"Oh, I haven't said anything, don't worry"

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yep, I did that to. It's an old, very effective mom tool!

Oh My ..... I said the same thing.:clap: and I also added the statement, you have one chance to tell me the truth, cause when I find out later, and I will find out the truth, you are in deeper crap than telling me crap.
So TRUE......Did they change the Locks?
No, Because they know there is no :crazy::crazy::crazy: Nanny!

These people are Pro's of hiding the Elephant in the Room!

Casey was a star pupil to her mother's master manipulations

they didn't act very concerned that a "kidnapper" who threatened harm to the family had a key to their home. they were awfully nonchalant about that and KC didn't say "you guys MUST be careful, change the locks, Zanny has a key!"
they didn't act very concerned that a "kidnapper" who threatened harm to the family had a key to their home. they were awfully nonchalant about that and KC didn't say "you guys MUST be careful, change the locks, Zanny has a key!"

Excellent point and I'm sure the state will use their lack of action as an indicator of their concern or lack thereof about this kidnapping/murdering nanny having a key to their home.
they didn't act very concerned that a "kidnapper" who threatened harm to the family had a key to their home. they were awfully nonchalant about that and KC didn't say "you guys MUST be careful, change the locks, Zanny has a key!"
They'd long suspected that Casey was coming home when they weren't there (remember the gas cans? the missing food?).
scroll way down to Dec. 11
NeJame also says part of the reason he resigned as the Anthonys lawyer was because they were in denial about their daughter's involvement in Caylee's disappearance, and that he could not endorse them saying Casey was innocent. "I resigned a few weeks ago, because I could not support, in any way, shape or form, Casey."

"I've been expecting this day for a while, and although it is a very, very sad day, I think in many ways, we can now really pass on our full blessings to this child, and allow her to go in the peace that she deserves, and allowing her mother to be prosecuted as she deserves," NeJame said.


video of Najame is also at the above link towards the top of the page at the right.

Wow, I never really listened to this admission from Nejame before. I thank you for posting this. What a mouthfull!, & as the reporter says, "You spent so much time with them on a personal level for weeks" I commend him highly on his descision to step down, & not participate in their ruse, be it a parent's denial or whatever, & you have to wonder what else he knows, that he isn't saying, out of respect for their loss. At least it is some consolation, that there are still a FEW people involved in this nightmare, willing to stand up for Justice for this child!
This board is awesome you all have picked this case a part this is my first post so just wanted to say Hello and WOW
Hello Wendi! :Welcome-12-june:to Websleuths.

I posted this previously on another thread. Notice the drums in the back and guy sitting on the couch. Why did the person who posted this picture on PB highlight this guy? I blew this picture up and still cant tell who it is.




This is said to be Ricardo's apartment. To me, it looks like the highlighted person is Ricardo.
I agree. IMO the body language of the whole family has always been inconsistent with grieving people. I could list example after example but this video clip is a perfect one.

This is one of the proofs to me that these people have deep dark family secrets and they kiss KC's hinny to keep her quiet. I took Cindy's "We forgive you for anything you have said" as her way of finding out if KC had let any of those secrets out. There is another jail visit tape with GA and KC where he goes on and on about "The longer this goes on the more things are going to come out." :confused:

I agree with you-

Foremost on the minds of CA and GA arriving at the jail were not thoughts
of Caylee, but were of keeping the family secrets secure!!!

KC quickly reassures them, "Oh, I haven't said anything, don't worry"

Now I realize it's KC and not CA who holds the power over the others in
this family! She's the one who holds the key to the deep dark secret that
will bring them all down.
Ya know, I always took that the statement to mean, "Don't worry. I didn't tell them anything that might incriminate me."
Which yes, also leads me to believe that somehow the As knew.
Grrr. It's hard to watch and listen to her. All I see is her continually blowing them off when the subject doesn't suit her. Mostly she uses "Lee is looking after that", or "Mum, I DON'T KNOW". Undoubtedly there's all kinds of hidden clues in these recordings, but I'm afraid LE will have to sort them out. I can't stand to do it.

She didn't force JG to take the test ..

In fact, she didn't want him to take the test.
Maybe Cindy was referring to the fact that she choked Casey?

I vote for this one.

She may also have been assuring Cindy she hasn't said anything to incriminate herself...like she'd been told by her lawyer to do.

