OH - Pike Co - 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue - 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #73

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Yes, they are defense attorneys, JMO. Win at all costs, regardless of the consequences or how they look. Perhaps they hope to use the national exposure of this case to boost their reputation.
I think this will backfire here. These jurors have to be feeling similar to how we all are with the personal attacking of family members with zero connection to this crime. It's not a good look to revictimize victims to try to score some points.
I don't think so. Just that it happened previously. Will double check. I wondered while listening if they would say when that happened.
It could all come back to the selling of weed I'm thinking? Somebody got mad about something, tempers flared. My hubby was hit from behind with a 2×4 coming out of a bar once, after a verbal altercation inside. Violent actions like that happen sometimes and it sounded like KR and GWIII knew who it was if they were planning retaliation. Obviously someone had a beef with CRSR and the defense may try and use that. To what ends is yet to be heard.
Evan Millward
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PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Court has been off since Wednesday afternoon - because of a juror illness.

Judge Deering on the record confirms a juror reported feeling sick Wednesday evening, then confirmed. They canceled Thurs.

That juror would be unavailable until next week - is discharged for illness. Alternate is being seated.

Court has disinfected courtroom.

Judge Deering went through that whole explanation and never said COVID. But you can't help assume that juror has COVID - disinfecting, unavailable for several days, etc.

Now down to 5 alternates - we're unclear yet if the new juror is a man or woman.

Judge Deering is asking the jury if anyone is experiencing cold or flu symptoms.

All were offered face masks.

First witness today is April Manley.

She is Dana Rhoden's sister-in-law.

April Manley also lives on Union Hill Road - in Adams County. She's lived there 27 years, basically since she married James Manley.
Her mother-in-law lives across the street - Adams-Pike Co. line splits the property.


April says she was at the hospital when Hanna gave birth days before the murders.
It was her, Dana, Corey (Hanna's bf), and her mother-in-law Judy.

April says she would see Dana or one of her three kids at least daily.
They all lived on Union Hill Road.

April says Dana would stop and see her mom and dad every day on her way to work.
Dana's relationship with her brother James (April's husband) - they "had an unbreakable bond."

Night of murders, April had severe bronchitis and was sleeping in a recliner so she could breathe.
Got up around 6 a.m. to get kids ready. Husband James was off work (logging) for rain overnight.

Cody was waiting Frankie because they rode together for work - he never showed up.
James had left to see Chris.
Next thing April remembers is James coming back saying Dana was dead.

April starts to break down on the stand - describing how her husband James was "an emotional wreck" about Dana.
And said he knew something was bad because Kylie (the baby) was crying - and Hanna would have been tending to her.

She and James stood at the end of driveway to flag down cops.
Investigators had trouble finding Chris Jr. - April drew them a map of Dana's house to help them.

April describes an officer going in and bringing the baby Kylie out to EMT.
She rode in the ambulance to Adams Co. hospital with Kylie - got to hold her there finally after evidence was collected off her.

April says Jake Wagner showed up to Adams Co. Hospital - she describes him as "emotionless ... wasn’t worried about nothing - wasn’t someone who just lost someone they claimed to love."
Says he was only there 10-15 minutes.

April says Jake Wagner hugged her at the hospital.
She says he was there to see if he could take Kylie - Hanna's daughter with a different father. He was told no.

April says at the hospital, she noticed Jake's hair was different - "it was extremely dark."

April went to all funerals except Gary Rhoden's. Chris Sr and Dana and the kids were all held together - she saw Billy Wagner there with bruising on his face. Also saw Jake.

We've seen this screenshot of Jake's interrogation before - but here's his hair as April just described it.


April says she was at Dana's the Wednesday before the murders.
Had been in that new house several times - made the curtains, helped paint the kitchen.

April says she saw Jake Wagner at Dana's house the Wednesday before the murders. He was showing Hanna how to set up a baby bed for Kylie - it had been their daughter together Sophia's.

April says she saw Billy Wagner at the hospital earlier after Chris Sr got beat with a 2x4.
She describes Billy as "scary," and says he had a gun on his side. He and Kenneth were talking about getting revenge on whoever beat Chris.

April says she only saw George a few times - usually at Sophia's birthday parties which were at the Wagner residence on Peterson Rd.

April recounts Jake and Hanna being together and having a fight - and Hanna later calling her saying Jake was chasing her at high speeds. She told Hanna to hide - she did behind a church on Union Hill Rd.
Says she was later told Jake thought April was "nosey"

April calls Jake "controlling" of Hanna; says she was "always a chunky little monkey" but had lost so much weight because Jake would tell her she was fat and not to eat.
Says Hanna told her she was scared of Jake Wagner and his family.

