GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 5

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"That was his writing, those are his pictures," Zenya Hernandez said.
Zenya Hernandez confirmed that her husband has two homes, one in the Conway area. When asked where his second home is and the status of their relationship, Zenya said, "I can't talk about that part."
Ramsey would not comment on the relationship between Abigail's parents or Ruben Hernandez's whereabouts.
Texas connection-very interesting. To me that is-being a scanner listener.

Please remember what is heard on the scanner cannot be discussed in this forum unless you have an MSM link because it was mentioned there.
So a human being is missing:
Let's start all over and go over it
So a human being is missing:
Let's start all over and go over it

Good idea. Do we have the answer to any of the W questions?
If we only knew the answer to one of them we would be so much closer to finding the other answers.
Am I allowed to ask just where is this house that AH has started her cleaning job at? I know in an earlier post, it was said that she cleaned on Mondays? Please correct me if I'm wrong. I wonder if LE has checked to see if AH got any phone calls/texts asking AH to come and clean that house as a last minute thing on Wednesday morning/mid afternoon for some reason and that's something her mother wouldn't have known about at the time. Maybe AH was intending on calling or texting her mom once she reached the house where she cleaned. Perhaps someone offered to meet her on the other side of the trail she normally walks as a so-called "courtesy" ride to the house she cleans, therefore would be pulling out from that side of the road the same time as school traffic. IMO, probably wouldn't be too obvious at that point as a vehicle coming out from any direction on the same side as the school traffic might go unnoticed. I dunno.......I'm just spinning at the moment. Was that house close to other houses? That house could have been used for baiting her? Ugghhhh, im running out of my theoric mind.
Am I allowed to ask just where is this house that AH has started her cleaning job at? I know in an earlier post, it was said that she cleaned on Mondays? Please correct me if I'm wrong. I wonder if LE has checked to see if AH got any phone calls/texts asking AH to come and clean that house as a last minute thing on Wednesday morning/mid afternoon for some reason and that's something her mother wouldn't have known about at the time. Maybe AH was intending on calling or texting her mom once she reached the house where she cleaned. Perhaps someone offered to meet her on the other side of the trail she normally walks as a so-called "courtesy" ride to the house she cleans, therefore would be pulling out from that side of the road the same time as school traffic. IMO, probably wouldn't be too obvious at that point as a vehicle coming out from any direction on the same side as the school traffic might go unnoticed. I dunno.......I'm just spinning at the moment. Was that house close to other houses? That house could have been used for baiting her? Ugghhhh, im running out of my theoric mind.

There has been rumor as to what company she worked but that isn't allowed. No location of employment has been given in MSM or by LE.
Who - Abigail Hernandez, age 14
When - Wednesday, October 9th; last seen at approximately 2:30 pm
Where - last seen leaving Kennett High school, n Conway, heading home
again, i have to agree to disagree.

this forum is about abigail...the lack of pictures, posts, fb activity, me it goes directly to who she is and why she's gone.

LE said she had a socially robust online presence. i'm not seeing that at all. her fb is innocent, sweet, reluctant and composed. her ******* account isn't all that telling i.e., she doesn't get sucked in that easily. she's smarter than she is naive.

IMO she doesn't have that many friends. if JDC is correct, she spent the summer playing video games with her boyfriend and going on family road trips (with his family). his mother took them to freshman orientation on august 29th (according to her fb). she attended the homecoming dance, not a popular event with either of their friends, on october 5th.

four days later she was walking home alone and no one's seen nor heard from her since.

something is VERY wrong here. and IMO a local knows exactly what happened to her.
aw crap. sorry. didn't realize i couldn't post the name of the site.

So a human being is missing:
Let's start all over and go over it


how...... nobody really seems to know... possibly via a vehicle

why.... all we can do is speculate.... why is she missing?? my guess at this point is that someone made her go missing

what.... well the what is that she is nowhere to be found... major cause for concern

who.... we know Abby, she is the victim... but any other who, like WHO made her disappear... that is unknown at this point

when..... October 9, 2013.... since the case has gone on we now know most likely between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. of October 9th.

Where.... somewhere in Conway NH between Kennet High School and her residence on Village Way in North Conway, NH
i was trying to edit my post but its not cooperating..... i was going to add to the HOW that in addition to via vehicle this may have been by force or she was lured/encouraged to make the choice to get in the vehicle of her own accord
I agree with you. I think we'd like to see a connection, but I don't believe there is one. However I do think there are connections to other girls of hispanic descent that have disappeared in the last year from this area. When I saw that post I was gobsmacked at the number of girls in just over a year that have disappeared. Same age range, same ethnicity, same area. If there were any connections between AH and anyone else, I don't believe Maura is the one to go looking at. I'm not overly convinced there are any connections, but it's certainly more than a little coincidental that so many girls of the same ethnicity, age range and geographical area are missing.

Aw so true. I forget where I saw all those girls of hispanic descent going missing. I didn't read up all the cases but that was amazing.

I never pay too much attention to those that say girls are taken by bad people for the sex trade because I don't know much about it but looking at all of these girls with as you said, ethnicity, age and geographical areas and pretty just wow.

I wonder has anybody brought that up to the FBI? I know several have called in tips from this board. We could make up a list!!!!!

If anybody happens to have that list with the pictures of those girls gone missing I would love to see it again. I would like to see it mapped out too.

Don't mean to be reaching for the moon here but we have to figure something out! Abby's still gone.
Please remember what is heard on the scanner cannot be discussed in this forum unless you have an MSM link because it was mentioned there.

Ok color me dumb but what is MSM? I have wondered that for a long time as I see it often! ;)
again, i have to agree to disagree.

this forum is about abigail...the lack of pictures, posts, fb activity, me it goes directly to who she is and why she's gone.

LE said she had a socially robust online presence. i'm not seeing that at all. her fb is innocent, sweet, reluctant and composed. her ******* account isn't all that telling i.e., she doesn't get sucked in that easily. she's smarter than she is naive.

IMO she doesn't have that many friends. if JDC is correct, she spent the summer playing video games with her boyfriend and going on family road trips (with his family). his mother took them to freshman orientation on august 29th (according to her fb). she attended the homecoming dance, not a popular event with either of their friends, on october 5th.

four days later she was walking home alone and no one's seen nor heard from her since.

something is VERY wrong here. and IMO a local knows exactly what happened to her.

I have wondered if a lot of her facebook friends, photos and posts were removed?
I have wondered if a lot of her facebook friends, photos and posts were removed?

i know quite a bit about facebook..... abby's page in particular seems set up so that not everything is public.... like only certain photos can be seen by anyone who is not her friend, most posts are not viewable unless you are her friend etc..... which means she at least tried in some aspect to be safe and not have her page viewable to the world.... alot of kids have EVERYTHING public.... and adults too.... which is soooo stupid and dangerous IMO
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