OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #28

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Its official name is "major crimes task force" and not just "drug task force". Drug Enforcement is certainly their main activity, but i would be curious to see an official mission statement and scope of activity.

The Starr team of the Ohio correctional service dept also participated. What do you read into this?

IMO, this is an exceptional case requiring unsual support. Different services have been involved in the search. I am not sure we can tell why each service was there for. To conclude from it the Rs and/or Ws are involved in illegal traffic is a stretch.

In particular, if they had found drugs on this site, there would have been a arrests and images of the bust, like all succesful busts. Therefore it's a baseless allegation. I wonder how the Ws feel when reading this.


The Starr team of the Ohio correctional service dept also participated. What do you read into this?
That someone in prison or county lock up told them something about what the W's have been up to and that's why the DOC was there. What do you read into it?.

In particular, if they had found drugs on this site, there would have been a arrests and images of the bust, like all succesful busts.

Would that be something like those pictures we all didn't see of that huge commercial sized grow operation the R's had?

I wonder how the Ws feel when reading this.

How do you think the R, M and G families felt when they saw their loved ones being lowered in the ground?

If the W's are involved, in any way, shape or form, in the slaughter of 8 members of a family, I personally do not give a flying flip how they feel when reading what I write about them. In my opinion someone who does something like that deserves every unkind word they get and then some.

If you have positive proof they are not involved in it in any way, put it out here and I will humbly and sincerely apologize. But until then I am going on the facts. And the facts are, their property was searched and a trailer impounded as evidence and the Highway 23 DTF was on the scene and LE made the very positive sounding statement that the search was in connection to the R murders. So like it or not, that is where LE is leading us and where I am going also.
Because there was no mortgage registered. Ergo cash. Be it by hundred dollar bills, a check written on a checking account, a cashiers check from the bank or in gold bars, its all called cash money.

If they borrowed the money from a mortgage institution then that mortgage is registered on the deed to the property. Anyone can go to the court clerk or even online and look at the deed to that property and see if it has a lien against it and the date that lien was registered. Just like when you buy a car through a finance company or bank, there is a lien on the title of your car.

The W's property registered a lien of 75K against it a year or so after it was bought but not at the time of purchase. So it was bought with cash.

There are folks who are independently wealthy. There are clean cut folks who have never even had a credit line, nor so much as a speeding ticket. They made their money with good jobs, invested wisely, and always paid cash. Some set up accounts for the children, and grand children, so they'd have a head start when they were old enough to be given the money. The two W boys could have pooled money from accounts set up by the elder Ws. I've seen it. I have two instances of it, within my own family tree. Unfortunately it's on a branch that none will ever filter towards me..., lol, but it does exist. Edit: Just playing Devil's Advocate.
Dammit! It won't let me edit that post with JW's full name.
Now wait a minute. Didn't I read somewhere that Jake Wagner picked up SR the night of the murders? At around 10:30 pm? I remember early on we were talking about who was there that night and supposed to spend the night and changed their minds at the last minute. Chel Rob, dropped off Bret R at around 10:30pm, Kedr R got a last minute babysitting job, Mer Gil changed her mind and went on home. And I remember something about Jake picking up SR. Why would he be picking her up the night of April 21st and bringing right back the next day on April 22nd? I'm confused.
Oh and DS was supposed to spend the night with KR, but didn't.
There are folks who are independently wealthy. There are clean cut folks who have never even had a credit line, nor so much as a speeding ticket. They made their money with good jobs, invested wisely, and always paid cash. Some set up accounts for the children, and grand children, so they'd have a head start when they were old enough to be given the money. The two W boys could have pooled money from accounts set up by the elder Ws. I've seen it. I have two instances of it, within my own family tree. Unfortunately it's on a branch that none will ever filter towards me..., lol, but it does exist. Edit: Just playing Devil's Advocate.

