NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#27

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My 10 yr old goes to bed at 7:30pm (vast difference to your 8:45pm qoute) and is fast asleep within 30 mins on every week night, except for Thurs and Sat soccer nights/days when he's asleep within 10mins. So, I'm glad that you've added that it's your speculation and you're opinion - all children are different in their sleeping patterns - as are some parents in regulating of routines.

Yes all different. My 8 year old girl will lie there for half an hour at 830pm saying she can't sleep,she would stay up til 10 if I would let her. If my 4 year old boy isn't in bed by 8 he is a very crabby little boy.
Both kids(and their dad) can sleep through anything. If they do wake in the middle of the night none of them will remember the next day.

Adding though what they have slept through are storms,phone ringing etc but not sure if they would sleep during a loud argument.
she suddenly started to yip, then threw her head back and gave a mighty yowl.. I turned round and there it was. the horror on the screen.

she revolved three times around her own circumference, and hasnt come back in to the tree house where my pc is as yet.

please give warnings if those pics are going to be bunged up again,.. * appreciated*

Funniest post yet : )
There's probably others who could answer this with more certainty but I'd guess there could be fibres found in airways, change in skin colouration (though don't know how relevant this would be given her exposure outdoors for so long). Maybe even some bruising. Would also love to hear what others have to say.

Unfortunately, the longer the body is in the elements, the more difficult it often becomes to determine the cause of death. This is exacerbated by water, especially in removing fibres and relics like body fluids or touch DNA.

You have named all the main side signs of suffocation.

I believe the main sign would be blue skin colour concentrated around her mouth, possibly broken blood vessels in her eyes, and almost definitely skin cells under her nails and signs of struggle, broken nails for example.

Obviously, the longer the decomposition, the less of the soft tissue is left, and soft tissue is where most of the signs would be...but the fibres of the pillow would most definitely be in her lungs and air tract, unless of course he used a plastic coated pillow.

There's been talk about G being NPD, must say I agree.
I knew an NPD-he was also in Real Estate, had cash problems and lived beyond his means because he fully believed he was going to be saved from his financial woes - not through murder though !
NPD's think they're special that only other special people can understand them and that everyone else should instantly and without question believe everything that they say.
TM could now be viewed as the enemy as she has sullied his golden name (how he views himself).
He would most likely be P'd at QPS for not believing him at his word - thus why he thought he could make phone calls and google 'self incrimination'.
Everyone is the bad guy except him ( his belief).
I would not be at all surprised to hear he's made some completely ridiculous statement that TM used mind control on him to MAKE him take the life of his beloved 'angel'..... He could all of a sudden start showing emotion as Allison becomes the 'only one who really knew and loved him'.
NPD's have this weird thing where they can convince themselves of ANYTHING.

All MOO.
Hi OG!
And welcome! I too have been a lurker-extraordinaire.
We luv newbies *advertiser censored*:woohoo:

Well Lordy Geez, what I had to go through just to get here, *(re-activating an email account I NEVER use that WS 'liked'... Good to know that WS takes security seriously :D) so I'm obviously a newbie and you've probably sleuthed I've been a lurker.
I'll just dive straight in.
With regards to blood in back of car: death by suffocation can and usually does cause retinal hemorrhaging (sorry for the gross descriptions), if her body was placed in the back of the car for transport there may have been some jarring or knocking of her head (also possibly causing broken tooth) which could have caused a vessel in an eye to burst (sorry again), and leave a small amount of blood in the car.
With regards to the bomb threat, it could have been one of the 'gentleman' taking revenge for the fact 'he' won't be paid, therefore waste as much of GBC 's legal fund as possible.
At this stage I can imagine that GBC's legal team is suggesting he re-think what happened. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him plead guilty with a 'TM was in on it' added for good measure. GBC knows she talked to QPS and helped to 'stitch him up' - she's now quite likely enemy no.1.
All MOO.
Hi OG!
And welcome! I too have been a lurker-extraordinaire.
We luv newbies *advertiser censored*:woohoo:

What a lovely welcome - thank you <3
Love the regulars on this page. I was in stitches with all the 'funnies' being posted after the bail hearing, and decided then and there I would no longer lurk - but join in.
Grannie you don't have to use a USB port you can plug it into a charger on the wall or a dock,like an alarm etc.

The charging history, apparently, is all stored on the phone regardless of the device used to charge- I installed an app on my iPhone and iPad to monitor the battery and was blown away with the statistics I could get. They both now have a life of their own and send me annoying messages, such as telling me I haven't done a full cycle charge for XX days. Guess they're not called smart phones for nothing! I had no idea this information was stored until I installed that app on the advice of a techno-nerd friend
The charging history, apparently, is all stored on the phone regardless of the device used to charge- I installed an app on my iPhone and iPad to monitor the battery and was blown away with the statistics I could get. They both now have a life of their own and send me annoying messages, such as telling me I haven't done a full cycle charge for XX days. Guess they're not called smart phones for nothing! I had no idea this information was stored until I installed that app on the advice of a techno-nerd friend

Mines called i(diot)phone (as opposed to smart phone) because of its embarrassing autocorrects ;D
I hate to even put the suggestion out that maybe someone else did the actual hands on.. so GBC did not get hands dirty so to speak. I know its probably a little far fetched, but the phone call to Dad(if he is involved- don't believe he has no knowledge after a midnight facecall).. we don't know perhaps there was other calls recieved and relate to the phone being taken off the charger. Maybe info of other calls if there has been, has not been released yet. Just a suggestion, that may be out there I guess. and all Alleged and Moo ;)

Unless all of the above is right and he took Allison's phone to use and subsequently got rid of it somewhere on his nightly escapade.
How do you know they haven't formally been questioned? There is ample reason for this to have occurred and given the type of case this is and with CSOs etc involved it would be most unusual if they weren't.

