Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 6 *Arrest*

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I have a headache and can't really think of how to respond to this at the moment...except to say that we really never know what appeals to someone else and why but we do know easy access and a whole host of other personal factors beginning with being a young lady with very low self-esteem can make someone more vulnerable...also, from many other cases we've seen, sexually abusing someone younger does not preclude someone from having ongoing relationships with age appropriate partners, sexual or otherwise...

You are right about your statements, but because a young man lives in a home with a little girl does not make him an automatic candidate to commit a murder. jmo
I do not mean anything ugly by saying this but I really wouldn't think Celina would appeal to a 23 year old young man. I am sure the town or surrounding area was full of young ladies his age and he would not be interested in a little girl. I would hope this at least. jmo

I wouldn't think that any child would be sexually attractive to any adult, either. But as you know, sometimes they are.
Ok, I hate to get off topic, but what is all of this "moo" and "imoo" stand for??? I know I am from a small town, but geesh, all this mooing is making me crazy!!
Right. I understand. But I was putting your urge for a basement bedroom into the context of this particular case. I fully understand a kid wanting a cool bedroom. But IN THIS CASE there are extenuating circumstances that should have over ridden those desires, imo.

You do not see the difference between putting your child to sleep across the hall or next door from your bedroom, in comparison to them sleeping two floors down? You seriously do not see that an 11 yr old might be safer next door to mom's bedroom as opposed to the basement 2 floors down? Because
imo, any one would recognize the obvious differences. I can HEAR what is happening across the hall if it is something out of the ordinary. I can much easier SEE what is happening or SEE if someone tries to enter or leave my child's room. I can be warned by their cries or screams if something happens. I can SMELL smoke if they play with a lighter or light up a joint.

Here are a few FACTS we do have. The 23 yr old ex-felon moved in to Celina's old bedroom. She was then moved into the basement with an air mattress. She told her aunt she was afraid to sleep there alone. Her SF had mental problems and was not totally stable. He was the primary caregiver while mom was at work. So CC was spending the summer with the 23 yr old, her unstable SF, and her 13 yr old sister, when she was home. And Celina was found in the river. Those are some of the pertinent facts.

I do not think it is harsh to voice concerns over the sleeping arrangements. I purposely voice these types of concerns because I wish someone had voiced similar concerns when my mom let her younger brother move into our home and become our after school babysitter. It would have saved me a lot of pain and grief.

Do we know that a person could enter that exterior basement door and be in the part of the basement where the girls slept? It's a big house and might have a big basement. Link, please?

Bolded and colored by me. Great comment. You've boiled it all down to one statement. I vividly remember being eleven--supposed to be an age of innocence and looking forward to turning 13. It's why I feel such a connection to this case. Poor baby must've been so uncomfortable and could probably sense the dangers swirling in that household.
You are right about your statements, but because a young man lives in a home with a little girl does not make him an automatic candidate to commit a murder. jmo

No argument there...all speculation which is what we do here at me, no one has been ruled out at this point in time.
i hate to say it , please don't hurt me:)
but IMHO, considering that residents there have said no one locks their doors and leave keys in vehicles ( well maybe not ALL, but that seemed the consensus)
I don't know that it really matters where what door was, or wasn't, or how someone got in...or out for that matter. Or what side of the house they lived or not.
None of us really know where in that house Celina was last...and who was inside the home, or when or nothing.......way too many details not provided by LE....

1. Celina was a beautiful young girl, on the brink of puberty.

2. Sexual assault/rape is not about sexual attraction. It's about power. Rape victims are not always pretty young women.


Celina Cass' stepfather, whose truck has been hauled away by police investigating the girl's death, has checked himself into a mental health facility, ABC News affiliate WMUR reported today.

To me, this step-father is NOW getting help for his illness?? I wonder how he behaved before this trajedy? Did this trajedy set off the mental illness again? Has he been taking his meds? I know that if they go off their meds, they do not control their actions. :(
No, I seriously don't. Because IMO if someone with children is concerned about having a particular person or two in their home, it doesn't matter WHERE they sleep. It would be them being in the home, period.

Not that I have those concerns in this case (yet) because, as I've said, there isn't much to go on so far in this unfolding case and so much of it is hearsay.

The SF's schizophrenia and criminal background as well as the ex-stepson's criminal background are not hearsay. It's public record.
Ok, I hate to get off topic, but what is all of this "moo" and "imoo" stand for??? I know I am from a small town, but geesh, all this mooing is making me crazy!!

Haha! The MOO means my opinion only and IMOO means in my opinion only or it's my opinion only. It took me awhile to get used to all the short forms on here. :seeya:
1. Celina was a beautiful young girl, on the brink of puberty.

2. Sexual assault/rape is not about sexual attraction. It's about power. Rape victims are not always pretty young women.


I agree. It is also about access and availability. Someone in the same home is much easier to vicimize. JMHO
Ok, I hate to get off topic, but what is all of this "moo" and "imoo" stand for??? I know I am from a small town, but geesh, all this mooing is making me crazy!!

my opinion only and in my opinion only


OMO = only my opinion
JMO = just my opinion
JMHO = just my humble opinion

etc. etc.
I am in the house I grew up in I posted before our basement has the silver fish, spiders and as I mentioned those huge, crazy cave crickets (didn't know what they were called but a few posters provided the name)...Creepy...but when I was younger my sister did what your son did- covered the walls, threw some cheap tile and a rug on the floor and made her own "pad"...she was always the brave, adventurous (and rebellious) one...she would have slept outside to be farther from my parents at that point in her life.

