NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #1

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Prison worker reportedly admits smuggling power tools to escaped killers



from your link:

"The Albany Times-Union reported late Thursday that 51-year-old Joyce Mitchell told New York State Police that she gave Richard Matt and David Sweat access to a cell phone and smuggled power tools into Clinton Correctional Facility, where she worked as a supervisor in the prison's tailoring shop. The Associated Press, citing a person close to the case, reported that Mitchell had agreed to be the getaway driver for the two men, but failed to show up.

Mitchell's confession was reported on the same day that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo vowed that state law would come down hard on any prison system employee who crosses the line with inmates.

"If you do it, you will be convicted,"
Unless these guys are holed up somewhere that offers food and shelter they aren't going to last much longer. I'm dying to hear what the plan was. At least as far as she was told. Where was Tillie to take them? Ride off into the sunset together? I think Tillie would have been killed as these guys carried on.

Tillie "thought" "they" :thinking: loved her, she was special. They didn't tell her nothing. She may think they shared, but they were smarter, they didn't tell her nothing, in fact they may have given her en- exact info. How could they totally trust her?? She did something to prove it. IMO
Tillie "thought" "they" :thinking: loved her, she was special. They didn't tell her nothing. She may think they shared, but they were smarter, they didn't tell her nothing, in fact they may have given her en- exact info. How could they totally trust her?? She did something to prove it. IMO

Well if they DIDN"T tell her nothing, that means they DID tell her something.

What was it?

"Tailoring Tillie" can replace the Duggars on TLC...JMO

Already replaced them in headlines. Surprised some sort of conspiracy theory hasn't come out that they orchestrated this whole thing just to get josh out of headlines. There's always more ridiculous theories out there about everything else!

:coffee: <--- if that isn't an emoticon when I hit enter, it should be. Because this is what turns me from my morning matter-of-fact posting style into my regular posting style which contains a more global sense of humor. Hopefully my dryer, odder type of humor is going over alright the last post or two. If not, I apologize and blame a lack of caffeine.
the DA from the area up there is on CNN right now... being interviewed live... "will she get in trouble no matter how much she cooperates?" "yes, it is my intention at the conclusion of these proceedings.. uh.. she's aware that charges will be filed at the end of this proceeding.."
DA also said the scent the dogs picked up could be a few days old or could be fresh, they don't know.

(CNN live)
" A licensed engineer who has done work at the Clinton Correctional facility in Dannemora where two killers escaped last weekend said the work of cutting through a cell wall and a steam pipe was done with a high degree of professionalism.

Larry Jeffords, owner of Jeffords Steel and Engineering in upstate New York, told The Associated Press that convicts David Sweat, 34, and Richard Matt, 48, were either very proficient with the tools they used &#8212; or they had help.

"It tells me either they are very good at what they do, with a lot of good training. Or they had very good equipment. Or somebody else cut the hole for them," said Jeffords, whose knowledge of the escape is only based on seeing photographs released by the media."

(more at link)

If the schools have reopened I fear the track has gone cold.
"&#8220;He is the most vicious, evil person I&#8217;ve ever come across in 38 years as a police officer,&#8221; the officer, retired North Tonawanda Police Department captain Gabriel DiBernardo, told the New York Times."


"Meanwhile, those who know Matt &#8212; acquaintances, an old girlfriend, police officers from his past, even his own family &#8212; are horrified that the man they describe as charming, brutal and savagely brilliant has escaped from prison. Again."


"&#8220;He would terrorize kids on the (school) bus,&#8221; Randy Szukala said. &#8220;Friends of mine knew him. He would just terrorize people. Even in elementary, junior high, he had issues.&#8221;"


"David Bentley, a retired detective from Tonawanda who attempted to mentor the troubled teen, told the New York Times that Matt ran away from a youth home at age 14, escaping on a stolen horse.

&#8220;He was in and out of jail constantly,&#8221; Bentley told the Buffalo News. &#8220;Burglary; they alleged he committed a horrific rape, but I think he beat the charge on that; stolen cars; everything but drugs.&#8221;"


"&#8220;We always knew him as Ricky: &#8216;Ricky Matt did this, Ricky Matt did that.&#8217; We were very well familiar with him at the time,&#8221; he said."


