NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #2

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I bet the prison workers are unionized.

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If a Jail/Prison is unionized, employees can can become a member by paying dues each paycheck if they choose to do so. They have to sign up to become a member.
I just don't comprehend WHY this gal talked so much, for so many days... without an attorney present. Knowing she did wrong... did not one family member or friend tell her early on .. you really should think about getting a lawyer? She COULD have said I want immunity and then I'll talk.. SMH... Just don't understand what made her gums flap for soooo many days... SMH:dunno:

Same thing that made her fall for whatever the inmates thew at her. I think she's just of low-average mental IQ and emotional IQ, she's emotional, she's easily preyed upon, she's a naive sucker IMO. I think the same way she believed everythign the inmates told her is the same way she believed everythign the cops told her. "You can trust us, we're the good guys, you need to tell us everything you know right now" etc.

I honestly believe her personality led to all of this, being a gullible, naive, emotionally insecure woman. Chances are once the grooming was complete, she felt that she had no choice but to do what they said to keep her family safe. Then the cops probably preyed upon that same exact weakness to get their info.

The cop yesterday on eithere CNN or TWCNews.com said during the press conference, when asked why NOW with the arrest, that their timing was because they were confident their questioning had been thorough and fruitful (not the same words) and later clarified that they would not have arrested her now if they weren't sure they had gotten all the info out of her, basically.

I'm certain the press conference will be available somewhere by now, so this can be verified. I think they tapped her out and locked her up, simple as that.

ETA: ""We're satisfied and we would not have charged her if we were not satisfied with the productivity of those interviews," Guess added."

And, looking at her in that courtroom, IMO you can see a groomed naive broken woman who is such a people pleaser that she no longer knows how to operate logically, nor how to take care of herself first and others second. JMO
I just can't help but shake the feeling that these guys are long out of that area. I have been on vacation to that part of upstate and IMO it would be very hard to survive 7 days in the woods unless you are a highly skilled survivalist or an Army Special Forces commando - which neither of these guys are.

I would be very, very surprised if they are still in the area. I tend to think that if they were they would have done something dumb and gotten caught by now. As another poster stated, I think these searches are more to reassure local residents. The real searching is being done behind the scenes by US Marshals. They would have had to have food, water, a dry place to sleep (there has been rain on and off over the past few days), etc .... or they would have had to steal supplies which would have attracted attention and we would have confirmed sightings.

EDIT: one final thought, didn't one of the fugitives (I believe it is Richard Matt) have ties to a Mexican drug cartel? Could they have been involved with helping them break out? Perhaps Joyce Mitchell was just a patsy?

No Matt was only extradited back to the US unexpectedly along with a drug cartel kingpin. When the Mexican prison heard they were shipping the kingpin back they took the opportunity to unannounced send Matt back at the same time. He was too much hassle for them there. They had just caught him on the roof of the prison during yet another escape attempt (that would've been his third successful escape if he hadn't been shot and extradited back). He does however have ties to mexico and mcallen texas.


"Matt had fled to Mexico, where he quickly got into trouble again. In 1998, according to the Buffalo News, Matt was imprisoned for killing another American in a fight outside a bar.

Matt attempted to escape from there too, his son said.

“He said he made it up to the roof of the prison and got shot in the shoulder."


"In 2007, Matt was extradited back to the U.S. along with a drug cartel kingpin. According to Rick Pfeiffer, a court reporter who covered Matt&#8217;s trial for the now-defunct Tonawanda News, the U.S. government hadn&#8217;t negotiated for Matt. He just showed up.

&#8220;There had been no discussion with the American government about extradition,&#8221; Pfeiffer told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. &#8220;He had just been such a difficult prisoner &#8212; if you can imagine a guy who seemed too difficult to stay in a Mexican prison.&#8221;"
Holy crud, breaking news on CNN.com, bomb explodes outside Dallas police department. Police: We are under attack.
they have just found another package under a police truck outside headquarters and it's being investigated as another bomb, this is in addition to FOUR suspicious bags one of which detonated when the robot approached to detonate it.

Do we know who is doing this in TEXAS right now?? They said something about suspects so it HAS to be unrelated, right??
And he was some kind of sharp-shooter armed survivalist.

