OH - 9 killed + Gunman, 16 injured, Mass Shooting, Oregon District, Dayton, 4 Aug 2019

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That is probably true, but I still think it's important to change the laws if only as a statement of where we stand as a culture against guns being used in violence such as mass shootings.

I liken it to the way you raise children. Most parents put in the effort to raise their kids to be productive and law-abiding adults. If the kids end up going down the wrong path (and they certainly could despite the best parenting), at least you know as a parent you did what you could to send them on the right path. But if a parent neglects kids, gives a bad example, creates an unwholesome environment, then the parent sets up the kid for failure or hardships.

We don't want to be a society, imo, that sets ourselves up for gun violence. We might not prevent all gun violence and mass shootings, but we don't want to make it easy to happen. My opinion only.

eta: am i the only one having problems with quotes?
Unfortunately, the only ones who follow the law are law abiding citizens. Law abiding citizens are not the problem in most cases.
Even if the media doesn’t name the suspect, I’m not convinced that it would make any difference.

It’s still out there on social media.

Regardless, it’s the act that gets the attention, and it’s the act that inspires these people.
Yes, although I don't know much about SM I do know that there aren't any restrictions on what people can share or post about.

I don't know if it would be possible to to somehow decrease the amount of publicity a mass shooter gets in the media or online but at least it might help. It would be a good place to start. Imo
I think the point here is more towards prevention. They would be able to track some of these guys through their online rants the same way they do international terrorists.
Unfortunately majority of the wanna-be terrorists paraded on TV were entrapped and guided by LE to purchase chemicals. The actual terror incidents were planned by others. Some were previously on a list, but not deemed dangerous.

Early intervention and therapy would be more appropriate for most teens who want to murder classmates or infidels or immigrants.
Ex-classmate of Connor Betts reported him to police over 'rape list' | Daily Mail Online

When the customers didn't tip him, he would threaten to go to their house and kill them. I thought he was just all talk but then I would be at work by myself with him and hear him chanting things that sounded like he was worshiping the devil. I would be calling his name for him to stop and he wouldn't answer.'

from his photo standing next to his sister. He looks exactly what a mass shooter would look like. There's an odd expression, dead eyes. Why did LE drop the ball 10 years ago?
But if my son is living in my home and I believe
he has serious issues that need the help of a professional, wouldn't I as a mother or father
be able to insist on him getting treatment.
As a condition of living in my home and me paying his expenses and feeding him and providing a car which I own, wouldn't that be leverage to exert some control over him?

I read that when he was arrested in 2016 for
DWI, and held overnight, it was his friend Chace (who was shot) who was called to sign
him out of jail and vow to be responsible for him.
Had his parents washed their hands of him?
Wasn't it their vehicle he was driving while
Did they know about this DWI? Surely their
insurance co. would be notified.
There were just so many red flags with this guy
I'm truly flummoxed how normal people close to him just put their heads in the sand.
There's outrage by his fellow students in high school that his problems were not properly addressed back then. One even called him
a Psychopath.

all great questions. why would his father allow him to drive his car after a DUI?
What legal recourses did his parents have besides kicking him out of the home? Maybe lived in fear of him?
good questions-
It seems to me that the first line of defense would be friends and family. But as we see so
often, they may be in denial that there's actual
problems other than weirdness or strangeness.

Someone mentioned earlier maybe he was
"schizo" since that usually starts to show symptoms around puberty or a little later for
stronger symptoms. He did have many symptoms according to his friends.
But unless he had a fairly recent mental diagnosis from a professional I doubt that will be discussed publicly.
Once a person turns 18, I doubt there is any
long term mental health that can be forced
on them unless they're deemed a threat to
themselves or others. And usually that's just
a short term fix like a few days in a hospital.

I'm still waiting for the family to make a statement on what they believe happened here.
Or maybe they never will. There's such denial
in admitting mental issues, but we see so many
common behaviors in these mass shooters.
Or maybe it's because we WS'ers read and study them more than average.
I prefer to hold off on judging the parents until we know more. It’s quite possible they tried to get help for their son but had nowhere to go. Friends of the Sandy Hook shooter’s mother say it was no secret she’d tried to get her son assistance from multiple sources but was turned away.

