Found Deceased OH - Cory Barron, 22, Cleveland, 18 July 2014

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I'm really glad his sister posted that. One's level of drunkeness isn't necessarily easy to determine unless you are that person, in my opinion. I remember a couple of years ago, I was at a work "function" which was basically a boozin' husband and I hung out for three hours, had some beers, ate, then got bored after awhile, so we left, and headed somewhere where we could have dinner and a few more drinks. A pretty unspectacular afternoon/evening, really, but I found out later that one of my coworkers told another that I was so "wasted" that my husband basically had to remove me from the event. That's not even close to what was happening, just the perception of one individual, and in fact when I told my husband, and another friend/coworker who was there about this, they laughed and couldn't believe it. Sorry for being a little O/T, but I'm sure you're all picking up what I'm putting down.
^^^ so true, especially since he was surrounded by completely wasted individuals. Drunk people tend to think everyone is wasted, and in a huge new story like this people tend to exaggerate.

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The chutes at the stadium would be much larger. They use large sized trash cans, especially in the food vendors areas.

The bottom photo in those pics looks just like a trash chute from an apartment complex I used to live in. You had to use medium to small garbage bags because the larger ones would not fit when full. I imagine the whole point was to avoid people falling in the chutes as the building was 20 stories high.

I'm thinking it would have looked more like this. View attachment 55472

Also a neglectful stadium employee could have left it unlocked.

The only way I think he could have accidentally fallen in is if he opened it to vomit.

Otherwise someone must have pushed him in there? A security guard that snapped? Another drunken concert goer? An old friend?

quoting myself again sorry. I don't think it would be hard at all to fall in a chute like this.

Where is the pic of the actual chute from the stadium? I can't seem to find it.
*Speculation Alert*
I read a comment on one of the MSM articles (sorry, there are so many, no idea which one) where someone claimed to be a former employee of the field and at the time of their employment, not all security cameras were working. I really hope this is not the case...however, this would explain why there's no word on the footage yet, because it should be pretty simple to review said footage now that they know where and what(ish) they're looking for, right? I mean, even if there are no cameras in the chute area itself, you'd think there would be one in the public area that would show him entering through the double doors, alone or not, willingly or not, etc...?

I deal with CCTV almost on a daily basis. It is not uncommon for DVR units to crash or cameras to go out. Even with the best case scenario with all the cameras working, it would still be difficult to spot an individual in a crowd that large. The only chance at figuring this out from CCTV would be if the garbage chute door/entrance was covered and recording at the time. I personally believe that this case will only be solved by witness testimony. I believe that MORE than one person is aware of what happened. Technically you have thousands and thousands of potential suspects and obviously there are no normal law abiding spectators that saw something unusual. Let's wait for the autopsy results to come back. Very interested in what may have been found in system.
This must be amazingly difficult for the friends and family of this young man. I can't imagine what they must be going through. I am trying to be objective here, but when I see a photo of the blueprints showing the trash chute... and that they are next door to the restrooms... I totally see how this could be an accident. Of course I am saying this without actually seeing the actual chute and dimensions. I feel confident that this is not a suicide or a stunt gone wrong. I think the only two options are an altercation turned deadly or an accident... and although many will disagree with me, I 'm leaning more toward an accident at this point.-6c9e3e2eb1ca9784.JPG This picture courtesy of
I must add this. The door being left open is totally negligent. If the police are saying he "fell" down that chute, then he either had to have a key (which he didn't I'm sure) or he walked through open doors. The only way that door should be open is if someone were in the room dropping trash at that moment. There should be warning signs posted all over the place, and even with the signs, the doors should remain locked. Someone screwed up big time... no matter if this were an accident or a homicide. I expect there to be a lawsuit coming... not that it will remotely make up for the loss of this young man. Prayers to the family.
I must add this. The door being left open is totally negligent. If the police are saying he "fell" down that chute, then he either had to have a key (which he didn't I'm sure) or he walked through open doors. The only way that door should be open is if someone were in the room dropping trash at that moment. There should be warning signs posted all over the place, and even with the signs, the doors should remain locked. Someone screwed up big time... no matter if this were an accident or a homicide. I expect there to be a lawsuit coming... not that it will remotely make up for the loss of this young man. Prayers to the family.

FYI, police are saying he did NOT fall down the chute. This is new, as of today. But a few posts above yours, someone posted a link to a news story in which the police are now saying they can't see any way he fell.
I am so sorry for this man's family. It is just so unexpected and such a "freak" accident/event (no matter what happened).

Reading the words from his family just tug at our heartstrings... and so well written too. I can't imagine being able to compose something so simple and elegant and genuine at a time like this... but then again, perhaps there is shock still, and writing might be a way to comfort yourself in the midst of such a tragedy.

We are interested in what happened (because it is understandably odd, rare and unpredictable), but we are also saddened here. To Cory's family - our interest here is justice when and if necessary, and condolences on your loss.
Sounds like he was a well mannered, gentle giant of a gentleman. I wonder if he could have intervened in a dispute where a drunk (or sober) guy was abusing (verbally or physically) a woman and the guy took revenge.
Obviously the Police Department is all over this. This is one of those cases where I need to just be quiet and let them do there I just don't think we have enough information yet to do much of anything other than speculation. From a news report just released 22 minutes ago... they are saying that they don't see how he could have fallen. I think I'm going to stop commenting on this one and just check for updates. Prayers to the family and friends. Tragic case indeed...

If you watch the video you can see that he clearly could have fallen or been thrown down the chute. The hole is huge.

Again, from that very link:

Wednesday, however, police sources told WKYC Investigator Tom Meyer that Barron couldn't have simply fallen into a garbage chute.

"He'd have to crawl in or do the limbo or something similar," Meyer tweeted, citing those same police sources.

Could he have been thrown in? I certainly think so. Not with ease, mind you.
Sounds like he was a well mannered, gentle giant of a gentleman. I wonder if he could have intervened in a dispute where a drunk (or sober) guy was abusing (verbally or physically) a woman and the guy took revenge.

Sounds like it was something this young man may have done, but (and I could very well be wrong) but with the number of people at this event I just can't imagine an altercation that wasn't witnessed. Whatever it was it had to be quiet or surely someone would have heard/seen something. Also a fight most likely would have caused bruises and/or lacerations. JMO
With all due respect, no. Have you seen the photos of the opening of the chute? Go back a few pages. It is a 3x3' opening, mounted at waist height on a wall. It's not like he could have just sat down and slid -- like a slide. He would have had to use a lot of coordination to climb into a small hole on a wall at waist height. Coordination that he didn't have because he was drunk! Even the police are saying now that it would have been completely impossible to fall in. And again, the FBI is involved, sooo...... There's definitely something hinky going on.

I'm guessing it may involve a stadium employee (since an employee would know about the chute, and that it was a good place to hide a body), and that's why LE is being a little hush hush about this.

Sorry, I guess my post may have been confusing. The first paragraph was in response to CrystalAnne's post saying she couldn't understand not having bruises and bumps "falling" down 5 flights in a trash chute. I just mentioned that it may be a smooth slippery surface inside so the trash bags wouldn't get stuck on the way down. The second paragraph I admitted I thought it would be difficult for Cory to get himself into a chute and I believe he would most likely have gone directly into the dumpster. JMO and I'll try to be clearer next time. lol
You know, I wish the police would ask the concert goers for any pictures or videos taken around the lobby/bathroom areas by the chute. They could find Cory in those. They did this in Morgan Harrington's case.
It is mysterious that the press is not allowed in to take photos of the chute in question. Why not?!

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