NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#27

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For some reason 11.30pm comes to mind...I'll try a match up with dates from the report & posts on here...

I think that may have been when they had the Detectives set up near the roundabout, but they didn't stop traffic on that one (only cars heading outbound on Brookfield Road).

That was a Thursday night.
I wonder how old Brucey is going. It would have been lights out a couple of hours ago. I'm sure he's been moved by now. Probably to a cell on his own. No iPhone, no computer, no emails to write, no insurance companies to call. Just his own thoughts in a truly awful place. Suffering and wondering how it all went so wrong. Boo hoo. More than a little bit hurt now.
He could not afford a divorce, he allegedly told her, but he would work things out so they could be together, the police court papers say.


How can he not afford a divorce lawyer but can afford a criminal lawyer and ummm the other one? (Sorry, brain not working)
It certainly demonstrates that Allison was the main carer for the 3 little girls. He would not have had the time. One could speculate that he was busy avoiding it all.My opinion, not fact.

Oh He'll be O.K.........I watched a documentry about "Romance in Prison".........
He'll be O.K. :D Alittle bit hurt :anguish: But he'll be O.K. IMO

Oh you are naughty, the mind boggles!!
My 6,9 and 10 year olds are in bed at 8 usually asleep 15mins later. 11,12 and 2x 13 in bed between 8.30-9pm. They take longer to fluff around getting to bed. I think different kids/ families have vastly different schedules depending on activities, distance to school etc and some kids just need more sleep. Also, some of my kids sleep lightly and would wake up if there was a commotion, some would sleep through a brass band playing in their room.

Stupid Tree, you deserve a medal for being able to organize 7 kiddiwinks by 9.00pm, or any time for that matter. Do you get 7 breakfasts in bed on Mother's Day? Just joking.
No problemo....


3rd April - Gerard Baden-Clay emails mistress to say he will be separated by July 1, 2012.

18th April - 10.08pm: Baden-Clay searched "taking the Fifth" online

19th April - 6.30pm: Allison leaves a Kenmore hairdresser ahead of a real estate conference the following day.

19th April - 8.29pm Baden-Clay's mobile phone is connected to charger

19th April - 8.45pm His phone is removed from the charger

20th April - 1.48am The phone is connected to the charger

20th April - 6.18am The phone is removed from the charger

20th April - 7.09am Baden-Clay searches "self-incrimination" on the internet.

20th April - 7.13am Baden-Clay attempted to access the Queensland Police Service home page.

20th April - 7.15am: Baden-Clay calls 000 to report his wife Allison was missing.

21st April - Baden-Clay attended a doctor to have injuries documented.

30th April - Mrs Baden-Clay's body was discovered at Kholo Creek at Anstead, 14km from her home

14th June - Baden-Clay is charged with his wife's murder.

Sorry if someone has already said this, but wasn't there a video call to NBC as well - from memory it was at 12.30am? And was there another call to NBC?

I also wonder, as someone else has said, if he did have a second phone.

I wonder what caused this damage and when...
I'm still having flashbacks from seeing this car driving towards me on Brookfield Road!
I'm certain the car was damaged prior to the fateful day. I'm sure I remember seeing the damage at school and think its been reported here. This isn't the car he crashed either.

So, I think we can rule this out as a murder weapon!

Thanks! yes now i remember it was mentioned earlier, honestly how many cars has he crashed?

Do you think that the prado was not used at all that night? my thoughts go back to the report about those two cars that night... wonder if that turns out to be credible and if so who the second car belonged to and who drove it...
I do as well. But, the recipient has to also have the ability for 'face talk'. You can't just call anyone using face time. I got my 5 year old to call his Dad (my husband) and we both have iPhones and face time didn't work. I've never investigated it further but, I think you have to have it as part of your plan or enabled.

It'll only work if you're both connected to wifi. I think the new iPhones or upcoming software upgrade (not sure which) will have FaceTime capability using cellular network...but don't quote me on that, it's late and my technophile hubby is away so I can't clarify that in a jiffy.
While I understand everyone's desire for justice to be served, I'm finding the joking about and encouragement of rape absolutely disgusting.
Thanks! yes now i remember it was mentioned earlier, honestly how many cars has he crashed?

Do you think that the prado was not used at all that night? my thoughts go back to the report about those two cars that night... wonder if that turns out to be credible and if so who the second car belonged to and who drove it...
I suspect the police wouldn't have released the Prado if it was involved. The Captiva hasn't been sighted since the cars were impounded....IMO
Can anyone link the MSM report that said GBC received the scratches from a caterpillar? I just told my husband. He laughed. He said 'if I were a detective or police officer and he used that as an excuse, it would be a swift smack to the upside for being an idiot and expecting anyone to believe that'!!!

Thinking of the family of the 6 month old tonight who is missing in the Logan River. Poor baby. We need to start acknowledging PND for men as well as women.
Based on the Courier Mail article and Nads' post, IMO, while it is possible that GBC may have prompted ABC to call the life insurance company to discuss options to reduce premiums, it is not impossible that a woman claiming to be ABC may have called the life insurance company in order to obtain information for GBC. :what:

I've seen this happen before, when a spouse/another family member has phoned up requesting info and it has been released as all the info has matched!

However, looking in to it later we have listened back to the phone calls and the voices do CLEARLY not match. :(
While I understand everyone's desire for justice to be served, I'm finding the joking about and encouragement of rape absolutely disgusting.

I respect your point of view.....However I really did see a Documentary about "Romance in Prison" no rape involved what so ever. These people had real romantic relationships that sometimes continued after their release. If my comment offended you it wasn't meant to. My apologies :blushing:
That's right. When my 13 y.o, was 10, she was in bed by 8:30 reading and awake until about 9 pm and then sound asleep at 9:15/9:30 pm. That routine worked well for her.

I think a 10 y.o. child is still awake at 8:45 pm and possibly not sound asleep until 9:30-10:00 pm. Allow 30 minutes of discussion/argument - after that.

CC re your 2 qoutes above, regardless of when your own child was in bed (a number of years ago) one shouldn't assume when the Baden Clay children went to bed or were sound asleep by - every family's different - just the point I was trying to make in the first place.
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