I knew a person that was self employed. He paid for everything as he bought it. He was going to use a new vendor and they turned him down for a $20,000/year in sales because he had no credit established. Since he had never borrowed money or been in debt, his credit rating was low. His accountant told him to get some credit cards and use them to get his credit rating up. So yes, you can have money and not have a good credit line.
I asked this of an LE officer who has a number of years in the criminal investigative bureau in my state (my states equivalent of the BCI) . He said that if a search warrant was served for a particular property and the search was for evidence such as shell casings, clothing, dead bodies, or evidence in a murder then auxiliary officers would be used. If it was a large property in acreage then they would also bring in retired LE and volunteer officers (officers who sometimes ride along with LE but are not paid), security officers who are trained in handling evidence and certain national guard members who are also trained in handling evidence.

He said if a specialized team was there, such as a drug task force, they were there to look for drugs or evidence of drugs/drug trafficking and nothing else. If they were SWAT teams there, they were there to arrest a suspect they believed would offer some resistance or that there would be a hostage situation and for no other reason.

I know the Franklin County Sheriff quickly retracted his statement that he sent his SWAT team out to look for suspects, but he did that after he talked to BCI and DeWine. But I don't believe that switch. I think he told the truth the first time out the gate when he said they were looking for suspects. Then BCI and DeWine called him and he publicly came out with that "I made a mistake" statement. And if you believe that second "I made a mistake" statement I got some ocean front property in Arizona I will sell you for a great price.

So far the HWY 23 DTF has not publicly came out and said why they were there. So yes, I am going to make the assumption they were there to do what they were trained for, to find evidence of drugs/drug trafficking.

As a side note, he said if it was a search for a missing person they would ask for volunteers from the public sector since all they need are people to cover a lot of territory.

Thus far, we've not seen anything come of this. It could have been a tip that they felt it was solid enough that they had to follow up on. One of the reasons that I think that there were so many folks to come in and do the the three searches, from such a wide variety of departments/places, is that you have three locations, Adams, Pike, & Scioto counties, that are butted next to each other, in the mountains, and foothills, of Appalachia, and all of the counties are at poverty levels of over 20% in each county. There just isn't the manpower to do those types of searches, within any of these counties, in a timely manner, w/o assistance. So, I think they brought in manpower from other counties, and other divisions, like the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections STAR team, which is trained to do a lot of different things including helping with searches. The Flying W is a huge piece of property, and they had a lot of area to cover there, and at the Peterson Rd. property too, in addition to searching the trailers. They may have just needed manpower.
Now wait a minute. Didn't I read somewhere that Jake Wagner picked up SR the night of the murders? At around 10:30 pm? I remember early on we were talking about who was there that night and supposed to spend the night and changed their minds at the last minute. Chel Rob, dropped off Bret R at around 10:30pm, Kedr R got a last minute babysitting job, Mer Gil changed her mind and went on home. And I remember something about Jake picking up SR. Why would he be picking her up the night of April 21st and bringing right back the next day on April 22nd? I'm confused.
Oh and DS was supposed to spend the night with KR, but didn't.

I've been scouring the internet for verification of that b/c I remembered it too. However, I'm still looking, I did get to thinking about the way that the media screwed up information in a rush to get things out, in all of this, though. It is kind of odd that little R's mom left at 10:30 and S was picked up and they left at 10:30. I wonder if the news outlet we got that from, made an error, and has since edited. I specifically remember both of those times.
I knew a person that was self employed. He paid for everything as he bought it. He was going to use a new vendor and they turned him down for a $20,000/year in sales because he had no credit established. Since he had never borrowed money or been in debt, his credit rating was low. His accountant told him to get some credit cards and use them to get his credit rating up. So yes, you can have money and not have a good credit line.

This same thing happened to one of the family members I spoke of when at some sort of sale w/a friend. They'd never had a cc. There was a big sale and you got an extra amount off if you got a store cc and the friend talked them into signing up. The friend, who, honestly, I was surprised, got approved in a matter of minutes, but the family member was turned down for the same reason your friend was, zero credit history. I was floored! They were told to do the same thing, the fella you knew was told to do, just in case they ever needed to get some type of loan.
I've been scouring the internet for verification of that b/c I remembered it too. However, I'm still looking, I did get to thinking about the way that the media screwed up information in a rush to get things out, in all of this, though. It is kind of odd that little R's mom left at 10:30 and S was picked up and they left at 10:30. I wonder if the news outlet we got that from, made an error, and has since edited. I specifically remember both of those times.

