OH - 9 killed + Gunman, 16 injured, Mass Shooting, Oregon District, Dayton, 4 Aug 2019

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This is beginning to look like a domestic violence killing spree.

Oh, their poor parents. My heart breaks for them.

Not to borrow trouble but... I certainly hope the police are on their way to the parents' house with all due haste, because this sequence of unfolding events makes me nervous about their current longevity.
How horrible! When I first read it, I thought, they made a mistake, 20 people haven't died! Then I realized that it was a different shooter. Is this going to be a weekend deal? Are the Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton tragedies connected by anything? This is outrageous!
They’re all connected by living in a country where nothing is being done to stop it.
Six of nine victims are black...it seems pretty clear he wanted to kill black people and people who like black people.

I don't think we have nearly enough info yet to be able to reach that conclusion.

We don't know what the demographic info r/t the bar patrons was that night.

If this was personal, and his primary intended target(s) were sister and/or her boyfriend, he may just have been shooting indiscriminately at anyone who was standing between him and them.

I think that his grievance/agenda here was likely personal. I might very well be wrong, though.

We'll find out in due course.

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All of these shootings, especially being back to back, have left me scared to leave my house. I know anything can happen to anyone at anytime and that’s life, but mass shootings shouldn’t be a part of life. This breaks my heart.
I’m struggling with it a lot, too. I don’t like crowds to begin with and now the anxiety is even worse.

Schools aren’t safe.
Churches aren’t safe.
Stores aren’t safe.
Malls aren’t safe.
Festivals aren’t safe.

The worst part is that we are being expected to accept these shootings as just part of the risk of living in America, like tornadoes and earthquakes.
Quote from the link

Authorities have found writings linked to Dayton, Ohio, shooting suspect Connor Betts that show he had an interest in killing people, two federal law enforcement sources told CNN. A preliminary assessment of the writings, found during the execution of a search warrant, did not indicate any racial or political motive, the sources said.

At an afternoon press conference, police said they are looking for any indication of motives.

“We're always looking at what could have motivated such a horrific action as this, and like I said this morning, we're interviewing dozens of people and going through a lot of different electronic evidence, other evidence to try to determine that. We don't have that answer yet,” Lt. Col. Matt Carper, Dayton Deputy Chief of Police said. “But speculating at this point would be premature.”

Dayton, Ohio: Multiple fatalies in mass shooting - CNN
Born and raised in Dayton. It's just sad. Have a nephew and a brother in law who use to play in bands at the Oregon District for years. All my family have checked in and are safe. It's just unbelievable it happened last night and in El Paso yesterday morning. Also the Garlic festival. RIP to the victims and may the living be able to heal somehow. smdh
Dayton shooting: What we know about the gunman

Connor Betts, the man who authorities say killed nine people and injured 26, was bullied when he was a student at a suburban Dayton, Ohio high school.

A classmate, Laura Wakeley, said that Betts responded by making up a list of people at the school he wanted to shoot in 2010 or 2011. "He had a plan to shoot up the high school," she told reporters near the home of Betts' parents.
Oh my. I LOVE country music and I, in absolutely no way reflect this monsters views or values.

I can't speak for the OP but I didn't take the post that way. Instead, it seemed like possibly juxtaposing this one with the El Paso one where the coward murdered people he felt were different from himself.

This one targeted his own demographic and even family is what I think they were trying to say.

But yeah, I don't know why it matters much. These murderers are all cowards and none are justified.
Dayton shooting: What we know about the gunman

Connor Betts, the man who authorities say killed nine people and injured 26, was bullied when he was a student at a suburban Dayton, Ohio high school.

A classmate, Laura Wakeley, said that Betts responded by making up a list of people at the school he wanted to shoot in 2010 or 2011. "He had a plan to shoot up the high school," she told reporters near the home of Betts' parents.

And did anyone approach the authorities with that bit of knowledge?
Oh...how terrible for the parents!!
I was looking at the mom's FB page and she proudly shows off photos of her two children. She just sounds like an everyday loving mother.

This makes it that much worse...the Heavy article said these were their only two kids. I can't even imagine what that poor family is going through.
Dayton police also released the names and demographic information of the eight other victims, who include black and white individuals, both male and female. Assistant Dayton Police Chief Matt Carper said that it was "hard to imagine that there was much discrimination in the shooting," noting that "it happened in a very short period of time."

Megan Betts, Dayton, Ohio, shooter's sister, among 9 killed
I do
That doesn't mean these trends were caused by an increase in psychopaths or narcissists in the population though, as the post I was responding to asserted.

I do believe narcissism, and psychopathy has a lot to do with why many of these younger mass murderers become one.

I read a chilling medical article a couple of years ago that stated ONE out of FIVE between the ages of 18, and 25 have some type of serious personality disorder. That should alarm us all.

I do believe society is creating way more narcissists, and psychopaths. There is an entitlement problem in our country.

We see countless murders being done by teens, and younger adults, and most have absolutely no remorse whatsover for the heinous murders they have committed. None. They possesses no conscience, and there isnt a mental health professional anywhere that can give what they will never possess.

It seems the answer to them when they are told no by someone..many times is to react like this cold blooded murderer did who was denied access to the bar, and came back, and punished as many as he could even though none of them were to blame.

The underlying problem are these creeps are narcissists, and narcissists always blamed others for their own wrongdoing.

In fact a study was mentioned last night on one of the news channels about the underlying problems mass murderers have, and it listed narcissism. I am on my phone now, but will look for the study when I get home later today, and will post it.

Imo it is unwise to ignore the common traits most of these mass shooters have.

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