Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 9 *Arrest*

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Hmmmmm I don't know. I don't really believe that someone wouldn't talk if the emotional reward was fulfilling enough. People in small towns have tensions just like everywhere else, if not more so. Familiarity breeds contempt. Someone with a vendetta, a broken heart, a family feud, a desire to get out of the confines of the small town, fame, revenge, or perhaps even someone who just wants to see justice served would talk if they were being pursued (IMHO) I see alot of snide remarks on FB from people close to the case (pro and con to the WN theory) I'm sure if they're posting on FB, they might be willing to talk... I just don't think they are being asked the right questions or perhaps are not being asked questions at all! :twocents:


In the context of AAG Jane Young, there are valid reasons for this--as we all shall see and hear in the due course of time.....
I'll bite:
1. What do you know for sure?
2. What do you think you know for sure?


And as I said, that's why this case is frustrating. I need some puzzle pieces before I can get anywhere, even hypothetically.
Hi, Clu :wave:

I asked upthread, and I don't think anyone responded, but what if the POI did something in another jurisdiction? Even Vermont, which is about a mile away apparently? Would they be the ones to come and arrest him and document it? And how long would it take for it to make it to the "public record"? Anyone?


I guess they would be arrested in VT but I feel pretty sure that the NH LE are keeping an eye on anyone who might be crossing the borders on a regular basis, if they have an interest in anyone with ties over there...
Hmmmmm I don't know. I don't really believe that someone wouldn't talk if the emotional reward was fulfilling enough. People in small towns have tensions just like everywhere else, if not more so. Familiarity breeds contempt. Someone with a vendetta, a broken heart, a family feud, a desire to get out of the confines of the small town, fame, revenge, or perhaps even someone who just wants to see justice served would talk if they were being pursued (IMHO) I see alot of snide remarks on FB from people close to the case (pro and con to the WN theory) I'm sure if they're posting on FB, they might be willing to talk... I just don't think they are being asked the right questions or perhaps are not being asked questions at all! :twocents:

I have to bring this post forward...I understand, in many respects, what people are saying about the "small town" mindset and people there not talking to "outsiders"...but as a mental health professional, I can't discount that people are people not matter where you go...Absolutely, cultural differences can have a huge impact...but I believe every place is a microcosm in some ways of the larger world...Just as they talk about the family in clinical psychology- every member in the family has a role, so, do I believe, everyone everywhere has a role...So, you will find the "good child", the rule follower, the peacemaker, the secret keeper, and also the rebel...Every small town has people in it that want to 'make it out into the real world', so to speak...Yes, the mentality of the small town may be what happens here, stays here, but there is always a rule breaker there...and the opportunity, such as this, to 'get out there and be seen' is generally very enticing for this person...

All this to say that I agree with deelytful...perhaps they haven't asked the right question yet...or found the right person to ask...but the story is there, waiting to be told...

This is all MOO, and I have had a couple of glasses of Sangria to boot! So take it as you will...

I guess they would be arrested in VT but I feel pretty sure that the NH LE are keeping an eye on anyone who might be crossing the borders on a regular basis, if they have an interest in anyone with ties over there...

Keeping an eye on, yes...but informing the general public, I don't think so...
I have to bring this post forward...I understand, in many respects, what people are saying about the "small town" mindset and people there not talking to "outsiders"...but as a mental health professional, I can't discount that people are people not matter where you go...Absolutely, cultural differences can have a huge impact...but I believe every place is a microcosm in some ways of the larger world...Just as they talk about the family in clinical psychology- every member in the family has a role, so, do I believe, everyone everywhere has a role...So, you will find the "good child", the rule follower, the peacemaker, the secret keeper, and also the rebel...Every small town has people in it that want to 'make it out into the real world', so to speak...Yes, the mentality of the small town may be what happens here, stays here, but there is always a rule breaker there...and the opportunity, such as this, to 'get out there and be seen' is generally very enticing for this person...

All this to say that I agree with deelytful...perhaps they haven't asked the right question yet...or found the right person to ask...but the story is there, waiting to be told...

This is all MOO, and I have had a couple of glasses of Sangria to boot! So take it as you will...

Of course there WERE those few posts on news sites that claimed to have inside knowledge and were pointing fingers in a very specific way...with all kinds of details, but as they are all rumors, we'll just have to wait and see if they are true or partially true. As you said, people have opinions in any town, any place...maybe they don't talk to outsiders, but some may post anonymously, who knows...
Wish we had a local here :)

It does? Please elaborate.

