OH - 9 killed + Gunman, 16 injured, Mass Shooting, Oregon District, Dayton, 4 Aug 2019

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Yes, this seems to be common in so many cases.
Reading about previous mass shooters inspires them to copy certain methods and try to out-do them by killing even more people.
Experts refer to it as the "media contagion effect."

And that’s (likely) precisely why these are increasing in frequency.

These people see the attention that these other massacres get, and want to do something similar.

They’re losers who want notoriety, and they tend to get it.
FBI is getting involved in Ohio shooting

FBI joins investigation of the Dayton mass shooting. Shooter displayed 'violent ideology'

Special agent in charge Todd Wickerham said the FBI will be joining the investigation into the motive of Connor Betts, who killed nine people before Dayton police officers killed him.

Officials would not get into specifics about the evidence or the "violent ideology." Wickerham had not found evidence the shooter had racial motivations but added they are still going through what they have found.
A grieving son told how his father died in his arms during the Dayton massacre — and how he believes he spoke to the killer’s dying sister as she gasped for help nearby.

Dion Green, 37, had invited dad Derrick Fudge, 57, for a night out in the Ohio entertainment district when he spotted a masked man in the early hours Sunday.

“[He] came around the corner, heard two shots, ‘Pop! Pop!’ I’m still thinking this is not real,” Green told CNN.



He is now trying to cope with the guilt he feels for having invited his father out that night. “I think he protected me,” he insisted.
Here's an interesting article from earlier this year, comparing 2016 Gun & Knife Murders in the U.S. & UK. Actually, the U.S. has higher per capita in both categories. But while the difference in terms of knives is 4.96 to 3.26, the difference with guns is 34 to .48, a multiple of 71.

Trump's knife crime claim: how do the US and UK compare?
If I ever had the desire to become a mass shooter, I doubt that breaking a "domestic terrorist law" would make me stop in fulfilling my desire to kill a bunch of people. I would just find a bunch of people in a "Gun Free Zone" and fulfill my fantasy......moo

Exactly. And if you couldn't get a gun you could build a bomb out of supplies bought at your local Home Depot. Or simply drive your vehicle into a group of people (Europe). Or trap people in a building and set it on fire (Japan & Mexico). Etc, etc...humans with homicidal tendencies are not exclusive to the U.S. It happens everywhere.
can anyone answer:
MSM says the gun was purchased online from
Texas where it was shipped to a local gun dealer
and was modified after purchase.
Who modified it?
Why wasn't it shipped to CB's home directly?
Did he sneak it into his parents' home?

i know that in Utah, you have to pick up online gun orders from a licensed brick and mortar store. And they run a background check on you. Which you have to pass before they release it to you.
And that’s (likely) precisely why these are increasing in frequency.

These people see the attention that these other massacres get, and want to do something similar.

They’re losers who want notoriety, and they tend to get it.
Yeah, I think I remember reading that after the Parkland shooting, experts predicted another to occur within the next 13 months, or something like that.

So basically, every time a mass shooting occurs it can be expected to happen again within a certain time frame.

Some of the media have not named the killer or at least have focused primarily on the victims, but not nearly enough.

It would be better to not name the shooter at all and release no information about him, instead focusing on the victims, their lives, and stories of people who acted courageously during the event.
At least that would be a good start. Imo
Yeah, I think I remember reading that after the Parkland shooting, experts predicted another to occur within the next 13 months, or something like that.

So basically, every time a mass shooting occurs it can be expected to happen again within a certain time frame.

Some of the media have not named the killer or at least have focused primarily on the victims, but not nearly enough.

It would be better to not name the shooter at all and release no information about him, instead focusing on the victims, their lives, and stories of people who acted courageously during the event.
At least that would be a good start. Imo

Even if the media doesn’t name the suspect, I’m not convinced that it would make any difference.

It’s still out there on social media.

Regardless, it’s the act that gets the attention, and it’s the act that inspires these people.
“He was being really mean to her,” Gould said of Connor’s behavior towards his sister. Connor Betts, 24, opened fire early Sunday morning on a crowd in Dayton's Oregon District killing nine before police killed him.

Gould said that she stepped in to defend her friend.

“He strangled me because I got in his face to leave her [Megan] alone,” she said.

Connor, a high school freshman at the time, strangled Gould until his mother started crying, begging him to stop.

Gould didn’t tell anyone about the incident.

“His mom saw it,” she said. “They were gonna talk to someone.”

