OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #57

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Ok, I can hear some sound but its so low I can't hear what they're saying. Will try headphones.

Only slightly better on headphones.

Something about extended deadline is Oct 29

Motions 52 and 53, Ohio has agreed to provide material requested. Didn't speak about dates, per AC. Date for George was end of year. Will request data from the expert. This is an additonal request beyond what they've already been provided.

Audio transcripts by Dec 31, agreed to. ETA: This refers to transcripts of all the audio evidence, e.g. recorded phone calls, conversations, etc.

AC they have all of the bench notes, recent discovery docs, gave them 2 more, need bench notes from Doctor Bozniak. Will agree to Oct 29 date for that. Defense says looking for underlying bench notes. Last two were from bench notes. Oct 29, defense agrees on that date, as does AC.

49 and 50 dealt with written communications and admissability of any non testifying statements. Put together specific objections that defense is objecting to. It's court's understanding that state has now prepared certified that defense has all discoverable material. It has been certified, defense has all of it.

Judge says specifically object to those statements. Defense will have supplemental memo with specific statements and documents that they want to place in in limine review.

Judge says how about Oct 29 deadline review for that. Can they agree in fact o in chambers or will it require a hearing. Defense wants decision done behind closed doors. Wants more stuff to consider along same lines.

He says its about Wagner discussing shoes.

Court will reserve ruling. Hard to hear again a truck going by outside or something.

Someone turned up audio a little.

Defense moving forward on motion 51, put agreements in writing so there's no dispute. AC agrees, facts uttered in defendants motion of 51 is an accurate statelment of interplay between governor and public defenders office. We are stipulating the underlying facts are true, dispute that it amounts to (couldn't hear)

Defense oral motion at state expense for transcript of bond hearing held for George.

Video froze up, missed some
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End of hearing? Ok. I think I caught about 2/3 of it. Sound was an issue. I thought it would last longer, but he got through it pretty fast.

Who was the wiry guy with a crewcut who walked up to the bailiff then went over to the defense table? Looked like a regular audience member, but for a minute I thought he was going to go through the door in the back.

Mostly all technical stuff, teasing out objections, who needed to do what, deadlines, etc. It looks like Judge Deering and state are pushing for end of December deadlines for all these motions, but defense is hoping to make it go longer with the motion regarding admissibility of statements (Angela discussing shoes). Defense says if the judge rules in his favor on that one, he has some other communications he wants the judge to consider ruling out. That's why he wouldn't agree to the Dec 31 deadline for the judge.

They're trying to buy as much time as they can and keep as much incriminating info against JW out of the trials. Good luck.
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And, I don't think we can honestly blame the slow timeline on the fact that they are DP cases.

I think we can blame the true facts in these cases:

8 living human beings...

Some, while they had finally settled down in their beds for a much-deserved night's rest -- were SHOT TO DEATH...

A young mother (HR), shot twice in the head, while her 5 day old baby girl lay beside her in bed (a bullet casing was found under the crib).

A grandmother (DR), after working a double shift at a nursing home, shot once under her chin and 4 times around her head.

A 16 yr old boy who had just gotten his driver's license, asleep in his bed, shot twice in the top of his head.

A brother and uncle and cousin of others listed above (KR) sleeping in his camper after a hard day's work, one fatal shot in one eye.

GR, a cousin to KR and CRSR, shot in the head 3 times at very close range, with the gun touching his skin. In CRSR'S home..

Last but certainly not least, CRSR, who lost 3 children (HR, FR, CRJR) Ex-wife (DR), brother (KR), and cousin (GR), died of NINE gunshot wounds, some military, heavier weight, bullets.

All of one family, UNIMAGINABLE, on Earth and in Heaven.

4 killers Wagners and 2 cover-ups charged FW and RN

MONEY/EVIL/ABUSE vs. Custodial Mother Rights and Family Support

Thank you for putting the murders in perspective. I keep reading this over and over and cannot begin to understand the heartache or how anyone could do this.
Nothing short of evilness disguised underneath the coy of family. Cult like even, with illusions of grandeur. I’m no psychologist, but, they would absolutely be worth my time studying just so I could make sense of this atrocious act.
The Wagoner cult like family and ability to committee such a blood bath without guilt reminds of the Manson family.
You're very welcome. Sometimes, I just have to do that, just bring them back as real people, instead of victims.

We have to keep doing this, as well as bringing forward the absolute horror and deliberate cruelty of the massacre. Innocent people, a bloodbath in 4 different homes, leaving babies screaming in terror, drenched in their parents blood.

I was just holding my infant grandchild close in my arms the other day and, unfortunately, if flashed through my mind what a horrific act those murders were. Almost beyond comprehension. The parents last thoughts, the indelible scar of absolute terror left on those infants.

What kind of insane animals commit such horrific acts, over and over and over? Certainly people who should never be allowed to walk among us again.

How does someone commit and experience such horror and cruelty and turn around, go out the door, go to the next house and do it again. How do you not stop and say "gosh that was awful, I can't do that again"? Then how do you spend the next few years laughing, lying and smirking about it, as if it never happened? How can human beings be so unaffected by such mind-bending criminal behavior?
What did Jake Wagner keep looking at towards the victim’s side of the courtroom at the end of trial today, he kept complaining to his attorney???? JMO
The S.O.B had the never to rare back and laugh while leaving the courtroom like this is all a big joke, JMO

Thank you for the prayers. Same old heart problems that run heavy through my family. I just got up a week or so ago after a month's bed rest. The cardiologist said I may have a couple more years anyway. At least they haven't mentioned cutting my heart open like they just did to my older sister a few months ago and my 6 year old great niece a month ago. This is her 5th open heart surgery since she was born 6 years ago. But at least she is still alive. I lost 4 children to the same heart defect when they were babies. Dr's didn't know how to even operate on the babies heart back when mine were born.

