OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#38

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Anyone think it possible Fred, RW & RAW had more than one convo regarding this ugly mess? I do.
I can see RAW listing the numerous reasons they had to go to LE.
It’s possible, at first, the 3 aforementioned did not realize JW & G4 were involved. Maybe thinking G3 and his bride acted together.
Despite the mastermind behind the murders, it’s beyond comprehensible that any parent would involve their children in such behavior. AW, at least, had to know the risks involved. What parent wants their children in prison for life or on death row.
Not to mention plans could have back fired & they could have all been killed.

During the arraignment, AW looks smug, IMO. She also appears fres, well rested, well groomed. Is she thriving from her conceived fame and not taking this seriously?
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Throwing another initial list into the pot.....

(s) with someones name = suspect
(v) with someones name = victim

AC = Andrea Carver, mother to victim Hannah Hazel Gilley
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AW = (s) Angela Wagner, 48 (mom)
Baby K = Kylie Mae Rhoden, 5-day old child not hurt (mom = Hannah Rhoden & dad = Charlie Gilley)
BBM = Bolded By Me
BFE = Bum F*ck Egypt aka "Way out in the boonies"
BJM = Bobby Jo Manley, first to find bodies, sister of victim Dana Lynn Manley Rhoden
BR = Brently Rhoden
BW / GW3 / GW III = (s) George "Billy" Wagner, 47 (dad)
CBR = Clarence Brently Rhoden, 3-year old child (survived)
CI = Confidential Informant
CG = Charlie Gilley
Chel / ChelR = Chelsea Robinson = mother to (survived) child Clarence Brently Rhoden
ChelR / Chel = Chelsea Robinson = mother to (survived) child Clarence Brently Rhoden
Clarence R = (v) son Clarence "Frankie" Rhoden, 20
CR1 / CR / CRSR = (v) dad Christopher Don Rhoden, Sr, 40
CR2 / CRJR = (v) son Christopher Don Rhoden Jr., 16
CR / CRSR / CR1 / = (v) dad Christopher Don Rhoden, Sr, 40
CRJR / CR2 = (v) son Christopher Don Rhoden Jr., 16
CRSR / CR1 / CR / = (v) dad Christopher Don Rhoden, Sr, 40
Dana / DLR / DLM / DLMR = (v) mom Dana Lynn Manley Rhoden, 37
DLR / DLM / DLMR = (v) mom Dana Lynn Manley Rhoden, 37
DP = Death Penalty
DR = (v) mom Dana Lynn Manley Rhoden, 37
DS = Donald Stone, cousin to KR and person who discovered KR's body
Frankie = (v) son Clarence "Frankie" Rhoden, 20
ETA = Edit To Add
FR = Frankie Rhoden
FW = (s) Fredricka C Wagner, 76 (mother to GWIII)
FWIW = Fow What It's Worth
GBW JR = George Billy Wagner Jr, deceased husband of Fredricka and dad of G3
GENEVA = Geneva Rhoden, 75, matriarch of Rhoden family, lost two sons, a daughter-in-law, three grandchildren and a nephew in the murders
G4 / GIV = (s) George Wagner IV, 27 (son)
GIV / G4 = (s) George Wagner IV, 27 (son)
GR = (v) cousin Gary Dwayne Rhoden, 38
GW3 / GW III / BW = (s) George "Billy" Wagner, 47 (dad)
GW III / GW3 / BW = (s) George "Billy" Wagner, 47 (dad)
Hazel / HG / HHG = (v) Hannah "Hazel" Gilley, 20, fiance to Frankie
HHG / HG / Hazel = (v) Hannah "Hazel" Gilley, 20, fiance to Frankie
HG / HHG / Hazel = (v) Hannah "Hazel" Gilley, 20, fiance to Frankie
Hanna / HR / HMR = (v) daughter Hanna May Rhoden, 19 (also ex-fiance of suspect Jake) mother to Sophia
HMR / HR / Hanna = (v) daughter Hanna May Rhoden, 19 (also ex-fiance of suspect Jake) mother to Sophia
HR / HMR / Hanna = (v) daughter Hanna May Rhoden, 19 (also ex-fiance of suspect Jake) mother to Sophia
IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer
ICBW = I Could Be Wrong
IDK = I Don't Know
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion / In My Honest Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
IMSMC = If Memory Serves Me Correctly
ITA = I Totally Agree
Jake = (s) Edward Jacob "Jake" Wagner, 26 (son)
JM = James Manley, brother to victim Dana Manley Rhoden
JMHO = Just My Humble Opinion
JMO = Just My Opinion
JW = (s) Edward Jacob "Jake" Wagner, 26 (son)
KMR = Kylie Mae Rhoden, 5-day old child not hurt (mom = Hannah Rhoden & dad = Charlie Gilley)
KR / Kylie = Kylie Mae Rhoden, 5-day old child not hurt (mom = Hannah Rhoden & dad = Charlie Gilley)
Kenneth = (v) victim dads older brother Kenneth Wayne Rhoden, 44
KR = (v) victim dads older brother Kenneth Wayne Rhoden, 44
Kylie / KR = Kylie Mae Rhoden, 5-day old child not hurt (mom = Hannah Rhoden & dad = Charlie Gilley)
LE = law enforcement
LM = Leonard Manley, father to victim Dana Lynn Manley Rhoden
LWOP = Life Without Parole
M's = Manley family
ME = Medical Examiner (depends on context)
MSM = Main Stream Media
N's = Newcomb family
OTOH = On The Other Hand
R's = Rhoden family (Victims)
RLR = Ruger Lee Rhoden, 6-month old child not hurt
RN = (s) Rita Jo Newcomb, 65, mother to Angela Wagner
RAW = son Robert A "Bobbie" Wagner, ininvolved son in Shade, Ohio
RSBM = Respectfully Snipped By Me
RW / R = Robin Wagner, daughter to Fredricka Wagner
S = (survived) child Sophia May Wagner, 3-year old child, was with suspect family at time of murders. Sophia is daughter of victim Hanna and suspect Jake
SM = Social Media
Sophia = child Sophia May Wagner, 3-year old child, was with suspect family at time of murders. Sophia is daughter of victim Hanna and suspect Jake
SW = Sophia Wagner
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TOS = Terms Of Service (depends on context)
TYSM = Thank You So Much
UHR = Union Hill Road, the road the Rhoden family lived on.
Waggies = Wagner family (suspects)
W4 = Especially if used as "the W4" or something similar meaning the four members of the suspect Wagner family: dad, mom and two sons
W's = Wagner family (suspects)
WS = the WebSleuths forum (depends on context)
Rhoden case: 'Hate seeing my daughter cry'

