GUILTY OH - Deanna Ballman, 23, pregnant, dies of heroin OD, Columbus, 31 July 2012

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I tried searching to see if you could put certain drugs in a glass of water. :websleuther: I found this opinion on a drug forum for what it's worth - "Heroin in any solution with water will quickly turn into morphine and acetic acid." Again, I don't think Deanna went there to do drugs, for Heaven's sake, she was very pregnant. What was that doctor up to placing all those ads?:eek:hoh:
No WAY did Deanna take this overdose herself. I just am not able to believe it. I know that a lot of pregnant women do drugs, but it makes no sense to me in a woman who is willing to clean houses for extra money and being as far along as she was. There is a lot more to this story!
Good grief. I am shocked by the findings, but I have a feeling that it won't take long to find the person that did this. Really, that kind of access to drugs? Not a girl who needs to find jobs on Craigslist. But I can think of people who do have that kind of access to drugs. I would bet the heroin was the last drug administered, used to make it look "dirty" as mentioned by TobyWong*.
Autopsy Finds Heroin Caused Death Of Pregnant Woman Found In Car

Another source.


'The autopsy revealed that Ballman had a puncture mark on her left thigh and possibly had heroin in her purse.
She also had morphine and codeine in her blood system at the time of her death and had morphine, monoacetylmorphine, codeine, acetylocodine and diacetylmorphine in her urine.'

I am hesitant to attribute the presence of this particular combination of opioids in blood and urine to the administration of a drug cocktail. I think she was just given heroin.

Morphine and monoacetylmorphine are metabolites of heroin.

Acetylocodeine is an impurity frequently found in street heroin, and impure heroin often contains codeine in small quantities as well.

Diacetylmorphine is just the accepted International Nonproprietary Name (INN) for heroin.

More here from the Mayo Clinic.

Did you mean to say "so sure she did not drive herself to the location" ... see Link below.

That coupled with them being so sure she did drive herself to the location she was found in, her being (I think) nude, in the backseat, etc. All seemed to make LE pretty convinced she was dead before she got there.
Posted: Monday, August 6 2012, 07:33 PM EDT

Investigators: Deceased Pregnant Woman Transported to Field

NEW ALBANY -- Investigators say a pregnant Pataskala mother did not drive herself to the field where her body was found in her car.
:sick: :sick: :sick:

The autopsy report is in ... and IMO what it further points to, is just how EVIL the individuals are that are responsible for Deanna's and her baby's deaths. I doubt if her family and the community where her family resides has the political power needed to push for an arrest to be made in this case soon.

My heart goes out to Deanna's loved ones who are being put through such emotional pain and humiliation as a result of the autospy results. The EVIL individuals who murdered Deanna would have been aware of the autospy outcome, you can be sure of that. IMO

Monday September 10, 2012 3:19 PM
UPDATED: Monday September 10, 2012 6:31 PM

The Delaware County Sheriff's Office continues to investigate this case as a suspicious death.

This Comment from the Link below is considered rumor. It expresses how I feel about the suspect(s) roaming the area and free to harm or kill again.


"09-10-2012 16:08
Nukalur Weapon (nukalur)"

"Why hasnt the craigslist person (mystery doctor) been named?"

"There was enough for the police to get a search warrant. There are public records - More Craigslist Connections Found In Pregnant Mother's Death Investigation."

"Potentially there is a serial internet predator masquerading as a respectable doctor."

"You are doing a potentially grave disservice to past victims, potential future victims, and the community at large."

"I think people should be informed enough to say 'hey i dont want this doc treating my family, he is too shady'. Instead you protect a guy at the expense of the community for what? liability?"

The info is already public information - provide it as a news organization should."
<snipped> and BBM

More ar Link ....
I am hesitant to attribute the presence of this particular combination of opioids in blood and urine to the administration of a drug cocktail. I think she was just given heroin.

Morphine and monoacetylmorphine are metabolites of heroin.

Acetylocodeine is an impurity frequently found in street heroin, and impure heroin often contains codeine in small quantities as well.

Diacetylmorphine is just the accepted International Nonproprietary Name (INN) for heroin.

More here from the Mayo Clinic.

I agree. It probably was heroine alone-single injection site found. Users normally inject their arms-her injection site was on her thigh-apparently some users do inject into a thigh area. I presume they could check her hair for heroin use to see if it was a single dose of if she was using it over time.
just googling heroin and pregnancy tells me miscarriage, low birth weight, developmental and physical set backs. As well as the obvious withdrawl issues baby will have.

idk I just don't feel that w/ Deanna. It's just all so shady and creepy and I don't believe in coincidences, so her being at that house w/ this person that has had some issues w/ women after posting on craigslist..she ends up dead in her backseat.

I do agree that it might have just been the heroin mixture that included the other drugs.
What occurs to me while puzzling over these unexpected tox results are these things and maybe those who know more can clue me in as I am not terribly familiar with Craig's List and such sites.