Frein was perfectly able to survive outdoors for any amount of time. He was utterly prepared and trained for the situation, at direct odds to these fellows. And yes a trained sharp-shooter as well. I have been "lucky" to be located right in between both of these cases... I compared this to Frein on day two of this escape. Hopefully they catch these guys sooner than Frein was caught.
I'm hoping I can post this time. All the edit and reply boxes have been greyed out for me for several minutes again just now...

Anyway, yesterday our local newspaper said someone spray painted a copy of the caricature/note in a public park in Binghamton (in Broome County), where Deputy Kevin Tarsia was from and was killed, and where Sweat lived much of his life, and was in that same group home mentioned on the previous page. They said the park had been dedicated to a young woman who had been murdered, making this vandalism all kinds of messed up.



I wonder if LE would consider that one of those tips, "however small", that they would like to be informed about?
Just noting I'm totally aware the handwriting does not match up to Sweat at all. The characteristic "D" is not the only thing that is different, it is clearly ALL different.

A shootout, active standoff in Texas, armed with explosives, pipe bombs. SWAT team.. (CNN breaking news)

Now showing tons and tons of shots fired on tv etc. I'm guessing this has to be unrelated to Matt and Sweat. Four attackers in one van... (ETA: they're saying its an armored vehicle now, but they've "disabled" it.)

@DallasPD - twitter for this standoff
New York Post article and video

NEW YORK &#8212; A licensed engineer who has done work at the Clinton Correctional facility in Dannemora where two killers escaped last weekend said the work of cutting through a cell wall and a steam pipe was done with a high degree of professionalism.

Larry Jeffords, owner of Jeffords Steel and Engineering in upstate New York, told The Associated Press that convicts David Sweat, 34, and Richard Matt, 48, were either very proficient with the tools they used &#8212; or they had help.

&#8220;It tells me either they are very good at what they do, with a lot of good training. Or they had very good equipment. Or somebody else cut the hole for them,&#8221; said Jeffords, whose knowledge of the escape is only based on seeing photographs released by the media.
:welcome: to Thora_Jay and swimminglemming!

Doesnt it seem weird to have prisoners making uniforms? Not just railroad uniforms for a known canadian trainhopper escapist in a prison near the Canadian border but any uniform...I mean a patch here and a patch there and you're a mailman, a policememan, whatever, right?

I'm losing it. My brain immediately began singing "Old Matt Sweaty had a gun, EIEIO, with a patch patch here, and a patch patch there" etc.

... which brings me to another thought. I mean, this whole thing is already like a movie. What would happen in a movie at this point? We'd find out that Matt is dressed up as a cop among the other cops, and he'd probably even be the cop to find Sweat. If this was a movie.
:welcome: to Thora_Jay and swimminglemming!

Big smile on my face from your warm welcome GGE! It is so very nice of you to welcome me. Thank you.
Sweat in his 2002 arraignment for his part of the murder of Deputy Tarsia, who was shot 22 times, twice in the face, and run over after catching Sweat and an accomplice with a bunch of stolen guns they'd just crossed into PA and broken into a fireworks shop and stolen before crossing back into NY, where Tarsia happened upon them.


Sweat had life without parole.

Matt ONLY HAD 25 to life for his brutal kidnapping,torture, murder, and mutilation/dismemberment of his boss, who was what, the THIRD person he ever murdered? PLUS Matt had already broken out of one jail and gotten caught trying to break out of another.


(ETA - his shirt appears to say "I smoked a bowl with the devil". Charming.)
OMG seriously you CAN NOT make this stuff up.

"One of [Sweat's] sisters, who gave her name only as Tilly, said of their mother, &#8220;She had two nervous breakdowns because of him when he was little, and she can&#8217;t take any more.&#8221;

She said Mr. Sweat had a dual personality: &#8220;He could be a nice boy. But when the little bit of hellion in him came out, it came out full force.&#8221;

Carl Butts, Pamela Sweat&#8217;s boyfriend when her son was small, said he would burn his toy cars. Or he would smash them with rocks and hammers."

(No offense and sorry for being immature but I'd laugh so hard at a wedding announcement proclaiming the union of Butts and Sweat. JMO)
Has anything been said about an investigation into her cell phone, other than that it had been used? Any specifics about who was called?
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