OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #57

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It is a female I remember but I will listen again to confirm. Will tell you what time in the bond hearing to listen to. I'm 99% it is a female witness

No prob. Am happy to research anything on this case. And I like transcribing the hearings. Been off work, lots of knee injury complications from a bad car accident, guy ran into me at an intersection, so I'm glad to help in any way. So boring on the couch!

Will transcribe any hearings if helpfull, but I'm not a professional at it but I do my best.

Oh no! Hope you recover soon! Geez!
Understand. It's all cool. Hard for all of us because these cases are different. Taking WAY too long because they are DP cases. Opinion

Sorry, but I agree with all my heart and soul, with the GJ, Prosecutors, and or all who had a hand in ruling these DP cases.

I don't care how long it takes or especially how much frigging Ohio" money" it takes to convict the killers. WHO, of any one of us living, can put a timeline for justice on a one of these murders, or a freaking dollar amount ONE life is worth, let alone EIGHT lives and the generations of loss and heartache to come, ... over these gutless, coward, horrific and savage murders???????? (8 question marks).

Not one other suspect has the tremendous evidence led to, yet we continue to hear (defense) bellyaching that others are responsible. Well, show us the evidence. I'm sick the defense putting off and putting off court dates and NOT submitting ANY evidence on their defendants! Where is ALL the reciprocal Discovery due to the State? All the REPORTS of Investigators, Psychiatrists, Mitigation and *advertiser censored* Specialists and more *advertiser censored* Specialists that the Court has so gratefully paid for for these 4 worthless criminals? Sick and tired of the excuses being blamed on the State.

It's time to bring these 8 murders to justice.

All just my opinion.
Cool Cats-
Now I remember why Bethel Hill was sticking out in my mind as a possibility. In Billy's discovery there are 318 photos and 3 pp of inventory listed from that search location. I guess those must be photos or things on the property in general though because it doesn't appear there is a permanent structure.
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They can't afford to give away their strategy now. Trials haven't even begun. JMO

I know, but it sure would be nice if we could have all those answers. We won't get all of the answers, unless someone flips, and even then... I keep trying to understand how 4 people can get to that place in their minds that made it okay.
Understand. It's all cool. Hard for all of us because these cases are different. Taking WAY too long because they are DP cases. Opinion

And, I don't think we can honestly blame the slow timeline on the fact that they are DP cases.

I think we can blame the true facts in these cases:

8 living human beings...

Some, while they had finally settled down in their beds for a much-deserved night's rest -- were SHOT TO DEATH...

A young mother (HR), shot twice in the head, while her 5 day old baby girl lay beside her in bed (a bullet casing was found under the crib).

A grandmother (DR), after working a double shift at a nursing home, shot once under her chin and 4 times around her head.

A 16 yr old boy who had just gotten his driver's license, asleep in his bed, shot twice in the top of his head.

A brother and uncle and cousin of others listed above (KR) sleeping in his camper after a hard day's work, one fatal shot in one eye.

GR, a cousin to KR and CRSR, shot in the head 3 times at very close range, with the gun touching his skin. In CRSR'S home..

Last but certainly not least, CRSR, who lost 3 children (HR, FR, CRJR) Ex-wife (DR), brother (KR), and cousin (GR), died of NINE gunshot wounds, some military, heavier weight, bullets.

All of one family, UNIMAGINABLE, on Earth and in Heaven.

4 killers Wagners and 2 cover-ups charged FW and RN

MONEY/EVIL/ABUSE vs. Custodial Mother Rights and Family Support

I know, but it sure would be nice if we could have all those answers. We won't get all of the answers, unless someone flips, and even then... I keep trying to understand how 4 people can get to that place in their minds that made it okay.

