OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #28

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LOL@ comments section. I love Alaskans.

There is not that many people in Alaska, around 700,000 all together and about 300,000 of those in Anchorage, but I see they are fast spreading the word.

As I mentioned on here before, Alaska and Canada is not a good place to hide. Not too many people there and those that are ask a lot of questions of people from the lower 48 when they visit.

I just checked the comments again! Very odd! On one hand I feel like maybe it is because they don't want the family to think they are actively being sought, but on the other hand everything in the verbal reports is saying they want to question them. They want a direct call to Ohio.

Authorities have asked anyone with information to call the Pike County, Ohio, Sheriff’s Office at (740) 947-2111.

Hopefully LE has obtained the vendor list for the lucasville trade days (if there even is one) from the past several years and contacted everyone who signed up and sold firearms there. But, everything is so sketchy and under the table at this that its hard to say if you would even have to be signed up to sell a firearm there. Several years ago the festival was almost closed down because so many roosters were bought and sold there for *advertiser censored* fighting.

Interesting that the dates for the trade days fall on the dates of the murder. I realize that it is 2017 dates, but probably held close to the same dates every year (2016). That's pretty convenient IMO for weapon swapping.
I don't think they are guilty either. I think they know who is guilty though. I think that LE knows they know who is guilty too,and they are trying to shake the coon out of the tree and see what happens. The W's probably went to Alaska because there is someone out there that they worry more about than LE. The move to Alaska makes sense, because there you'd be able to see someone coming for you a lot easier than you would be able to in crowded Southern Ohio.
If this is true, the move was not a spur of the moment thing but a decade long thing...

Cinereski said he believes the Wagners are moving to the area — located a winding three-hour trip southwest of Anchorage — something they have been planning to do much of the decade-plus he has known them since he headed a church in Minford, Ohio. Over the past 11 years, the Wagners have come up three times to visit and fish.

“When our boys were little, our boys were friends,” said Cinereski, who officiated George Jr.’s wedding. “They’re just good country people.”

Cinereski said none of the Wagners talked to him about the murders or investigation, but he understands it was hard on Jake Wagner.

“I think their son went through a lot of hurt over the whole deal,” he said. “I think they’re trying to move on.”

This is one of the reasons I think the Ws are responsible for the murders. I don't see AW moving that far from her granddaughter.
I don't think they are guilty either. I think they know who is guilty though. I think that LE knows they know who is guilty too,and they are trying to shake the coon out of the tree and see what happens. The W's probably went to Alaska because there is someone out there that they worry more about than LE. The move to Alaska makes sense, because there you'd be able to see someone coming for you a lot easier than you would be able to in crowded Southern Ohio.

LOL. You have never been to Alaska have you? The W's would stick out like sore thumbs and after this just about anyone in AK would point them out to anyone who asked.

Besides, if they were so worried why did they wait a year to move? If the W's were in danger, the killers had clear shots at them for a year. But yet the W's lolled around on FB. gave interviews to reporters, had yard sales, barn sales. Awful public for someone in fear for their lives. Someone could have just walked up to the barn sale and opened up on them all. Then to beat it all they told everyone and their brother where they were moving. That doesn't sound like someone in fear for their lives.

No, they blew town as soon as JM told them there was a tracking device on his truck. That GPS had been on there for a week before JM found it and who knows where he had been in that week. As soon as he told them the W's knew the jig was up so they hit the wind.

I do not buy that they are scared and moved to AK to hide from the killers.

I do buy that they are scared LE is right on their tails.

But hiding from LE there in Kenai is like moving into the Ohio state prison. Everybody there is going to point you out.

You may not think they are guilty, but I think they are guilty of something, they are involved in these murders, I have thought that from the day LE searched their properties.

LE does not plaster photos all over every news station from here to Alaska and ask for information on them if they are not involved in the murders.

If the W's are innocent and LE is just plastering photos with a call for help from the public of everyone connected to these murders, then why isn't the living R's photos out there? Or the G's? Or the M's? LE didn't even plaster JM's out there and they didn't ask for help from the public getting info about him either.

It is naive to think the W's are not deeply involved, whether they are the killers or just rode along to help the killers get into the homes. Either way they are guilty.
The last part of the Preacher Man's statement, "I think they're trying to move on." Rubs me the wrong way. With all due respect, I think the victims of the massacre would very much like to move on ALIVE too instead of shot in the head and dead. I have a hard time seeing the survivors being able to move forward as they get older if they do not have great counseling about this life altering event!
This is one of the reasons I think the Ws are responsible for the murders. I don't see AW moving that far from her granddaughter.

I think the issue with Clarence R played a big role in AW not wanting to move to AK and leave little SW with the R's. I am in no way implying this is even remotely true, I just think with gossip in a small town the way it is, it was a factor. JW first tried to get HR to come back to him, then he and his father tried to get her to sign away parental rights. She refused. So they found another way.
You bet:

"We got bears up here. I told them they better have a gun loaded and handy and to keep an eye on those little ones,'' Conklin said from his home Tuesday morning. "The bears up here will snatch them kids*right up."
In Southern Ohio, If you're looking to buy an untraceable gun the easiest place to get it would be at the Lucasville Trade Days. You can pretty much get any gun, farm utensil, livestock or exotic animal that your heart desires at this. I'm sure they wouldn't have been dumb enough to sell the murder weapon there, but it would be the likely place for them to buy one.


