NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #12

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You know, we keep talking about how Steven wouldn't lead a double life, and Steven wouldn't be able to keep a secret -- but it seems like Steven has been prevaricating if not outright lying about his personal life for quite some time.


He told family one thing, his friends another.
"the weather was depressing"
"he didn't like working nights" (IIRC his friends worked days)
"his coworkers were too worldly"

Then he moved far from all his friends and family.

That's why I've been suggesting we look at the scenarios, and remove all of the emotional reasons like "never did that", "wouldn't do that" or "no known history".


This search was this week-end for this woman. So if they came across anything to do with Steven ( IIRC it is the same guy that was at the presser, Mahoney) then I am sure we would eventually hear something. Especially if two people are missing from same area it doesn't hurt to BOLO for signs of either of them. Makes sense really.

I was glad to hear about that search, in that area...for another reason.
Just because you're looking for one person, or one person's evidence....doesn't mean you can't find something else. You flag EVERYTHING....and unless it has someone's name on it, you don't know what it means until it's been investigated. It could solve another case.

He told family one thing, his friends another.
"the weather was depressing"
"he didn't like working nights" (IIRC his friends worked days)
"his coworkers were too worldly"

Then he moved far from all his friends and family.

That's why I've been suggesting we look at the scenarios, and remove all of the emotional reasons like "never did that", "wouldn't do that" or "no known history".

Another deduction: If he had a gambling or drug addiction, he wouldn't have left the check from his grandmother or the deposit from his parents unspent. That kind of addiction destroys all shame and pride. He'd have taken it and begged for more. I don't think that falls under "Steven wouldn't do that."

Another thing that bothers me is, I get the feeling that when the friends and family say, "He wouldn't do that," they have in the back of their mind a memory of something that he DID do that they dismiss as an aberration.
Another deduction: If he had a gambling or drug addiction, he wouldn't have left the check from his grandmother or the deposit from his parents unspent. That kind of addiction destroys all shame and pride. He'd have taken it and begged for more. I don't think that falls under "Steven wouldn't do that."

Another thing that bothers me is, I get the feeling that when the friends and family say, "He wouldn't do that," they have in the back of their mind a memory of something that he DID do that they dismiss as an aberration.

Maybe he's done this before, for a short time?
It's never revealed in a missing persons case, because no one would help.

Like in the Matthew Watson Brenton case, where I dug deeply enough to find out that his wife said he was suicidal. That's not mentioned in the missing pages...
Maybe he's done this before, for a short time?
It's never revealed in a missing persons case, because no one would help.

Like in the Matthew Watson Brenton case, where I dug deeply enough to find out that his wife said he was suicidal. That's not mentioned in the missing pages...

It has always seemed to me that if somebody's suicidal, then the need to find them before they do themselves in is even more urgent, but I seem to be in the minority. And if that's what happened to Steven, it's too late.

I could not put my finger on a single piece of hard evidence, except for the driving all over hell and back, but I'm still wondering about a manic episode. My friend's brother went through one of those where he came to himself four months later in a hospital in rural Germany. He had apparently married a German national (good because that's how they could afford the care) in the interim and then become so psychotic his new wife had him hospitalized. He snapped out when the drugs took effect. Of course then there was the wife back in the States who had listed him as missing...
It has always seemed to me that if somebody's suicidal, then the need to find them before they do themselves in is even more urgent, but I seem to be in the minority. And if that's what happened to Steven, it's too late.

I could not put my finger on a single piece of hard evidence, except for the driving all over hell and back, but I'm still wondering about a manic episode. My friend's brother went through one of those where he came to himself four months later in a hospital in rural Germany. He had apparently married a German national (good because that's how they could afford the care) in the interim and then become so psychotic his new wife had him hospitalized. He snapped out when the drugs took effect. Of course then there was the wife back in the States who had listed him as missing...

Ugh. How awful. So he got out of the country, and they didn't think to check the State Department?

"Psychological break" is the only thing his Trib coworkers can come up with (source: me via email from well-regarded but anonymous sources).

It just seems like he was walking down the wrong path, almost like a schizophrenic episode where something else was directing his life...or his inner voice was rejecting all of life's hard choices (work hard, get paid, work hard, if you don't like it, look for something else then quit).
It has always seemed to me that if somebody's suicidal, then the need to find them before they do themselves in is even more urgent, but I seem to be in the minority. And if that's what happened to Steven, it's too late.

I could not put my finger on a single piece of hard evidence, except for the driving all over hell and back, but I'm still wondering about a manic episode. My friend's brother went through one of those where he came to himself four months later in a hospital in rural Germany. He had apparently married a German national (good because that's how they could afford the care) in the interim and then become so psychotic his new wife had him hospitalized. He snapped out when the drugs took effect. Of course then there was the wife back in the States who had listed him as missing...

