OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #12

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Did you notice the poll on that page? It asks "Would you chip in to buy a surveillance camera system for your school?"

Same same as here when school issues come up.

Someone doesn't have kids, so doesn't want to pay for schools. Here private schools get textbooks and busing from taxpayers, as they should.

Home schoolers get their textbooks from taxpayers.

People forget that someone paid for their education.

Otherwise, we will be like Third World Nations where only the rich get educated.

However, where I live, the PTA's of the wealthier schools get more for their kid's schools.

A child is missing. Oh well. Who cares. Not some people.
2 reasons we frown on that:
1. We have no idea if the information is accurate(no offense to you LOL)
2. It may hinder the investigation by revealing things that should not be posted. LE will actually ask us to remove information if we put something up that should not be made public.

LOL.. sorry, but I have to....

By any chance are you working for the LE team that is working on Kyrons case :dance:
This was addressed to JulieAnne but if it's ok, I'd like to put in my thoughts that the picture makes me uncomfortable too, and it's simply because there is one. I have no idea what JulieAnne's thoughts are.

My son had SF, the teacher took a pic of every student with their project. I took 29 of my son and his ;)
I have another take on it myself. I think this was the perfect day for someone to snap up a child from the school. Full of people not typically there, no apparent check in system for visitors and so things were not as they usually are. IMO, this is a day when someone that may not usually be in a school, was in the school and the opportunity presented itself.
OTOH, it may have been someone that is in the school frequently and knew that things were not as they should be and took advantage of that.

Most likely because of the countless, totally senseless cases I have followed for many years I find these both to be entirely possible and this was potentially a crime of the moment with no planning.

Hi Bean :blowkiss: So then do you feel this type of a scenarion would lead to him being left out in the woods somewhere and not taken to the perp's home?

I just can't see LE asking all these people to search in the woods if their profile shows the perp would most likely harbor him in a bldg or his home. It makes your scenario have more possibility.
I know no one wants to think along these lines. I was curious. Are you basing your statement on just looking at a map, or are you familiar with the area and are basing your statement on that? Thanks!

I'm a little familiar with the area. I used to live on the coast and in NE Portland. I still have fam in Mount Hood. I've posted a couple of times that Suavie Island has always creeped me out. But that was years ago when the Island was lawless and a scary place. I posted an article somewhere about that. There are some places out there you will definitely not run into other people.
This was addressed to JulieAnne but if it's ok, I'd like to put in my thoughts that the picture makes me uncomfortable too, and it's simply because there is one. I have no idea what JulieAnne's thoughts are.

Can you elaborate ? TIA
Homeschoolers do not get thier textbooks from taxpayers.We have to buy our own curriculum and it has to be approved by the county.
In my state if you enroll your child in the STATE'S charter school everything is paid for including a computer and printer. If you put your child in another type of homeschool program, the parents have to pay.
My son had SF, the teacher took a pic of every student with their project. I took 29 of my son and his ;)

I took many many many pictures of my kids, too. At special occasions, at home, outside playing. Some folks are just picture takers, some aren't.
That's actually what I thought, too, about SD speaking. I still don't know why they had him address Kyron. Do they really believe he's watching? It almost seemed like he was suggesting that Kyron, himself, might have some control over the situation..."we believe in you...we are not a family without you." I can't see it as a ploy to humanize him to a captor but I have no idea what to make of it. Perhaps it was the "safest" thing they could say. I'm at a loss.

I did not watch the video but read the transcript and as soon as I read this I thought....wow they are talking directly to him.....do they think he is going to be watching tv??

I too think this was a very, very odd thing to say and those out there that are more into the know with police procedures would know what this is about...

Do they think he is alive and abducted by someone???

You would not be saying this if they thought he had wandered off, would you...it would just be a useless thing to say....

One other thing I have thought of, what if Kyron was not happy at home...maybe with stepmom (controlling judging by that project) and he had reached out to someone and told them and they rescued him.....

Who knows stepbrother might have WANTED to leave and came and got his brother as well......or once again a grandparent or adult friend......

Once again these are suggestions not accusations....

I'm on a roll and the words of the stepdad made me think of that....

Maybe Kyron does/did not want to be found..... no one has suggested him running away...

that would explain (if someone he knows has rescued him) stepmums ways and also his mums "coldness" towards stepmum at the press conference....

I hope though with this theory that he did not run away into the forrest.....
The picture doesn't look like it was taken in a gym, I swear thats a tv monitor up in the left hand corner of the photo and thats a child's desk that the project is on.
Same same as here when school issues come up.

