NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 4

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Some of you think he slowed down at the corner and waved to a person standing beside that car? If that's true, why did Steven sit in his car for 6 minutes before walking over there?

I will agree that the family needs to look closer at the rest of the video that the homeowner has.


I sense a bit of movement when Steven's car passes. Why would he wait in his car? Because he didn't see the person...and waited until exactly noon?

In looking at Steven's shadow, it's obvious we're near the winter solstice (when a noon shadow would be long, pointing somewhat north).

BUT...I still think the family needs to look at that. And maybe they have.
Not sure what he was doing in the last 5 mins there. If he had a pre-paid cell phone maybe he called the other person or persons from that phone to make sure they were at their spot if he was not able to see them from the road.

I'd love to know what was going on in his head the last 5 mins when he pulled the car up into the cul-de-sac. Fear? Excitement? Nervousness? Regret?

Only Steven would know.
Ok I've watched the video several times. I just don't see it. But there are a few things I wanted to say.

- HOAs are pretty strict about things like garbage cans. Most ask, or require, that they be brought in on the same day as garbage pickup. I assume if this person were out of town, one of their very generous neighbors, retired from law enforcement or education, would have been asked to bring them in.

- On the other hand, if Steven was meeting someone and did see them waiting by their car down the street, why did he sit in his car for nearly six minutes until it was 12:00 pm? If someone is waiting for you, you get out of the car and go, you don't wait 6 minutes. And it wouldn't have taken him six minutes to round up his passport and portfolio.

Thank you Laytonian for adding Steven's shopping trip to Walmart to the timeline. And the research you did about Jack-in-the-Box's proximity to Walmart is good. And I saw the picture of GW for the first time, interesting!

I have one other question about the timeline. The women Steven was supposed to home teach on the day he went missing said that (paraphrase) she didn't see him at church so she assumed he was out of town. Does this mean that maybe Steven traveled frequently or had a habit of missing church? I assumed, based on his leadership position, it would have been odd for him to miss church and odd for him to be out of town.
So. . .I drove by there again today. I drove by last night as well but today gave me the info I was looking for.

On Evening Lights, there is a wall directly across the street from Secruity Cam guy's house. The wall is regular height, typical for just about any neighborhood in Las Vegas. About six feet high. Light colored. Made of cement? blocks. It runs along the sidewalk that Steven eventually walks down. The wall is no more than three feet from the sidewalk. And the sidewalk and wall run parallel to each other as they go down Evening Lights.

Now, after having just been there and looking at the current satellite photo on Google, the two do not jive. It seems to me there are many more bushes in the satellite photo between the sidewalk and the wall than there are now in 2010.

In any case, as the wall ends at the NW point where the one property ends and the property with the casita begins, there are larger bushes right in a row. I would say they are at least four feet tall. There are three of them. This is different than what I saw last night but it was dark and I didn't want to loiter around. But the bushes are all in a cylinder shape. About four feet tall and about two feet in diameter I would say. All the same size.

Moreover, there is a space between each of them. Probably a foot in between. These bushes are pretty well-kept and have a definite form to them. They are like a yellowish brown color as I remember. I do not think the branches and leaves extend the whole way to the ground.

Now, it COULD be that the white "thing" that looks like a person in the middle of the brown blob COULD be the wall behind the bushes. It is possible that from the camera angle we have, bounced off the reflection in the window that part of the wall would be seen between the bushes. But it would be a VERY small sliver of all. The angle is quite acute. So, a space that would look like a foot straight on, from that angle may only look like 6 inches wide or less. And that white thing looks "thicker" than that. But, I don't know what condition those bushes were in December. They could have been cut down since then, in which case there would be less space between them. Or, they might have had some landscaping done and those bushes were not even there in December. I don't know.

