but i would like to hear someone say it outright since there is nothing in the site rules that would imply that.

First of all, questions about the rules, removed posts, and moderator decisions should be addressed in a private message to a moderator. Remember, it is the responsibility of each member to become familiar with the rules.

Secondly, the discussion is not closed, but we will strongly discourage idle speculation. Let's follow LE's statements, and proceed from there.


Posting a thread to comment on, question, or criticize moderator or administrator action is not appropriate in a public forum. Please utilize the board’s Private Message function, or email, staff if you wish to discuss these issues. As long as you bring up your concerns maturely and civilly to the moderator or administrator in question, we will do our best to address your concerns fairly and promptly.

Here are the “Dos” and “Don’ts” of addressing your concerns to moderators or administrators:

Do be civil and polite. Bring up your concerns in a mature and respectful manner. If you are contacting us because you violated forum guidelines, be adult enough to admit your mistake. If your ID has been locked for some reason, talking politely to us about it in private, via e-mail or private message, can get your ID reinstated in many cases.

Do not be derogatory or insulting towards us. You will not get what you want by name calling or bashing us.

All we ask is that you treat us the way you would want us to treat you. If you treat us with respect, we will do the same for you.

Realize that a lot goes on behind the scenes. If you are thinking to yourself "Those moderators are either total idiots or they know something I do not", it's safe to assume we know something you do not.

I hope this wasn't a runaway situation.
I'm glad she's home.
I am a little concerned about Abigail's re-integration into the community. I hope that everyone can be supportive and offer her the privacy I am sure she needs. However, I think many community members feel 'bonded' to Abby's personal life after these nine months of caring deeply for Abby and following the investigation.. and therefore some misguided individuals may feel entitled to details about Abby's disappearance and life after returning home. Unfortunately, I have a feeling there will be community members who cannot contain their curiosity and Abby may have to endure some nosy or insensitive interactions with community members. I hope she gets all the help and support that she needs!! Abby is still just fifteen, she can go on to live a full life and go back to school (or finish HS via an alternate method like online school) and move on to college, career, family...

I hope ten years from now Abby will be living a joy-filled life and this past year will be a blip on her radar.
What fantastic news!!!

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I hate that there are so many unsupportive and hateful things being said right now on SM and article comments. In my opinion, the quicker you throw people a little bone about what happened, the less speculation needs to happen, which results in less negative talk. In my opinion, they would have been well served to release something as simple as "Abby has returned on her own and was in good health. She reports that she was living with a friend. The criminal investigation is ongoing." PLEASE NOTE- this is not what actually happened, it is only an example. I am sure this was what Abby was worried about in coming back, but they could squash it pretty quickly with some info. I know one case of a "missing" girl in New Orleans had MONTHS of people absolutely livid at the entire group they helped because no info was given after she resurfaced. Many stated they would have been ok with a small explanation, but no information after this group looking for the "missing" girl pleaded for their help felt disrespectful. I don't think that's going to happen here. I think they will release some info, but in my opinion, the sooner, the better for them!
Well, this is an answer to a lot of prayers. Excellent!

Abigail's Case Archive will self-destruct in about a week.

Oh please don't AR, you are my go to resource for this case and many others! Okay, maybe once we know what happened to Abby! Seriously though, you are a wonderful saint for the meticulous archives you keep. :loveyou:
News here is about to have a story. I'll post if they share anything new.
Circumstances vague. Missing nine months. Home with family. Showing search. Recap. We do not know what happened or why. Ongoing criminal investigation. Came home Sunday night. Authorities stationed outside home. Lots of scuttle. Bottom line is she's home and safe.

So nothing new, long story though.
I am shocked and so glad for Abby & her family.

Wondering what the law is if she was with someone slightly older but not legally an adult? Like a sixteen-year old, for example? Someone old enough to earn money and drive. Not sure what NH laws are...just wondering.
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