NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#27

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Thanks again, MW. And IMO the fact it was a FaceTime call places each party in the vicinity of wifi they have access to at that time - so, likely one of their residences or workplace.

(I haven't caught up to last 5 pages or so, so hope I'm not repeating what might've been said already)

Also, FaceTime calls occur between Apple devices with that capability, so a caller or (in this case) receiver might have used an iPad, for example, instead of an iPhone. Perhaps in an attempt to make it a less-traceable call - as another poster here has already suggested.

Further, FaceTime calls tend to have a low volume ringtone (unless you change it), so it's unlikely to be a noise that would wake someone nearby. Perhaps the call receiver in this instance was awake for awhile, expecting the call?

This could be it! Would anyone in Oz think that the fifth amendment was part of their own constitution in the express of rights?????????? I think so. More than half of our citizens don't know the name of our Vice President, so "they" say.

(I'm still not sure who "they" are, but "they" do throw out a lot of statistics).

I wonder if there is a type of fifth amendment in the express of rights. I took a brief look and didn't see it.

Constitution of Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is the right to remain silent, which is in essence similar to the 5th in the US.
Thank you Nads and KG1. With all due respect and honesty, I don't believe that GBC was that uninformed or naive about Aussie Law. My personal opinion.

But he possibly didn't know what it was called in Australia (I don't) and sometimes googling can help.
Common law dictates that if someone has a reasonable belief that they are a suspect in the commission of an offence, a right to refrain from answering any questions from a person of authority is available to the public, especially in relation to any information surrounding the alleged offence, as well as the identities of any other alleged perpetrators. Additionally, common law has stated, that no inference can be drawn from someone who has chosen to exercise their right to silence, and if any conclusions are indeed made, it will erode the right, or make it worthless, as noted by the High Court Justices in Petty and Maiden v The Queen.

Generally speaking, the right to silence presupposes that if a trial was to occur in the commission of an offence, it is up to a jury to determine the innocence or guilt of a party, relying on the facts of the case, rather than the silence of an accused.
The Journal entries don't sit right with me. Especially when it was previously reported that EVERYONE knew about the affair. And that he came out and announced to the office that Allison had found out about the affair, in the middle of last year. Allison Baden Clay knew of husbands affair

I ponder if the entries don't pertain to Mistress #3. And question if she isn't one of the staff he had working for him up until recently..? Wasn't there speculation of this back in previous threads a month or so ago??

There was also a rumour about a suicide note being found, but not in Allison's handwriting. I wonder if this isn't fiction, and is something that we will find out later when more information is released down the track, as being part of the journal entries.

Something interesting that I caught on TV a couple of nights ago, whilst chanel surfing. Can't remember rightly what the show was altogether about. But it was mentioned that people that premeditate murders, only plan upto the murder itself. And do not plan what comes next, or what to do after the actually killing. Wish I could remember what show I saw this on. It was a real :idea: moment.

Way back it was posted here by someone with "inside" info, that Allison thought the affair with TM had finished last year. She may have not been aware that it was still going on and perhaps found out about it recently.
Anyone know what time the cricket day starts, and I assume it's at the showgrounds?
Nothing in my wardrobe is yellow, I have no yellow flowers or ribbons!
IMO I also thought this was WAY too much information to have about ABC and her walking routes, this person IMO obviously knew a LOT about ABC's whereabouts. It also pushed for everyone to consider that Allison was 'stalked' by someone other than 'the husband'.

I also thought the choice of the name '543' was only just missing out the '21', for Century 21. IMO I feel EBC has an awful lot of involvement in this case and he realised he was never going to get his money back for GBC's loan gone bad unless a body was found to ensure a life insurance payout before wild animals carried off poor Allison's body.

Also, has the old Bahana explained why GBC called him in the early hours of Friday morning? Has he been questioned about it? And what did happen at the bus stop?(previous reports of someone stopping for an old man that was rambling on incoherently at the bus stop early Friday morning).

Also who was the caterpillar incident witness? When did he say the 'caterpillar' attacked him and made him a little bit itchy? Has it been revealed what he purchased at the Chemist the morning ABC went missing?

Arrrgghh! so many questions!!! The above is all just MOO and IMO.

good could be a good back up for his caterpillar story that he had to buy phernergan.....child sedative but also antihistamine?

As for that early is highly suspect I agree, its been talked about a fair bit, as this post directly invites QPS to follow up on the comments in it IMO. If you go through all of those particular posts, you'll see they had no way of knowing these things.
I have to say I don't agree, although it depends on what you mean by 'recovery'. Of course my wish is that it is the case as I can see yours is, but I feel this is a little simplistic. It's nice to look on the bright side, but this is probably the worst that could happen to any child, other than being physically abused and attacked themselves.

I agree that the word "recovery" is a bit simplistic, sorry, however the gist of my comment was that the trauma suffered, if they witness the murder, would be far worse and difficult to erase from their memories. If they only have the knowledge (and no visual images) that their mother died and perhaps at some stage, that the father allegedly killed her, IMO it would be less damaging in the long run.
Just on the Facebook friends thing, there has been a glitch in Facebook the past few weeks where many peoples friends list numbers went up because it started to include all the people you used to be friends with and have deleted or blocked. Mine went up by over 40 and it happened to several people I know. I think this is the most likely cause of GBCs friends list change.

I was thinking that maybe he had sent out friends requests over the last few months or longer, and many people hadn't confirmed it. But since his spectacular fall from grace, they are clicking confirm...its kind of like a car crash, you want to look away but you just cant...I think if he had added me a while ago, and then all this happened, I might confirm friendship, just to be a sticky beak
Sounds plausible. Now that we have more information it's great to get back onto some more serious sleuthing about what happened and when.