In the end, that hard, dark shadow at 12:00:53 still cannot be explained. In my opinion, having just been there, having been there last night, and having been there not long after I found out about this case, the shadow is caused by something there was there at the time but is not there now. The only caveat I would say is that if Steven was going to that angle off close, walk by that last bush very closely because he was turning into the property with the casita, then he would MAYBE leave a hard shadow like that. Otherwise, if he was headed directly down the street on the sidewalk as if he was just out for a Sunday walk, then I would think that his shadow would have continued to look like it was leading up to 12:00:53. . .soft and lighter.

Could there be a car there? It's weird, for me anyways. When I watch the video right side up, I don't think there is a car there but I think that something went on at 12:00:53. When I watch the video upside down. . .yes I did that so my brain wouldn't try to make sense of the image and I could just look at it for what it is. . .I see a car parked there. Optical illusion? Maybe.

One more thing, I think if we were seeing the wall between those bushes then there would be two white figures there, not one, because there are three bushes, thus two spaces between. (if there were just two bushes there would only be one space in between). But is the image compressed because of the car window? I don't know.

And about the bushes, they are not the kind that would blow in the wind. It looks like that day had a bit of a breeze. These bushes look pretty sturdy and it would take a decent forceful wind to get them to move. So, the movement we see in that brown blob could not be the bushes. It COULD be a person. Or it could just be pixelation.
Oh, when I was there today, two cars were parked on the curb on Savannah. One very near the cul de sac and one halfway between the cul de sac and where Savannah starts. No cars parked on the curb on Evening Lights. No cars parked on the curb on Portsmouth Creek.
Ok I've watched the video several times. I just don't see it. But there are a few things I wanted to say.

- HOAs are pretty strict about things like garbage cans. Most ask, or require, that they be brought in on the same day as garbage pickup. I assume if this person were out of town, one of their very generous neighbors, retired from law enforcement or education, would have been asked to bring them in.

- On the other hand, if Steven was meeting someone and did see them waiting by their car down the street, why did he sit in his car for nearly six minutes until it was 12:00 pm? If someone is waiting for you, you get out of the car and go, you don't wait 6 minutes. And it wouldn't have taken him six minutes to round up his passport and portfolio.

Thank you Laytonian for adding Steven's shopping trip to Walmart to the timeline. And the research you did about Jack-in-the-Box's proximity to Walmart is good. And I saw the picture of GW for the first time, interesting!

I have one other question about the timeline. The women Steven was supposed to home teach on the day he went missing said that (paraphrase) she didn't see him at church so she assumed he was out of town. Does this mean that maybe Steven traveled frequently or had a habit of missing church? I assumed, based on his leadership position, it would have been odd for him to miss church and odd for him to be out of town.

I agree on the garbage cans. It was Sunday, and evidently pick-up wasn't until Tuesday. I don't think they'd have been "out". If you're gone, you're not putting trash in them anyway....or you might arrange for a neighbor to do it for you.

"....so she assumed he was out of town."

This is my assumption only: I think it means she went to the regular church service (which started at 1pm and lasted until 4pm), and didn't see Steven there, so she asked (and someone mentioned something about "he might still be in Vegas".

It's just one of those ringy-dingy ding dong things about this case: TWO (out of three) leadership postions in that singles ward, were in Vegas ... supposedly independently of each other.

Thanks for the compliments. I really didn't have to research the Walmart proximity; once I saw the address, I knew it was by the Jack in the Box. I know St George pretty well.
(AND...to drive Fairy1 crazy: there's a Deseret Industries within half a mile of that Jack In The Box.)
Paris Paris, I was the guy that brought up the street lights. There are definitely street lights as there are on just about any upper class neighborhood in Las Vegas. However, there is no street light at that spot where Steven disappears from the video. My thinking originally was that the hard shadow we see at 12:00:53 is caused by his shadow hitting a pole, a fire hydrant, or an electrical box that might be sticking out into the sidewalk. If there was something like that, it would make the shadow easier to see by the camera and it would make the shadow darker because the object would be closer to Steven than the ground on the other side of Steven. But having just been there, there is nothing like that there. In that area, right where he vanishes it is just plain sidewalk.