Wagner won custody of his little girl last month in Pike County, he said. And while the ruling was not unexpected, the legal bills were. This week Wagner set up a account in an effort to defray the legal bills and other unexpected but associated costs. He didn't know about the website until his mother mentioned it to him. He said he didn't want to draw attention to himself or to his daughter, but also didn't see a way out of the debt he has incurred since the homicide.

"These were not expenses I was supposed to have. I was just supposed to be able to spend time with her and give her a happy childhood, she is only 2 1/2 years old,'' Wagner wrote on the page of the crowd-fundraising site. "Sophia and I are just asking for enough to settle the fees that we acquired due to the horrific tragedy to her mommy.

"We want to get our lives back,'' he wrote. "I hate seeing my daughter cry."

Wagner set a fundraising goal of $20,000, but said his legal bills were not quite that high. But, he added, his legal bills were four times more than what he expected. The former over-the-road truck driver and trained mechanic has maxed out his credit cards. He said he is paying his lawyer in what is left over after he pays his other bills every month. It hardly makes a dent.
JW forgot to mention legal fees to obtain legal custody of a child that he was named the father of and who’s other parent was deceased, would have been minimal.

He further contradicts himself in that article. 2 1/2 year olds may cry for a short time because they miss their other parent but in general, toddlers are very resilient and adapt well. S was used to being away from her mother for an extended period of time when she was with JW. And if he hadn’t yet told SW that her mother was dead, what was “the hate seeing my daughter cry statement” meant for? IMO, it was meant to invoke sympathy from the readers and public. JMO, but I’ve raised a couple kids. My one child was 16 months old when my ex and I separated. At that time and through the years, not one tear has been shed when the other parent isn’t present.
JW forgot to mention legal fees to obtain legal custody of a child that he was named the father of and who’s other parent was deceased, would have been minimal.

He further contradicts himself in that article. 2 1/2 year olds may cry for a short time because they miss their other parent but in general, toddlers are very resilient and adapt well. S was used to being away from her mother for an extended period of time when she was with JW. And if he hadn’t yet told SW that her mother was dead, what was “the hate seeing my daughter cry statement” meant for? IMO, it was meant to invoke sympathy from the readers and public. JMO, but I’ve raised a couple kids. My one child was 16 months old when my ex and I separated. At that time and through the years, not one tear has been shed when the other parent isn’t present.