Haha, I just looked again. I guess it doesn't cover as much of the state as I thought, but it's still a very large county, covering a large area.


I think NH is just much smaller than I realized. LOL It's not THAT big of a county. But when the one scanner channel is picking up police, ambulance & fire for an entire county, it's a lot of unnecessary chatter to listen to during an investigation. Whereas in more populous areas you can just listen to the city police scanner.
I have to bring this post forward...I understand, in many respects, what people are saying about the "small town" mindset and people there not talking to "outsiders"...but as a mental health professional, I can't discount that people are people not matter where you go...Absolutely, cultural differences can have a huge impact...but I believe every place is a microcosm in some ways of the larger world...Just as they talk about the family in clinical psychology- every member in the family has a role, so, do I believe, everyone everywhere has a role...So, you will find the "good child", the rule follower, the peacemaker, the secret keeper, and also the rebel...Every small town has people in it that want to 'make it out into the real world', so to speak...Yes, the mentality of the small town may be what happens here, stays here, but there is always a rule breaker there...and the opportunity, such as this, to 'get out there and be seen' is generally very enticing for this person...

All this to say that I agree with deelytful...perhaps they haven't asked the right question yet...or found the right person to ask...but the story is there, waiting to be told...
This is all MOO, and I have had a couple of glasses of Sangria to boot! So take it as you will...


And how do any of here know "the story" hasn't been told already--by at least one person?
If two people have a secret, that's one too many. Like my dh, retired LE, will always talk... eventually.

You may want to read the front pages of the Sunday editions of The Concord Monitor or The New Hampshire Sunday News; the former is based in Concord, New Hampshire which is the state capitol, the second in Manchester, New Hampshire which is the largest city north of Boston. After doing so, you may very well change your mind--at least about the current state of investigative reporting on those two newspapers. By the way, I am not discussing the investigative reporting of CC's death, but rather the results of various investigations of other events or situations that may be of possible interest to the citizens reading these newspapers.

Maybe you would like to elaborate? Have these publications uncovered some murder mystery that I'm unaware of? I appreciate the gesture, but i really don't have the time to peruse. Maybe if i knew what I was looking for? I would love to be proved wrong but I'm also referring to murder cases / missing person cases and the ultimate solving of such cases. Reporters seem to go after cases that will have inevitable financial reward (political, corporate scandal) IMHO
I'm not buying into this theory about how the people in the town know something but aren't willing to talk. New Hampshire might be unique, but it's not Mars. People everywhere gossip, and it's difficult to believe that reporters could uncover Watergate yet be fooled by some townspeople who have some sort of unspoken pact. In my experience as a reporter, I have discovered that people absolutely love to chat with media types and provide little tidbits of information. This is particularly true of young women and old men.

I also don't think I've heard any logical reason that the police would make an arrest and keep it a big secret. What purpose would that serve? It seems very unlikely. However, they might detain someone. But I think they have to charge or release the individual after a certain length of time, and I'm sure that time period expired for anybody taken into custody earlier than Monday.
I think many folks have a false impression of what the area around Stewartstown is like and what the residents are like. That area of New Hampshire lies above the White Mountains and is referred to as the "North Country". It's sparsely populated with a lot of small towns and villages that look pretty much as they did in the 40's. There are few employment opportunities and many of the young people leave the area as soon as they can. The population in most of the area has been dwindling rather than increasing. In Stewartstown, for example, the population has declined by about 10% since 1970. The entire county has a population of only 30,000. There are no large shopping centers, no large anything. The closest Wal-Mart, and it's a small one, is 65 miles away and it's an hour and a half drive to get there. It's a depressed area. Stewartstown is about 165 miles north of Manchester and the only way to get there is by car, about a 3 hour drive. It's not a place that reporters are going to drop in from time to time to see what's new. People in the North Country refer to anyone from south of the White Mountains as "Flatlanders". In general, they do not like flatlanders invading their territory. I live in the southern part of New Hampshire and my work over the years took me to the North Country, including Stewartstown, many times. The people there are friendly but they do not offer any information to "outsiders". From my experience with people in that area, if a local who knew exactly what happened was asked by a reporter from outside the area a whodunit question, the answer I would expect is "Don't know...could be most anyone." Because of the area's location and the difficulty getting there, I doubt very much if there is a single reporter up there poking around trying to dig up information. And if there was, I doubt that reporter would get any answers.
bstnh1 - Thanks for all your posts. Having spent a great deal of time in the North Country, it's just moo, but you describe it very well. Friend of mine always said once we hit the road above the Notch, "welcome to Oz" (because it's a whole different world up here). Anyway - :tyou:
I have to bring this post forward...I understand, in many respects, what people are saying about the "small town" mindset and people there not talking to "outsiders"...but as a mental health professional, I can't discount that people are people not matter where you go...Absolutely, cultural differences can have a huge impact...but I believe every place is a microcosm in some ways of the larger world...Just as they talk about the family in clinical psychology- every member in the family has a role, so, do I believe, everyone everywhere has a role...So, you will find the "good child", the rule follower, the peacemaker, the secret keeper, and also the rebel...Every small town has people in it that want to 'make it out into the real world', so to speak...Yes, the mentality of the small town may be what happens here, stays here, but there is always a rule breaker there...and the opportunity, such as this, to 'get out there and be seen' is generally very enticing for this person...