Defense had objected to a story about Hanna being afraid of Wagners.
Canepa instead asks who Hanna was afraid of? Wagner family.
What was she afraid of? OBJECTION.

Ongoing objection to this story Canepa is trying to have Aril tell - it's hearsay. Judge Deering sustains it.
This has gone on for a few minutes now.

Canepa asks if April ever had to pick Hanna up from the Wagners? Yes.
When they lived on Bethel Hill - she met them at the graveyard down the hill.

April says she doesn't recall seeing any Wagners at Chris Sr's 4th of July fireworks.
She says she didn't know about marijuana grows on Chris Sr or Kenneth's properties. Didn't know about any chicken fighting.

April says the chain locks at Frankie's were new - and put there so Brentley couldn't get to them - because he got out.
Remember - Bobby Jo says he stood on the couch to unlock it and let her in.

When asked about trying to see Sophia (Hanna and Jake's daughter), April says it only happened a couple times. She says "eventually we quit trying."
Only saw her twice between homicides and Wagner arrests.

Canepa is done with direct - defense attorney RIchard Nash on cross-examination.

Nash asks about texts to her phone from Jake Wagner around 330am.
She says her husband James had her phone that night so he could call his boss and best friend.Nash is asking about Chris Sr buying Dana a new mobile home. Maybe $30,000 in cash.

And about legal trouble James got into - and Chris giving him money. This was when April and James were split.
She gets a little terse with Nash about these questions.

Nash now asks for more information about her interaction with Jake outside Adams Co. Hospital.
She again says Jake believed Kylie belonged to him.
Nothing about convo that caused her to alert BCI? No.

Nash moves on to the argument between Jake and Hanna and the chase. She says it happened in her house.
Nash moves on.

Nash asks about Hanna calling to be picked up from Wagners. Said to pick her up at the end of the driveway because it was really rough - it's in front of a cemetery.

Canepa on re-direct goes back to "generosity of Chris Rhoden and his finances."
He gave April money to pay for her mom's funeral.

April says at the hospital after the murders, Jake Wagner only asked about Kylie the baby - not about Hanna.
She reiterates he showed no emotion.

Canepa asks to clarify about Jake Wagner's number number.

April says she did not have it before the homicides - got it afterward to try to coordinate seeing Sophia.

April says she did not see George or Angela at the funerals.

CORRECTS QUOTE: Canepa asks why she was bothered to see Jake at the *hospital.

April breaks down, "Because I have to wonder if he still had my baby's blood on him when he touched me."

Longer than expected break - I'm told attorneys were all in judge's chambers for some time.

We believe April's husband James is next to take the stand.

link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward

I believe they went to lunch - not sure. But Cody Manley, April's son is up next - but no tweets on this yet.
James Cody Manley on the stand. James and April's son. Nephew of Dana & Chris Rhoden. Cousin of Hanna, Frankie, Chris Jr., etc.

Works for training school, drives a school bus, a volunteer with Camp Creek Fire Dept
Was close to his cousin Frankie Rhoden, attended same school
Working with him at time of homicide, with Donnie Stuart, remodeling houses. Was their teacher at Pike County CTC
At time of murders he lived at home on UHR with his parents. Moved out on his own 2 yrs ago
He worked in mornings hours 8 to 4. Frankie would commute to work with Cody. Cody drove to work
Sometimes also went squirrel hunting with Frankie, working on derby cars, worked at the derby races with Fire Dept.
Never saw Frankie smoke or drink.
Knew about chicken fighting, knew what the chickens were but never went to events
Knew Chelsea Robinson, Frankie's ex
Knew of the Wagners
Nash objects, overruled
Knew of Jake and Billy, met Angela and saw George a couple of times. Went to their home on Bethel Hill, drove Hanna there
Before she had Sophia, stayed maybe 2 hours. He was 16, she was 2 yrs younger
Saw Jake and Billy at Uncle Chris's
Went to Chris fireworks show, saw Jake and Billy there, also saw George there once or twice
Saw Jake while he and Hanna were dating, saw him at residences on UHR. Jake came to his parents house once when Hanna was there. They were fighting. He was angry, told him to leave her alone. She got in her car and left, he began chasing her in his truck. Called Uncle Chris.
Morning after murders, he got up and was getting ready for work
I finally figured out where the SKS came from. They found parts, of one, in buckets, filled with concrete, that held down a goose box, as anchors, for a goose box that JW said he and G4, had made for their grandpa's pond. At the point in time that he led them to the the goose box, it had sank but the anchors were still there. Unfortunately, I can't be certain but I think it was during day three, it was early on, though. It does tie JW to the firearm, per his confession. Does this tie GW4 to that firearm, at this point in the trial?
Evan Millward
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL; April's son James "Cody" Manley is now taking the stand to testify.
He and Frankie Rhoden were cousins - and best friends.