Well, IMO, you'll never ever be able to understand the Wagner's mindsets, unless you have been to this point yourself. And let me make one thing Clear, I do not think for one minute they were or ever will be, justified in committing these murders, NO MATTER THE REASON they might justify in their own evil minds.<modsnip> I was told once (and it stuck), unless you've ever come to that exact point in time where you would do that, you can never ever understand how or why someone could do that.
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Cool Cats-
Now I remember why Bethel Hill was sticking out in my mind as a possibility. In Billy's discovery there are 318 photos and 3 pp of inventory listed from that search location. I guess those must be photos or things on the property in general though because it doesn't appear there is a permanent structure.
Is that land owned by FW? If it's just all woods now maybe that's where some of the gun shells were recovered?
It is a female I remember but I will listen again to confirm. Will tell you what time in the bond hearing to listen to. I'm 99% it is a female witness

No prob. Am happy to research anything on this case. And I like transcribing the hearings. Been off work, lots of knee injury complications from a bad car accident, guy ran into me at an intersection, so I'm glad to help in any way. So boring on the couch!

Will transcribe any hearings if helpfull, but I'm not a professional at it but I do my best.
Thank you, get better.

Bad knees are the worst. Arghhhhhhhhhh..
No, Johnny, you are mistaken. Go back and listen. Scheiderer actually texted/messaged GWIV a photo of the "supposed murder weapon" (1911.22) at which point GWIV started blowing up the Ws phones about the need for a family meeting, saying, "If they have the gun, they have the silencer, too," or something close to that.

Now, go to point 1:48:54 and following, where AC asks Scheiderer point blank if certain guns were recovered, and he says NO.

If I'm understanding this correctly, Scheiderer texted a pic of a gun to GWIV, same make and model that one of them used that night. He did that to get them talking and incriminate themselves, and it worked like a charm?? Is that accurate? TIA
The thing is right now from what I heard, they really don't have a case against George yet. They have casings from his gun, but can't put the gun in his hand, they have shoe prints but can't put the shoes on his feet, they have statements made by him but he could argue he knew about everything afterwards and that's why he said what he did. I know they have a lot more, but if I was on the jury right now, he would walk, on everything but accessory after the fact and obstruction.


As we don't know the contents of all evidence, including what's sealed, I'm not sure it's possible to say for sure if they've got enough or not. JMOO
Well, IMO, you'll never ever be able to understand the Wagner's mindsets, unless you have been to this point yourself. And let me make one thing Clear, I do not think for one minute they were or ever will be, justified in committing these murders, NO MATTER THE REASON they might justify in their own evil minds.<modsnip> I was told once (and it stuck), unless you've ever come to that exact point in time where you would do that, you can never ever understand how or why someone could do that.

That's what I'd like to understand. Nothing under the sun could justify what they did. I'm just wondering what lies they told themselves to be able to do what they did, AND to keep right on living afterward. No hints of a mental breakdown by any of the 4. That's cold, cold like WWII cold. Whenever they each die, I hope they're studied intensely.
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That's what I'd like to understand. Nothing under the sun could justify what they did. I'm just wondering what lies they told themselves to be able to do what they did, AND to keep right on living afterward. No hints of a mental breakdown by any of the 4. That's cold, cold like WWII cold. Whenever they each die, I hope they're studied intensely.

Nothing short of evilness disguised underneath the coy of family. Cult like even, with illusions of grandeur. I’m no psychologist, but, they would absolutely be worth my time studying just so I could make sense of this atrocious act.
Nothing short of evilness disguised underneath the coy of family. Cult like even, with illusions of grandeur. I’m no psychologist, but, they would absolutely be worth my time studying just so I could make sense of this atrocious act.

You will never make sense of it unless you can think like them, in my opinion.
If I'm understanding this correctly, Scheiderer texted a pic of a gun to GWIV, same make and model that one of them used that night. He did that to get them talking and incriminate themselves, and it worked like a charm?? Is that accurate? TIA
Exactly what happened. GW4's first response was calling or texting the other 3 Wagners saying:

"We have a family emergency"

Scheiderer says he thinks this is very incriminating behavior. He said this is not what he would have done if a gun photo was sent to him.
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