Someone doesn't have kids, so doesn't want to pay for schools. Here private schools get textbooks and busing from taxpayers, as they should.

Home schoolers get their textbooks from taxpayers.

People forget that someone paid for their education.

Otherwise, we will be like Third World Nations where only the rich get educated.

However, where I live, the PTA's of the wealthier schools get more for their kid's schools.

A child is missing. Oh well. Who cares. Not some people.
Where I live the FBI has already arrested (and sent to federal prison) one of our esteemed seated school board members. There will probably be at least two more to follow her soon. All our money goes to the big construction magnates and lobbyists - and I'm talking millions. My district's annual budget this year was 5 Billion, yes with a B. One year!

When Amanda Collette was shot last school year I called a metal detector company - that makes the "walk thrus" and actually talked to the guy that did Miami-Dade county - he told me he sent them a proposal and that to outfit all of our high schools would cost approx. $600,000. Now with a budge of 5 billion - one would think....... but no we don't have any money for that right now.

Meanwhile Amanda's parents are suing - don't know how much but it will be in the millions (and rightly so). Still that will be taxpayer money that shouldn't have been spent and could have been used for the detectors!!!

Sorry - O/T more usless information.
I'm a little familiar with the area. I used to live on the coast and in NE Portland. I still have fam in Mount Hood. I've posted a couple of times that Suavie Island has always creeped me out. But that was years ago when the Island was lawless and a scary place. I posted an article somewhere about that. There are some places out there you will definitely not run into other people.

Thanks so much for your insight. I am sure we all appreciate hearing from folks like you that are familiar with that area.
Step dad said "We miss you, we love you and we just need you home right now. Kyron we believe in you,,,,appreciate support, love and thoughts as we wait for you, ,,,,you mean everything to us,,,, Kyron please keep up the hope, we believe in you and until you come home this family is not complete"

OK, after watching family vid numerous times I'm off the fence.

Did it occur to anyone that maybe there was a reason why step-dad was chosen to say those things ? That maybe dad just couldn't?

If it were my little boy... and knowing in my heart how unlikely it is that he's even still alive after 8 days ... I don't think I could manage to get that out. At all.
Hi Bean :blowkiss: So then do you feel this type of a scenarion would lead to him being left out in the woods somewhere and not taken to the perp's home?

I just can't see LE asking all these people to search in the woods if their profile shows the perp would most likely harbor him in a bldg or his home. It makes your scenario have more possibility.

The perv would have a 73% probability of killing the abducted child within 3 hours and almost a 100% probability within 24 hours. A majority of these turds dump their victims within a 5 mile radius of the abduction site. The bodies are dumped progressively farther from the site as the age of the victim increases.
The victims are only partially covered because the perp doesn't care to bury them. They are like trash tossed out of a car window to him.
Just trying to think like a nefarious person. IMO, looking at the map, if I needed to do a body dump and not be noticed, Suavie would be the place I'd go. Ok THAT was creepy to type.

Something about this place bothers me, so I need to ask you: why would you go there to dump a body? Any spot in particular? I know it was being searched on ground and from above, so maybe the corn fields or pumpkin patch? :eek:
In my state if you enroll your child in the STATE'S charter school everything is paid for including a computer and printer. If you put your child in another type of homeschool program, the parents have to pay.

I have to pay for everything here in Ontario, Canada, but, it does not have to be approved by anyone.
The picture doesn't look like it was taken in a gym, I swear thats a tv monitor up in the left hand corner of the photo and thats a child's desk that the project is on.

that is his desk, in the classroom
Maybe the stepdad in a round about way was saying to him,if he was watching,to get away if he could,"we believe in you".You know,like you're a big boy,you can do it.
Wherever he is, after all this time, it's hard to think of a scenario where he would be OK. I mean, we'd all like to think that he is with some crazy but harmless woman who wanted a child so she took one...but that is not likely. We on this board are all too familiar with too many cases and there are far too few where the child is seen again alive. Knowing the stats and accepting them are two different things, though. I know that no one here is ready to give up, but the days are flying by...it is getting very difficult to keep believing he could be OK somewhere. If LE, with the FBI there from almost Day 1, had been getting calls from a possible kidnapper, I have to believe they would have pinged their way to that person by now, or required proof of life. And if they had that, they would not be looking under leave and rock and in water all around the school...JMO
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