NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #7

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dedamwriter ‏@KimDedam 10m10 minutes ago

#flood watch northern NY starts 2 am Sunday to Monday. #wet day ahead #PrisonBreakNY
Yeah it wasn't an attempted carjacking at all, that was media hype.

Don't know why he shot the camper. The driver got out and thought it was a flat but saw it wasn't and drove another 8 miles before arriving at his destination and noticing the bullet hole and calling LE who responded, went back 8 miles, checked a cabin right there, smelled gun powder, found Matt nearby, killed him.

(ETA - searching adirondack real estate this morning and it's the first time since last summer but I can't help but notice the prices are quite a bit higher than this time last year. hrumph. was hoping this fiasco would make them go down. )
I thought he might have been trying to shoot the driver of the camper. Or maybe trying to get the driver out of his vehicle to shoot him. Then Matt could take the vehicle.

Btw...the gunpowder smell in the cabin. Was it because he was loading a black powder firearm?
They may be thinking the shot was fired by Sweat. He may have taken off with whatever other gun they might have had.
IMO these guys never had any help beyond leaving the Prison. If they had I believe they would have been long gone weeks ago. They may have been aware of some CO's cabins thru idle chit chat. I also believe if Matt had been taken alive he would never have given up Sweat. What would he have to gain. IMO he would have laughed in their face. I hope LE stays safe as Sweat doesn't mind overkill when it comes to LE. I think he quite likely would luv to take a few LE out with him.
Gene, Gene, Gene....who dropped the boys off at the entrance to the trail to the cozy cabin? JMO

This seems like a possibility to me, very doubtful the murderers just stumbled upon this particular cabin.
I have taken the liberty of rewriting some on the major newspapers using quite a rare technique for them, the truth.

WALL STREET JOURNAL- "Search Continues for Missing New York Prisoner David Sweat".
WSJ is the winner.
Keshia Clukey retweeted
Leanne Ricchiuti ‏@LeCutie9TWCNews 38m38 minutes ago

#PrisonBreakNY Hear what Richard Matt's family had to say when they heard of his death. http://fb.me/3loNrzujU

I can't blame them for their attitude. All his relatives have probably been sitting on pins & needles for the last 3 weeks wondering when he was going to burst into their house, kill them, & steal their car.
CNN - "hundreds of officers are still searching"

Well gee there was over 1000 for the past weeks, now it's just "hundreds" eh. I guess we know who they really were worried about catching. Dude with metal teeth sounds scary.

If it's the same number today as weeks past then CNN just intentionally made it sound like it wasn't IMO and it makes me wonder what their agenda is IMO.

ETA never mind, despite the anchor using those words, text on the screen says 1000+.

Words. They mean things. (tm)
I still want to see his metal teeth!
When I went to bed last night I was certain that the hunt would be over by the time I woke up this morning. Just goes to show how much I know about anything.:thinking:
I think they had all their eggs invested in Tillie's basket. When she didn't show, they went to Palmer and he took them to the cabin.
I thought he might have been trying to shoot the driver of the camper. Or maybe trying to get the driver out of his vehicle to shoot him. Then Matt could take the vehicle.

Btw...the gunpowder smell in the cabin. Was it because he was loading a black powder firearm?

HMMM...they did say that they smelled gunpowder they did not say gun smoke. JMO
When I went to bed last night I was certain that the hunt would be over by the time I woke up this morning. Just goes to show how much I know about anything.:thinking:

I think we all are surprised that Sweat made it through another night without capture. I thought for sure he would have been captured during the night.
I hope he is in the perimeter area and they aren't guarding a bear. Hope they have something solid to believe he is there. lol
I have learned so much about the Adirondacks and the general area just by reading this thread. I'm telling hubby that's where I want to visit next summer!

Me too. Imagine it in the Fall? Breathtaking
Something seem off... Wouldn't the dogs have picked up Sweats scent?
Everyone keeps saying that no one has seen Sweat since the escape night. He is not on the hunters camera, his DNA might have been there on Wednesday, and Matt was found alone. What if they did split up a week ago? Sweat being the planner could have escaped the dragnet.
Keshia Clukey ‏@KClukey_TU 6m6 minutes ago

Back on Studley Hill Road, check out the residents on the upper left porching it #prisonbreakNY

u know who u r speaking to, right? u doing ok?

I sure do. Everyone, this is my sister, Sandy. She's been a member of WS for a long time but doesn't post much. Glad you're participating in the thread.

Today has GOT to be the day Sweat gets caught and the manhunt ends. Now that his partner-in-crime has been killed, he has noone to act as lookout while he sleeps (at least as far as we have all been led to believe)...it's rainy...he's got to be getting miserable and eventually, he'll wear down. I just hope he'll give up peacefully and not try to go out in a blaze of glory and take LE lives with him.
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