It was in an interview by Jake Wagner and talking about his daughter and how he was going to tell her about her mother when she was older. Could have been Chris Graves? And , IMO some media has gotten some things wrong, but then again some things dissappear and/or are retracted.
LIke what team were searching properties and for what, and someone maybe shot through a wall/door.

The Starr team of the Ohio correctional service dept also participated. What do you read into this?
That someone in prison or county lock up told them something about what the W's have been up to and that's why the DOC was there. What do you read into it?.

In particular, if they had found drugs on this site, there would have been a arrests and images of the bust, like all succesful busts.

Would that be something like those pictures we all didn't see of that huge commercial sized grow operation the R's had?

I wonder how the Ws feel when reading this.

How do you think the R, M and G families felt when they saw their loved ones being lowered in the ground?

If the W's are involved, in any way, shape or form, in the slaughter of 8 members of a family, I personally do not give a flying flip how they feel when reading what I write about them. In my opinion someone who does something like that deserves every unkind word they get and then some.

If you have positive proof they are not involved in it in any way, put it out here and I will humbly and sincerely apologize. But until then I am going on the facts. And the facts are, their property was searched and a trailer impounded as evidence and the Highway 23 DTF was on the scene and LE made the very positive sounding statement that the search was in connection to the R murders. So like it or not, that is where LE is leading us and where I am going also.

People are innocent until proven guilty, not the other way and we are not judge or jury.
It was in an interview by Jake Wagner and talking about his daughter and how he was going to tell her about her mother when she was older. Could have been Chris Graves? And , IMO some media has gotten some things wrong, but then again some things dissappear and/or are retracted.
LIke what team were searching properties and for what, and someone maybe shot through a wall/door.


Hanna Rhoden and Wagner shared custody of Sophia, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But Wagner picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours."

Updated july 29th 2016. Indeed the story changed in the article published yesterday.
Chris Graves is a serious journalist, i dont think she invented his quote. If he told one story in 2016 and a different story today, maybe it's why LE is ok to search his property full force on a tip.
It was in an interview by Jake Wagner and talking about his daughter and how he was going to tell her about her mother when she was older. Could have been Chris Graves? And , IMO some media has gotten some things wrong, but then again some things dissappear and/or are retracted.
LIke what team were searching properties and for what, and someone maybe shot through a wall/door.

I have heard three different versions. This was the very first version that I heard. The last two, I've heard just recently.

[FONT=&amp]HMR, 19, had packed up her older daughter, S*****, and sent her off with her dad for the weekend about 10:30 p.m. that night. She presumably snuggled in with her newborn she’d been faithfully nursing that week. Her brother, CR2 Jr., 16, was also likely home when their mom arrived home after pulling a double shift at the nursing home, because he had school the next day.[/FONT]

The Peterson Rd. deed has been updated into the system.
Now wait a minute. Didn't I read somewhere that Jake Wagner picked up SR the night of the murders? At around 10:30 pm? I remember early on we were talking about who was there that night and supposed to spend the night and changed their minds at the last minute. Chel Rob, dropped off Bret R at around 10:30pm, Kedr R got a last minute babysitting job, Mer Gil changed her mind and went on home. And I remember something about Jake picking up SR. Why would he be picking her up the night of April 21st and bringing right back the next day on April 22nd? I'm confused.
Oh and DS was supposed to spend the night with KR, but didn't.


Now wait a minute. Didn't I read somewhere that Jake Wagner picked up SR the night of the murders? At around 10:30 pm?

What?????????? You mean you didn't believe every single word the W's said in that article? And that's after it took them a month to think it up? Shame on you.

However the week before the killings, Rhoden dropped Sophia off on Friday, April 15, Wagner said. He was to return the towheaded toddler to her mom the following Friday, which was April 22 – the day the bodies were discovered.

