GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 7

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Maybe so much money did those 100 boots on the ground cost taxpayers and how many runaway kids do they do that for?

For some reason something is different here.

I have always lived in NH and have NEVER seen a response like that for a missing child and certainly not for a runaway....... I do not believe she ran away, and I know it is of course a possibilty I really don't think she wants to be missing.....
This forum seems to be awfully slow today. Is it for anyone else here?
This forum seems to be awfully slow today. Is it for anyone else here?

Has been for me since yesterday. I try to post or go to a page or refresh and it waits and waits and waits and waits and.... well, you get the idea
Well you said a mouthful there and throw in the mom running the MHFAH FB website where heaven only knows what information was delivered to them.

What a conflict of interest!

Are you saying that Abby's mom runs the Missing Help Find Abigail Hernandez facebook? If so, could you please link that information? Thanks.
Right. I post something and wait for a long time for a response if i ever even get one at all. Oh well.
Does anyone recall when the last update from LE was? It seems it was early on. That has always seemed strange to me. Also, anyone who has spoken out always said "Come home Abby" in one way or another. There was never any pleading to any potential perp to please let Abby go, unless I have missed something. I am beginning to think it is possible she just took off. JMO

The last significant update I've seen from law enforcement was the week they said there might be a press release later that week, and then later that week, Nov 7th I think it was, FBI SAIC Kieran Ramsey did that great interview called NE Unsolved Abigail Hernandez. It was a very helpful video.

There was also an update day before yesterday IIRC about no significant threat to the community. I think it was on Conway Daily Sun.
They have had a few searches at places they thought important to search. Pudding Pond was searched and searched. Helicopters were used and remember the big weekend search when all the searchers and their dogs came in.

That's a whole lot of money being spent if they suspect runaway.

So I go back to the officer that said "we know Abbys personal, private and secret life and we have...nothing "

Right now I think Abbys family, LE and also us...need a miracle.

Don 't forget they close some of those roads for the Winter...thinking Dylan Redwine...sigh.

Well to me its weird how they brought in all of the top guns and then nothing. And so many people seem to go quiet. Its like shhhhhhhh, don't talk about it. Id like to know who is really running the show.
Are you saying that Abby's mom runs the Missing Help Find Abigail Hernandez facebook? If so, could you please link that information? Thanks.

The boyfriends mother runs it.

MHFAH on facebook.
I have always lived in NH and have NEVER seen a response like that for a missing child and certainly not for a runaway....... I do not believe she ran away, and I know it is of course a possibilty I really don't think she wants to be missing.....

It's not just the LE response that makes this case hard to read, it's a lot of things. Add to that the resignation on the part of her mother during the press conferences. The lack of AH's father's interaction with this as well as the lack of any information about even who he is (I know we're not supposed to sleuth, but I did and I pulled out all my tricks and found only a marriage license and a list of previous residences). The inability of the press to interview mom early on (remember the journalist who started to interview mom and was told by LE to stop). The lack of fear in the community(no community announcement to be careful as they've done with other cases of missing children). The strange fringe characters in this girl's life and the language being used in this case which would indicate a run away and yet the LE involved would suggest an abduction. There's been so much conflicting facts (dad lives out of state, dad lives in state; she made it home, she didn't make it home; she routinely rode the bus, she routinely walked home; the last phone contact was at 3pm, the last phone contact was at 6:30pm) that no one can make heads or tails out of what is true.
My hope is that they have strong reason to believe she ran away and are trying to get the media coverage to die down so she can quietly return. They may feel that she's afraid to return, afraid people will be angry with her so they want things quiet. I can see a child making the mistake of thinking that people would be mad because they're young and don't understand how people love a happy ending. So that's my hope, is that she's staying away on her own, maybe with a family member and it's being kept hushed up so she'll feel safe to return. It certainly would be nice to have a happy ending on this story and the relief that she's not hurt would put a smile on every face here.
The last significant update I've seen from law enforcement was the week they said there might be a press release later that week, and then later that week, Nov 7th I think it was, FBI SAIC Kieran Ramsey did that great interview called NE Unsolved Abigail Hernandez. It was a very helpful video.

There was also an update day before yesterday IIRC about no significant threat to the community. I think it was on Conway Daily Sun.

It was the union leader..... :)
Well, to me that's a bit bizarre too: the bf's family runs the Missing page. Then the fact that they get leads then you hear nothing about the leads.
The boyfriends mother runs it.

MHFAH on facebook.

I can get the whole wanting to help but there were some very terrible things said on that page that were not helpful and it has been a starting source for rumors which should have been immediately deleted/hidden and passed onto LE..... also keep in mind LE last said publicly that no one has been ruled in or out as well as no scenario has been ruled in or out, its an ongoing investigation with the ultimate goal of bringing abby home safe and sound
It is possible that LE has an idea of who is holding/hiding her, but not sure of the location and do not want to risk her being hurt or killed. I know it's unlikely and doesn't happen in many cases, but it might explain the silence on their part.
I do not believe they'd withhold things that would help. I do believe they will withhold things that could hurt Abby or the cause of bringing her home and catching a perp.

I think the page, whomever administrates it, with the exception of a few rumors posted and maybe a few upset posts has been a huge asset. I do think people are feeling desperate and scared as this goes on longer.

Some of those rumors as we call them here were sent in as tips. Without people being able to post on that wall who knows if they'd ever have called (clearly they didn't pick the phone up first).

Eh, everybody wants parents to be one way and runners of the page et al to be the opposite They all seem to be doing two things: what they know how and can handle AND likely what they are directed.

Note there have been many posts asking for people to call tipline instead of post. To keep it positive and many deletions.
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