Found Deceased OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #4 *Arrest*

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Please people here keep up her vigil by posting all night-even if you just 'bump'

Only "bumps" and prayers for me today. 24 hours of silence, bumps, respect to the family, and prayers for the family, friends, and LE ...... All IMO.

RIP sweet innocent.
Their motives aside, the information was important. I do believe the general public is much BETTER served knowing the truth, instead of the spin the MSM puts on things. And we all know, they ALL do it.

As brutal as it is, I'd much rather read a PC statement than a media release. This way, I can deal with facts, instead of opinions. Opinions are based on feeling, where facts are based on evidence. For me, that matters.

fwiw - moo - etc.

I should have been more clear. I don't think they should have been released yesterday, they could have waited until next week. And I totally agree about wanting to read it myself instead of the media's version.
4pm today, in England, I will be lighting a candle and sending special thoughts to Sierah, her family, Josh , his family and all her friends.

RIP Sierah, fly high today and always

I posted less than an hour ago that one of the links keeps's changed again since last post ......

By Lauren Lindstrom | BLADE STAFF WRITER
Published on July 28, 2016 | Updated 10:39 p. m.

A couple of additions/changes, there may be more for those that are cutting/pasting can add to this to see changes...

"Local, state, and federal officials searched Worley’s property on County Road 6 for days after his arrest July 22...

According to the warrants, cell phone location information showed he was at the scene of the abduction for nearly two hours during the time she was missing. (Not new info, yet a question... that is not stated in warrants we have seen? We have only seen her phone was at scene for first night into the day with pinging, is that correct?)

Cheek and hand swabs were taken from Worley.

Delta attorney Amber VanGunten said the inventory of evidence collected at Worley’s property makes her even more suspicious about a possible connection between Worley and the unsolved murder of Lori Ann Hill of Swanton.

The 14-year-old disappeared the night of Oct. 25, 1985 after leaving a Halloween party in Swanton. She was last seen walking along South Berkey-Southern Road toward home, but never arrived. Her naked body was found four days later in a wooded area north of Wauseon.

Ms. VanGunten, who represented a man indicted for, but not convicted of, Miss Hill’s murder, has asked Mr. Haselman to have DNA collected from Miss Hill compared to Worley’s. She said that because Worley was last in prison from 2000 to 2002 on drug and weapon charges, his DNA profile likely was not on file until now.

In 2005, Ohio began requiring that all residents convicted of felonies and some serious misdemeanors submit a DNA sample. In 2011, a more stringent law went into effect requiring that all adults arrested on felony charges submit a DNA sample upon their arrest."

Bolded and underlined by me.

Maybe he wasn't there for 2 hours preceding or during the commission of the abduction/crime. She was missing for a few days, so maybe that means he went BACK there for a total of two hours during that stage the scene? Maybe he was never riding his motorcycle at all, but for some reason wanted to make it seem like he was. Hard to know just what he was thinking.
I send my heartfelt sympathy to Ce's family, friends, jashrema, and liacat on this sad, sad day. I'm sending up prayers for comfort and peace for their broken hearts. As well as for members of LE and this community. The love, support, and caring here is extraordinary. As is the pain and sadness here for the loss of the innocents. The things considered and discussed here are soul withering. But everyone seems to stay strong and determined through mutual support and love. Prayers go up for all of you. Stay strong. You make a difference!

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Since there has been so much speculation and criticism of the mention of a comment by the accused to a counselor, this stood out to me in yesterday's Blade article:

Worley, 57, the warrant states, told a therapist he was mandated to see by a Lucas County Common Pleas Court judge after his previous abduction conviction that he “learned from each abduction he had done and the next one he was going to bury.”

This comment WAS reported it seems - likely many years ago - that's why we know about it now.
Since there has been so much speculation and criticism of the mention of a comment by the accused to a counselor, this stood out to me in yesterday's Blade article:


This comment WAS reported it seems - likely many years ago - that's why we know about it now.

This has stuck in my mind like a thorn. He is admitting here that the abduction he was arrested and convicted of in '90 wasn't his first. When did he start? Most SK's from my understanding start in their late teens. He was 31 then. Had he already been active at that point for more than ten years? The potential number of victims is mind boggling.

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Thank you for posting this, Foxfire.

Sad & scary times.....

This sort of thing has probably been going on since the beginning of time - we just didn't know about it. There is nothing new under the sun.

Beautifully said Spellbound.

My husband is asking why I do this to myself this evening (follow and get invested in cases) and I am going to show him your post. You said it better than I could.

