NJ - Carolyn Byington, 26, killed inside her home, Plainsboro, 10 June 2019 *Arrest*

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Help! I don’t know why but every time I log onto this website I keep getting a pop up for Verizon. I’ve tried everything to get rid of it. I’m on my IPhone. I tried going into safari and toggling the block pop ups button, but it hasn’t helped. Anyone else have this problem. It’s only happening with this website.
Nope he just lives there. He apparently has been arrested before but I don’t know for what

I'm wondering if he may be connected as a person with knowledge about the crime -- knows who committed the act?

It seems odd to me that he would still live at the place where crime occurred if he was the perp.

Help! I don’t know why but every time I log onto this website I keep getting a pop up for Verizon. I’ve tried everything to get rid of it. I’m on my IPhone. I tried going into safari and toggling the block pop ups button, but it hasn’t helped. Anyone else have this problem. It’s only happening with this website.

About 2 months ago I had similar problem.

I logged out of WS, powered off my phone, and after fresh log in it was gone.

Good luck!
I have wondered the same. I am not from the area or even the state but I myself have thought of calling and asking if there are any updates and when one can be expected even if they do not have much to share and believe me when I say, I have never been tempted to do that in any case.

Everyone here has done a great job of trying to keep interest alive in this case even though I think it is difficult with no information and nothing new to discuss. I did a search yesterday hoping for some new article or information and nada.

I have even been hoping since it has been basically a "holiday" week that maybe tomorrow we will be surprised and hear of an arrest, although I am not holding my breath and am probably just dreaming :) It is closing on a month though and maybe results they have been awaiting will come in, I hope and assume they have fingerprints and DNA. One does not often hear of fingerprints so much anymore, we all talk DNA but unless this was planned and the perp wore gloves, I would think there would be a good chance of prints. Of course, it very well could have been planned :( If it was planned, it seems like a high risk plan for location and time of day though.

The suggestion above of getting a reporter involved is a good one. Do the local or area papers ask for updates or do they just wait until something happens and/or a press release and then print it, I am unsure of the usual practice.

I will continue to come here hoping to hear of an arrest. And contribute what I can to keep the interest alive even if it means repeating thoughts I have already had and stated before lol.

Local people and those familiar with the area have added much or there would be basically nothing to talk about. It is appreciated.


everyone seems to imagine that the call she got to go home was on her cell phone and traceable- possible it came in on a more public line in her office and there was no record of the caller's identity? Or the call was from a masked source (which is even more sinister because it sounds more planned and tech savvy)? I too thought that LE would just figure out who called her and that would "solve" the case....but maybe not so easy to do.
Hi all, I live less than a mile from Carolyn's apartment and have been reading all of your comments over the past week but haven't had anything to add myself. I took note of the comment about the black Range Rover and last night, my family was at the playground at a nearby elementary school. There was a black Range Rover in the parking lot and after awhile we realized it did not belong to anyone using the playground. The Range Rover left shortly before us and my husband took note of the license plate.

I called the Plainsboro Police last night to give them the plate number and explain what I had read about the black Range Rover. I said that the community was grasping at straws because we had no information and were on edge. They looked up the license plate and saw that it belonged to a 42 yo female living at Hunters Glen and were not concerned by that. The dispatcher I spoke with also said that they had no information about the case, that the county was handling it now.

My husband and I were then talking about the case and I have two possibilities:

1. A neighbor- therefore there was no car coming or going and no one odd in the complex.
2. Maintenance person. In my experience from living in a complex just like this, maintenance is usually around in the morning picking up trash, etc and you get to know one another casually. In particular there was one maintenance man that I saw frequently, and I would in passing mention things that we needed help with or a repair that wasn't working. What if Carolyn saw a maintenance person in the morning on her way to work, mentioned something that needed repairing, and he set a time to meet her later? Then there would be no formal record of the request and no phone records as to what was calling her home.

Again, just my opinion based on my experience living in the community. Thanks for all the information you have shared, and I'm happy to share anything else I can help with.

a 42 yr old female could have a questionable friend or relative.... IMO.. who could borrow her car
everyone seems to imagine that the call she got to go home was on her cell phone and traceable- possible it came in on a more public line in her office and there was no record of the caller's identity? Or the call was from a masked source (which is even more sinister because it sounds more planned and tech savvy)? I too thought that LE would just figure out who called her and that would "solve" the case....but maybe not so easy to do.

Imo, and I could be wrong, with a business line they would be able to access even more info. Of course if someone called from some business or such, I agree that proving who it necessarily was would be difficult... I honestly do not know if I think she was "called" home at all... We have kind of latched onto that because it was one of the only things that was said, that LE was exploring the idea that she was lured home (paraphrasing)...
Agreed! I'm surprised at how little coverage this murder is receiving and how little we really know. I would think if the murderer was someone Carolyn knew, was texting with, was dating then he would have been arrested by now or at least be named POI and we'd know he was being questioned. Since that hasn't happened I can't help but think this was random. And that's really scary. MOO

the reason that this does not seem random is because she went back to her apt- that seems to mean that the attacker knew her or knew of her, even if she was unaware of the attacker. unless this was the weirdest coincidence, the attacker knew her, knew where she lived, knew a way to get her to go back home, knew how to contact her... it does not seem like a random attack and no items of obvious value were taken, so not a break in and robbery.
Help! I don’t know why but every time I log onto this website I keep getting a pop up for Verizon. I’ve tried everything to get rid of it. I’m on my IPhone. I tried going into safari and toggling the block pop ups button, but it hasn’t helped. Anyone else have this problem. It’s only happening with this website.

I am having a terrible time with pop ups today. Also on my IPhone.
I am not sure which building he lives in and no he was fired awhile ago

just have to ask: does anyone know if CB went to Panera? ...to this Panera? and then why was this suspected person fired? (I know you will not know, but disgruntled employee lashing out is common... still killing a specific person in her apt is a stretch, IMO)
Imo, and I could be wrong, with a business line they would be able to access even more info. Of course if someone called from some business or such, I agree that proving who it necessarily was would be difficult... I honestly do not know if I think she was "called" home at all... We have kind of latched onto that because it was one of the only things that was said, that LE was exploring the idea that she was lured home (paraphrasing)...

She could have had a stalker and maybe not been aware of it. Someone could have been watching her comings and goings as a neighbor or someone that worked near her job or home. They could have been someone she trusted or at least didn't see as a threat and taken advantage of a rare lunch break at home. If many people in the complex work during the day the afternoon would be a "good" time to strike. People also expect a certain amount of activity during the day. idk
thing with any legitimate delivery is that there would be records of what/who/when, so .... lots of evidence

My apartment building just started calling up to ask if you are expecting a guest once the main doors lock at 7 pm. They don't call about food delivery. I don't if it would be possible but if someone had made deliveries in the past could they fake one to gain access?
My apartment building just started calling up to ask if you are expecting a guest once the main doors lock at 7 pm. They don't call about food delivery. I don't if it would be possible but if someone had made deliveries in the past could they fake one to gain access?

If I understand it correctly, there are no main doors. Each apartment has an entry door from the outside. Each also has a patio door. She was a 2nd floor apartment, with her own stairwell to her door outside (open stairwell).

The food delivery talk though is interesting. One could have been faked or she could have ordered lunch...

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