There is another thing to keep in mind here after reading some of the posts. Although I would not say my calculations were Einstein-like last weekend, I know they are pretty close. Steven leaves the left frame in Cam 7 at 12:00:42. . .the hard shadow appears at 12:00:53. That's 11 seconds. I calculated rudimentarily last weekend that he was walking at approximately 2.8 mph. That's approximately 4ft. per second. So, he only covered 44 feet in those 11 seconds. Let's say my figures are a little low and he covered 55 feet instead. . .that's barely over halfway to that driveway at the first house on the right with the casita. It's approximately 100 ft. from the left frame of camera 7 to the edge of the driveway. You can use the Google map of Evening Lights to measure for yourself.

So, what was happening at 12:00:53 is well before the driveway because at Steven's pace, and it is pretty consistent throughout, there is no way he got to the driveway in 11seconds after leaving frame left in Cam 7.

Whatever happens at 12:00:53 happens right near those bushes where the end of the wall is.
And I saw the picture of GW for the first time, interesting!
Thanks for pointing that out seekingSusan. I had not noticed it before.

Hmmmmm. I'll say nothing more right now about that one.

Sounds like you had the same impression as I did. I will also be keeping quiet. :twocents:

I'm still leaning toward suicide, but as the included article says, it didn't have to be planned. It was probably totally impulsive. This is a great article on suicide that I came across doing research for school. Read it if you want more info on why seemingly happy people can and do take their own lives. Gotta go.

Does anyone know GW's age? It might be here somewhere but I can't dig through 4 threads on the hope it is there.
In addition, for Steven to get from the left side of the frame of Cam 7 to the driveway in 11sec., he would have to be moving at about 9ft/sec. That is 6.1 miles per hour. The average person walks at 3.3 mph.
Paris Paris, I was the guy that brought up the street lights. There are definitely street lights as there are on just about any upper class neighborhood in Las Vegas. However, there is no street light at that spot where Steven disappears from the video. My thinking originally was that the hard shadow we see at 12:00:53 is caused by his shadow hitting a pole, a fire hydrant, or an electrical box that might be sticking out into the sidewalk. If there was something like that, it would make the shadow easier to see by the camera and it would make the shadow darker because the object would be closer to Steven than the ground on the other side of Steven. But having just been there, there is nothing like that there. In that area, right where he vanishes it is just plain sidewalk.

There is another thing to keep in mind here after reading some of the posts. Although I would not say my calculations were Einstein-like last weekend, I know they are pretty close. Steven leaves the left frame in Cam 7 at 12:00:42. . .the hard shadow appears at 12:00:53. That's 11 seconds. I calculated rudimentarily last weekend that he was walking at approximately 2.8 mph. That's approximately 4ft. per second. So, he only covered 44 feet in those 11 seconds. Let's say my figures are a little low and he covered 55 feet instead. . .that's barely over halfway to that driveway at the first house on the right with the casita. It's approximately 100 ft. from the left frame of camera 7 to the edge of the driveway. You can use the Google map of Evening Lights to measure for yourself.

So, what was happening at 12:00:53 is well before the driveway because at Steven's pace, and it is pretty consistent throughout, there is no way he got to the driveway in 11 seconds after leaving frame left in Cam 7.

Whatever happens at 12:00:53 happens right near those bushes where the end of the wall is.

When "Steven" leaves the left frame in Cam 7 at 12:00:42, he's already past the walled corner lot. That dark, wide line is the shadow of the wall's corner.
i THINK he's at the wall's corner at 12:00:40, entering the next property.

I give him 13 seconds to walk from the wall ...and I just walked the length of my home (about 60 feet) in that time. EDIT: OK, I put a ruler up to my monitor, and compared the scale on the Satellite map to the size of the lot of that next house. I think your estimate is spot-on.

I looked at the video again, at the "white figure". Notice that it's "whiter" than the background -- which is why it stands out.
If it were driveway, wouldn't it be the same color?