Just my opinion.

We have some similar here. There's an especially large one in the fall. If this had been planned that many months ahead, someone could just trot right across the state line, for a couple hours drive, and find most anything if it is like it used to be. They do require a vendor application but folks used to trade right on the streets (at least they did back in the day, things may have changed, but it's always been known as being pretty loose).
K***** Rhoden, whose father, aunt, uncle, and cousins were killed, said she feels as if investigators are making progress in the case.

"I do believe they are getting closer," she said. "I believe every day they get closer."

The W's new neighbor talks about meeting them this past Friday. They got stopped at the Canadian border and had to unload the two trailers, but didn't have any trouble. That seems like a reasonable search at a border.

ETA: None of them have jobs yet.

"I talked with the Wagner family today and they have assured me that this is just an accusation. So we will just leave it at that.

What did he expect them to say? "yeah hey we did it."? I bet that neighbor is nervous right now and not just about the bear population in the area.

On another note, Kendra R looks very happy with the latest developments.

Kendra Rhoden, whose father, aunt, uncle, and cousins were killed, said she feels as if investigators are making progress in the case.
"I do believe they are getting closer," she said. "I believe every day they get closer."

"I talked with the Wagner family today and they have assured me that this is just an accusation. So we will just leave it at that.

What did he expect them to say? "yeah hey we did it."? I bet that neighbor is nervous right now and not just about the bear population in the area.

On another note, Kendra R looks very happy with the latest developments.

Kendra Rhoden, whose father, aunt, uncle, and cousins were killed, said she feels as if investigators are making progress in the case.
"I do believe they are getting closer," she said. "I believe every day they get closer."

I did giggle to myself a little when the neighbor says they didn't mention the murders. "So hey, we are the new neighbors, nice to meet you. By the way, my little girl's mom and 7 of her relatives were brutally murdered a year and a half ago. There are rumors about a custody dispute between me and her, and that my family might be involved. That's why we moved to Alaska with no jobs, had to get away from all that. Bears you say? Darn it, we sold all our guns to random people from Craig's List for cash, do you have one we can borrow? For the bears, ya know."
I did giggle to myself a little when the neighbor says they didn't mention the murders. "So hey, we are the new neighbors, nice to meet you. By the way, my little girl's mom and 7 of her relatives were brutally murdered a year and a half ago. There are rumors about a custody dispute between me and her, and that my family might be involved. That's why we moved to Alaska with no jobs, had to get away from all that. Bears you say? Darn it, we sold all our guns to random people from Craig's List for cash, do you have one we can borrow? For the bears, ya know."

I bet that neighbor is locked and loaded with guns hanging out the windows and binoculars in hand. Even the bears are probably contemplating a move to Ohio or at least Anchorage. It didn't take him long to dial up Ohio and the Alaska state troopers (the neighbor, not the bears). I am thinking that PCSO is overloaded with tips from AK right now.
"I talked with the Wagner family today and they have assured me that this is just an accusation. So we will just leave it at that.

What did he expect them to say? "yeah hey we did it."? I bet that neighbor is nervous right now and not just about the bear population in the area.

On another note, Kendra R looks very happy with the latest developments.

Kendra Rhoden, whose father, aunt, uncle, and cousins were killed, said she feels as if investigators are making progress in the case.
"I do believe they are getting closer," she said. "I believe every day they get closer."

I don't know what to make of KR2'S reaction. I could be wrong, she seemed close to JW. So logically this development should be a shocker for her. I don't think she would have stayed friend that long if she suspected something. That's jmo.

But what else is she going to say? She can only hope for a conclusion to this case. But sometimes I wonder about the meanings of her statements. Idk. I've been wrong before.
So. How many of you good people on here still think the W's are innocent?

As I said, they are in it up to their necks. So is JM. Guess that grand jury gamble paid off with some information.

I would bet my last glass of tea that criminal activity that Reader kept hammering on was drug trafficking.

I will wait for an arrest...as of now there hasn't been any and last time I checked we still have innocent until proven guilty in a court of law...and I don't believe opinions on here count
No doubt the W's are involved someway, but there's been other farms searched in this investigation before the Ws. I feel like there's way more to it than just the custody issue.


So do I. I think the W's and the R's and JM were in a drug trafficking ring together. But I also think it all came tumbling down when the W's tried to get HR to sign away her parental rights to SW. The custody issue was the trigger, but the background issue was the drug trafficking.
I will wait for an arrest...as of now there hasn't been any and last time I checked we still have innocent until proven guilty in a court of law...and I don't believe opinions on here count

I agree. I feel uneasy with shortcuts on facts and quick judgement.
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