You and your family are in prayers.
What did Jake Wagner keep looking at towards the victim’s side of the courtroom at the end of trial today, he kept complaining to his attorney???? JMO
The S.O.B had the never to rare back and laugh while leaving the courtroom like this is all a big joke, JMO

I wonder if it had something to do with the man in the plaid shirt who later walked up to the defense table, after they took JW out of the room.

Was there a visitor in the gallery on the prosecution side whose presence bothered him? IDK, it was difficult to see as the camera was positioned behind most of the guests and only showed the backs of a few.

Article summarizing the hearing today. As I mentioned earlier, most of the hearings for the motions have been postponed, some until next month, Thursday, Oct 29.

Judge to hear motions on evidence in Jake Wagner murder case
We have to keep doing this, as well as bringing forward the absolute horror and deliberate cruelty of the massacre. Innocent people, a bloodbath in 4 different homes, leaving babies screaming in terror, drenched in their parents blood.

I was just holding my infant grandchild close in my arms the other day and, unfortunately, if flashed through my mind what a horrific act those murders were. Almost beyond comprehension. The parents last thoughts, the indelible scar of absolute terror left on those infants.

What kind of insane animals commit such horrific acts, over and over and over? Certainly people who should never be allowed to walk among us again.

How does someone commit and experience such horror and cruelty and turn around, go out the door, go to the next house and do it again. How do you not stop and say "gosh that was awful, I can't do that again"? Then how do you spend the next few years laughing, lying and smirking about it, as if it never happened? How can human beings be so unaffected by such mind-bending criminal behavior?
I always think about the person(s) left home with BW & SW whomever they may be, can imagine your family comes home from committing the absolute most heinous murder, what do you say to them? "Hey, how did go? Did you leave any survivors? Everything OK?" Whomever watch the kids that night is just as evil.
Raisin, I will keep you in my prayers and also keep positive thoughts that whatever you have going on in life eases, and allows you to see these trials completed. Take care!

@RAISINISBACK, I second @Caylee Advocate. I will keep you in my prayers. It just wouldn't be right you not watching the trials with us.
Ok, I can hear some sound but its so low I can't hear what they're saying. Will try headphones.

Only slightly better on headphones.

Something about extended deadline is Oct 29

Motions 52 and 53, Ohio has agreed to provide material requested. Didn't speak about dates, per AC. Date for George was end of year. Will request data from the expert. This is an additonal request beyond what they've already been provided.

Audio transcripts by Dec 31, agreed to. ETA: This refers to transcripts of all the audio evidence, e.g. recorded phone calls, conversations, etc.

AC they have all of the bench notes, recent discovery docs, gave them 2 more, need bench notes from Doctor Bozniak. Will agree to Oct 29 date for that. Defense says looking for underlying bench notes. Last two were from bench notes. Oct 29, defense agrees on that date, as does AC.

49 and 50 dealt with written communications and admissability of any non testifying statements. Put together specific objections that defense is objecting to. It's court's understanding that state has now prepared certified that defense has all discoverable material. It has been certified, defense has all of it.

Judge says specifically object to those statements. Defense will have supplemental memo with specific statements and documents that they want to place in in limine review.

Judge says how about Oct 29 deadline review for that. Can they agree in fact o in chambers or will it require a hearing. Defense wants decision done behind closed doors. Wants more stuff to consider along same lines.

He says its about Wagner discussing shoes.

Court will reserve ruling. Hard to hear again a truck going by outside or something.

Someone turned up audio a little.

Defense moving forward on motion 51, put agreements in writing so there's no dispute. AC agrees, facts uttered in defendants motion of 51 is an accurate statelment of interplay between governor and public defenders office. We are stipulating the underlying facts are true, dispute that it amounts to (couldn't hear)

Defense oral motion at state expense for transcript of bond hearing held for George.

Video froze up, missed some
Thank you for the summary... I couldn't hear a thing! :)
I wonder if it had something to do with the man in the plaid shirt who later walked up to the defense table, after they took JW out of the room.

Was there a visitor in the gallery on the prosecution side whose presence bothered him? IDK, it was difficult to see as the camera was positioned behind most of the guests and only showed the backs of a few.

Article summarizing the hearing today. As I mentioned earlier, most of the hearings for the motions have been postponed, some until next month, Thursday, Oct 29.

Judge to hear motions on evidence in Jake Wagner murder case

So is the next hearing for JW on 10/29? TIA!
So is the next hearing for JW on 10/29? TIA!

Yes. Watch for it to show up on Jake's docket. They didn't give a time. That's also the deadline for some other evidence arranging, etc.

The judge did make a point of noting that it has been certified (?) that all evidence has been provided to the defense attorneys for these cases.

They're asking for other things like "bench notes" on expert testimony. I assume this means when an expert examines evidence (like ballistics, etc.) they provide any notes they make while examining it.

Right now, the video of the entire hearing is at this link:

Court hearing youngest Wagner rescheduled to Oct. 29

I suggest using headphones, if you can. The audio isn't too good.
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