**all IMO **

If you read the reports in the CM on the judgement re the bail application it said something like one of the reasons the bail application is denied is that as the children were in the house they be potential witnesses, therefore if GBC were to be given bail there would be a possibility of interference with potential witnesses. This was one of the reasons, in addition to the possible high flight risk, that his bail application was denied.
I agree that they don't have to disclose whatever evidence they have collected, but the autopsy report is also provided to the family, hence his defence would be entitled to have it. The autopsy report is an impartial examination/assessment/conclusion. It is not just for QPS. Hawkins may be able to confirm this?

maybe QPOL have been told they cant give the cod as public knowledge, as this imo would prove that gbc did it, therefore not allowing gbc a fair trial;

just my opinion,

I am sure when ever the sun is shining , its Allison.:snowball:
As soon as it was evident the children were home it becomes a child safety matter. Child Safety Officers become involved and a determination needs to be made Immediately if the children would be safe in GBC care. Lets not forget he was "allegedly" known to QPS for DV. Naturally one of the first things to be thought of is what the children may/may not have heard. Information gathering. CSOs and Child Protection Unit have a duty and responsibility to look at all facts such as if the children were home were they asleep, we're they injured etc. One thing QPS would look at very early on is were the children asleep all night, were they drugged, was ABC drugged etc. etc. Mark my words if they were drugged or there was any hint of it he'd have lost custody of those children even as a POI as the children would be deemed at risk. There is no disputing this at it is the way the child protection system works and it would have been of paramount importance from 7.25am that morning she was reported. The children At those ages would have been a big consideration given the unusual circumstances and 4 differing stories GBC gave as to what happened.


Sorry pulp fiction have to disagree. Child safety would only become involved if there was a notification from the police or others (incl the public) on possible abuse or neglect. This would trigger various levels of possible interventions ranging from immediate investigation to required follow up within a certain period. The backlog for non immediate responses is massive and child safety is hugely under resourced.

In the first week the emphasis was on the search. I am sure that the Dickies would have made necessary enquiries but as for it being an immediate child safety issue this us not the case.
He may have taken Allison's phone as his battery was flat - he may well have needed GPS to go where he was going and /or he doesn't seem to like being without a phone at his ear. Pure speculation of course - he won't be liking it in prison without a phone, internet etc
He may have taken Allison's phone as his battery was flat - he may well have needed GPS to go where he was going and /or he doesn't seem to like being without a phone at his ear. Pure speculation of course - he won't be liking it in prison without a phone, internet etc

He also may have taken her phone to make it seem as though Allison herself was using the phone, going so far as to perhaps send text messages to imply that Allison was still alive and that her movements were of her own free will. MOO
Thought I'd repost the photo timeline to include the "face time call"....

Text copied from Courier Mail photo.

23rd June 2012


3rd April - Gerard Baden-Clay emails mistress to say he will be separated by July 1, 2012.

18th April - 10.08pm: Baden-Clay searched "taking the Fifth" online

19th April - 6.30pm: Allison leaves a Kenmore hairdresser ahead of a real estate conference the following day.

19th April - 8.29pm Baden-Clay's mobile phone is connected to charger

19th April - 8.45pm His phone is removed from the charger

20th April - 1.48am The phone is connected to the charger

20th April - 6.18am The phone is removed from the charger

20th April - 7.09am Baden-Clay searches "self-incrimination" on the internet.

20th April - 7.13am Baden-Clay attempted to access the Queensland Police Service home page.

20th April - 7.15am: Baden-Clay calls 000 to report his wife Allison was missing.

21st April - Baden-Clay attended a doctor to have injuries documented.

30th April - Mrs Baden-Clay's body was discovered at Kholo Creek at Anstead, 14km from her home

14th June - Baden-Clay is charged with his wife's murder

* The Courier Mail photo text/timeline didn't include the following which was included in that actual report itself.
Shortly after midnight, the phone was allegedly used to call his father's phone via a "face time" call, which allows both parties to see each other and talk.

** The "face time" call was allegedly around 12.30am & lasted 1min 23 sec

Thanks again, MW. And IMO the fact it was a FaceTime call places each party in the vicinity of wifi they have access to at that time - so, likely one of their residences or workplace.

(I haven't caught up to last 5 pages or so, so hope I'm not repeating what might've been said already)
He may have taken Allison's phone as his battery was flat - he may well have needed GPS to go where he was going and /or he doesn't seem to like being without a phone at his ear. Pure speculation of course - he won't be liking it in prison without a phone, internet etc

Any time a phone was out at Anstead you can bet it would have been pinged from a tower. If it had been ABC's phone the police would have probably been able to picked up or have seen the fact that her phone pinged in Anstead from the service provider in this case they had reason to to search a wider area in the initial investigation.

Maybe the QPS decided the charger info from GBC's phone was enough for the bail hearing and could be keeping this info that he had been tracked out to Anstead close to their chest. The Davis guy did mention that there was nothing to suggest GBC was out there so I am thinking are the QPS really going to let something as important as that out of the bag at a bail hearing. Let them have the minimum amount of info and keep them in the dark about what is known. GBC wasn't exactly forthcoming for the QPS.

Or maybe it was someone else to dumped ABC at Kholo - we haven't heard about EBC and NBC's phones but I am sure the police have details on their phones.Gosh what a story these phones must tell!
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