Cody says he and Frankie "were close."
Went to school together and were working together remodeling houses in April 2016.

Cody says Frankie would drive to he and his parents house on Union Hill Road (not too far from Frankie's house) - and they would ride together to work.

Cody says he knew about Frankie and chicken fighting - but he never went with Frankie for it.

Cody says he "knew of" the Wagners.
Defense objects - and now both parties are approaching judge for sidebar.

Cody says he once went to the Wagners' Bethel Hill Rd home - he drove Hanna there when she was dating Jake. He stayed about two hours.

Cody says he would see Billy and Jake Wagner at his Uncle Chris's property.
Also saw them at a church-in "lock in" for teens.

I jumped the gun.
Hanna and Jake were at the church lock-in, Cody says.

Cody says he saw Jake and Billy Wagner at the 4th of July fireworks show at Chris Rhoden Sr's place.
Maybe saw George there once or twice.

Cody says he never had interactions with George Wagner at those 4th of July fireworks shows at Chris Sr's place.

Cody says Jake showed up once to his house (he lived with his parents) - and Jake and Hanna were fighting. She said "leave me alone" and took off her a car. He says Jake chased her in his truck, and he and his mom called Uncle Chris.

On April 21, 2016 - Cody and Frankie went to work. Cody went over to Frankie's later to help him fix a birdcage. Was there a couple of hours, he left around dark.

On April 22, 2016, Cody was getting ready for work - thought Frankie overslept so he kept calling him. When he didn't answer, Cody went to Frankie's and saw Bobby Jo Manley's car and a cop - thought she'd been pulled over.
He says he went into his house.

link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward
"I saw things I didn't want to see. Frankie and Hannah Hazel." -- Cody Manley
I think of this family that was close. Not close like the Wagner's, but close as in aunts, uncles, cousins, are in their daily lives. They grew up together as not just family, but friends, car pooled to work, helped each other with projects after work, genuinely cared for each other. I hear about CRsr helping lending money to family to help them out. Cody Manley helping Frankie after work with a bird cage.. it's all so senseless.
If he helped make that goose box, most likely, IMO

Edit: I don't know why the post I replied to wasn't included in this. That post wondered if GWIV was tied to the guns hidden in the buckets tying down the goose box.
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I am curious how the prosecution prepares witnesses.

This is very frustrating to hear this man question Cody.

Is he suggesting that because Cody Manley hasn't seen George at CRsr's that he was never there.

Man Cody grew up in this town and he knew these people. Just because you can't recall every place you've seen someone doesn't mean you are lying.

I am so glad AC is clarifying because it's dirty for the defense to try to confuse this witness that is obviously nervous. Then questioning him in a way that is confusing and then obviously almost mocking him by "dumbing it down".. it's pathetic.
Day before murders Cody went to work with Frankie. After work went to Frankie's and repaired wire on one of his bird cages. Hanna Hazel, Brently and others were there. Went home

Morning of murders he was getting ready for work, Frankie didn't come. Went to their house, saw Bobby Jo's car and police car in driveway. He went inside the trailer to wake up Frankie. He thought Bobby Jo had just been pulled over by police, didn't know they were dead. He parked on road, other cars were in driveway. Walked into Frankies, walked into his bedroom and froze. Cause he saw things he didn't want to see, saw Frankie and Hannah dead. Cop told him to go outside. Cop told him twice before he moved.
Went to find Brently when he was outside. Ruger was out there and Emma. Thinks Len and Judy Manley were there.

Saw Billy, Jake and George at the funeral home. Gave his phone to BCI.

Defense redirect
Asked what room he was in, something about testimony he was going to give

BCI agents interviewed him he said Frankie's house was always messy
Talked about the times he saw George Wagner,
Asking about Chris Sr's dog Chance, said Chance wasn't aggressive unless he didn't know you
Cody said dog wouldn't let anyone in the house that he didn't know
Didn't know about Kenneth's dog
Defense attorney trying to confuse Cody
Cody said he did see George at funeral
Hunting Frankie did, squirrel, deer, etc

Asking Cody whether AC ever told him what to say in response to questions

Saw George a few times at Chris's fireworks, saw him at other places, but don't recall where, recall seeing him at funeral. Points him out in the courtroom.
Not around Frankie 24/7. He may have seen George W regularly, but Cody didn't

Lunch recess
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