OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #28

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This case is so interesting, I often think it's going to make a good movie.

It seems Pastors have a lot of information. This Alaska pastor saw them last Sunday. I guess all 6 of them. He is from south ohio too. Another pastor knew the victims, the family and spoke a lot in the media.

A third pastor sold the Peterson Road house. He must have spoken with the Ws. He dealt with them and should contact BCI. But he is gone in Florida.

I guess the nature of their work places them at the centre of communities.

I agree. IIRC early on someone stated who would be cast if a movie is made. I believe it deserves at the minimum a 2 hour 48 hours.
Yes, it's a very unusual case. JMO, BCI likely had enough evidence in the first few days to arrest someone from the W family. Since it seems likely these murders are also linked to the drug trade/organized crime in the area, LE also probably knew who was behind the murders and how they were linked to the W and Rhoden families.

LE has been following organized/drug crime in the area for at least a decade now. They know the community pretty well. Maybe they decided to let the case go cold while they tried to go after criminals higher in the chain of command. But that doesn't explain why they would do so when it meant leaving an innocent young child of one of the victims in the care of a possible murderer/accomplice for over a year.


BBM. Just wondering if this decade long organized crime has ties to Alaska since it stated in the article that the W's had been coming to Alaska for the past 11 years. I just have to wonder if the W's didn't bring care packages with them to Alaska - even if only for 3 visits. I did not realize what strong ties there were to Alaska.
Why does JW have those imperfections, for want of a better word, on his face? Has he been involved in an accident, or been assaulted or is he a meth head?

I find it odd that all of them are on that blue background, like a mugshot type deal. They may very well have been brought in for questioning, or some other reason, at Adams County, and it was kept quiet.
I find it odd that all of them are on that blue background, like a mugshot type deal. They may very well have been brought in for questioning, or some other reason, at Adams County, and it was kept quiet.

Drivers license uses the same background for everyone, so could be drivers license photos.
If he were involved in the latter, one would think LE found evidence of such when they searched the family farm on Peterson Rd a few weeks ago. Pike County LE are familiar with me th labs as there are frequent arrests in the area.

If he's a user, then the family would have cleaned all of that up before leaving. I'd say the Ws would never want that and I doubt they'd tolerate him cooking there at the home. Could possibly be another reason for the move, to get him away from familiar ways of obtaining product. If someone wants it bad enough they'll find it in AK, or good substitute. I'm only speculating, but if that's a recent photo of JW, he does not look healthy.
Wasn't it said somewhere that AM had texted DR very late that night also? I really hope that none of the M's are involved in any way but that's awful coincidental to be sending texts to murder victims right before they're killed.

I can't imagine how LM could go on if it's revealed his son helped kill his daughter and her whole family. That mans been through more than enough already.

I don't want to believe that JM is involved either, but as RSD1200 has pointed out repeatedly on here, how did JM know his niece was "like that" before he even went into the house? BJM said she didn't know why JM was at DR's house that morning, so that means she didn't call and tell him that CR1, Gr. FR and HG was "like that", so how did he know?
So. How many of you good people on here still think the W's are innocent?

As I said, they are in it up to their necks. So is JM. Guess that grand jury gamble paid off with some information.

I would bet my last glass of tea that criminal activity that Reader kept hammering on was drug trafficking.

I never said they were innocent, but even now, they're not being called suspects, and legally, they are innocent, until they are proven guilty, in a court of law. What if they are involved but it's only one of them? or two of them? and there's others that are involved outside of the W family who helped? We still have very little information and they've not hauled them back to Ohio just yet. ~ Devil's Advocate
If he's a user, then the family would have cleaned all of that up before leaving. I'd say the Ws would never want that and I doubt they'd tolerate him cooking there at the home. Could possibly be another reason for the move, to get him away from familiar ways of obtaining product. If someone wants it bad enough they'll find it in AK, or good substitute. I'm only speculating, but if that's a recent photo of JW, he does not look healthy.


Maybe he is not sleeping too good because his conscience is bothering him, on the other hand AW looks very happy. No lost sleep there.
Specifically, information could include, but is not limited to, information regarding vehicles, firearms, and ammunition.

I think that LE is putting their photos out there because they think they may have bought or sold the murder weapon to an individual. Maybe at a gun show where no back ground checks are made. Or a flea market. If an individual bought or sold a gun from one of them they likely didn't know who they were (they could have used fake names, but most buyers or sellers at gun shows and flea markets don't even ask) and didn't know it could be a murder weapon. Hence the photos out there asking anyone if they bought or sold a firearm or ammo to any of these people.

DeWine has said all along this was well planned so I can see them hitting a gun show or flea market a few weeks before the murders to pick up some off the record weapons and ammo.

Anyone know when the last gun show prior to the murders was in Ohio, KY or WV?

June and July in Lexington and Somerset, respectively, for Ky.
Here's the link. All were after the murders, for the state of Ohio. But, for Pete's sake down here I can buy a gun off of face book yard sales w/o any problem at all. I could go up town and trade a working smartphone for one if wanted. (I personally do not buy firearms from people on FB, or at yard sales, or off of the street, just to clarify. Gun shop only)
I don't want to believe that JM is involved either, but as RSD1200 has pointed out repeatedly on here, how did JM know his niece was "like that" before he even went into the house? BJM said she didn't know why JM was at DR's house that morning, so that means she didn't call and tell him that CR1, Gr. FR and HG was "like that", so how did he know?

JM's son is an EMT or something like that.

This is speculation:
I'm small counties like this, they probably all carry radios and he would've heard the call regarding BJM's 911 call.

