I think children height and weight can be so different. My son is 44 pounds and 46 inches and he turned 6 in Feb. A friends sons is a foot taller and 10 pounds heavier and the same age as my son. On my sons baseball team, a child born the same week and is the same age as my son, looks more like a 4 yr old than a 6 year old. If this child was between 4-5 he would be possible in preschool. My daughters preschool ended last week, We are in maine, about 45 minutes away. Regular school does not let out until June. Some parents do not send there kids to preschool though, its not a requirement. Possible the boy went to daycare. But I would think a daycare would recognize the child. So this makes me wonder if the child stayed home with a parent. Even neighbors wouldn't know what a child wears. Could be a person with few friends, few family members.
I wonder why the child was drop off so close to a drive way.
SO sad, what a cute boy. I hope for the years he lived, he had a good life.