Steven was at the end of his tether. It appears that he couldn't function in society. There's so much evidence that that is the truth. Perhaps if he had chosen a different profession, like a pastor he would have been successful. Or a musician.

He hung up on his father on the 9th. Then started driving around aimlessly through 2 states. Was he looking for work or looking for inspiration?

What in the world was he doing in SCA? Especially on a Sunday. I wonder if he had gone there to minister to someone? But that doesn't explain why he didn't return to his car.

If he walked into the desert to kill himself, why did he take his cell phone? I can understand his taking his car keys - so it wouldn't be stolen. Since he took both either he planned to return to the car or it didn't occur to him to leave them behind.

The real topper is: he knew his parents would bail him out. So how frantic was he that he had no rent $$$? Maybe the shame was too much to bear.
It is said it is not known whether SK returned to his room after arriving about 10:00 from how long a drive? and leaving 20 to 30 minutes later. But we've seen where it sounds like his landlords were there that night. They would know whether he was there or not if so. There's a separate entrance and all that but it surely isn't that soundproofed.

For that matter, why is it only the neighbor that knows about SK arriving and leaving between 10:00 and 10:30 Saturday night? Why didn't the landlords comment on it? It was after all the last time he was seen by anyone until being taped walking away from his car.

If they were there, and he owed three months back rent and wanted to avoid them and left, that is pretty significant as to what he did next before disappearing. If they weren't there then it's very different.

Any idea what was previous stay in his room? The night before, on Friday night?

It is said it is not known whether SK returned to his room after arriving about 10:00 from how long a drive? and leaving 20 to 30 minutes later.

Not much of a drive; he bought something at K-Mart about 8pm, and was seen at the house by neighbor JS about two hours later.

But we've seen where it sounds like his landlords were there that night. They would know whether he was there or not if so. There's a separate entrance and all that but it surely isn't that soundproofed.

For that matter, why is it only the neighbor that knows about SK arriving and leaving between 10:00 and 10:30 Saturday night? Why didn't the landlords comment on it? It was after all the last time he was seen by anyone until being taped walking away from his car.

If they were there, and he owed three months back rent and wanted to avoid them and left, that is pretty significant as to what he did next before disappearing. If they weren't there then it's very different.

Any idea what was previous stay in his room? The night before, on Friday night?


The landlords didn't specifically say when they were at the home, that weekend. "We stayed at the house overnight and I think it was the Monday of the 14th" was posted here. It's a bit blurry, because she's talking about peeking into Steven's room and also about the night they stayed there.

I stuck it on the timeline for Dec 14th, but it actually sounds like they were there the evening of Dec 13th and she looked in his room the next morning.
Or something.

It was a statement worth archiving,
Not much of a drive; he bought something at K-Mart about 8pm, and was seen at the house by neighbor JS about two hours later.

The landlords didn't specifically say when they were at the home, that weekend. "We stayed at the house overnight and I think it was the Monday of the 14th" was posted here. It's a bit blurry, because she's talking about peeking into Steven's room and also about the night they stayed there.

I stuck it on the timeline for Dec 14th, but it actually sounds like they were there the evening of Dec 13th and she looked in his room the next morning.
Or something.

It was a statement worth archiving,

The part of her statement I thought was interesting was where she said his usually untidy room had been straightened and cleaned, but everything was still there.

Like he cleaned it up so he'd leave it in order...
The part of her statement I thought was interesting was where she said his usually untidy room had been straightened and cleaned, but everything was still there.

Like he cleaned it up so he'd leave it in order...

Yup. Didn't want to leave a mess for anyone to pick up.

I also thought it was interesting that she knew "everything was there" (ie, how would she know, unless she really did regularly peek in while he wasn't there?)
Yup. Didn't want to leave a mess for anyone to pick up.

I also thought it was interesting that she knew "everything was there" (ie, how would she know, unless she really did regularly peek in while he wasn't there?)

I took that to mean she noticed all the obvious big stuff that would have been taken if he moved -- computer, for instance -- not necessarily literally "everything."
I took that to mean she noticed all the obvious big stuff that would have been taken if he moved -- computer, for instance -- not necessarily literally "everything."

'cept it was a notebook computer....so if he'd taken it with him, it wouldn't mean he'd moved. It'd be normal for most of us.

Maybe "everything" means the guitars were still there.
Wow. I just finished reading all the threads on this most puzzling case.

My theory right now is he walked away, left his car in a safe neighborhood, and knew someone in that area who drove him to the airport, train, or bus. This person maybe be related to his working for them making deliveries (see below).

