Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #12

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Well, it seems it wasn't meant to be discovered as a gift FOR Jennifer, but from. A receipt for purchase also found...and a postal receipt, it seems. I suppose the police had the forethought to fingerprint all those receipts and such. Wonder how many of those items had Jen's fingerprints on them?

But...this shopping trip the week prior...yes...that is something. Was wondering how GR suddenly developed psychic powers so as to know what Jennifer was shopping for, and for convenient to have his mistress take Jen on that excursion...and of course, that shopping excursion could be spun however one wanted...the lady is now dead, the companion under GR's spell.

I can't help but wonder how Jennifer even agreed to go out with the future "trophy wife." I did read in the old threads that the affair supposedly ended on Dec. 2 -- convenient that...

Oh what a tangled web we weave...

Am I reading this wrong or are we really trying to say Jen bought lingerie for a man? Please at least say for her to wear for a man? Good grief Charlie Brown, I'm not buying it!

I need to clarify, I was repeating what I have heard and what has been released through msm -- I do NOT believe Jen was having an affair over the internet or that she was planning on running off with another man -- most of all, I never, not even for a second, believed Jen left her kids behind -- I believe ES and GR spread lies to make Jen look bad -- I ride the fence on how much I believe ES and it is hard to believe anyone is that naive, but if someone held a gun to my head and said to choose a side -- ES knows a lot more than she is saying
I favor the theory of Jen being smitten. Simply because a person that is smitten will display subtle changes. (Most lies have an element of truth to them.) A little pep in their walk so to speak. Maybe there was a slight change in her appearance as confidence is increasing.

This was what had me feeling uncomfortable, just for the record.

Can someone refresh my memory on the overseas post receipt? I have no recollection of this.
Am I reading this wrong or are we really trying to say Jen bought lingerie for a man? Please at least say for her to wear for a man? Good grief Charlie Brown, I'm not buying it!

Well...yes, that's just it...who buys lingerie for a man?

I just have this hilarious scenario in my head of this coming up in trial...of GR somehow trying to use this to prove that Jennifer was involved with someone in England...and the jury just bursting out in laughter.

Pretty lame, no?
Maybe Jenn bought it for a lady gamer? Do they have Victoria's Secret stores there? If I recall correctly the lingerie was from that store.
This was what had me feeling uncomfortable, just for the record.

Can someone refresh my memory on the overseas post receipt? I have no recollection of this.

For the record to place that in context:
It was discussing a theory of what may have caused a reaction from GR.

I'm not suggesting that she had an affair. Maybe admiration or interest would be a better term, than smitten.

It could have provided just enough courage to have confronted G. If there was an argument and she told him that another man was making her feel better about herself, well then it may have made him snap.
Well...yes, that's just it...who buys lingerie for a man?

I just have this hilarious scenario in my head of this coming up in trial...of GR somehow trying to use this to prove that Jennifer was involved with someone in England...and the jury just bursting out in laughter.

Pretty lame, no?

I'd say! :floorlaugh:
For the record to place that in context:
It was discussing a theory of what may have caused a reaction from GR.

I'm not suggesting that she had an affair. Maybe admiration or interest would be a better term, than smitten.

It could have provided just enough courage to have confronted G. If there was an argument and she told him that another man was making her feel better about herself, well then it may have made him snap.

I get what you are saying Solus. It isn't your opinion, it is a fact that you witnessed these talks. Please don't fret and I would hope people understand that what you have to offer here is very important.

I keep thinking one of these days, everything I keep repeating will jar something in someone's memory and my useless info will mean something. Thank you again for helping Solus, I know how hard this is for you.
Perhaps before we all get spanked and sent into time out, we'd better change the subject.

I'd like to revisit means.
For the record to place that in context:
It was discussing a theory of what may have caused a reaction from GR.

I'm not suggesting that she had an affair. Maybe admiration or interest would be a better term, than smitten.