Or perhaps they did get help and the mental heath professional(s) assured them he wasn’t dangerous (like the U of C counselor who discouraged police from placing the Aurora theatre shooter on a hold for mental health evauation just weeks before his crime).

I have friends with a child just 10 that has already threatened lives of family members and w/the help of Google tried to build a bomb. Their parents took them to multiple psychologists but nothing helped. They almost went broke because insurance wouldn’t cover more than 12 visits yet they were denied public resources because they made “too much money”. And these are not rich people!

Their older child told their school counselor they felt their life was in danger at home because of the troubled sibling, but school and DFS never followed up. Imagine being a teenager fearing for your life, summoning up the courage to tell “authorities” and no-one cares. The messages they took away from that were a) their life doesn’t matter. b) speaking up just creates trouble and c) F#%K school!

Now that kids depressed and cutting class. Not good.

But back to the troubled kid. Eventually a psychologist told my friends to take the child to an ER and have them admitted. The hospital transfered the kid to a mental heath facility for observation, and after a week professionals there said the parents needed to take the child home and “get them some therapy”. Which of course they’d already done.

The parents realized if the kid came home one of them would have to move out with the other kids in order to keep them safe. For the first time in an otherwise happy marraige there was talk of divorce.

My friends consulted a family attorney who advised them to not pick up the child. They would be charged with child abandonment but as a ward of the state the child would finally get the help they needed.

They followed the attorney’s advice and DFS (the same DFS that did absolutely NOTHING when the sibling reported they felt unsafe at home) immediately started an abandonment investigation. For the sake of all their children they stuck to their guns, endured public critisism and decided to take their chances in court defending “abandonment” charges. First so their child could finally receive the mental health treatment they so badly needed. And also so they didn’t have to continue to lock up their knives, bleach, scissors, lighters, matches and anything else their 10 year old might try to kill them with.

When they explained their dilema to DFS, instead of providing menta health resouces DFS put their efforts towards finding an extended family member that would take the child in. And granted custody to relatives who’s own children are drug/alcohol addicts and/or convicted criminals. The child is still not getting the help they need, and they’re getting older. Soon if they feel like it they’ll be able to drive to their parent’s house and burn it down. Or run their siblings/schoolmates over in the street. Or both.

This child has no criminal record. They will be able to buy firearms legally in just a few years. (and no philosophy here-IMO stricter gun laws wouldn’t stop this kid from getting one illegaly if necessary). This child has been exhibiting multiple red flags for years and could very well be in the news soon committing some heinous act of violence. These parents are aware enough to recognize it and resisted the urge to stick their heads in the sand. They feel helpless and are worried sick.

I’m sure there are other families in similar situations, also at a loss as to what they can do. Some of their kids will hurt people, thankfully lots more probably won’t. But mental health resources need to be available to counsel those kids who can be helped and identify the ones who can’t.

These shootings aren’t because of Trump supporters or leftist socialists. It sickens me to see politicians, pundits and “news” venues use mass shootings as a tool to further political agendas and fan more hate. It won’t help a bit and IMO just gives the next batch of shooters more reason to get all worked up.

If only politicians, community activists, religious leaders, school officials and society in general would abandon the heady thrill of hate/righteous indignation. Imagine what could be accomplished if that energy were redirected and people worked together to promote tolerance and make sure mental health resources are available to anyone who needs them. But that won’t generate ratings, clicks or win elections. So it’ll never happen.
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I feel that a lot blame is being placed on the parents. What do you do when your child is mentally ill and over 18? The parents seem very loving.
I’ll be curious to know exactly what interventions/help his parents pursued for him following his many reported aggressive threats and even assaults (strangled a middle-school girl, a friend of MB’s trying to protect her from CB...)
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I have the thought according to his last twitter post, the fact he claims he’s a leftist and has spoken out about mass shootings in the past, that it could be possible this was to influence government policy. But that’s just a theory of my own floating around in the back of my head

Whether that was his intent or not, it was the end result. Look at all the politicians (from both sides of the aisle) making statements this week blaming the shootings on the other party. I’d argue in today’s environment any US mass shooting will inevitably be a tool used by politicians and the press to influence legislation and upcoming elections. Therefore, IMO by definition it’s terrorism.
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