Found Deceased OH - Cory Barron, 22, Cleveland, 18 July 2014

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The Lorain County Coroner's Office is expected to release a statement to the press this afternoon. However, the office has said the statement will not contain much information as the autopsy results are not fully completed yet.

However, police are now saying it would not be possible for Barron to fall down the garbage chute. He would have had to crawl inside of it, which is highly unlikely.
Or just general negligence. If the chute is so easily accessible, and/or not monitored properly by security, we could just as easily be reading about a curious child right now. In my opinion.

Wonder if they have cameras that point toward the chute? Surely they do to keep workers from stealing by throwing stuff down it to pick up later.
He probably just slid right down, like a slide at the county fair or something. He then fell on top of bags of garbage so there was plenty of padding. Makes sense to me.

There was a guy who slid down the escolator rail at Reliant Staduim a few years back and fell to his death. But I think that was a "hey hold my beer and watch this kind of moment." He wasn't missing. This case is very odd!!!
Wonder if they have cameras that point toward the chute? Surely they do to keep workers from stealing by throwing stuff down it to pick up later.

*Speculation Alert*
I read a comment on one of the MSM articles (sorry, there are so many, no idea which one) where someone claimed to be a former employee of the field and at the time of their employment, not all security cameras were working. I really hope this is not the case...however, this would explain why there's no word on the footage yet, because it should be pretty simple to review said footage now that they know where and what(ish) they're looking for, right? I mean, even if there are no cameras in the chute area itself, you'd think there would be one in the public area that would show him entering through the double doors, alone or not, willingly or not, etc...?
That's possible. Even in my out of control drunk days I couldn't see myself doing something that, but I guess all people react differently to alcohol. Whether he got in there himself, or he was pushed in (I still can't even decide which one would make more sense), I still can't understand how he wouldn't have any bumps or bruises from falling 5 stories down a metal chute!

There should be cameras even in an employee hallway, right?

Instead of falling down a chute, couldn't it be possible he slid down (just like a bag of trash) and landed in the dumpster? Surely it's a smooth sorta slippery surface inside the chute so plastic bags of trash would slide down without getting stuck. Maybe that's the reason he didn't have a lot of noticable injuries. JMO

That being said, I agree with a couple others that it seems to me that a man Cory's size would have a tough time getting into a trash chute. I think he must have gone directly into the dumpster. The member who suggested maybe he was looking for his phone brings up a logical scenario. What if he fell in and couldn't get himself out and passed out then he was smothered by trash dumped on top of him. Again, JMO
Instead of falling down a chute, couldn't it be possible he slid down (just like a bag of trash) and landed in the dumpster? Surely it's a smooth sorta slippery surface inside the chute so plastic bags of trash would slide down without getting stuck. Maybe that's the reason he didn't have a lot of noticable injuries. JMO

That being said, I agree with a couple others that it seems to me that a man Cory's size would have a tough time getting into a trash chute. I think he must have gone directly into the dumpster. The member who suggested maybe he was looking for his phone brings up a logical scenario. What if he fell in and couldn't get himself out and passed out then he was smothered by trash dumped on top of him. Again, JMO

With all due respect, no. Have you seen the photos of the opening of the chute? Go back a few pages. It is a 3x3' opening, mounted at waist height on a wall. It's not like he could have just sat down and slid -- like a slide. He would have had to use a lot of coordination to climb into a small hole on a wall at waist height. Coordination that he didn't have because he was drunk! Even the police are saying now that it would have been completely impossible to fall in. And again, the FBI is involved, sooo...... There's definitely something hinky going on.

I'm guessing it may involve a stadium employee (since an employee would know about the chute, and that it was a good place to hide a body), and that's why LE is being a little hush hush about this.
Umm...that would be "zero" for me too. And what are the chances that no one in the entire venue saw him? Was that area so secluded that a man of his size would not be seen entering a garbage chute? I would think it would catch the attention of someone. if this was an accident - I tend to think it's more likely he gained access to the dumpster itself. Could he have realized he lost his cell phone after throwing away garbage and went to check out the dumpster not realizing he dropped it elsewhere? Maybe the trash caused him to vomit /choke ? I don't know - this "accident" seems so strange but if no signs of foul play are found on him ....I guess we are left to wonder.

I sort of had part of that scenario not long ago :)

Where I live we have dumpsters between every two buildings (8 units in a building). There are two, one recycling and one regular.

The regular one is bigger...taller...heavier, etc.

But even the recycling one is big enough that even my big male neighbors have a hard time raising the lid up and getting the recycling into it. It's ALMOST a two person juob just to lift the cover thing, even if you only lift half up. I can't even see into it. The top of it is almost to the top of my head, and I'm not like a real shorty!

Anyway if your hands are full, you'd have to put everything down AND manage to get those stupid latch things up on one side (don't know their real term, but like what helps hold up your car hood if needed. Or else is has to be a team effort pretty much.