Also, BJM had called her dad. I feel like LM would've told JM to go check of your sister.

All but babies and toddlers dead at 2 crime scene and he sees his sister dead.
It's not a stretch to see why he'd think Hanna was also deceased. Jmo

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I never said they were innocent, but even now, they're not being called suspects, and legally, they are innocent, until they are proven guilty, in a court of law. What if they are involved but it's only one of them? or two of them? and there's others that are involved outside of the W family who helped? We still have very little information and they've not hauled them back to Ohio just yet. ~ Devil's Advocate

Specifically, information could include, but is not limited to, information regarding vehicles, firearms, and ammunition.

I have always thought the W's didn't personally kill the R's, but passed along a threat that CR1 made to take them all down in whatever criminal activity they were all in. In other words I believed the W's didn't kill the R's but rather got them killed.

Now I am not so sure because I think LE is looking for someone who might have sold them the murder weapons or bought the vehicle used the night of the murders from them. And by vehicle I don't mean an auto necessarily but maybe an ATV or demolition derby car that did not have a registered title in the W's name. Something along those lines.

At any rate whether they killed them or got them killed, they are not innocent, they are in it up to their necks. And legally I am not a court of law, I just am calling it how I see it. It is JMO.
OK, here's my 1&1/2 cents worth. IMO LE/powers that be, let these news stories out. Nothing in 2 months and no show of force for us this time. For all we know W's could already be in some kind of custody. I just don't see Reader letting someone he suspects of murdering anyone loose with those 2 children who may/may not be in danger. He curtainly protested loud enough about the other children.
I don't believe for one minute the W's are in or around AK. I don't believe their friends the preacher and his wife seen them there on Sunday. "If" the W's were responsible for the murders of 8, and have gotten away with ithis long. They are not stupid enough to tell and lead everyone to where they are. Could LE/powers that be, be trying to "scare" either other's involved or know of things that happened into talking? Knowing that they are hot-on-the-trail of the W's?

I'm skeptical that they were seen in that church last Sunday too. If they were, why didn't the actual pastor of that church make the statement? Why did his father, who claims to have studied Criminal Law, do all of the talking, who did not personally see the family? How many of the family? All? 2? 4? Names? JW sent an email with his mother to that paper too, but no one spoke to him directly.
June and July in Lexington and Somerset, respectively, for Ky.
Here's the link. All were after the murders, for the state of Ohio. But, for Pete's sake down here I can buy a gun off of face book yard sales w/o any problem at all. I could go up town and trade a working smartphone for one if wanted. (I personally do not buy firearms from people on FB, or at yard sales, or off of the street, just to clarify. Gun shop only)

I think that is why LE put their faces out there. So if anyone sold them a firearm or ammo could see them and maybe come forward. If someone sold them a firearm that they had hunted or target practiced with then LE struck gold. I think that LE has given up on finding the weapon its self, because that is probably at the bottom of the river. I think that is what LE was searching for on the W's property, not the weapon, but spent casings.
Several media outlets have done just that. They are reporting that the Ws are wanted for questioning when LE has not said that.

And the large majority of the fault lies squarely at the feet of the AOG spokesperson. How unprofessional. He could have stated something such as, jut, I can make no further comment at this time. He gave them free reign to make up anything they wanted.
If they're on the run (and not "vacationing" as AW tried to bs people into believing) they're using burner phones. That and they could use any number of free Wi-Fi places to access the internet so I think the phone angle isn't of much use.

If they are guilty, they're either not tech savvy, or sending folks on a wild goose chase to AK, and they have passports so they can be anywhere really. They have friends with a plane, she was in the Air Force, she may even know how to fly. However, you're correct, good chance they used multiple burners. She posted she'd be up there the first week of June. That Cinereski, pastor at Resurrection Bay Baptist Church, said that they "the family brought trailers". Where from? All of their things were stored down here in the trailers unless they hauled them out, and on up to AK. One can't think that they're "on the run" and be in plain view in a church in a AK.
Yeah I think they're looking for the "smoking gun". They're convinced the W's are guilty but don't have enough for a slam dunk conviction. The problem is that I can't imagine people that planned this crime so meticulously keeping any gun used in the crime for more than an hour after the murders were committed, let alone selling the guns to someone else.

Those things are long gone by now

I agree the gun or guns are long gone. Perhaps LE knows for certain the kind of gun and ammo that was used and are looking to talk to the person or persons who sold them to the W's?
But if the W's bought a gun from an individual that was used in the murders, and that individual comes forward, then they might get spent casing from that gun or even ammo.

For example, if individual A sold a gun to one of the W's, then maybe individual A did some target practicing with that gun, or maybe individual A left in the gun some ammo from a box of ammo he still has.

If they get some spent casings from a gun or even ammo from the same box as casings recovered from the scene, then they don't need the gun. They just need individual A to place it in the W's hands by testifying he/she sold it to one of the W's.


They may have found some of those at the searches at the farm, and want a firearm to connect them to any brass overlooked at the murder sites, and left in the bodies that might be usable, to match up as well.

Maybe he is not sleeping too good because his conscience is bothering him, on the other hand AW looks very happy. No lost sleep there.

She looks like the happier than a horse in high clover, JW looks like he's just received bad news at the doctor, and the other two just look plumb unhappy to be at the DVR (can't say that I blame them).
She looks like the happier than a horse in high clover, JW looks like he's just received bad news at the doctor, and the other two just look plumb unhappy to be at the DVR (can't say that I blame them).

lol! Hope she doesn't founder on that clover! Reckon those pictures could be from new driver licenses, but only if they had a new permanent address in Alaska.
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