OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #23

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Unless KR would have known b/c someone had been pumping him for info. KR doesn't fit for me either. I still think GR was maybe, just in the wrong place. KR had something to do with all of this, knowingly, or unknowingly, and I think he was killed b/c he could have pinpointed the murderers. I realize I keep saying this, but, I keep trying to figure out what he knew, and how he was involved. Maybe he wanted out of the whole Rhoden for life thing. He'd gotten a new job, he'd moved out of the yellow house, next to his brother, to property 10-15 miles away from his brother, but still on Rhoden property. I also found it odd that TR had not been in the yellow house, since his father died, but went inside the day the reporter was there with him. He said he was looking for a family Bible. How would he even know where to start? KR said something about wanting a family Bible, b/c she was listed as Godmother to HR's newborn. That is nothing legally binding though.

Bible would be a good place for hiding keys ( to safe) or passwords etc.
She would never left her child at FR's if she had any idea what was going to happen.

Didn't she drop BR off before 10.30? IIRC she stayed a while before she left. Regarding SW, did her father pick her up on his way home from work? I agree it's late for shipping babies around, but with everyones different work schedules maybe this was just the way they did it.

If we are looking at custody, is it not more logical to look at the newborn?

She may have known for certain he wouldn't get hurt because she knew who the killers were. He may have been left there just to unlock the door for the killers. Someone closed the bedroom door to keep him from getting in there and seeing what was there. And they also made sure the front door was locked. Sounds like someone was protecting him doesn't it, making sure he was safe.

The newborn would not explain FR and HG. It is unlikely an uncle would get custody over a father.

But BR being at the heart of this would explain the why of FR, DR and CR1 with HG, HR, GR and CR2 just being collateral damage.

Still KR doesn't fit other than him maybe knowing who did it.
She may have known for certain he wouldn't get hurt because she knew who the killers were. He may have been left there just to unlock the door for the killers. Someone closed the bedroom door to keep him from getting in there and seeing what was there. And they also made sure the front door was locked. Sounds like someone was protecting him doesn't it, making sure he was safe.

The newborn would not explain FR and HG. It is unlikely an uncle would get custody over a father.

But BR being at the heart of this would explain the why of FR, DR and CR1 with HG, HR, GR and CR2 just being collateral damage.

Still KR doesn't fit other than him maybe knowing who did it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe this was about custody at all. And there is no way anyone could convince me that she would leave her child at the scene of a shooting. Too much could go wrong. Unless of course she's totally bonkers, but I didn't get that impression.
I agree it is nothing like alcohol. However, it's according to the strain, as to whether it will make you sleepy, or a bit perked up, and for how long. I don't feel he was smoking since he'd just started a new job. He'd probably had to have passed a urine screen and was probably careful, being new and all. Just a guess. That's also why I don't buy that he'd just take off of work to work on cars. That was a new job. You can't just ditch work when you are a new employee. Too many other people looking for jobs. Some folks will though.

I had the far fetched idea DS could've meant he was going with KR to his job to work at some cars there? Is that a possibility? Or DS could've been drunk and gotten Friday and Saturday mixed up? I might have to look at the interviews again.
I have thought that he was shot through the window of the camper. Jmo
Wow. If Chelsie and Frankie were having problems with how she was raising him, she WOULD NOT have taken him to his dad and visited before she left. She would have probably asked a friend to babysit. So I see no custody issues going on there.
It was stated that Chris managed Gary's money for him, and took him shopping when he wanted or needed something. It was also stated Gary had been living there for several months.
I don't see anything strange with Jake picking up S. late, because of his work schedule. And, Chelsie may have fed B and given him a bath before taking him to Frankie's. I remember being her age with a baby, getting five hours of sleep and working the next day. At that age, I had energy to spare!
Does anyone know for certain when Kenny went to work for the utility co? Either I've forgotten what was said about that, or something. I have not had the impression he hadn't worked there long.
There's been so many theories about the dogs I can't even think straight about them anymore.
We also put a chain lock on our door when my son was a toddler. We lived on a fairly busy street, and he wasn't allowed to play outside unless one of us was out with him, or the girls from next door came over and took him out with them. B may have been taught from early on he could not go outside unless his parents said it was alright. Some kids mind better than others!
And I don't believe there was a snowball's chance in Hades Chelsie would have left B there if she had any idea something bad was going to happen.
From reading about Kendra's interview, I felt like Hanna had written in her personal Bible she wanted Kendra to have K if something were to happen to her, not in the Rhoden family Bible.
Since Kenny was the last person to live in the little house, I think he most likely had taken the family Bible with him when he moved.
If he said anything about it, he probably would have told Chris, and not all of his siblings.
IIRC, somebody called Hannah's mom, but didn't tell her what had happened, and by the time she arrived, she was not allowed on the scene. Charlie stated in his interview he had not seen K at all. Just a couple of pictures, I think. We don't know if he and Hanna were making arrangements for him to visit over the weekend, when maybe he had a day off. I haven't got the feeling that Hanna or other family members were trying to keep him away from K.
Well, I've had only positive experiences with them and so have the majority of people I know. So there's that. Anyway, my experience is that most pits are not dependable as watch dogs or guard dogs. Of course you're certainly entitled to your opinion, just know it doesn't reflect most people's, including humane organizations who are experienced with temperament testing. Many people WOULD be scared of them because they look scary and because they believe misconceptions and are not really familiar with them, though.

So IMO it had to be someone familiar with pits, most likely someone who either has pits, or even more likely, someone who knows those dogs.