Or maybe she is saying not to worry she hasn't disclosed the ID of Caylee's father.
Excellent point and I'm sure the state will use their lack of action as an indicator of their concern or lack thereof about this kidnapping/murdering nanny having a key to their home.

OT a little,.....but Why are there no details from the Jail as there was before? Seems like people have been silenced! I have posted this in the appropriate place, with no replies.

It seems very odd to have garnered so much indepth info of all comings & goings, phone calls, letters, visits, newscasters outside & now we hear nothing?? It was even reported how she acted upon hearing about the body being found......& now... nothing but Silence???

OT a little,.....but Why are there no details from the Jail as there was before? Seems like people have been silenced! I have posted this in the appropriate place, with no replies.

It seems very odd to have garnered so much indepth info of all comings & goings, phone calls, letters, visits, newscasters outside & now we hear nothing?? It was even reported how she acted upon hearing about the body being found......& now... nothing but Silence???

This is a question I have been wanting to ask..is it the "sunshine law" that makes these conversations from the jail available? It just seems so unusual that we have been able to see so much material. Here in Oregon there was a high profile kidnapping. A body was never recovered but there is a man in jail for it. We NEVER see anything about the case whatsoever. Nothing! Here, in the Anthony case ..there is miles of video and mountains of interviews and such. Is Florida the only state where this type of thing happens? Why do the Anthony's jailhouse visits wind up where everyone can see them..? Do other criminals have their jailhouse visits videotaped and released like this?

Sorry to be asking such a neophite question...but I really have never seen anything like this type of coverage...it doesn't seem to be in keeping with the innocent until proven guilty tenant. Everyone can pick apart what is being said and decide that it is all sinister.

What I see is a very delusional mother who can not possibly think for a moment that her own child is a killer. She can't "go there". To so many of you Cindy seems sinister..to me she is neurotic and delusional, but not necessarily sinister.
Originally Posted by JaneInOz
Maybe Cindy was referring to the fact that she choked Casey?

That is how I understood statement also.. and to add remember CA stating how hunky dory everything was on fathers day Pm ...after they returned home from visting her father!!
No no sarcasm being serious holding out hope I suppose
Had a really hard day today
Im off to bed
I just think the way Cindy says about the apartment and the photos
Those interviews just dont sit right as in Casey being a cold blooded murderer -I dont see it. and I dont see shes smart enough to pull it off

I think this statement was made because CA was believing the story about the kidnapping and not wanting to say anything as so that Caylee would not be harmed. I really think that Cindy wanted to believe that Caylee was alive no matter all that happened before KC got arrested. As a mom, I would probably go into denial mode too as this is just WAY to much to comprehend at one time... and being tired on top of it. Lots of stuff going on at the time is all I am sayin.
Hum, that is an interesting angle. It would not surprise me. When asked why KC didnt report it, former LE & a nurse could say they knew by work exp. the trauma it would cause & respected KC's wishes not to report it.

Who says she "reported" it? Many, many rapes occur that are never reported for different reasons.
Oh My ..... I said the same thing.:clap: and I also added the statement, you have one chance to tell me the truth, cause when I find out later, and I will find out the truth, you are in deeper crap than telling me crap.

HA! My mom would say "the beating you get for lying will be far worse than the what you are going to get now"!!!!!

OT a little,.....but Why are there no details from the Jail as there was before? Seems like people have been silenced! I have posted this in the appropriate place, with no replies.

It seems very odd to have garnered so much indepth info of all comings & goings, phone calls, letters, visits, newscasters outside & now we hear nothing?? It was even reported how she acted upon hearing about the body being found......& now... nothing but Silence???

KC is just another inmate at the jail so there's nothing new there. If there was a planned visit I'm sure the media would be right on it. Last I read there were no visits planned. There's been mention of the attorneys visiting KC here and there but until something is going on that's not status quo there's nothing to air.

The Anthony's are preparing for a private funeral and then possibly a public memorial.

The attorney for LA has gotten some air and print time.

Baez just filed a motion for a special master regarding this former PI of his who is now (or was) working for the Anthony's.

There's not much to report until there is another document dump. Then the media will be on it and voila more articles and air time.

Maybe the defense will get some air time when they complete their examination of the remains.

Right now its quiet. Not for long though, betcha!
Amen to That one, As i've said from day one "when they die they'll make lye soap out of the anthony's,lie is all they do!

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