Exactly, ITA. Even if he told S her mom was deceased, with angels or never coming home, she was too young to comprehend. 2.5 yo have no concept of time. He sure wouldn’t be my choice for “father of the year”, nor would I want any of my family around any of the 4.
W/o a doubt AW established the . She probably assumed millions would roll in. Fund raising may have been part of their initial plan. Nothing would surprise me.
I hope S at some point, finds her forever home & is kept out of this until such time she’s an adult and making her own decisions.
Well seems AW attorney asks 3 things of the court today.

1. Preserved right to request change of venue.

2. To allow AW to appear in court not shackled and in street clothing

3. To drop the death penalty specifications.

Will be back with link.

Pike County murders: Mother’s attorney asks court for new venue, drop death penalty

I was just trying to post this link. I think my iPad is worn out, lol.
Poor AW. NOT
In the photo with this article it looks like she’s suppressing a smile, IMO.
Does she really think what she’s wearing has any impact on anyone? She’s not exactly a style icon. I think she needs to get used to stainless steel jewelry.
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Night vision googles.?

Idk just sitting here overly thinking how 4 over weight ppl were able to maneuver through old moble homes ( as another post brought up)? And not be heard.

I think of this case too much, I read here lots, don’t alwas log in. It’s on my mind lots.

It’s unimaginable that this happened for the property of a child.
JW forgot to mention legal fees to obtain legal custody of a child that he was named the father of and who’s other parent was deceased, would have been minimal.

He further contradicts himself in that article. 2 1/2 year olds may cry for a short time because they miss their other parent but in general, toddlers are very resilient and adapt well. S was used to being away from her mother for an extended period of time when she was with JW. And if he hadn’t yet told SW that her mother was dead, what was “the hate seeing my daughter cry statement” meant for? IMO, it was meant to invoke sympathy from the readers and public. JMO, but I’ve raised a couple kids. My one child was 16 months old when my ex and I separated. At that time and through the years, not one tear has been shed when the other parent isn’t present.

I kicked out my daughters bio-dad when she was 4 yrs old, she asked about him twice in the month after, and that was it. I had my family that I had a strong bond with and they pretty much filled that void. Yes they are resilience.
Night vision googles.?

Idk just sitting here overly thinking how 4 over weight ppl were able to maneuver through old moble homes ( as another post brought up)? And not be heard.

I think of this case too much, I read here lots, don’t alwas log in. It’s on my mind lots.

It’s unimaginable that this happened for the property of a child.

I’ve always thought just because some victims were found in bed does not mean they were sleeping. They just had no time to react.
Pike County murders: Mother’s attorney asks court for new venue, drop death penalty

“One of four capital defendants charged with the 2016 Pike County murders has asked a judge for a change of venue, the Dayton Daily News has learned.

Attorneys for Angela Wagner, 48, asked the court to consider moving the case outside Pike County Common Pleas Court to ensure she receives “a fair trial before a jury untainted by pre-trial publicity.”
Pike County murders: Mother’s attorney asks court for new venue, drop death penalty

“One of four capital defendants charged with the 2016 Pike County murders has asked a judge for a change of venue, the Dayton Daily News has learned.

Attorneys for Angela Wagner, 48, asked the court to consider moving the case outside Pike County Common Pleas Court to ensure she receives “a fair trial before a jury untainted by pre-trial publicity.”

Yes, this was posted a few minutes ago.
Maybe AW misses her wardrobe. Too bad, huh? She best get used to someone making her choices for her.
We all know most defendants do wear street clothes during trial lest the jury get preconceived notions based on the uniform & chains.

Well, we at least know the lawyers are working & preparing for future court dates. And, meeting with their clients.

As far as wanting the DP off the table because it’s unconstitutional, wonder what he considers murdering 8 in their own homes to be?
I almost went with that thought, generation skipping trust....but FW's grandchildren are GW4 and Jake.... not SW or BW
Something "weird just came to mind"
(but what isn't weird about the arrested individuals?) GW4 got custody of his son, right....so how much did he have to spend in attorney's fees?? Remember the
site in which Jake W claimed to need money for his legal battle to get SW? Geesh, he had custody of SW after the murder of her beautiful Mother....he WAS NO LONGER FACING THREAT OF CHILD SUPPORT or SEX WITH A MINOR, huh??? Anybody get the feeling Jake W is a big "whiner" who always wants more, more, more. Me, me, me and unable to take personal or financial responsibility for any of his actions??

IIRC right after the murders this came up and I can’t remember where but I will look.

I recall reading that the mother of AW and GWs grandson was subjected to some very harsh treatment. And as I said IIRC she signed him over with little or no opposition. I will do some searching and delete this post if I can’t find the link.