'He strangled me': More on childhood of Dayton shooter Connor Betts
He was a ticking time bomb for a long time.
I wonder how he treated his mother?
And how much did his father intervene or try to help? Seems he was gone a lot away from the home. Maybe no consistent discipline or guidance. Can't imagine living in the same home with him.
It just seems no one was safe with him around.
I'm glad to see the FBI investigating but I think
they'll come to the same conclusion most of us
have suggested. That is that he needed to get
professional help a long time ago when he
was still possibly redeemable.
One ex girlfriend from spring said Betts liked his sister but he had problems with his parents. They bonded over supposedly their struggles with mental illness. He said he was bi polar and had ocd. He was charming but had a dark side.

I dont know. I dont think you can prevent people from doing what they want to do.
He was a ticking time bomb for a long time.
I wonder how he treated his mother?
And how much did his father intervene or try to help? Seems he was gone a lot away from the home. Maybe no consistent discipline or guidance. Can't imagine living in the same home with him.
I feel there's a common pattern of violent behavior being tolerated in childhood leading to violent adults.
The parents (not specifically the Betts, any parent) will have their 3 y/o hitting them, which they don't punish because 1) following through is difficult in the moment, and 2) they're still little, they can't hurt anyone, they'll grow out of it, right?
That's often when a mother ends up with her 15 y/o son, a foot taller than her, beating her into submission. He has learned that he will get whatever he wants with violence, and the mother is physically unable to punish him now.
Take from that what you will. MOO.
Who cares about selling guns to felons. A lot of these shootings are done by people with no felonies.

Very true. This is why, that the simple background check is about the most effective tool, that there is, as for helping to keep firearms out of a violent felon's hands. It protects me from buying a firearm used in the commission of a crime/violent crime, too. However, the majority of firearm deaths are actually suicides. The majority of those suicides, are males.

These mass shootings, while absolutely horrific, and have been going on since the 1800s, do not make up the vast amount of firearm deaths. Cars, rather than firearms, were/are used in Israel, many times. The govt. had to begin constructing barriers at bus stops, and bridges. If someone wants to kill someone else, badly enough, they will find a way.

Gun Deaths in America
Gun Deaths In America
Exactly. And if you couldn't get a gun you could build a bomb out of supplies bought at your local Home Depot. Or simply drive your vehicle into a group of people (Europe). Or trap people in a building and set it on fire (Japan & Mexico). Etc, etc...humans with homicidal tendencies are not exclusive to the U.S. It happens everywhere.

Those cases are so rare though. Imagine if there were 250+ seperate mass killings by someone driving cars into people in Europe this year already, that would be absolutely insane.
As is the case of most mass shooters. I can only think of two that gun laws, current or proposed, would have stopped.
That is probably true, but I still think it's important to change the laws if only as a statement of where we stand as a culture against guns being used in violence such as mass shootings.

I liken it to the way you raise children. Most parents put in the effort to raise their kids to be productive and law-abiding adults. If the kids end up going down the wrong path (and they certainly could despite the best parenting), at least you know as a parent you did what you could to send them on the right path. But if a parent neglects kids, gives a bad example, creates an unwholesome environment, then the parent sets up the kid for failure or hardships.

We don't want to be a society, imo, that sets ourselves up for gun violence. We might not prevent all gun violence and mass shootings, but we don't want to make it easy to happen. My opinion only.

Those cases are so rare though. Imagine if there were 250+ seperate mass killings by someone driving cars into people in Europe this year already, that would be absolutely insane.

This year, there have been 17 instances in which 4 or more people have died in a mass shooting.

That’s way ahead of average, and average is terrible to begin with.
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Those cases are so rare though. Imagine if there were 250+ seperate mass killings by someone driving cars into people in Europe this year already
Those cases are so rare though. Imagine if there were 250+ seperate mass killings by someone driving cars into people in Europe this year already, that would be absolutely insane.

I believe that number was put out there by the media. There have been 17 so far this year. Albeit one is too many. IMO, the media confused the deaths with the number of mass shooting events.
Green also saw a dying woman just feet away who he is now certain was the gunman’s sister, 22-year-old Megan Betts.

“She was still breathing a little bit,” he recalled to CNN. “She tell me like, ‘Can you call the police? I’ve been shot. I’ve been shot.’ ”

Investigators — who say they are still unsure whether the sister was an intended target — have quizzed Green about his potential encounter, he said.


She just said she had been shot... she didn't say who shot her. So maybe she didn't know.

Yes, I read her full statement on her Facebook post.
I know we can't get into political discussions, but I'll just leave it at that I and many of my family members are a part of some of the stated groups (+ my veteran dad who supports the whole kneeling thing), and we have functioned normally. IMO this was incredibly unprofessional and shows what she truly thinks of the majority of Americans.

After I saw her statement I was trying to think of a mass shooter that came from a LGBT parent/family or was an illegal immigrant. I couldn't come up with one.
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