And they were so kind to answer every question the posters here on Websleuths have brought up since that search, even going so far as to confirm that they didn't haphazardly pack those trailers, LE did that.

The Wagners said officials left their property, which had been methodically packed and covered by tarps, exposed to the elements while they took a family vacation to Alaska.

And they were even kind enough to confirm my theory that GW 1 and CR1 and JM all knew each other very well for quite some time.

Angela Wagner called her husband, George "Billy" Wagner and Christopher Rhoden, Sr., "best friends."

"He would have been there for Chris through thick and thin," she wrote. "They were that close."

And them being so devastated by those searches? My goodness having your property searched because LE thinks you are involved in a crime is almost as bad as burying 8 family members at once.

"What has happened to us in the last few weeks has been devastating and will follow us for the rest of our lives,'' Angela Wagner wrote in an email.

And none of us should even think about believing poor LM who buried his daughter and three grandchildren or any other family members or neighbors over the W's. That would be just too cruel for the W's.

Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings. Both Wagners denied that.

And as for those incompetent, bungling BCI officers? OMG they must be taking some of the really good stuff being transported down highway 23 to even think about raiding those poor innocent W's property.

The family whose properties were searched last month in Pike and Adams counties said they have no idea why they were targeted, nor were they told what authorities may have been looking for.

Come to think of it, there have been times AG DeWine looked like he may have been smoking some of the really good stuff.
Chris Graves is a serious journalist, i dont think she invented his quote. If he told one story in 2016 and a different story today, maybe it's why LE is ok to search his property full force on a tip.

Don't mind me. I am just kicked back on the porch of my beach front home out here in Arizona watching the waves crash on the sea shore. I wonder if AG DeWine would like to join me and bring some of that good stuff him and the BCI boys have been smoking?

Now wait a minute. Didn't I read somewhere that Jake Wagner picked up SR the night of the murders? At around 10:30 pm?

What?????????? You mean you didn't believe every single word the W's said in that article? And that's after it took them a month to think it up? Shame on you.

However the week before the killings, Rhoden dropped Sophia off on Friday, April 15, Wagner said. He was to return the towheaded toddler to her mom the following Friday, which was April 22 – the day the bodies were discovered.

And they were so kind to answer every question the posters here on Websleuths have brought up since that search, even going so far as to confirm that they didn't haphazardly pack those trailers, LE did that.

The Wagners said officials left their property, which had been methodically packed and covered by tarps, exposed to the elements while they took a family vacation to Alaska.

And they were even kind enough to confirm my theory that GW 1 and CR1 and JM all knew each other very well for quite some time.

Angela Wagner called her husband, George "Billy" Wagner and Christopher Rhoden, Sr., "best friends."

"He would have been there for Chris through thick and thin," she wrote. "They were that close."

And them being so devastated by those searches? My goodness having your property searched because LE thinks you are involved in a crime is almost as bad as burying 8 family members at once.

"What has happened to us in the last few weeks has been devastating and will follow us for the rest of our lives,'' Angela Wagner wrote in an email.

And none of us should even think about believing poor LM who buried his daughter and three grandchildren or any other family members or neighbors over the W's. That would be just too cruel for the W's.

Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings. Both Wagners denied that.

And as for those incompetent, bungling BCI officers? OMG they must be taking some of the really good stuff being transported down highway 23 to even think about raiding those poor innocent W's property.

The family whose properties were searched last month in Pike and Adams counties said they have no idea why they were targeted, nor were they told what authorities may have been looking for.

Come to think of it, there have been times AG DeWine looked like he may have been smoking some of the really good stuff.

Good summary of the glaring inconsistencies in Chris G's article (she delivers, once again!).

Ms Wagner overreaches quite a bit on some of those statements, especially when she says Hanna took SR to the Wagner place on Friday. That's not what has been reported by others and it seems unlikely HR would make such an effort when she's at home nursing a 4 day old baby. Would love to know how her conversation went with JW that day when he picked her up.

I wonder if the W family is getting legal advice? Seems unlikely as these public statements could come back to haunt them in the future. Either that or they feel confident they will not be arrested or prosecuted.
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