My hubs totally allows my obsession and gives great tenderness when "my girl/victim" is found to no longer be part of our earthly world. For that, I am deeply grateful. I hope yours is able to show the same compassion, as sometimes it is the only personal "live" hug we will get for a case. I think what we share is empathy .... putting ourselves in their shoes hits with deepness inside us.

I am here. I have not read or caught up on all the threads since I left this afternoon. I have this to say about the Toledo Blade...


They decided to release this at the time her funeral started? I have no words for that. Completely irresponsible and morally, it was just wrong. NOBODY knew and yet there are 1000 people in line who DID know. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine how they found out? There was no other reason besides "getting the scoop" that that couldn't have waited till at least after today. Tomorrow morning is her service and can you imagine being there now?? The Toledo Blade could have waited OR AT LEAST NOTIFIED the family that this was coming out. I am disgusted by them. When I was leaving the funeral home a freaking shiny new COACH BUS pulled up and into the parking lot and all these people got out. WTH is that??
Everyone knew that stood in line to pass by her closed casket with my nephew standing at the head of the casket. Not moving. He didn't leave her. He was protecting her. Everyone knew EXCEPT THEM. Inexcusable.

My heart is broken for you and yours. This was so unnecessary at this time. No appropriate words will make it better, and for that I am truly sorry. :grouphug:

As a longtime member of the media and a high school journalism teacher, I want to apologize to Sierah's family and friends for what they've had to endure today. I'm not sure how things played out. But here are my concerns. First, the family should have been notified by police about details contained in the documents before the documents were released to the newspaper. But it appears that did not happen. I can only speculate as to why: perhaps it was bad timing. If the judge ordered the documents to be unsealed, there wouldn't have been anything the police could have done to delay their release. With the family attending the service, it was up to the media to make its choice.

And that's where the media dropped the ball. The media SHOULD NOT HAVE RELEASED THE DETAILS OF THE REPORTS until AFTER the family had completed its attendance of Sierah's services. Now, the Blade is going to take the fall since it was the first one to publish the details. But the truth is that one of the news outlets would have published it even if the Blade hadn't. So the Blade was faced with a dilemma. It could be the bad guy by releasing the info first or be the publication that didn't have the scoop. Too often, news editors and publishers make the wrong choice. The paper should have held the story. Professional ethics were not observed. And sometimes doing things for humanity and reasons of compassion and love are more important than business and scooping the other guys. This is not a typical situation and warranted more care and more consideration. Print newspapers are supposed to hold themselves to a high standard. The Toledo Blade newspaper failed and will lose respect and trust. They ought to remember that trust isn't just about whether the public believes a story is true; it's also about whether the public believes in the newspaper's mission. In this case, nobody will defend what they did. They owe the family an apology. And I'm afraid that will be of little use at this point.

THIS! Every media outlet need to read and FEEL these words. Thank you, Clueness.
I should have been more clear. I don't think they should have been released yesterday, they could have waited until next week. And I totally agree about wanting to read it myself instead of the media's version.

I completely agree along with all the others, that the timing was highly inappropriate. They certainly could have at least waited until her funeral service had concluded to release the information. I know there are a lot of decent people in the media and I do respect them, but there are also a lot of less than decent folks, that do stuff like this. It's part of the reason I'd rather see the warrants, PC statements & court documents first hand, instead of relying on what the media wants to zero in on.
I was out of the loop all day yesterday due to work requirements, and it was only when I was sitting at my bar eating some dinner at 10:30 last night that I read about there being a possible serial predator in Ohio. Of course before I even clicked on the article I had a pretty good idea who the person named was likely to be. Sure enough, it was Worley.

With it being so late and with another busy work day looming, I opted to head off to bed and try to play catch up this morning. I've scanned through the thread from yesterday and read the search warrant and associated MSM articles. As so many people have suspected, this wasn't Worley's first rodeo. That dungeon of horrors they found at his home wasn't a recent remodel job he did just for Sierah. Matter of fact, it seems as if Sierah's abduction and kidnapping was pretty much a spur of the moment event. A crime of opportunity orchestrated by a predator that had done this kind of thing before and been successful at it.

I was glad to read that Worley had sustained some pretty significant injuries in the ordeal, at least Sierah got in a few good licks along the way. As bad as the ordeal was that Sierah was subjected to, it may pale in comparison to what some of Worley's other victims endured. It appears that he had things set up to hold his captives for long periods of time. I think it's almost a certainty that he has many more victims out there, most of which probably aren't alive to tell their tale.