I suspect that the doctor may have been looking for wiling "party" (and by party I mean sexual) participants. We know he used Craig's list to procure women for his weird "art" endeavors. I wonder if his adds included some sort of "code" commonly known among craig list users to indicate his true wishes and/or the availability of party favors as an added bonus.

What if some unknowing young pregnant mother answers an ad for housekeeping, shows up to clean and the client was expecting something else? I am really having a hard time seeing this woman as a willing participant in heroin use based on what little I know of her at this point.

Upon the young woman arriving actually intending to clean, could she have been dosed with the heroin without her knowledge? The client thinking he would allow her to clean for a while as the drugs took affect.

A very disturbing article - worth reading!

Published: August 19th, 2012 10:44 EST

Circumstances of Pregnant 23-Year-Old Deanna Ballman`s Death Most Disturbing!

As I watched news footage of the discovery of Deanna Ballman's bodyin the back seat of her Taurus outside of Columbus, Ohio), a bad feeling came over me. Okay, so that`s putting it mildly! I was mortified by what I witnessed on my monitor screen!

The staging of this crime scene in just the way it was set up (by a very clever perpetrator) is one of sickest and creepiest affairs I`ve ever encountered (in the five years since I`ve been doing this in ernest).

I`m viewing it from my I-Mac screen; <snipped> As you know, Deanna was well into a pregnancy (9 months), so that would make this as a double homicide.

This makes us highly suspicious that she must have been drugged, somehow.
But we can readily embrace a modicum of certitude that homicide is the real mode of her death.
What I ascertain from this extremely unpleasant scenario, is she was escaping one bad situation only to hap upon an even worse one. Obviously, it couldn`t have turned out any graver.

If this unnamed doctor did this, I only hope and pray they have gathered enough evidence together to convict him. We need this sicko off the streets (if he`s the one)!

<snipped> and BBM
The woman who said he wanted to draw a digestive system on her said the ad was for modeling.
I don't think the ads were for cleaning, housekeeping or wild parties.
I think the ads were for modeling.
I understand jjenny, but the "modelling" info is just based on 1 woman's (who had an unpleasant, unsettling experience with this person and called police) sayso.

I am not familiar with craigs list or the ads placed thereon but I am savvy enough to realize that modelling is OFTEN used as code in internet ads for sexual transactions.

I believe neighbors have reported to various media outlets that this person had a number of young women in and out of the home.

Not trying to slander anyone - simply speculating.
Hi cg007 ... Thank you for your informative posts!! Please continue to keep us informed.

I am not sure if this has been posted.

I actually live about 1 mile from the doctor's house. The neighbors say he is still hiding. He waits in the bushes for people to pick him up. He did get all dressed up and took off in his Porsche last weekend.
Deanna's fb page with photos of her 2 other babies. They look perfectly healthy to me.

Some comments by people who knew her about the autopsy results.

It breaks my heart reading the comments from family members and friends that knew Deanna would not take those drugs. They must know, somebody did this to her - took her life and Mabel's! Yes IMO, , it is diabolical and evil what happened. I, for one, am waiting for an arrest.

Thinking there might have been vomit evidence from Deanna if she was not used to taking heroin. (I read it's common to vomit first times.) What we do know is she was probably in that house when she told her Mom she wasn't feeling good...and whoever was in the house with her did not call 911.

But I'll admit, I'm mystified why she ever answered that ad being so pregnant, and what the ad said. Why is the doctor that placed the ads slinking around to leave his own house now? It's outrageous if nothing more is done to bring Deanna and Mabel the Justice they deserve.
Curious Me:
But I'll admit, I'm mystified why she ever answered that ad being so pregnant, and what the ad said. Why is the doctor that placed the ads slinking around to leave his own house now? It's outrageous if nothing more is done to bring Deanna and Mabel the Justice they deserve.

As I recall, the family (Deeanna's mom) was trying to get help to help her daughter a few months before, "relocate" back to where the mom lived, and Deeanna eventually died. Those pleas for help were on FB when I first looked, (not sure if removed now) by the family.
So it 'seemed to me" at the time I read this, that the family was desperate to help her come back home, feeling she was abused where she was. I think the family is now "whole", in that the obituary, seems that both her husband was mentioned, not as ex, but as "intact" family life.

But I recall rather vividly that was not the case on Deeannas own site, nor as I said, when I originally looked at FB then, when she was first reported as being found deceased.

Now, as to the Ad the Dr. was said to have placed in Craig's List?

It was here on this thread awhile back, and if okay, I'll post it again, but I don't know if it will open for you. You can try it......
This is what I saw, and if not the correct ad, please moderator, just delete for me:

Any pregnant girl in need of help? - m4w - 32 (New Albany)
Date: 2012-07-30, 12:51PM EDT
Reply to:

If you are in need of help, contact me now.
No drama please and be open minded.

• Location: New Albany
• it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 3172517092
I'm wondering if she answered an ad like this and not a cleaning ad. Maybe she told her mom she was going to clean.

This was in the Colombus Craig's List and still opens. Not sure if it's the same person however, but clearly adverstising for a pregnant female who needs help. Was Deeanna this naive, or just desperate?

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