GUILTY NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death #2 *NG murder, Guilty endangering welfare, agg manslaughter*

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is anyone else having issues with the audio on the Law & Crime Livestream? I can't figure out if the audio is cutting out or if my headphones are doing it.
Baden testifying that the infectious diseases doc being an "old timer" she may not be aware that CT's are often used in autopsy.

[I am cackling. Baden refers to someone as an old timer]
Baden testifies that pediatrician Dr. Larkin was concered about possibility of pnuemonia or infectious disease. So Larkin requested the CAT scan while the body was at South Ocean before being sent over to the ME for autopsy.
Does anyone know what was happening with Corey in the hour, half hour, minutes before CPR started?

Was there any moment where CG was alone with Corey in the hospital?
there were comments from the judge earlier that the courtroom is sweltering becasue of AC issues.


Knew the jury room was a sweatbox, didn't know the courtroom was too. Crowded as well.

That was quite a moment with Dr. Baden being hip to the CT scan times, throwing the other doctor under for bring old school.

I'd like to hear someone testify what 49 minutes of CPR does to the circulatory system. What functions are halted, which are forced? Just feels like air is probably pushed into hard places and anything in the mouth/throat is going to pushed into the windpipe....

What time was Corey admitted. His time of death really is just before CPR was started..

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Jurors were struggling to stay awake. Defense attorney says he was watching everyone carefully and no one was asleep. Court agrees, no issue.

Very uncomfortable in room. Fans brought in for jury room.
Dr. Baden resumes testimony.

In addition to the lung culture and the CT scan done prior to or during autopsy, were tehre any other signs of pnuemonia?

Baden quotes the rapid heartrate, being pale, difficulty breathing, very high white blood cell count found. 29,000.

What is a normal count for 6 year old. 7 or 8,000. Corey's was more than triple normal.

Why do you think we saw an increase in the polys? Sudden infection present in the body. Since previous white counts were within normal and then that elevated to me indicates sudeen onset of infection.

Could the internal injuries you say were done by CPR cause that elevation.

Baden opines the blood count was elevated prior to CPR.

Cyanosis is s blueish tint to skin when oxygen is low. Coreys oxygen was very low upon arriving at South Ocean.

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