"Matt broke into his [son's] mother&#8217;s house and beat her when [his sosn] was a baby. But at the same time, the young man knew how charismatic his father could be.

&#8220;He makes an impression that lingers with you,&#8221; Harris said. He told the Buffalo News how Matt had charmed his mother, Vee Marie Harris.

&#8220;He had a crush on my mother and would say to her, &#8216;If I were older, would you be my girl?&#8217;&#8221; Harris said. &#8220;He&#8217;d lower his head and kick his foot against the ground when he asked. She would tell him he was so young. But then she met him later when he was in his 20s and he was a good-looking guy. They started dating and she got pregnant with me.&#8221;"

more at link

"In 2007, Matt was extradited back to the U.S. along with a drug cartel kingpin. According to Rick Pfeiffer, a court reporter who covered Matt&#8217;s trial for the now-defunct Tonawanda News, the U.S. government hadn&#8217;t negotiated for Matt. He just showed up.

&#8220;There had been no discussion with the American government about extradition,&#8221; Pfeiffer told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. &#8220;He had just been such a difficult prisoner &#8212; if you can imagine a guy who seemed too difficult to stay in a Mexican prison.&#8221;"


"At his 2008 trial for the Rickerson murder, officials went to great lengths to ensure that Matt could not escape or endanger anyone, the New York Times reported. The glass that covered courtroom tables was removed for fear that Matt might break it and use one of the shards as a weapon. A sniper watched over the courthouse and double the usual number of deputies were posted as guards. Matt wore an electric stun belt aimed at preventing an escape.

&#8220;It can never be overdone with Rick Matt,&#8221; DiBernardo told the Times. &#8220;He&#8217;s a cunning individual, and a strong individual, physically strong. There&#8217;s no question he can handle himself.&#8221;

They HAVE to be hungry and miserable or they have help. Or, I fear, they are holding hostages, or would-be hostages are deceased...but we have heard no reports of carjacking, theft, break-in or missing persons. Where the hell are they? JMO
Usually when people are missing we try to find all the pics of them we can, and we share them, but with these guys we only have the mugshots I think. I wonder if there are other photos out there that might be helpful?
Also, within the 5-mile radius that they were searching yesterday, there just can't be that many cabins or abandoned structures, it seems to me. I think the trail is cold. UGH

Update from my friend this morning is that authorities still believe that they have the escapees surrounded. They are walking grids and turning over every leaf and log. The conditions are awful - thick brush, swampy areas and rain. There has been no new info according to her and her family.

I read that Sweet Frog (frozen yogurt) has offered free Fro-Yo for all LE this week. I am sure that many businesses and individuals are willing to help out these guys and gals that are working non-stop.
Yes there is a picture heer of matt while in jail/prison somewhere in his younger days, he is wearing a correction officers shirt and holding the prisoner ID board in one hand and a billy club in the other. At the bottom of the picture it says, Who says I cant escape this place!!



"The photo obtained by Inside Edition was taken in 1986 while Richard Matt was imprisoned at the Elmira Correctional Facility."

wonder if that's how that particular arrest will appear in online arrest records?
Wait. That was taken WHILE he was in upstate Elmira prison? A guard let him wear their UNIFORM and hold their freaking BILLY CLUB then took a polaroid of him and let him keep it? Is that what we are to understand about this??? WTH

"Matt, who busted out of the Clinton Correctional Facility over the weekend with cop killer David Sweat, mailed it at some point to a retired detective who knew Matt as a kid."

(from above link, which goes on to say that Matt told the same retired detective, who helped put him in jail at one point, that he knows what he did and won't forget it. SCARY!!)

link also says:

"&#8220;Rick has a daughter, who he loves dearly,&#8221; Bentley Jr. said. &#8220;I want him to consider calling his daughter and turning himself in through his daughter so she&#8217;d get the reward money.&#8221;"

oh REALLY now? hm.
"for the second day in a row the Saranac school is closed" -- TWCNews.com says just now. Keep in mind it's not all schools in the district, just the one that has the major bus route on the closed roads.
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