How do your times above fit in with the reported time of the screams followed by one muffled scream? ... and with the report of the loud arguing coming from the house?

I was also wondering what relevance there is about the sighting of the cars at Anstead near the Kholo Bridge. I thought that was supposed to have been at 3.30am? But then I noted that the defence said in his remarks at the bail hearing "there is nothing to place GBC at the Kholo Creek site". I wondered about that - was that because that information wasn't placed in the prosecutions case against bail - because they only made the case on some of the information they had? Or because they still had not verified it completely yet? (maybe still wading through phone calls to rule out other drivers of cars fitting similar descriptions). Or could that statement mean that the sighting of the vehicles doesn't prove anything because the number plates weren't sighted?

I know it's only a rumour, but can anyone recall the time NBC was supposed to have been seen at the roundabout?

Maybe we could do our own timeline, with all the facts we know, and then see if any of the more believable rumours fit into that?

I believe the screams some kilometres away from their home may be unrelated. The neighbours hearing argument coming from the house I believe was around 10 pm. With regard to the cars, we need to hear the whole prosecution case to know if these cars have been ruled out or not.

At this stage there is still so much we don't know with regard to whatever evidence the prosecution have and it is difficult to make assumptions about many aspects IMO.
Certainly wouldn't want to be friends with him on Facebook, just in case the men in coats want to have a chat about anything you may have seen, done, taken part in.
Certainly wouldn't want to be friends with him on Facebook, just in case the men in coats want to have a chat about anything you may have seen, done, taken part in.

Great avatar!!:floorlaugh:
KtK are prisoners allowed to read the newspaper in jail? And I saw mention of "slot tv" - does that mean they can only watch tv if they pay for it (thus limited amount of time)? I wonder if GBC saw the aftermath of the bail hearing in the media yesterday or do they try to keep that sort of info away from the prisoners so they don't get more upset? No wonder they wanted a supression order - doesn't look good for him in the eyes of the public in any event.

Every unit gets the CM. They have a TV in their mess area and see everything that we do.
Curiousasacat, good morning

Re: mobile phones, while we don't know exactly what type of handset GBS was using, we can assume that it was an iPnone, because Allison used iPhone. I don't think it's too unreasonable to suggest that. For iPhones, charging with a FireWire-based power source is not supported, except on original iPhone and iPod touch (1st generation). Unless you know alternative ways to get around it .. I don't but would like to learn if there are any. :) The fact that GBC used a facetime feature (according to CM ) on that night suggests that he used a device supporting iOS, and that leaves us with iPhone4, iPad, Mac OS X Lion, iPod Touch, which implies the standard SIP–IETF signalling protocol for VoIP. Each resource of a SIP network, such as a user agent or a voicemail box, is identified by a uniform resource identifier. A typical SIP URI is of the form: sip:username: password@host: port.
First time poster. English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for the mistakes. And also sorry if this has been covered before. I have been trying to read as much as I can, but it's a bit difficult as I live in a completely different time zone.

I have a personal interest in this case, because a long time ago I met Gerard and Allison. I didn't know them well, so i can't comment on their personalities. Still, I was horrified to hear that Allison had went missing because she seemed such a nice lady. I have followed this case ever since, and obviously this should't happen to anybody and ecpecially not to such a nice person.

I have looked at GBC:s facebook guite a few times. We have a lot of facebook-friends in common and not a single one of them has un-friended him. I think it's strange that somebody want's to be friends with an alleged murderer, ecpecially when the prosecution has a fairly strong case. (I'm not and I haven't been fb-friends with G)

In the process I noticed that the number of his friends is going smaller, very slowly. But the night he was arrested, the number of his facebook-friends suddenly went up by about 10. How is that possible? Does he have internet-acces in jail? Where I live, that's not possible, ecpecially right after you have been arrested. Or is there somebody else facebooking for him? That would also be strange, I don't think anyone would accept friend invitations on behalf of an alleged murderer right after he's been arrested. I don't get this.

I hope this is not off-topic. It also puzzles me that so many nice and normal people want to be friends with him. I have un-friended people for racist comments etc, and I think that's common thing to do. So I just don't get this.

Thank you for all the links and info! Without this forum it would have been a lot more difficult to follow this horrible case.

Welcome! I had the same question about his FB friends suddenly increasing and a few other posters explained that if someone suddenly re-activates their own accounts, it would show an increase of friends in his account, but not necessarily that he suddenly has more friends. Also, I believe that someone else is managing his FB account for him. (PS - English is also not my first language :) )
I was thinking that maybe he had sent out friends requests over the last few months or longer, and many people hadn't confirmed it. But since his spectacular fall from grace, they are clicking confirm...its kind of like a car crash, you want to look away but you just cant...I think if he had added me a while ago, and then all this happened, I might confirm friendship, just to be a sticky beak

My friends list is still showing over 40 friends more than I last remember and includes people on my blocked list and ex boyfriends and such. When I click on them it just goes back to my newsfeed. I just confirmed with a friend that she still has the same thing going on. One of those weird Facebook glitches.
I remember a poster way, way back (early days of the investigation) stating that GBC & ABC were advised to discuss the affair and their daily activities each night. The poster seemed quite close to the situation at the time.

I haven't been involved in marriage counseling so I can't comment on the techniques used but, it does sound plausible to openly discuss the affair. Far healthier IMO than brushing it under the carpet.

Yes! That is what's fourth comment was in the early thread, which I couldn't remember the other day:

-- they were having counselling and each evening they would discuss events (or something to that effect)
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