It could have provided just enough courage to have confronted G. If there was an argument and she told him that another man was making her feel better about herself, well then it may have made him snap.

not everything here is comfortable to read,nor will it ever be. i welcome your input very much.

and if jen had an online friend she was playing games with, and that person made her feel important (she talked about her kids a lot and this gamer listened), i don't read that as "affair." i would say it's only natural if one's husband is not only disengaged, but having an affair with one's best friend while still expecting his wife to cook, clean, do the laundry, etc. etc. and not appearing to care about the reasons why she may have become somewhat disinterested in those chores.

sounds innocent enough to me, and maybe enough to realize that she was worthy of attention, and like you said, enough to make her confront GR.
Believe he would have been ecstatic had there been another man. He would not have chosen his method of "divorce."

He would have welcomed such an easy way to get rid of her!

No crime of passion or snapped here. Charged with Second degree murder. He planned it.
(Investigative work by Nanasbabes)
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #10

(apparently GR deleted Jen's posting, one can only wonder why, but an astute WSer had already saved the info)
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #10

I may be completely off base with my speculations as to how Jen died, or how she may have been rendered unconscious. But I do know that Nanasbabes did some personal investigation of her own with one of Jen's meds, and that Ace and I, among others, spent considerable time on the internet, investigating Jen's medicines and results of overdoses and interactions with other meds, and investigating other meds that GR may have had access to -- seizure meds and anti-depressants and the like.

IF GR used this as a means, he'd have needed to do the same research.On a computer. Somewhere.
Just a thought.... If she had this reciept for postage why is the wrapped lingerie gift still there for him to find? By that theory wouldn't the post office have it? If she had a receipt for a shipment to England who's to say what it was for. I order clothing for my kids from NEXT (clothing store).... It posts from England. It could be something that she was shipping back.... It cold be Anything really.
Just a thought.... If she had this reciept for postage why is the wrapped lingerie gift still there for him to find? By that theory wouldn't the post office have it? If she had a receipt for a shipment to England who's to say what it was for. I order clothing for my kids from NEXT (clothing store).... It posts from England. It could be something that she was shipping back.... It cold be Anything really.

Excellent point. No doubt the police have determined whether the address in England was a business or private home, and have followed through accordingly.
Believe he would have been ecstatic had there been another man. He would not have chosen his method of "divorce."

He would have welcomed such an easy way to get rid of her!

No crime of passion or snapped here. Charged with Second degree murder. He planned it.

Still, an affair, if she had one, would not prevent her from getting custody, or the house and money, etc.

I feel if the murder was planned, it was all about getting full custody and giving up nothing.
A while ago, before GR was arrested, Zweibel hit upon the idea of analyzing actions and reactions. For instance, if we here at WS, or the folks over at J4J (formerly Find Jennifer Ramsaran FB page), or even the community at large began to pursue a specific line of investigation, and then there was a sort of a big hallabaloo of some sort from GR (or his spokesperson) or red herrings thrown out or whatever -- then that might be indication that he was probably trying to steer people away from that line of inquiry.

Some interesting "coincidences":

Line of inquiry/action (12/31/12): why hasn't the family set up a FB page for Jennifer?

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #1

Reaction: FB (Jennifer Ramsaran Missing) page appears (1/2/13)
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #1

Action/line of inquiry(1/4/13): Jillian suggested: "i'd be into calling stores to borrow snow shoes and starting a search party near the canasawacta creek...anyone in?"

Reaction: read for yourself
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #1

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #1

Note: Canasawacta Creek just happens to cross Center Road -- very close to where Jennifer's body was found.
Jillian and other community members begin to organize a search. It was planned for 1/19/13

1/18/13 Lingerie and receipt found by GR in Jennifer's closet (5 weeks after she went missing, and 4 weeks after the extensive 4 day police search of their home)

1/16/13 Community members organizing the search party were blasted as being "attention seekers" with an "unhealthy obsession"

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #1

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #4

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #1
Question: How many consecutive coincidences does it take to make a deliberate strategy?

ETA: I have a big problem with the idea of Jennifer having an affair, but I don't have any problem with the idea someone might have fallen in love with her. Even online. She came across as kind, caring, witty and creative. Not to mention those eyes. What's not to love?
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