But I do believe it was written by a reporter.
Oooops, I meant what if FW had offered money, in exchange for the W family to gain custody. If they so desperately wanted the child, I’m surprised no offer was extended. Sorry for the confusion.

Also, do any of you know why the 4 are so desperate to have custody of kids? Is it merely to avoid child support? To appease AW? I don’t get their fierce desire to have little kids.

For FW’s generation, skip generation trusts are very popular. They prefer to not put their kids on easy street, preferring they work. So, the trust is for grandkids benefit, many times. Could this be part of the interest the Ws have in the kids? Thinking if FW passed, they would control SW’s inheritance? If JW was driving truck and often away, it’s not like he could be a “hands on” dad. So that would leave A & G3 to raise SW as well as #4s kid. It’s all too confusing.

What if they did take $30k from FW and put it on the home, and then said, too bad, so sad. I've a theory that they'd decided to call cps, then the trailer happened, and along with everything else, it lit the fuse.

I'm kinda interested in knowing just when they bought their supplies to build the brass catchers, silencers, and the special shoes. Over a period of a year? All at once just a month before?

In other words, did they take this from tossing it around as banter, If only we could get rid of the Rs..., to a hard plan, put together really quickly, from months of that banter, or was it a hard plan from the get go. If it was from the git go, then the house really had no part in it, I'd think that K's birth was a big part of the trigger.
Yes, this was posted a few minutes ago.
Maybe AW misses her wardrobe. Too bad, huh? She best get used to someone making her choices for her.
We all know most defendants do wear street clothes during trial lest the jury get preconceived notions based on the uniform & chains.

Well, we at least know the lawyers are working & preparing for future court dates. And, meeting with their clients.

And mitten do you find it a coincidence the sheriff misconduct allegations were filed the same day as AW filings with the court. So as to possibly divert attention away from AW?

I was surprised that her attorney chose to file to remove the death penalty. That means that motion fight begins prior to trial. Could it also mean that the prosecution had been approached to take it off the table and refused? If that’s the case it might mean that they have plenty of evidence and do not need anyone to roll on the other 3 defendants.

Or perhaps a d als been mad to keep FW FROM MURDER CHARGES AND WHILE SHES GOING TO TRIAL THE PROSECUTORS could have already agr ed to no jail time.
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They'd still know what charges for murder entailed and it was wrong. At least one graduated as a diesal mechanic, too. It's just according to the home school instruction as to their education level. G3 is said by his lawyer to have only a 7th grade education. I have acquaintances with 8th grade education who have very thriving businesses. Common sense and education are two separate things. You can have the latter without the former.

My dad had about an 8th grade education and ran his own business quite effectively. He raised five kids, one of which had a chronic illness and few people had health insurance...
Anyone think it possible Fred, RW & RAW had more than one convo regarding this ugly mess? I do.
I can see RAW listing the numerous reasons they had to go to LE.
It’s possible, at first, the 3 aforementioned did not realize JW & G4 were involved. Maybe thinking G3 and his bride acted together.
Despite the mastermind behind the murders, it’s beyond comprehensible that any parent would involve their children in such behavior. AW, at least, had to know the risks involved. What parent wants their children in prison for life or on death row.
Not to mention plans could have back fired & they could have all been killed.

During the arraignment, AW looks smug, IMO. She also appears fres, well rested, well groomed. Is she thriving from her conceived fame and not taking this seriously?

I think there could have been multiple conversations. But GW3’s siblings would be stupid or awfully trusting to stay anywhere near the farm. Unless a deal was cut to save FW. BUT THEN SHE would be mad that JW hadn’t gotten the same deal. She did proclaim his innocence and it was posted somewhere here that he was her favorite.
What if they did take $30k from FW and put it on the home, and then said, too bad, so sad. I've a theory that they'd decided to call cps, then the trailer happened, and along with everything else, it lit the fuse.

I'm kinda interested in knowing just when they bought their supplies to build the brass catchers, silencers, and the special shoes. Over a period of a year? All at once just a month before?

In other words, did they take this from tossing it around as banter, If only we could get rid of the Rs..., to a hard plan, put together really quickly, from months of that banter, or was it a hard plan from the get go. If it was from the git go, then the house really had no part in it, I'd think that K's birth was a big part of the trigger.

I've always thought DR's "new" home was a tipping point somehow. It could be that the Ws lost the last good argument for custody and it could be the money used to buy it was supposed to be to relinquish custody. But it could be coincidence that they were murdered a month later or because K wasn't born yet.
I thought I had read somewhere that they started considering killing the Rs the previous June already. Then I also read they started in January that year. Maybe it will all come out someday...
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