He learned from his mistakes in the 1990 abduction, where his victim managed to both escape and testify against him. Websleuths might as well go ahead and open up a new thread entitled, "Known and potential victims of serial killer James Worley". I suspect he's been on a 20 year abduction and killing spree, or at least as long as he's been on that property and had access to that barn.
My hubs totally allows my obsession and gives great tenderness when "my girl/victim" is found to no longer be part of our earthly world. For that, I am deeply grateful. I hope yours is able to show the same compassion, as sometimes it is the only personal "live" hug we will get for a case. I think what we share is empathy .... putting ourselves in their shoes hits with deepness inside us.

He is very sweet, and let's me cry on him when I need to, which I appreciate so much. He knew I was sad and mad and mindblown yesterday and brought me flowers. <3 He hates when I hurt, and doesn't understand why I let myself get so wrapped in something that I likely wouldn't know about if I didn't come here (I watch no live TV). I have a pretty thick skin, there are not a lot of cases that I let really get to me. The last was Kyrian Knox, I had to take a long break from WS after he was identified. <3
I was out of the loop all day yesterday due to work requirements, and it was only when I was sitting at my bar eating some dinner at 10:30 last night that I read about there being a possible serial predator in Ohio. Of course before I even clicked on the article I had a pretty good idea who the person named was likely to be. Sure enough, it was Worley.

With it being so late and with another busy work day looming, I opted to head off to bed and try to play catch up this morning. I've scanned through the thread from yesterday and read the search warrant and associated MSM articles. As so many people have suspected, this wasn't Worley's first rodeo. That dungeon of horrors they found at his home wasn't a recent remodel job he did just for Sierah. Matter of fact, it seems as if Sierah's abduction and kidnapping was pretty much a spur of the moment event. A crime of opportunity orchestrated by a predator that had done this kind of thing before and been successful at it.

I was glad to read that Worley had sustained some pretty significant injuries in the ordeal, at least Sierah got in a few good licks along the way. As bad as the ordeal was that Sierah was subjected to, it may pale in comparison to what some of Worley's other victims endured. It appears that he had things set up to hold his captives for long periods of time. I think it's almost a certainty that he has many more victims out there, most of which probably aren't alive to tell their tale.

He learned from his mistakes in the 1990 abduction, where his victim managed to both escape and testify against him. Websleuths might as well go ahead and open up a new thread entitled, "Known and potential victims of serial killer James Worley". I suspect he's been on a 20 year abduction and killing spree, or at least as long as he's been on that property and had access to that barn.

He told a court mandated therapist somewhere between 1990 and 1993 that he learned from each abduction, and that he would bury the next one.
Consider adding 20 years to your estimate. He's been abducting and killing for a long, long time.
Thinking of Sierah and all who love her and will miss her every day.

Fly high, girl! :rose:
My hubs totally allows my obsession and gives great tenderness when "my girl/victim" is found to no longer be part of our earthly world. For that, I am deeply grateful. I hope yours is able to show the same compassion, as sometimes it is the only personal "live" hug we will get for a case. I think what we share is empathy .... putting ourselves in their shoes hits with deepness inside us.

RSBM - I needed that last night, instead I just sat and :tears:

I think I bury myself in the pain of others, because it feels heavier than my own. Sometimes it's just all too much, and not having DH here.......

Last night I questioned why I still do it, but here I am again this morning!

We're here because we want to make a difference, we see the wrong, we feel the pain and we want to help make it better. Sleuthing is our way of trying to do that.
I am here. I have not read or caught up on all the threads since I left this afternoon. I have this to say about the Toledo Blade...


They decided to release this at the time her funeral started? I have no words for that. Completely irresponsible and morally, it was just wrong. NOBODY knew and yet there are 1000 people in line who DID know. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine how they found out? There was no other reason besides "getting the scoop" that that couldn't have waited till at least after today. Tomorrow morning is her service and can you imagine being there now?? The Toledo Blade could have waited OR AT LEAST NOTIFIED the family that this was coming out. I am disgusted by them. When I was leaving the funeral home a freaking shiny new COACH BUS pulled up and into the parking lot and all these people got out. WTH is that??
Everyone knew that stood in line to pass by her closed casket with my nephew standing at the head of the casket. Not moving. He didn't leave her. He was protecting her. Everyone knew EXCEPT THEM. Inexcusable.

I read the breaking news on Facebook from Channel 13 in the car on the way to the funeral home. The timing of the release made me sick. While we were standing in line, I had wondered if the family knew that information or not. I agree that they could have waited another day to release it. Worley is locked up - there was no imminent threat to the general public that would have made it an issue to wait until after her funeral.

I also saw the bus in the parking lot and thought it was odd. Though with as full as the parking lot was, I had assumed perhaps it was a shuttle provided by the funeral home and that they had a distant parking lot. It was the only explanation that made sense. Now I'm questioning what in the world that bus was for, if not just to assist with the parking issue. :mad:
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