Anyway, that's just the recycling bin. And it's smaller. And it's not for all that many people!

The trash one is even worse. On every front.

About 2 months ago I had a bag of recycling to stick in as I was leaving for an appt. It wasn't heavy by any means. A couple plastic water bottles, a milk jug, and I think like a cereal box and an Amazon one. No way did it weigh more than a couple pounds. At best. And that's probably being very, very generous.

I had grabbed my sunglasses (in their gas) and I thought stuck them into the bag I was taking with me to leave for the appt.

But big oops! I had both bags over my arm and it ended up in the recycling one.

So as soon as I got home I was trying to figure out what in the world to do. They are prescription sunglasses (well, actually, prescription really special clip ons on regular glasses that are truly uncommon and quite pricy) and not really the kind of thing you do an "oh oops" on, unless it's utterly impossible.

I knew I had to give it the old college try.

I was trying to come up with how I could come up with one of those trash grabber things theme park people often use to get it w/ out touching it.

But I couldn't even see into the dang recycle dumpster. AND that was taking advantage of the fact that there are stairs in part of the enclosure (no clue why) but if you can manage to pull the dumpster, you could at least use those to help.

So then I could see in enough to determine trash level (maybe up to 2/3's of the bin) but nothing more.

Along came the ladies who the HOA pays to clean them every week and one of THEM had one of those trash pickers. But still there was no way to see enough to get them.

So I go get a bar stool. Now we had height!

Thanks to the fact that there were 3 of us, one was holding up the lid, one was on the stool with the picker, and one was trying to help direct and the one on the stool to balance (esp. when reaching across precariously)

It was the most ridiculously complicated thing to do even with 3 of us.

Even if there was no lid on the one at the stadium (which is true where my folks live b/c they DO have trash shoots also) it would still be really, really tricky for him to get in there on his own I think. Especially places like the stadium who would have even more substantial (and larger ones)

And if it were like the big almost storage containers for a train type trash thing it'd be even harder . We have those at bigger places here. But the stadium would really need bigger ones, even if you had a bunch. They produce SO much trash!

I just don't see how he could have gotten in there alone. I think he had to have had some assistance...unless we learned there was like a ladder to them or something.

Keeps getting stranger!
Isn't it unusual for the FBI To become involved?

If there was no sign of trauma, not even a bruise, then how did he die?

Asphyxiation is the only thing I can think of.

I definitely with you on the bruise thing.

I seriously can't figure any way there was no trauma if he went down the church.

Heck, I can't see no trauma even if he climbed in b/c w/out a latter, he'd probably have been banging himself on the thing (to some extent - and severity depending on height) I think he'd have hit something at SOME point!

My folks are from the midwest. They decided to install a laundry chute into our house when we moved across the country. They both had them growing up, it was like getting one of the 'perks' of a basement (which REALLY aren't a 'thing' here) and they figured we'd have fun with it.

They just added it in once we bought a house. My dad did like a 18 inch pipe through the bathroom wall in the sibling bathroom (in the empty space behind the dry wall between the beans) had it angle through my closet, and then down into the garage next to the washer.

He put doors on them (well, on the part through my room - he cut it into the pipe and did it that way so I had easy access) and the "real" start from the bathroom he had it just so there was a door on the bathroom wall and we'd just toss stuff. Sort of like a very small cabinet type look only smaller.

Anyway, we LOVED that thing. And it was DEFINITELY a novelty. Heck, I hardly knew anyone who knew what a basement was. They were THAT foreign where we lived! We used those things for car races (just drop them down simultaneously and try to beat them to the garage (yeah right...they only went one floor almost straight down! ha ha) for marble games, for being lazy if someone wanted a sweatshirt or whatever the case may have been.

While the memories of it are great, that pipe did NOT do wonders for the things we sent down it!

Aside from clothes or stuffed animals, things took a beating.

I just don't see how he could have made it down without having some similar "banged up" spots!

I'm...curious (and confused) about this case! So much in the odd twists and turns...

Pillow said officers did not physically inspect the inside of the dumpsters around the stadium during their search for Barron before his body was found.

Why in the world would they NOT do that?! That seems so 101!

And how did a canine not alert even just walking passed? Surely they DID have canines out, at least some, wouldn't they?

Not searching the dumpsters just is wrong IMO!
That's so funny! My grandparent's house in Cleveland had a laundry chute and all 12 of us grandkids were OBSESSED with that thing. It was the reason we looked forward to going over there! We threw everything down it. The best was when you could trick someone into standing under it and then ... bombs away!

But, even if it had been human sized, and we were drunk, it never would have occurred to us to try to climb into it!

Seriously -- hang a 3x3 piece of wrapping paper on your wall. With the bottom edge at your waist. Then try to picture how you would crawl into it. Even if you are sober, it would be REALLY HARD! It would require too much coordination, that a drunk guy does not have.
Also, did you guys see this?