If those are bushes, they are very strange, low, wide ones. Planted too close together or too far apart.
When "Steven" leaves the left frame in Cam 7 at 12:00:42, he's already past the walled corner lot. That dark, wide line is the shadow of the wall's corner.

If you look at that long low wall on bingmaps, at the halfway point the wall juts in and then back out again. It looks to be about 6 feet wide. There is a bush in the middle of it.

That dark wide line is the shadow of the wall jutting in halfway down the wall. It's right across the driveway from the camera. There's a white manhole cover on the street right in front of that spot. Google Earth app has a measuring tool. From the manhole cover to the edge of the driveway is 115 feet.

In the reflection in the car, at the very back are to dark spots. People have been calling them garbage cans. Those 2 tall dark spots are the shutters on the window of the casita.

Thanx. I'm done looking at that video. This reminds me of the kitties in the trees phenom.

Laytonian. . .look at the Google Satellite image. Directly across the street from Security Cam guy's driveway there is a "white" mark of some type in the street. It is not in the middle of the street; it looks to be closer to the opposite side of the street. But it is definitely "out" in the street.

You can see that same mark in Cam 7. It is half way up the left side of the frame. . .it looks like it is jutting out from the sidewalk but that white mark is actually out in the street. It is just off to the left from the passenger's side rear upper corner of the minivan. That is what I am using as my footage reference. From that mark to the driveway it 100ft. And that mark is nowhere near the end of the wall.

In addition, it is approximately 150 ft from the corner of Evening Lights/Savannah to the driveway. And Steven is walking diagonally so it is really longer than that. Maybe 160ft. That means he moved 160 ft. (intersection to driveway) in around 23 secs (best I can do since I can't see when Steven is actually at the corner but 23 sec. is really close). That's approximately 7ft/sec. That's 4.8 mph. No way he is moving that fast. Once again, average walking pace. . .3.3 mph. No way he is walking one and half times an average human. He actually looks to be taking his time.

More likely, I think. . .it took him 23 sec. to walk 100 ft to the edge of the wall. That's 4.3 feet/sec. And that is 2.96 mph which looks to be how fast Steven is walking and it corresponds to the calculations I did last weekend regarding his walking pace on Cam 3.

Look at the mark in the street on the satellite image and on Cam 7. . .that is the key.
Thanx. I'm done looking at that video. This reminds me of the kitties in the trees phenom.

I dunno what the kitten thing is, but in a case with clues leading in every direction, it doesn't hurt to stare at something for awhile ;)
Yeah, I saw that pic. of GW a few days ago & PM someone about it hmmm interesting maybe we all have the same impression - maybe not.

GW is probably between 25 - 32 - you usually get "kicked" out of a singles ward around 31 or 32 (sometimes exceptions are made) & are told to go to a family ward. j
Yeah, I saw that pic. of GW a few days ago & PM someone about it hmmm interesting maybe we all have the same impression - maybe not.

GW is probably between 25 - 32 - you usually get "kicked" out of a singles ward around 31 or 32 (sometimes exceptions are made) & are told to go to a family ward. j

Why would they kick out a single from the singles ward, due to their age?
I thought the reason for having a singles ward, was to help the unmarrieds find a mate.
Laytonian - I don't recall if it's ever been asked but - if not - can we ask Naegle if Steven had dated anyone specifically since he had been in St. George?
Why would they kick out a single from the singles ward, due to their age?
I thought the reason for having a singles ward, was to help the unmarrieds find a mate.

The church tries to keep age groups similar.

I leave for a day and soooo much progress! yayaya! I am soooo glad im not the only one that noticed the shadow thing. I thought i was crazy a couple weeks ago but i ignored it thinking i was just over looking.

It really looks to me like he keeps walking though. Doesnt mean he didnt walk around or stop to talk to the person. I really think this is good though.
Laytonian - I don't recall if it's ever been asked but - if not - can we ask Naegle if Steven had dated anyone specifically since he had been in St. George?

I don't think we've asked that, specifically. I'll put it down.
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