GUILTY NY - Fahim Saleh, 33, millionaire tech entrepreneur, dismembered, Manhattan, 15 July 2020 *Arrest*

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It seems the suspect could have had it all, but he took a detour.
It was once explained to me that sometimes high potential people are the most dangerous.

A street hustler type individual could "survive" any criminal charges related to that theft- especially in NYC's criminal justice system that could well offer attractive plea bargains and minimal prison time. Following his release (if he even went to prison), he could then readily resume his previous lifestyle and life expectations- perhaps even with a boost from enhanced "street creds".

But.... for another person seeking a career in business, the same potential criminal charges are life changing. Recovery towards any kind of ones former potential is almost impossible. This leads to desperate action regarding a potential consequence that the street hustler would shrug off.

It is the same with police responding to say, a Domestic Violence call involving a truck driver verse a Domestic Violence call against a business executive. The truck driver, even if convicted, can "bounce back". Trucking companies will be willing to hire him. But for the executive, the potential charges are life changing- even if not convicted.

Thus, on some occasions, the trucker gets arrested, plea bargains, shrugs it off, and quickly resumes his former occupation and life expectations. Meanwhile, the executive gets violently desperate....
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How did this guy know how to dismember a body with such precision? This isn't an amateur, imo. I would like to know more about Haspil's background...

Doesn't appear to have had pre-med interests. Early focus was on web design, so I'm thinking he May have had some personal experience in construction/housing projects. Only possible explanation I can come up with at the moment.

Still...a huge leap to use the tool on a human body!
I agree that disputes involving business losses, differing business visions, or differing managerial personalities can serve as motives to murder.

At the same time, Gokada had some rapid leadership changes, but when referencing start up companies, are rapid leadership shuffles that far outside of the norm? Likewise, was monetary investment provided with the full knowledge that start ups in Africa are inherently very risky?

Though are deranged murderer does not need to have an understandable motive, the possibilities that rapid leaderships changes in start ups are not uncommon, and that African investments are inherently risky seem to diminish the possibility of a deranged partner or investor.

Then factor in the victim's personality or business style would not seem to exacerbate potentially violent situations. The victim is described as being inspiring, friendly and empowering. Not, say, "hard nosed", "demanding" or "aggressive".

Also, FS was a seasoned investor in developing nations. He knew the unwritten expectations that exist overseas and how to meet them, even if annoying, with out being exploited by them.

In short, my guess is that the financial motive is more intimate than young businessmen or investors with bright futures, even if Gokada fizzled.

I am thinking of either direct work place violence originating in the US or FS declining to further "share the wealth" to somebody who felt entitled to it.

So well said, and often very true, Cryptic!
First Degree Murder charges are reserved in NYS for the following:

Intentional murder is elevated to first-degree murder when someone 18 or older, intending to cause the death of another person, actually causes the death of that person or a third person and any one of several aggravating factors is present. Those factors address:

  • The identity of the intended victim (police officers, certain peace officers, correctional employees, judges, witnesses);
  • The circumstances in which the murder was committed (while the defendant was serving a life sentence, during the commission of a specified felony ("felony murder"), for hire, accompanied by torture, in furtherance of a terrorist act); or
  • The nature of the killing(s).
New York First Degree Murder Laws - FindLaw.
I wonder if the charge can be upped to 1st degree based on "the nature of the killing"
I expect this guy is on suicide watch....
Maybe but he should of thought of suicide before he took another life.
If he was able to research how to dismember and clean up a crime, then he would most likely know that committing him self to a psych ward with suicide thoughts after the crime....would allow him to be isolated and start his defense off right away with insanity plea.

Sorry not sorry I have no tender heart for this creeper who dressed in a three piece suit and made the victim remembered for such a unjustified horribly vicious death.
And the vile evil way he disicrated FS after death.
This family is forever broken....many lives were changed for the better by FS.
People are grieving across the globe for FS.
Wondering....since the killer was Saleh's personal assistant, did he have the code to get into the apartment the second time?
I doubt he had a code. He likely would have simply taken Fahim's key fob and used it when he returned with the cleaning supplies and saw.

If he had the code he probably would have waited in the apartment rather than the lobby on the day of the murder.

Personal assistant. It doesn't get much more personal than that. It's very sad for Fahim.
MOO This is a really shocking and heinous murder. There was a lot of rage and planning involved. One could imagine the killer actually enjoyed the 'overkill' of not just tasering but then stabbing and not just stabbing but then dismembering his victim. One possible backstory that seems possible to me is that the killer grew up feeling smarter than most. He was selected for that web competition and then was one of the top participants. He was selected for a pretty prestigious position at a young age. I could see him starting to think he deserves the same accolades that the victim was receiving. He thinks he is entitled to more benefits (money) and starts stealing. He doesn't think he should have to repay because it's his in his mind. He starts thinking his life would be so much better without the victim and starts to despise the power the victim has over him so he decides to "really show him" with this overkill dramatic murder. This is a very sick person. A deranged individual.


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