Maybe the girls did choose to be down there as some said but I kind of doubt it since it was stated that Celina wouldn't stay down there when her sister was away...

I think it's fine for everyone to sleep wherever it works for the family in most cases...I just would NOT feel comfortable with a grown man, who is unrelated to the children, sleeping upstairs while they are downstairs. He might have been like a brother to them, or not, but he is still an unrelated male.

I may be extremely cynical because I work with many children who have been sexually abused...however, given the incidence of sexual abuse that more often than not happens with a family member, close family friend...I find the situation suspicious...I am not blaming the mother because if you haven't seen things through the lens of someone who has lived/worked with/known victims of sexual abuse, you very probably wouldn't think of this in advance...hindsight is always 20/20...

But, the fact that Celina didn't really want to be down there (if this can be inferred by her being frightened to be there if her sister wasn't there which I think it can) I find it sad that he was given preference in living arrangement (which makes me suspect that he may have been paying rent but it could have just been that the room was larger)...

Also, maybe Celina was frightened about being down there when her sister wasn't home because that's when she had been sexually abused- when her sister wasn't around- just speculating- and not because it was creepy down there?

uh...there were 2 grown men living there and neither were related to the sisters. One of these grown, non-relative men has sex offender brothers, a mental illness and at least one incident of violence against a former gf. The other guy has car theft convictions. But the focus is on the young guy because? :waitasec:
Ok, I hate to get off topic, but what is all of this "moo" and "imoo" stand for??? I know I am from a small town, but geesh, all this mooing is making me crazy!!

MOO- my opinion only
IMOO- in my opinion only
AFAIK- as far as I know
BBM- bolded by me
SBM- snipped by me
KWIM- know what I mean?

Just a few that drove me crazy when I got here, lol...Somewhere on this site is a list of all of them...can't find it right now with this pounding headache but if someone else doesn't I'll get it for you later.
The SF's schizophrenia and criminal background as well as the ex-stepson's criminal background are not hearsay. It's public record.

Even those mean nothing to me at this point. I can't make the gigantic leap from either of those to killer without knowing a whole lot more.
Not sure what to think of this. Does he just now realizing he needs help, or was he having problems prior to Celina's dissapearance?

Noyes, 47, has checked into a psychiatric facility, WMUR reported. It is the second time in recent days Noyes has been hospitalized. He was rushed to the hospital after acting bizarrely on Monday, the day Celina's body was discovered in the river.

Re the floor plan of the house:
Today I've noticed that it's been mentioned several times that Louisa & SF slept on the
upper level (3rd floor, if counting the basement as 1st floor). Today was the first I heard that.

I thought it was reported, a few days ago, that the tenants in the upstairs apartment had to leave the premises, also.

When bio-dad made his comments about his girls having to sleep in the basement,
he said he wondered why that was "because they had 2 very nice rooms". So, does
that mean, maybe, that each girl had her own room prior to moving to basement?
Did Louisa sleep on the couch & give the girls the BRs?

Then when MK moved in, he got one of the BRs, the girls moved to basement,
then shortly afterwards, Louisa & SF got married & moved into the other BR?

Also, I also think it was reported that no other tenants shared the basement, which means
the door leading into the basement, on the North side, had access to the entire basement.

I think the entrance door (on east side), facing the street may either go to the "duplex" part
on the downstairs level or to the apartment upstairs.

On the southside of the house, is CC's entrance. There are 2 entrance doors there, right next
to each other.... one with a numeral 1 and the other the number 2. One of these doors may be
to the "duplex" side, next to CC's apartment. Or it may go to the upstairs apartment?

On the northside of the house are 2 "backdoor" entrances (?)... one for each "duplex".
Also there, on the north side, is what I believe to be the basement entrance.

I know... many of you are asking, what does it matter? It doesn't. Just passing time here,
until we have some real answers to our questions & confirmation to our speculations.
No, I seriously don't. Because IMO if someone with children is concerned about having a particular person or two in their home, it doesn't matter WHERE they sleep. It would be them being in the home, period.

Not that I have those concerns in this case (yet) because, as I've said, there isn't much to go on so far in this unfolding case and so much of it is hearsay.

Sorry, but once again I disagree. My 11 yr old is much safer in the bedroom next door to mine than 2 floors down in the basement. Putting her that far away gives some perp the ability to secretly groom her on a routine basis.
That would not be possible if the child was next door. Sure, a perp could still sneak in and take your child, but it would be more difficult and you would have a better chance of hearing or seeing something and of noticing it sooner as well. imoo

And I do not get why you do 'not have those concerns' in this case? The child is dead and the cops are hinting it was from someone in the home. Why do you not have concerns yet? I am stumped.
uh...there were 2 grown men living there and neither were related to the sisters. One of these grown, non-relative men has sex offender brothers, a mental illness and at least one incident of violence against a former gf. The other guy has car theft convictions. But the focus is on the young guy because? :waitasec:

No argument there...all speculation which is what we do here at me, no one has been ruled out at this point in time.

Hate to quote myself but see above...
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