A homeless guy fell into a dumpster. Fell 8 feet onto a bed of cardboard, which officials basically believe protected him from serious injuries just falling the 8 feet in.

He fell asleep in there and woke up IN the dump truck.

Their awe of how it happened and that he was ok until it got to the point of a particular mechanism moving (when he yelled and banged and the driver realized someone was in there made me think of this case.
With all due respect, no. Have you seen the photos of the opening of the chute? Go back a few pages. It is a 3x3' opening, mounted at waist height on a wall. It's not like he could have just sat down and slid -- like a slide. He would have had to use a lot of coordination to climb into a small hole on a wall at waist height. Coordination that he didn't have because he was drunk! Even the police are saying now that it would have been completely impossible to fall in. And again, the FBI is involved, sooo...... There's definitely something hinky going on.

I'm guessing it may involve a stadium employee (since an employee would know about the chute, and that it was a good place to hide a body), and that's why LE is being a little hush hush about this.

This. I'm still feeling security may be involved in some capacity (again, my opinion only and I'd rather be wrong). MSM articles have been reporting that Live Nation (the event promotion company) was responsible for security at the venue for this show.
Why in the world would they NOT do that?! That seems so 101!

And how did a canine not alert even just walking passed? Surely they DID have canines out, at least some, wouldn't they?

Not searching the dumpsters just is wrong IMO!

They did have canines, but not cadaver dogs, as Cleveland Police does not have any. And yes, I was pretty shocked to read that the dumspters were not checked.
The only issue i have with him possibly losing something in the trash/trying to retrieve his phone is, the dumpster was located 5 stories below where he was sitting. he would have had to go down 5 stories and find the dumpster in the room full of dumpsters (that they showed on the news) and then just pick one and climb in. thats why the chute seems like the most definite possibility of how he got there.
No One Wants to Answer Questions About Security at the Jason Aldean Concert Where Cory Barron Died
This article is a MUST READ:

Having been at the concert, I can tell you security was absolutely abysmal. Security members stationed on the field seemed overwhelmed by the crowd, unable to answer simple questions about seating, routinely ignored crowded aisles filled by folks who seemed to wander down from seats elsewhere, openly ignored plenty of skirmishes, and seemed unconcerned by the multitudes of stumbling inebriated patrons
This. I'm still feeling security may be involved in some capacity (again, my opinion only and I'd rather be wrong). MSM articles have been reporting that Live Nation (the event promotion company) was responsible for security at the venue for this show.

I agree. I saw a video a week or so ago of security hired for a large music festival. kids were crowd surfing and one of the sevurity guards who are there to catch you and place you on the ground after your crowd surf was really manhandling the kids. picked one up, threw him on the ground, kicked him. for no reason. he was just being a tough guy. i attend a lot of concerts/sports events/etc. a lot of these security guys will yell and shove and argue with guys just because. kick people out, and try to cause fights.

i could totally see cory being drunk, saying something wrong, bumping into an employee or security guy and just making some one really mad. usually when i see drunk guys getting kicked out of... well, anywhere, they are angry. they try to fight security, security gets even more mad. some one could have just taken it too far, and an employee would know how to access the chute.

this was long winded, and JMO!
Wouldn't there be trace DNA or finger prints on the chute? If he truly climbed into it on his own, his fingerprints and touch DNA have to be all over the outside frame of it. If his fingerprints AREN'T on it -- that means either he was placed in it, or didn't go down the chute, but instead somehow got into the basement dumpster area. The police MUST know this by now. They are focusing on the chute. And the placement of the prints probably tells the tale of how he got into it. Whether he was resisting or entering purposely.
I saw a link about a vigil for Cory and it took me to his brother Clay's FB page. This was posted on his page as well..written by their sister...

Britta Barron
1 hr · Ballville, OH ·
I promised from the beginning to honor you, Cory, for the man you were. I would like to start by just giving a quick message to my friends and family... Despite the news reports and strangers opinions, we know Cory and his actions better than anyone in this world. There is no denying the fact that Cory was consuming alcohol at this concert, most people were, including myself. But I just want to make it clear that Cory was still a functioning young man with a clear enough head to walk a young lady back to her seat to her friends. He was functioning enough to verbally tell that group that he was going back to his section to meet his brother, sister, and friends. While I have no doubt that police are doing everything in their power to come to a conclusion, I can confidently say that my family and I do not believe that, if Cory fell down a trash chute, he did it consciously, willingly, or as a result of being intoxicated. As our family continues to grieve, we would appreciate if you could respect Cory for the man he was rather than making premature assumptions.
^^^Yes, that. He was definitely not depressed or suicidal. He came from an awesome family in a small town, and his family was very close. There is no way that he would have done anything intentionally. And it doesn't sound like he was drunk enough to do it accidentally either.

I wish there was more info on his phone pinging in Tremont.

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