I've only had negative experiences with them and so have the majority of people that I know, who have owned one. I don't hate them but I've had one jump out of a truck, and attack my small dog, in my own yard, and all my little dog was doing was snoozing in the sun. One attempted to attack my spouse but our GSD ran out from the back and jumped between them. Another killed a goat nearby. The one that attacked my dog, went on to kill a 1/2 grown hog, and the farmer killed the pitt, recently two got out of their yard and went to a neighbors yard and killed their two springer spaniels. Ya'll can have them if you want, but I don't allow them on my place. People who are not experienced with dogs, should not start out with a pitt.

I do not think this has ANYTHING to do with custody. Domestic violence maybe.

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I just don't see this as being custody or the pot, idk i could be wrong. It does seem to be personal and i think all the murdered knew the killer. I do think it was one person. I just havent been able to come up with a, what was it that this whole family had to be assassinated. What would happen to cause that to have to be?
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe this was about custody at all. And there is no way anyone could convince me that she would leave her child at the scene of a shooting. Too much could go wrong. Unless of course she's totally bonkers, but I didn't get that impression.

Maybe she didn't realize things would go that far? I don't see it either but people have done some really horrible things in the name of love. Not "losing" a child to the other parent has caused people to do some pretty awful stuff.
By rule of elimination with the 4 kids and non rhoden parents, it has to be a Gilley LE is looking at. Not a wagner and not FR's ex. Hannah Gilleys baby has not been given to any relative. Kylie has not been given to any relatives. Both are most likely Gilley kids. That's really all we have, but it speaks volumes.

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Well, I've had only positive experiences with them and so have the majority of people I know. So there's that. Anyway, my experience is that most pits are not dependable as watch dogs or guard dogs. Of course you're certainly entitled to your opinion, just know it doesn't reflect most people's, including humane organizations who are experienced with temperament testing. Many people WOULD be scared of them because they look scary and because they believe misconceptions and are not really familiar with them, though.

So IMO it had to be someone familiar with pits, most likely someone who either has pits, or even more likely, someone who knows those dogs.

We do agree on one thing about the breed. I've worked with dogs my entire life. I fully agree. They are completely useless as guard or watch dogs. So, it wouldn't take much to get around them.
I just don't see this as being custody or the pot, idk i could be wrong. It does seem to be personal and i think all the murdered knew the killer. I do think it was one person. I just havent been able to come up with a, what was it that this whole family had to be assassinated. What would happen to cause that to have to be?

Well, it goes much deeper than drugs or a couple stolen cars. That makes my imagination run wild.
Leonard and Judy haven't been given custody of either grandbaby, either. I think partly because of their age. And I do agree that LE likes dangling the babies over family members heads trying to get blood out of a turnip.
The only dog situation that absolutely does not fit is KR's. I see no way possible someone entered his home while he was sleeping. Any dog would go nuts with excitement. Unless she was deaf. But you'd think there would also be vibration of opening a door or window or walking across a porch.
Leonard and Judy haven't been given custody of either grandbaby, either. I think partly because of their age. And I do agree that LE likes dangling the babies over family members heads trying to get blood out of a turnip.
I think Gilley babies could be kidnapped if they were given to a non-Gilley family member. Especially if one parent has a history of domestic violence and want the family babies.

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Iirc, JW said he had SR on the weekends, I believe he may have been a truck driver. He said he picked her up a day early and I honestly believe this was due to HR needing a helping hand with KR not staying over and her mom at work until 11:00. I also believe I read CR said her child care for the next day fell through so she dropped BR off at 8:45 pm and stayed to visit. I stay up until 11 or 12 every night and drag myself out of bed at 5:00 Monday thru Friday. 10:30 is early for night owls. I think there are a lot of coincidences in this case but they are just that. I am leaning more towards a personal vendetta towards CR1, with KR and GR riding shotgun.
Leonard and Judy haven't been given custody of either grandbaby, either. I think partly because of their age. And I do agree that LE likes dangling the babies over family members heads trying to get blood out of a turnip.

Neither LM, nor his wife, are even 65 yet. They placed a toddler w/an 85 year old great grandmother, here, not long ago! I didn't really think that was the wisest of choices, but, who am I to judge?
The only dog situation that absolutely does not fit is KR's. I see no way possible someone entered his home while he was sleeping. Any dog would go nuts with excitement. Unless she was deaf. But you'd think there would also be vibration of opening a door or window or walking across a porch.

I agree. If that dog knew them, she'd have been wiggling all over the place. We know how she responded to unknowns, because of the day that LE was there, and DS restrained her, so she was not a dog that was okay with strangers, in her space. But DS went right into the trailer when he checked on KR, and Brownie did not stop him at all. The person who killed KR, almost had to have been in that trailer, when KR went to bed. I know it's not popular but it makes me feel odd about how KR fit into this. Was he taken out to leave no witnesses? Had he seen something earlier that would have triggered a memory?
Iirc, JW said he had SR on the weekends, I believe he may have been a truck driver. He said he picked her up a day early and I honestly believe this was due to HR needing a helping hand with KR not staying over and her mom at work until 11:00. I also believe I read CR said her child care for the next day fell through so she dropped BR off at 8:45 pm and stayed to visit. I stay up until 11 or 12 every night and drag myself out of bed at 5:00 Monday thru Friday. 10:30 is early for night owls. I think there are a lot of coincidences in this case but they are just that. I am leaning more towards a personal vendetta towards CR1, with KR and GR riding shotgun.

I really don't see the surviving parents doing this either, but it is a theory to explore. They are younger than I am, and when I was their age, I was out running all night too. The main one that I am very suspicious about being a coincidence, is DS. He doesn't add up for me.
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