All this to say that I agree with deelytful...perhaps they haven't asked the right question yet...or found the right person to ask...but the story is there, waiting to be told...

This is all MOO, and I have had a couple of glasses of Sangria to boot! So take it as you will...

Interesting analysis! You could be correct, time will tell. However, the grape vine is buzzing and the leaves are shaking for small town insiders. skier
It seems that locals would be much more publicly talkative if in fact it an unknown assailant hurt Celina. Stoic North Country types or not, if a stranger came through and committed a murder, we'd have heard a lot more "this never happens here" reactions (because they're not going to protect a stranger), and LE would have widely publicized the need for extra security through the media.

Celina's death was tragic, and from all accounts she was a sweetheart. LN and her girls may be well liked enough (or pitied) that the town wants to keep quiet about their suspicions and/or their knowledge. If the townspeople hated her or them, more gums would likely be flapping both online and off. And LN may have a sad story of her own, maybe even a psych diagnosis? I don't know, I'm just wondering. WN, despite his online friends, may also be a sympathetic figure to some: local boy serves his country, returns with a mental illness. We just don't know.

A friend of a friend has a vicious dog that has attacked many people and even killed a neighbor's dog. Everyone (family and neighbors, even people who were bitten!) gave this woman a pass because she's dying of cancer. Easy to give advice about how she should be taken away in handcuffs until you know how much she's been through and, maybe, how kind she's been to so many people. I'm not saying right or wrong; it's just a fact that people's motives are often complex.

We all have neighbors we'd probably protect, and others we'd gladly discuss with the nice reporters. Around Stewartstown, though, I'll bet they all know, or are related to, local LE. So out of respect and practicality comes silence.
bstnh1 - Thanks for all your posts. Having spent a great deal of time in the North Country, it's just moo, but you describe it very well. Friend of mine always said once we hit the road above the Notch, "welcome to Oz" (because it's a whole different world up here). Anyway - :tyou:

It sure is!! Different weather, different people, different attitudes, different everything!!
It seems that locals would be much more publicly talkative if in fact it an unknown assailant hurt Celina. Stoic North Country types or not, if a stranger came through and committed a murder, we'd have heard a lot more "this never happens here" reactions (because they're not going to protect a stranger), and LE would have widely publicized the need for extra security through the media.

Celina's death was tragic, and from all accounts she was a sweetheart. LN and her girls may be well liked enough (or pitied) that the town wants to keep quiet about their suspicions and/or their knowledge. If the townspeople hated her or them, more gums would likely be flapping both online and off. And LN may have a sad story of her own, maybe even a psych diagnosis? I don't know, I'm just wondering. WN, despite his online friends, may also be a sympathetic figure to some: local boy serves his country, returns with a mental illness. We just don't know.

I'm not saying right or wrong; it's just a fact that people's motives are often complex.

We all have neighbors we'd probably protect, and others we'd gladly discuss with the nice reporters. Around Stewartstown, though, I'll bet they all know, or are related to, local LE. So out of respect and practicality comes silence.

respectfully snipped for space and BBM

I see you don't post very often and this is a good one! I started bolding some thoughts but actually most of them are so good I stopped. Please keep chiming in- you have a lot to offer!:goodpost:

And you're right...I have some neighbors I'd gladly discuss with a nice reporter!
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