Just a comment - my neighbor's daughter discovered her hubby had a secret life last summer when he was rushed to hospital from work for an emergency appendectomy. She got his stuff while he was in ICU, found a credit/debit card in his wallet she didn't recognize, and then she got his car from his work. She then opened the trunk and found a briefcase she had never seen. He had a laptop she didn't know about (bought it cheap at a pawn shop) and he had a card for it she didn't know about. She also learned he had been having his employer pay him his overtime on a separate check for a couple years! , he had some kind of debit card you buy at Walmart or such, can't think of what you call it, a prepaid card I think, as well as a prepaid phone. And he had a private mail drop at Mailboxes Etcetera in his own name. He claimed he just liked the idea of privacy and of her not knowing everything about him. She paid the bills. He had a FB account she didn't know of - he had always claimed that he thought FB a waste of time and she didn't have one, and he had been on some dating sites, but, didn't seem to have registered. Weird. No one really thought he was clever enough for this. Oh well. He also claimed no plan to leave her (they separated a couple months but are back together now and in counseling. I don't think I could ever trust him, but, that is me. )

Anyway, just a thought - he had it perfectly set up to walk away if he wanted. No one is sure if he was really planning that or not.

Back to Steven. I think he was unhappy and wanted a change.The part about aging out of the single ward unmarried is a big thing, I think.

Maybe the reason he wasn't paying rent was he was stashing money for a break. And I agree with what some of you all have posted - that driving around makes me think he might have been delivering something, but the question of course is what and who was he working for. I wonder in the video if he is carrying a small portfolio that would hold a thin laptop or netbook.
'cept it was a notebook computer....so if he'd taken it with him, it wouldn't mean he'd moved. It'd be normal for most of us.

Maybe "everything" means the guitars were still there.

It occurs to me that nobody really knows what "everything" would include. If they didn't know about it, they wouldn't know it was gone. And a few items of clothing would be barely noticeable.

Maybe he did pack a gym bag or something similar with his basic needs. Drove to Las Vegas, bought a plane or bus ticket, checked his bag, arranged for a cab to meet him, then drove his car to a safe place to park, locked up, and left. The guitars would be a bit bulky for that and he'd probably figure he could buy new ones.

Stashing the rent and other money makes sense, except I'm not sure why he wouldn't have cashed his grandmother's check.
Just checking in to see if there's anything new? Has anyone heard any news about the search for the lady this past week-end? Was it said where she disappeared from...or what the circumstances were?
It occurs to me that nobody really knows what "everything" would include. If they didn't know about it, they wouldn't know it was gone. And a few items of clothing would be barely noticeable.

Maybe he did pack a gym bag or something similar with his basic needs. Drove to Las Vegas, bought a plane or bus ticket, checked his bag, arranged for a cab to meet him, then drove his car to a safe place to park, locked up, and left. The guitars would be a bit bulky for that and he'd probably figure he could buy new ones.

Stashing the rent and other money makes sense, except I'm not sure why he wouldn't have cashed his grandmother's check.

Was he aware the church had a job for him come January? If so, I'd like to when and where it fits into the timeline. I know it was awhile till we had found out.
Just checking in to see if there's anything new? Has anyone heard any news about the search for the lady this past week-end? Was it said where she disappeared from...or what the circumstances were?

There is a WS site that includes various news articles (not much information) and the Facebook
link that covers some information on the search and on this much loved lady.

NV NV - Billie Jean James - 67 years old - Las Vegas - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

It occurs to me that nobody really knows what "everything" would include. If they didn't know about it, they wouldn't know it was gone. And a few items of clothing would be barely noticeable.

Maybe he did pack a gym bag or something similar with his basic needs. Drove to Las Vegas, bought a plane or bus ticket, checked his bag, arranged for a cab to meet him, then drove his car to a safe place to park, locked up, and left. The guitars would be a bit bulky for that and he'd probably figure he could buy new ones.

Stashing the rent and other money makes sense, except I'm not sure why he wouldn't have cashed his grandmother's check.

Easy: If he used the money his family gave him, he'd have to use it for its intended purpose and account for it.

BUT....if he was earning money on his own, he could more easily hide it. No questions from family. No criticism.

Unless he had a really great fake ID, he couldn't board a plane....and a charter/private would take important funds that you'd need later, getting re-established.

There was no bus stop for five miles (plus, it was Sunday so walking five miles wouldn't have helped). He'd have had to have arranged that cab, or found someone to drive him.

I still think the easiest way for him to leave that neighborhood, would have been a job transporting a vehicle to another place. Drive the car, deliver it, and you're somewhere else already. And at the end, you get paid. Money. Which you need.

Did anyone in that neighborhood sell a car, or are they involved in transport of some sort?
OR.....does anyone close to Steven travel for a living? (Yes...at least one.)
Steven's case has gone much too quiet. Makes me think there's something going on behind the scenes.
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